COMING EVENTS FROM THE LATEST WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES - Use month index in right column to jump to current month:
January 2019
Wednesday, 9 January 2019, 11:30 AM - Albuquerque, NM - AFIO New Mexico Chapter hears from Bob Hull on "Russian Wet Affairs Using Novichok in London."
SPEAKER: Mr. Bob Hull, Los Alamos Technical Associates Inc., will talk about the attempted killing of Russians in London using the Russian chemical agent, Novichok.
Location of event: "The Egg & I" restaurant on Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's,
6909 Menaul Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, NM 87110, (505) 888-3447. Google map location.
Fee to attend: Meeting is Free.
Timing: 11 a.m. (Arrive, Order Lunch - available at separate cost), 11:30 a.m. (Call To Order), 1 p.m. (Adjourn)
Our meetings are normally open to present and former members of Federal, Military (uniformed and civilian), State and Local Agencies and selective others who support the Intelligence Community.
If you desire further information, please contact one of the following:
Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963 e-mail: President@afionm.org
Tom Dyble - Phone: 505-299-3242 e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
Tuesday, 15 January 2019, 6 p.m. - Coral Gables, FL - Fred Rustmann gives presentation on "False Flag"
Former CIA Operations Officer, author Fred Rustmann gives presentation on his latest novel, False Flag. This book was announced in Weekly Notes #02-18 (09 January 2018), and also praised by reviewer Joseph Goulden in Intelligencer, Spring 2018 [page 101].
A young, female CIA officer under non-official cover has been snatched off of the streets of Beirut by Hezbollah.
This is the kind of situation that CIA's legendary Deputy Director of Operations Edwin Rothmann needs solved fast—but he can't involve the agency. Instead, he enlists the renegade Ft. Lauderdale outfit he refers to as "CIA, Inc." headed by former CIA case officer Mac MacMurphy.
As the kidnapped officer faces a battle of wits with her mysterious interrogator, MacMurphy and his team track down a former CIA asset who may hold the key to infiltrating the hostage situation before it gets out of hand.
Rustmann will discuss various intelligence operations in this and his prior novels (The Case Officer, Plausible Denial), and the realities of modern techniques and covert operations.
Location: Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134; 305-442-4408. See 2-page flyer here for details on book and event.
Too impatient to wait? Or seeking gifts for Christmas? Rustmann's 'too-real-to-be-novels' can be purchased from Amazon here or from Books and Books in Coral Gables here.
Thursday, 17 January 2019, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Kate Hall, discussing "The Hunt for Osama bin Laden: From the Inside"
A CIA team tracked Osama bin Laden for years until the raid on his compound in Pakistan. This is the story of what the team did, how OBL's trail was discovered and followed, what problems had to be overcome and what finally led to the raid. A very entertaining and informative presentation by a member of the team.
Katherine (Kate) Hall has a 35-year career with the CIA in which Kate made her way from an 07 rank to lead thousands of analysts deployed around the globe. Along the way she visited jungles, deserts, and back alleys; but she also had the honor of meeting and briefing multiple US Presidents and foreign dignitaries. She was one of the first official Americans to go to People's Republic of China; the first female National Intelligence Officer with the National Intelligence Council; she headed two CIA Offices in the Directorate of Intelligence and had the honor of leading hundreds of analysts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thirty days from her retirement, 9/11 happened and, as most of her peers, Kate re-upped. The result was thirteen more years with CIA which included heading operations for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Her last five years in Washington D.C. were as Vice President and General Manager of BAE Systems where she headed global operations supporting several US Intelligence Agencies and the US military.
For more information, please contact Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net and/or Steve at steve13507@gmail.com.
Thursday, 17 January 2019, 6 - 7:30PM - Alexandria, VA - NIP Third Thursday Social features RDML Brookes speaking on ""Perspectives on the Role of the Information Warfare Commander Afloat and Naval Intelligence at Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet."
Naval Intelligence Professionals kick-off their Third Thursday Social with guest speaker Rear Admiral Michael Brookes, Deputy Commander, U.S. 10th Fleet, discussing "Perspectives on the Role of the Information Warfare Commander Afloat and Naval Intelligence at Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet." RDML Brookes' operational tours include Imagery Intelligence Officer for VF-211 embarked aboard USS Nimitz (CVN-68); Assistant Intelligence Officer (N21) for Cruiser-Destroyer Group One, embarked aboard USS Constellation (CV-64); Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (N2) for Carrier Strike Group 7, embarked aboard USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76); Deputy Director of Intelligence (DJ2) for Joint Special Operations Command, where he deployed to Bagram, Afghanistan as Director of Intelligence (J2) for a joint special operations task force.
Please join us for camaraderie and professional insight. Questions are highly encouraged.
Location: Sonoma Cellar 207 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314
Questions: email Bob Allen, CAPT, USN (Ret), NIP Programs Coordinator or call him at 913-775-3655.
Saturday, 19 January 2019, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts John Doughty, speaking on "Sino-U.S. Relations: Global Competitors or Inevitable Armed Conflict?"
The featured speaker at this AFIO Maine event will be John Doughty, veteran scholar, researcher, and analyst of global affairs. He will examine deteriorating China-U.S. relations. Doughty will discuss the tensions building on the trade front, China's military expansion into the South China Sea, and key events in Chinese history that may provide clues to future developments. He was formerly a senior financial analyst at Bath Iron Works, is a trustee of the Maine Historical Society, and currently serves on the boards of directors at World Affairs Council of Maine, and the Camden Conference.
This presentation is open to the public and a question period will follow.
No registration is required and there is no fee to attend. Event is held at the Brick Store Museum's Program Center, 4 Dane St, Kennebunk, ME.
Friday, 25 January 2019, 11 a.m. - noon - Washington, DC - DMGS hears Amédée Prouvost on "How The World Bank Manages Risk."
How The World Bank Manages Risk will be the presentation by Amédée Prouvost, Director, Operational Risk (CROOR) World Bank Group Risk Officer Vice President Mr. Provoust will discuss how the World Bank manages risk to include non-financial risk. Cost: Free
Where: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036 Dress Code is Business or Business Casual.
RSVP is required and guests must check in prior to entering the event. Register here.
DMGS Reserves the Right to Refuse entry and May Ask for Government Issued Identification.
Qs?: Direct Qs to Frank Fletcher, Director of Lectures & Seminars, at events@dmgs.org.
30 January 2019 (Wednesday), 11:30 a.m. - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Bill Monroe on CORONA Satellite Project, Genesis of Government-Private Sector Cooperation and its Impact on Silicon Valley
Speaker: Bill Monroe
Topic: CORONA Satellite Project, Genesis of Government-Private Sector Cooperation and its Impact on Silicon Valley
Times: 11:30AM no host cocktails; noon meeting
Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Google map location. RSVP: Register via Eventbrite here.
February 2019
1 February 2019, 10:30 am - 2 pm - Tysons, VA - First AFIO luncheon of 2019 features Larry Loftis, author of Code Name: Lise, and David Major, Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent, discussing "The Truth About Edward Snowden: The Man Who Conned the World."
David MAJOR's presentation starts at 1 p.m.: Edward Snowden is a polarizing figure in the world today. Known by millions and the press as a champion of freedom and a self-appointed 'whistleblower' exposing IC activities which some saw as a violation of the civil rights of Americans. These are some of the myths surround Snowden's claims, and promoted by anti-IC minions in the press and nonprofit world. Almost all information in the public domain about Snowden is false; the vast majority of the "Snowden narrative" crafted, skewed, and provided by Snowden himself and swallowed whole by his media fans, never verified. Snowden has repeatedly lied about himself, his supposed expertise, the NSA, and his motivations. David Major will expose the truth about the man, his background, and the duplicity of his claims. These are essential corrections of the Snowden Myth which professionals need to know to counter continuing false claims made by Snowden and his supporters.
Larry LOFTIS's presentation starts at 11 a.m.: Code Name: Lise—The True Story of the Woman Who Became WWII's Most Highly Decorated Spy, by Larry Loftis recounts the story of Odette Sansom (1912-1995), a Frenchwoman living in England, wife of an Englishman and mother of 3 daughters, who was recruited into Britain's Special Operations Executive to conduct espionage in France during World War II with her commander, and yet-to-be second husband, Peter Churchill. Leaving her daughters in a convent school and with relatives, she joined the rigorous training program, becoming proficient with a wide range of weapons, learning the fine points of spycraft, and perfecting her new identity with the code name Lise. In France she proved herself fearless. Hunted by the Germans, in 1943, Odette and Peter were captured, imprisoned, and tortured. Loftis describes Odette's ordeal in grisly detail. Two lies saved her: She pretended that she and Peter were married (they would be after the war) and that Peter was related to Winston Churchill. In defeat, the Gestapo hoped to use her as a bargaining chip.
Watch this brief 83-second video about the book.
You will want to attend to hear the author.
Registration has closed.
Venue: DoubleTree by Hilton, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons Corner, VA 22182 Phone: (703) 893-2100. Directions at this link.
Friday, 1 February 2019, 1 p.m. - Westchester, CA - The AFIO Los Angeles Chapter Annual Business Meeting
Happy New Year! With the new year we have scheduled our annual chapter business meeting on 1 February 2019 (Friday).
Lunch will be served at no cost. Complimentary lunch for members will be served as we focus on three agenda items listed below.
If you would like to add topics to the agenda, please forward them to the chapter officers here so that we may include them at the meeting.
Agenda Items are:
• Election of Chapter Officers;
• Membership Growth;
• 2019 Speakers.
Location: Alejos Restaurant, 8343 Lincoln Blvd, Westchester, CA 90045. Map location is here.
RSVP: Click to send email of your attendance.
We strongly encourage participation from all members. Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for a New Year!
Vincent Autiero, President; John Hallstead, Treasurer;
AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter, http://www.afio.org
4 February 2019 - Laurel, MD - Deadline to respond to RFP: Request for Proposals for the 2019 Symposium on Cryptologic History, NSA
The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) and the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation invite proposals for the 2019 Symposium on Cryptologic History. The Symposium will be held on October 17-18, 2019 at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory's Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, MD. The theme of the 2019 Symposium is "From Discovery to Discourse." Proposals are due February 4, 2019.
Friday, 8 February 2019, 5:30 - 7:30 pm - Washington, DC - "Insider Spies: New Ideas to Counter the Threat" - presentation by David Charney, MD at the Institute of World Politics
You are invited to attend a lecture by Dr. David Charney about his new NOIR White Paper, "Prevention: The Missing Link for Managing Insider Threat in the Intelligence Community." The event is being held at the Institute of World Politics graduate school in Washington, DC. There is no charge to attend.
This event is part of IWP's Sixth Annual Brian Kelley Memorial Lecture. Dr. Charney's presentation will cover the following points:
• Counterintelligence is the Stepchild of the Intelligence Community
• Prevention is the Stepchild of Counterintelligence
• Detection Gets All the Love
The event is co-sponsored by the IWP Alumni Board.
Though there is no fee to attend, preregistration is required. Register or explore more about the program here.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036. View Map.
Tuesday, 12 February 2019 - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hears FSO Nancy Charles-Parker on "War Stories" from Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Central Asia, South and Central America, Europe, the Arabian Gulf and East Asia.
Ms. Nancy Charles-Parker, former Operations Officer/Economic Reporter and Foreign Service Officer, had a distinguished 33-year career in government service. Her most interesting "war stories" stem from Saudi Arabia, where businessmen and government officials generally treated her like an "honorary man". The experiences she will share originate in her U.S. embassy assignments in South Africa, Central Asia, South and Central America, Europe, the Arabian Gulf and East Asia.
The program starts at noon. Fee: $20 by check or cash at door. RSVP: Luncheon reservations and arrangements for base access for those without military ID must be made by Tuesday, 5 February, by contacting the Chapter Secretary, michaels@suncoastafio.org.
Event location: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Boulevard, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
Friday, 15 February 2019, 10 - 11 am - Washington, DC - How Japan Thinks of its Trade Policy and Relationship with the US - Presentation by Takeshi Komoto, Minister of Trade, Industry, Business and Energy, Embassy of Japan in Washington DC
Takeshi Komoto, Minister of Trade, Industry, Business and Energy, Embassy of Japan in Washington DC, will talk about the evolution of Japan's trade relationships with the US and the way forward on trade policy in the digital age. Cost: free.
RSVP Required HERE. Daniel Morgan Graduate School Reserves the Right to Refuse Entry and May Ask for Government Issued ID. Dress Code is Business or Business Casual.
Location: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036
View Map.
16 February 2019, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Chapter hosts Col. Will Hall USAF(Ret) on "From Vodka to Errant Missiles: Military Diplomats and the Challenges of Attaché Work."
"It Wasn't in the Job Description" is the alternate title of Col Hall's presentation at this public AFIO chapter meeting.
The speaker, former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer William Hall, served as the U.S. defense attaché in Bulgaria in the late 1990s when fighting broke out over Kosovo's bid for independence from Serbia. He will share insights from his wide experience in one of the lesser-known fields of intelligence — military diplomats.
Hall will discuss some of the more unusual challenges of attaché work, including how to respond when an armed U.S. missile accidentally drops onto a friendly nation, and how to diplomatically navigate a vodka-soaked foreign bureaucracy.
Hall retired as a colonel after a 30-year career that included stints in the Balkans, Vietnam, Korea, the Philippines, Germany, Greece, Turkey, and northern Iraq. A resident of Peaks Island, Hall is vice-president of the World Affairs Council of Maine.
The meeting is open to the public and begins at 2 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk, ME. A Q&A will follow presentation. There is no registration required and no fee to attend.
Saturday, 16 February 2019, 11:30am - 2 pm - Melbourne, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Dr. Rande Matteson, former DEA, speaking on "Compare and Contrast, Pakistan v. Mexico: The observations of a DEA Special Agent immersed in the shadowy cultures of Mexico and Pakistan."
At this Florida Satellite Chapter event, Dr. Rande Matteson will address us on: "Compare and Contrast, Pakistan v. Mexico: The observations of a DEA Special Agent immersed in the shadowy cultures of Mexico and Pakistan." Dr. Matteson's knowledge and experience are first-hand and unique. Matteson is retired from Federal Law Enforcement with 25 years' service, primarily with the Drug Enforcement Agency in Pakistan, Mexico, Afghanistan, and the US. He worked closely with the CIA as a DEA pilot and also as a DEA Regional Agent in Charge. Event timing: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Social Hour, greet old, new members and guests (cash bar); 12:15 PM: Lunch
LOCATION: Suntree Country Club, One Country Club Drive, Melbourne, FL 32940
COST: Member and spouse: $27; Non-Members/Guest: $29; Student or active duty military: $25.
TO ATTEND: Advance, paid reservations are required and must be received by 7 February 2019.
Make your meal choice from the following two options for self and any guests you are bringing: 1. Strawberry Salmon, pan seared salmon with a strawberry & balsamic glaze (F), or 2. Vegetarian Lasagna, layers of pasta, three cheeses, spinach and carrots, baked in a zesty marinara sauce (V) Both with Chef's Choice of Potato or Rice, Seasonal Vegetables, Freshly Brewed Coffee, Iced Tea, Soft Drinks, Salad and Rolls. Vegan, vegetarian and gluten free on advance request. Dessert is Chocolate Mousse.
Send check covering fees per person plus meal choice for self and guests to: Chapter Treasurer Rhonda Rhoads, PO Box 410158, Melbourne, FL 32941. Or email her at afiofsctreas@gmail.com. Questions? Email Rhonda or call her at 321-626-4465.
Monday, 25 February 2019, 9 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. - Washington, DC - Journal of National Security Law & Policy Annual Symposium — The Continuing Threat of Nuclear Weapons
This year's Journal of National Security Law & Policy symposium is "The Continuing Threat of Nuclear Weapons," and is brought to you by the JNSLP, the Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law, and the Georgetown Center for Asian Law. The symposium will be held on the 12th floor of the Gewirz Student Center. Directions and map here.
In addition to the following three panels, the symposium will also feature a lunchtime keynote speech by Joseph Cirincione, President of Ploughshares Fund. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS by Stephen Dycus, Professor of Law, Vermont Law School.
PANEL 1: Banning Nuclear Weapons?
Panelists: Adam Mount, Senior Fellow and Director of the Defense Posture Project, Federation of American Scientists; John Burroughs, Executive Director, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy; Alexandra Bell, Senior Policy Director, Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation; Moderator: David A. Koplow, Professor of Law at Georgetown Law.
PANEL 2: U.S./Russia Nuclear Relations.
Panelists: Michael Krepon, Co-founder/Senior Associate, Stimson Center; Bonnie Jenkins, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institute; Adam Scheinman, Former Special Representative of the President for Nuclear Nonproliferation, Dept. of State; Moderator: Dakota Rudesill, Assistant Professor of Law, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law.
LUNCHEON AND KEYNOTE ADDRESS by Joseph Cirincione, President of Ploughshares Fund.
PANEL 3: Nuclear Weapons Issues on the Korean Peninsula.
Panelists: Scott Snyder, Senior Fellow for Korea Studies and Director of the Program on U.S.-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations; Joel S. Wit, Senior Fellow and Director of 38 North, Stimson Center; Sue Mi Terry, Senior Fellow, Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Moderator: James V. Feinerman, Co-Director, Georgetown Center for Asian Law.
CLOSING REMARKS: Stephen Dycus, Professor of Law, Vermont Law School
RECEPTION will follow the event.
To RSVP, please click here.
Qs?: Email Journal of National Security Law and Policy here.
28 February 2019, 6 - 8pm - Washington, DC - "THE HUMANITY OF ESPIONAGE" is the theme of this symposium at The Catholic University of America
All AFIO Members and guests are invited to attend at no cost.
The Intelligence Studies Program of The Catholic University of America and the Institute for Human Ecology are cosponsoring a symposium entitled "The Humanity of Espionage."
Espionage is the collection of national security intelligence through human means. One person, the spy–typically a foreign national with access to information–passes it to another person, called a handler or case officer. At the heart of this activity is the relationship between the spy and his handler. This panel of former CIA case officers will explore the nature of that relationship through exploration of a variety of questions:
What does it mean to persuade another human being to break the trust he has with his own country and work for the benefit of the United States?
What obligations does the U.S. government have in such situations?
What is the personal connection between spy and case officer–is it totally cynical, or is there an authentic relationship?
How do we mitigate the risk to human dignity in the conduct of this intelligence activity?
Join moderator Nicholas Dujmovic (assistant professor and director of the University's Intelligence Studies and 26-year veteran of CIA, having served as an analyst, manager, editor of the President's Daily Brief, and CIA staff historian) and the following panelists for a great discussion:
John Bennett is a former Director of the National Clandestine Service at the Central Intelligence Agency. He retired from CIA in 2013 after 33 years as an operations officer and manager. Mr. Bennett served 18 years overseas, mostly in Africa, including four tours as a Chief of Station. He engaged in Cold War programs directed against the Soviets in Africa and managed counter-terrorism operations in East Africa and Southwest Asia. Mr. Bennett has a Bachelors Degree from Harvard and a Masters Degree from Georgetown University. Prior to joining CIA he served for five years as an infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps.
Juan Cruz is a former career CIA operations and case officer. He served as chief of station in four different overseas locations and later was in charge of the Agency's Latin America division. He has experience in counterinsurgency, counterproliferation, covert action, and covert influence operations. Mr. Cruz graduated from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and has a master's degree from Johns Hopkins. He has done graduate work at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica of Rio de Janeiro. Most recently he served on the National Security Council as Special Adviser to the President and Senior Director for the Western Hemisphere. He is originally from Puerto Rico and speaks Spanish and Portuguese.
Gil Kindelan is a retired case officer with 34 years of government service in the US Army and the CIA. He served overseas for 17 years of his career in Asia, Eastern Europe during the Cold War, Western Europe and the Middle East as a case officer, deputy chief of station and chief of station. At CIA Headquarters, he served at various levels of management including chef of staff in the Counterterrorism Center. Since retiring he works part-time as a consultant. He has a masters degree in journalism and has worked as broadcast newsman and director of an educational TV news program.
Scotty Skotzko served 40 years as a CIA operations officer with eight overseas postings in the Balkans, South Asia and Africa, senior management positions in several Headquarters components, and deployments in support of U.S. military operations in Somalia, Kosovo, Iraq, Qatar and Afghanistan. His experience includes interagency intelligence collaboration, cooperation with foreign governments, and researching lessons-learned case studies of security issues. He is a graduate of Franklin and Marshall College and the Columbia University School of International Affairs.
For questions or accommodations, please contact ihe@cua.edu.
Location: The Catholic University of America, Heritage Hall in Father O'Connell Hall, 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064 + Google Map and Directions
March 2019
Wednesday, 6 March 2019, 7:30 - 8:45 pm - McLean, VA - "How to Identify Jihadi-Salafists Through Ideology, Practices, and Methodology" - presentation by Dr Habeck at the Westminster Institute
Dr. Mary Habeck, Senior Fellow, FPRI, lectures on al-Qaeda and ISIS, as well as on military strategy and history, at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Georgetown University, and American University.
Her recent monograph for the Heritage Foundation is titled The U.S. Must Identify Jihadi-Salafists through Their Ideology, Practices, and Methodology-and Isolate Them. She is the author of Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror (Yale, 2005) and three forthcoming sequels, Attacking America: Al-Qa'ida's Grand Strategy; Managing Savagery: Al-Qa'ida's Military and Political Strategies; and Fighting the Enemy: The U.S. and its War against al-Qa'ida.
She is also a Senior Fellow with the Foreign Policy Research Institute. From 2005-2013 she was an Associate Professor in Strategic Studies at SAIS, teaching courses on extremism, military history, and strategic thought. Before moving to SAIS, Dr. Habeck taught American and European military history in Yale's history department, 1994-2005. She received her PhD in history from Yale in 1996, an MA in international relations from Yale in 1989, and a BA in international studies, Russian, and Spanish from Ohio State in 1987.
Dr. Habeck was appointed by President Bush to the Council on the Humanities at the National Endowment for the Humanities (2006-2013), and in 2008-2009 she was the Special Advisor for Strategic Planning on the National Security Council staff.
Times: Come early to enjoy reception at 7 p.m. Program begins at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101
Questions: Robert R. Reilly, Director, The Westminster Institute, Call 703-288-2885 or email him at br@westminster-institute.org
No fee to attend. RSVP here.
Thursday, 14 March 2019, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO AZ Chapter hosts Dr Gary Marchant discussing "Artificial Intelligence - Current Applications and Concern."
Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently had a resurgence in attention and applications due to recent innovations in machine learning and deep learning. This presentation will describe the recent advances in AI and why they are important, and will describe some current applications of AI across various industry and social sectors. It will also describe some of the concerns about Ai in terms of potential bias, safety, technological unemployment, national security and international competiveness.
Professor Marchant's research interests include the use of genetic information in environmental regulation, risk and the precautionary principle, legal aspects of personalized medicine, and regulation of emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, neuroscience and biotechnology. He teaches courses in Environmental Law, Law, Science & Technology, Genetics and the Law, Biotechnology: Science, Law and Policy, and Nanotechnology Law & Policy. Professor Marchant has served on two National Research Council committees, has been the principal investigator on several major grants, and has organized numerous academic conferences on law and science issues.
TO ATTEND: RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time. And if you have to cancel or find you cannot attend, the chapter is charged for no-shows. A charge can be avoid if we receive word of your cancellation more than 72 hours before day of event.
BADGES: many have a permanent, regular badge. If you do not, email Simone at simone@afioaz.org with the information you would like on your badge (Full Name and Past Career Title/Affiliated Organization ~ should you wish). The cost with a magnetic strip is $8.
For reservations or questions, email Simone at either of these: simone@4smartphone.net, or simone@afioaz.org; or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016.
REMEMBER: If you are bringing a guest, send the full name.
Location: Best Western Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E Butherus Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Luncheon fee: $18 pp
RSVP - to simone@afioaz.org.
Saturday, 16 March 2019, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Chapter hosts Amb Dunbar on "Afghanistan: Bad If We Stay; Worse If We Leave."
Former Ambassador Charles Dunbar will discuss "Afghanistan: Bad If We Stay; Worse If We Leave"; [Sounds like some marriages, yes?] at this AFIO Maine Chapter meeting.
The meeting is open to the public and begins at 2 p.m. at the Brick Store Museum Program Center, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk. A question and answer period will follow.
Dunbar spent 32 years with the State Department, including as charge d'affaires in Kabul, as well as ambassador postings in Yemen and Qatar, and assignments in Iran, Afghanistan, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania. He served two years as UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Representative in Western Sahara, and has taught at Simmons College, Boston University and Midcoast Senior College in Brunswick.
18 March 2019, noon - 2 pm - Washington, DC - "Talking to a Former Terrorist: American Al-Qaeda Bryant Neal Viñas" at the International Spy Museum
Bryant Neal Viñas, 'American Al-Qaeda' tells his story at the new, expanded International Spy Museum at their new location in L'Enfant Plaza.
In 2009, Bryant Neal Viñas, an American born in New York to a family of Catholic Hispanic immigrants, pleaded guilty on charges of conspiracy to murder U.S. citizens, and for providing material support to Al-Qaeda. The media referred to him as 'American Al-Qaeda' and reported his intriguing journey from the New York suburbs to Pakistan to attack U.S. military forces in Afghanistan. Viñas proceeded to cooperate with law enforcement and intelligence officials, in what has been described as a "treasure trove" of valuable information about the inner-workings of the Al-Qaeda network. What was the nature of Viñas's radicalization? How does a Western-born jihadist get through terrorist training in Pakistan?
Participants: Bryant Neal Viñas, Former American Al-Qaeda member; Mitchell Silber, Former Director of Intelligence Analysis, NYPD; Christopher Costa, COL, USA (Ret.), Executive Director, International Spy Museum, Former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counter-terrorism – National Moderator: Peter Bergen, Vice President, Global Studies & Fellows, New America
Event Location: The "Expanded" International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024. Directions or Map Location here.
Register Here.
Thursday, 21 March 2019, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Steve Maffeo, discussing "Intelligence in the Nelson Era."
In today's world of satellites and electronic eavesdropping, it's hard to appreciate the difficulties in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating secret intelligence two centuries ago. This presentation, based upon the speaker's first book Most Secret and Confidential: Intelligence in the Age of Nelson, gives a close look at the methods used to obtain and analyze secret material and deliver it to operational forces during the Great Age of Fighting Sail. The British experience from 1793 to 1815 is the main focus, but it also includes French and American activity. In addition, it examines how commanders used the information to develop strategy and tactics and win—or sometimes lose—battles. And, it informs on how Vice Admiral Lord Nelson and his associates dealt with intelligence obstacles and how the outcomes affected their own futures and, in some cases, the history of the modern world.
Steve Maffeo retired in 2008 as a Navy captain – after 30 years (both enlisted and commissioned) in the Colorado Army National Guard, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Naval Reserve. His last three assignments were as the commanding officer of reserve shore-based units supporting the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Joint Intelligence Center Pacific, and the National Defense Intelligence College. Steve then retired in 2015 as the Associate Library Director at the U.S. Air Force Academy. He holds a B.A. (English) from the University of Colorado; an M.A. (Library Science) from the University of Denver; and an M.S. (Strategic Intelligence) from the U.S. National Defense Intelligence College. His civilian career was for the most part as a library administrator. He's worked at Martin-Marietta Aerospace, the University of Northern Colorado; the U.S. Naval War College; and the Aurora (Colo.) Public Library.
Steve has published several journal and encyclopedia articles as well as four books: Most Secret and Confidential: Intelligence in the Age of Nelson; Seize, Burn, or Sink: The Thoughts and Words of Vice Admiral Lord Nelson; The Perfect Wreck: "Old Ironsides" and HMS Java—A Story of 1812; and U.S. Navy Codebreakers, Linguists, and Intelligence Officers against Japan: 1910-1941.
For more information and to reserve a seat, please contact Steve at steve13507@gmail.com.
Friday, 22 March 2019, 2 - 3:15 pm - Washington, DC - From Syria to Venezuela: From Crisis to Conflict, Presentation by Joseph Humire at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School
Mr. Humire will discuss the roots of the Venezuelan crisis, its geopoltical complexity and potential solutions that the US and the international community might pursue.
Joseph M. Humire is the Executive Director of the Center for a Secure Free Society. A global security expert specializing on transnational threats in the Western Hemisphere, he provides regular briefings on international terrorism, transnational organized crime, Islamism and Iran's influence in Latin America to various entities within the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Community, as well as prominent think tanks and universities around the world. He testifies frequently before the U.S. Congress on national security issues and has also testified before the European, Canadian, and Andean Parliament, as well as the Argentine and Peruvian Congress. In 2016, Mr. Humire served as an expert witness in an important terrorism trial in Lima, Peru.
Where: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20036
RSVP Required here.
Dress Code is business or business casual
Direct questions to Frank Fletcher, Director of Lectures & Seminars by email to, events@dmgs.org. Please note that you must RSVP to attend this event. Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security reserves the right to refuse entry.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019, 10 am - 1 pm - Annapolis Junction, MD - NCMF 2019 Spring Cryptologic Program Featuring Mr. C. Eric Estberg on Berlin Daze
The National Cryptologic Museum Foundation's 2019 Spring Cryptologic Program features C. Eric "Rick" Estberg, author of the book Berlin Daze. Following his presentation, a book signing and lunch will take place from 1145 to 1300. Books will be available for purchase for $20. Learn more about Mr. Estberg, his presentation, and his book below.
Berlin Daze recounts dozens of Estberg's adventures and unique experiences over a seven-year period in walled West Berlin, as an Army NCO and an NSA civilian. As a "Cold Warrior" he served literally on the front lines, separated by only a few miles from hundreds of thousands of Soviet and East German soldiers. Unlike others who spent much of a career in those days simply training for some possible future crisis, Rick actually lived his real-world mission, day-in and day-out, along with hundreds of others of talented, dedicated military and civilian intelligence specialists.
Registration: The registration fee includes lunch. It is $25 for members and guests.
Or you may mail-in your registration fee by check to NCMF, PO Box 1682, Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755-9998. Include names of self and your guests. For more details, please call the NCMF office at 301-688-5436. ***Deadline for registration is 25 March 2019.*****
Event Location: CACI Inc., Maryland Conference Center, 2720 Technology Dr, Annapolis Junction, MD 20755. Google map link here.
Additional information or questions can be handled at NCMF Office at cryptmf@aol.com or call 301-688-5436.
Thursday, 28 March 2019, 8:30 am - 3 pm - Austin, TX - Intelligence in Transition, A Symposium of UT Austin's Intelligence Studies Project
Registration is now open for the fifth annual Intelligence Studies Project Symposium. The event is free and open to the public, however, advance registration is required to attend each session. Please click the registration link below to reserve your ticket(s) and plan to arrive early to secure your seat. Registration does not guarantee admission.
This year's Symposium Intelligence in Transition will feature a keynote address by the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Susan Gordon.
This event is co-sponsored by the Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law, the Clements Center for National Security, and the LBJ School of Public Affairs.
Location: Etter-Harbin Alumni Center, The University of Texas at Austin.
Agenda Speaker Highlights: Stephen Slick, Director of the Intelligence Studies Project; Strategic Warning, with Opening Remarks by Amy McAuliffe, National Intelligence Council Chair; Moderator: Robert Hutchings, National Security and Professor of Public Affairs at the LBJ School of Public Affairs; John McLaughlin, Former Acting Director of Central Intelligence; Dennis Wilder, Former National Security Council Senior Director for East Asian Affairs; Philip Bobbitt, Director of the Center for National Security at Columbia Law School.
Law Enforcement Responses to New Threats, An Interview with John Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, by Ellen Nakashima, National Security Reporter at The Washington Post.
Intelligence in Transition, Remarks by Susan Gordon, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence; Introduction by Admiral (Ret.) Bobby Inman, Chair in National Policy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs; Discussion moderated by Stephen Slick, Director of the Intelligence Studies Project
Emerging Threats, Technology Challenges, and Institutional Change, with Opening Remarks by Christopher Krebs, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director
Moderator: Robert Chesney, Director of the Strauss Center for International Security and Law; Michelle Van Cleave, Former National Counterintelligence Executive; Samantha Ravich, Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies; Michael Daniel, Former Special Assistant to the President and White House Cybersecurity Coordinator; John Carlin, Former Assistant Attorney General for National Security.
To register, do so here.
April 2019
Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 1130 - Albuquerque, NM - AFIO New Mexico Chapter discusses "The Spy and the Traitor"
SPEAKER: Mr. Tom Dyble presents Part 2 of his report on the book by Ben Macintyre: "The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War". It is the story of Oleg Gordievsky
Location of event: "The Egg & I" restaurant on Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's.
6909 Menaul Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, NM 87110, (505) 888-3447
Fee to attend: Meeting is Free.
11:00 AM (Arrive, Order Lunch - available at separate cost), 11:30 AM (Call To Order), 1:00 PM (Adjourn)
Our meetings are normally open to present and former members of Federal, Military (uniformed and civilian), State and Local Agencies and selective others who support the Intelligence Community.
If you desire further information, please contact one of the following:
Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963 e-mail: President@afionm.org
Tom Dyble - Phone: 505-299-3242 e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 7 pm - Las Vegas, NV - The AFIO Roger E. McCarthy Las Vegas Chapter hears from John Getter on "Choosing Excellence."
The AFIO Roger E. McCarthy Las Vegas Chapter has a full program of business and speaker presentation at this April 10 meeting. President Schiffbauer will update the chapter on activities (new and old business) and there will be a presentation by John Getter.
John Getter is a professional speaker, trainer, consultant and recovering television journalist. He began his career at a small town radio station while still in high school. Last year, he was part of the team nominated for a National Emmy Award for NBC News coverage of the October 1 shootings. He has served major media outlets and consulted with private and public sector clients and political candidates.
John is the author of three books about space exploration that are available on Amazon Books and other outlets. As the space and science reporter for KHOU-TV (CBS), John provided in-depth coverage of the first 35 space shuttle missions. He was a regular contributor to and consultant for CBS News, regularly seen in more than 100 countries and on CNN. He continues his broadcast journalism producing coverage for several American and International Channels.
And that's where he had some adventures as he worked to cover his beat – the shuttle program – as they were testing their ability to operate in secret.
John led projects involving both the Russian MIR and International Space Stations, leading teams in Russia and the USA.
Event location: Los Prados Country Club, Las Vegas, NV 89130
Timing: 5:30 p.m. - Enjoy the Los Prados Club restaurant and bar; 7 p.m. - Call to Order -- G. Schiffbauer; Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Tribute -- G. Schiffbauer; Chapter Update – G. Schiffbauer; New Business; Adjournment of Business Meeting; Raffle Drawing.
RSVP: Linda Cohn, Chapter Secretary, at lasvegasafo@gmail.com or call 702-239-1370, if you have any questions. The chapter looks forward to seeing you!
Thursday 18 April 2019, 11 a.m. - noon - Washington, DC - The U.S.-China Economic Relationship: Paradigm Shift or More of the Same? A presentation by Carl Schonander at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School
Carl Schonander, Senior Vice President for Global Public Policy, Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)
Mr. Schonander will discuss what the Trump Administration's trade, investment, and export control policies portend for the U.S.-China economic relationship.
Where: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036
RSVP Required and can be done here. There is no fee to attend.
Attire is business or business casual
Questions to Frank Fletcher at events@dmgs.org. Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security reserves the right to refuse entry and may ask for government issued photo identification.
Saturday, 20 April 2019, 10am - 3pm - Dedham, MA - AFIO New England hosts Membership Business Meeting, Speaker, and Discussions
The AFIONE meeting schedule is as follows: Registration &
Gathering, 1000 - 1030; Membership meeting 1030 - 1045; Morning
Discussion Session 1045 - noon; Luncheon at noon - 1300. The
Morning session will be open discussion. Our afternoon speaker
will be from 1300 - 1430 with adjournment by 1500. The Morning
session will cover various business-related items, general
discussion regarding recent events of interest to the membership
and a presentation by one of our members.
Our morning presentation will be a review current issues in fraud and protection countermeasures covering identity theft. Our afternoon presenter is Kenneth Gray, one of our members who has recently published in the Academy of Criminal Justice Science (ACJS) journal an article along with a former student on research they conducted on the threat of hobby-level drones potentially being used as a weapon, and a look at the current technology that could counter this threat. In their research they found the majority of law enforcement agencies are both unaware of the threat and are ill-equipped to counter this threat.
LOCATION: The AFIONE chapter meeting will be held at
the MIT Endicott House in Dedham Mass. Their
website is here.
Address is: 80 Haven St, Dedham, MA 02026. Should you elect to
stay at the Endicott House, Mike Assad has arranged a room rate of
$140.00. Please mention AFIO/NE and Mike Assad when you make your
reservation. For additional information contact us at afionechapter@gmail.com
Reservations are $25 per person. We can no longer accept walk-ins. Emails regarding your plans to attend will be accepted if you are late meeting the deadline. These must be sent to Ms Sarah Moore no later than 3 days prior to the event
********Luncheon reservations must be made by 17 April 2019. ************** Paid in advance the cost of the luncheon is $25 per
person. Mail name of attendee and any guests to: AFIO/NE, Sarah
Moore, PO Box 1203, Orange, CT 06477.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019, 8 - 10 a.m. - McLean, VA - GEOINT 2019 Sneak Peek
GEOINT 2019 Sneak Peek
The GEOINT 2019 Symposium returns to San Antonio, Texas, June 2-5. Before we gather for a week of training, learning, exhibiting, and networking, USGIF wants to share with you what our partners at NGA will be looking for as well as what they plan to showcase at GEOINT 2019.
Join us for breakfast at Maggiano's on Tuesday, April 23, to hear from: Sandra Auchter, Deputy Associate Director of Capabilities, NGA; William Caniano, Director, Office of Corporate Communications, NGA; Christy Monaco, Chief Ventures Officer, Office of Ventures and Innovation, NGA.
Agenda: 7:30 am – Registration and Coffee; 8:00 am – Welcome and Breakfast; 8:30 am – Government Presentations and Audience Q&A; 10:00 am – Networking
Registration Fee: Individual Members: $35; Non-Members: $50
Location: Maggiano's Tyson's Corner, 2001 International Dr., McLean, VA 22102
Event Type:Social/Networking, Regular registration starts on Jan 31, 2019 and ends on Apr 23, 2019. Late registration starts on Apr 24, 2019.
Register here.
Thursday 25 April 2019, 2 - 3 pm- Washington, DC - Challenges and Opportunities for US - Japan - Korea Trilateral Security Cooperation at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School
NOTE TIME CHANGE - Challenges and Opportunities for US - Japan - Korea Trilateral Security Cooperation is the topic of the presentation by James L. Schoff, Senior Fellow, Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, being given at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security.
A major shift in allied diplomatic tactics for handling the North Korean nuclear threat coupled with deteriorating Japan-Korea relations have sapped strength from trilateral security cooperation. This former leader of Defense Trilateral Talks will discuss where trilateral cooperation has been and where it could and should be going.
James L. Schoff is a Senior Fellow in the Carnegie Asia Program. His research focuses on U.S.- Japan relations and regional engagement, Japanese politics and security, and the private sector's role in Japanese policymaking. He previously served as senior adviser for East Asia policy in the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and as Director of Asia Pacific Studies at the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis (IFPA).
Where: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20036
Time: 2 to 3 pm (formerly was 11 am - noon)
RSVP required and may be done here.
Attire is Business or Business Casual
Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security Reserves the Right to Refuse Entry and May Ask for Govt. Issued Photo Identification
Direct questions to Frank Fletcher, Director of Lectures & Seminars by email to: events@dmgs.org. Please note that you must RSVP to attend this event. Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security reserves the right to refuse entry.
May 2019
3 May 2019, 11 am - 2 pm - Arlington, VA - Naval Intelligence Professionals Spring/Red Tie Luncheon to hear CDR Wiley on "Does Analytical Excellence Still Matter?"
Speaker will be Neil Wiley, CDR, USN (Ret), a member of the Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service (DISES) and is the DIA Functional Manager for Analysis. With over 30 years of experience in the national security arena, Mr. Wiley has served both as a naval officer and civilian intelligence professional. He leads DIA's all-source analytic effort across the regional, functional and S&TI portfolios, producing Defense Intelligence in support of policymakers, military planners and warfighters, and defense acquisition. Mr. Wiley also serves as Functional Manager for all-source analysis for the Defense Intelligence Enterprise, responsible for the alignment, quality, and integrity of the analytic output of the DIA, the service intelligence centers and the combatant commands.
At the luncheon, we will also be pleased to honor Ms. Lynn Wright as the annual Red Tie award recipient for 2019.
Timing: 1100-1200 - No-Host Social; 1200 -1300 - Luncheon; 1230-1300 - Mr. Neil Wiley - Guest Speaker (Confirmed): Topic -- Does Analytical Excellence Still Matter?.
Registration Closes 26 April 2019. To register online do so here.
To register and pay by check, please send checks to: NIP, P.O. Box 90461, Washington, DC 20090
Please remember to include your menu entree selection - Salmon or Chicken or Vegetarian - when registering via mail.
Location: Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, VA, The ANCC is a world class venue located conveniently near Suitland and minutes from the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, with spectacular views of the Capital and abundant free valet parking.
Wednesday, 8 May 2019, 1130 - Albuquerque, NM - AFIO New Mexico Chapter hears Sam Shaw on "Overview of Sound, methods of generation, and directional control."
Mr. Sam Shaw will present Part 2 on his Overview of Sound, methods of generation, and directional control at this AFIO New Mexico Chapter meeting.
Location of event: "The Egg & I" restaurant on Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's, 6909 Menaul Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, NM 87110, (505) 888-3447
Fee to attend: Meeting is Free.
11:00 AM (Arrive, Order Lunch - available at separate cost), 11:30 AM (Call To Order), 1:00 PM (Adjourn)
Our meetings are normally open to present and former members of Federal, Military (uniformed and civilian), State and Local Agencies and selective others who support the Intelligence Community.
If you desire further information, please contact one of the following:
Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963 e-mail: President@afionm.org
Tom Dyble - Phone: 505-299-3242 e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
Wednesday, 8 May 2019, 7:30 to 8:45 pm - McLean, VA - The Future of the War on Terror -- ISIS and After by Ilan Berman at the Westminster Institute
Timing: Reception at 7 pm, program begins at 7:30.
Ilan Berman is Senior Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC. An expert on regional security in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Russia, he has consulted for both the CIA and the Defense Department, and provided assistance on foreign policy and national security issues to a range of governmental agencies.
Event location: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101
Fee: None
Register Here.
9-10 May 2019 - Washington DC and McLean VA - AFIO's 2019 Symposium

Thursday, 9 May is Day One at the International
Spy Museum's New L'Enfant Plaza location two days before they officially open. Buses will depart from
the DoubleTree by Hilton, Tysons at 8 a.m. sharp to arrive at the
International Spy Museum at 9 a.m. Featuring remarks by COL
Christopher Costa USA (Ret.), Executive Director of the
museum; and Dr. Vince Houghton, the museum's
Curator and Historian. Other speakers Stephen K. Black, Director, Office of Intelligence and CI, DOE; David Ignatius, author and journalist; Peter Singer, author and futurist. Breakfast and lunch
will be provided at the museum. Return trip back to hotel will be
at 3 p.m.
Friday, 10 May is Day Two at the DoubleTree by
Hilton, Tysons and features a full day of speakers and panels. The day starts with a welcome and orientation by James Hughes, AFIO President, former CIA and NSA, and M.E. Spike Bowman, AFIO Chairman, former Navy, NSA, FBI, ODNI, followed by a presentation by Robert Jackall, Professor Emeritus, Williams College. The morning panel is moderated by Robert S. Litt and covers "Intelligence and Democracy: Time to Rethink
FISA and Intelligence Oversight." It features panelists Glenn Gerstell, John Rizzo, Suzanne Spaulding. Our luncheon keynote will be Chris Inglis, former Deputy Director, NSA. Amb. Ronald Neumann, President American Academy of Diplomacy, follows. Christopher Parker's afternoon panel on "Totalitarian States Use of Technology
Against the U.S." features panelists Amb. Joseph DeTrani, Kevin McCarty, John Sano, and Toshi Yoshihara. Day Two also includes buffet breakfast and lunch. This second day will
close with an evening cocktail reception and our "Spies in Black
Ties" Banquet featuring a presentation by John Bennett, former Director of CIA's National Clandestine Service. Day Two Daytime program will
begin at 9 a.m. (buffet breakfast and chapter workshop begin at 7
a.m.) Daytime program ends at 4:30 p.m. Cocktail reception and
"Spies in Black Ties" Banquet from 6 to 9:30 p.m.
PROGRAM: The tentative program for both
days may be viewed here.
Buses will transport attendees from the DoubleTree by Hilton,
Tysons to the International Spy Museum and back. The second day of
this event takes place at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Tysons, 1960
Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22102. To be ready for early departure
by buses on Day One, it is recommended that attendees consider
staying overnight starting Wednesday, 8 May. You may also locate rooms at this or other nearby
Tysons/Vienna hotels using online services, e.g., Trivago,
Expedia, Travelocity, or Orbitz.
9-12 May 2019 - Columbus, OH - "Soldiers and Civilians in the Cauldron of War" is the theme of the 2019 Conference of The Society for Military History
The Society for Military History is holding is Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio, from May 9-12, 2019.
Friday, 10 May 2019, 4 - 6 pm - Ft Meade, MD - "GCHQ 1919-2019: Reflections at the Start of Our Second Century" is topic of the 2019 Henry F. Schorreck Lecture Speaker Series
"GCHQ 1919-2019: Reflections at the Start of Our Second Century" will be topic by Tony Comer, GCHQ Historian, at this event at the National Cryptologic Museum in Ft. Meade, MD.
The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) was created in 1919 right after World War I. First known as the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS), it would run the successful (and now very famous) Bletchley Park codebreaking facility north of London during World War II. Shortly after the war (1946), it would adopt its current name. In his presentation, Tony will offers stories and perspective about this historic organization—and about that special US-UK cryptologic relationship, first established in February 1941.
TONY COMER joined GCHQ as a Spanish and Portuguese linguist in 1983. He worked in a variety of operational and policy roles in GCHQ with a primary focus on support to military operations. In 2009 he became Departmental Historian.
*** A full house is anticipated, so advanced registration is required.*** Register here.
10-12 May 2019 - Berlin, Germany - The IIHA (International Intelligence History Association) 25th Annual Conference
The 25th Annual Conference of the International Intelligence History Association will be held at the Spy Museum in Berlin. Further information will follow closer to the date.
Monday, 13 May 2019, 5:30 p.m. - New York, NY - AFIO NY Metro hosts Jeff McCausland, discussing "Battlefield Nuclear Weapons in South Asia."
Dr. Jeff McCausland, a visiting professor of International Security Studies at Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA), former Dean of the Army War College. He is currently involved in a project for the National Nuclear Security Administration focused on nuclear weapons in South Asia and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. He serves as a national security consultant for CBS radio and television. He routinely does analysis for CBS on issues such as Iraq, European security, arms control, or related questions of national security policy. His topic this evening will be: "Back to the Future: Battlefield Nuclear Weapons in South Asia."
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St (between Park and Lexington), New York, NY 10065.
Timing: Registration starts at 5:30 pm, Speaker presentation starts at 6 pm. Fee: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner, cash bar.
RSVP: Strongly recommended that you RSVP to ensure space at event. Call or Email Chapter President Jerry Goodwin at afiometro@gmail.com or 646-717-3776.
15 May, 2019 (Wednesday), 11:30 a.m. - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts DEA Assistant Regional Director (ret) Bruce Goldberg on Illicit Drug Traffic Control and International Cooperation
Speaker: DEA Assistant Regional Director (ret) Bruce Goldberg
Topic: Mr. Goldberg will discuss how he and his team of agents collaborated with the Ecuadorian Special Police and Military to uncover and investigate the first ever narco-submarine.
Timing: 11:30 a.m. no-host cocktails; 12 noon meeting
Location: Basque Cultural Ceneter, 599 Railroad Ave, South San Francisco, CA
RSVP: Enter your registration here.
Thursday, 16 May 2019, 11:30 a.m. – Colorado Springs – The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. Gail Nelson, discussing "Thinking in Time: Strategic Intelligence Parameters Today."
Synopsis: "Thinking in Time" encompasses the Strategic Intelligence Threats that plague nations across the geopolitical and ideological divide. The brief captures many major challenges by recommending classic Estimative Intelligence Methodologies in Annual Regional and Country Geopolitical Formats for regular review by senior national security staffs thus facilitating the demand for Special Estimates and Crisis Scenario Development during emerging crises. The absence of these finished intelligence products exponentially increases the liabilities of risk management and miscalculation exactly at a time when leaders demand accuracy in assessing adversary intentions in a complex world.
Gail Nelson, Ph.D. a veteran DOD Intelligence Officer, received his Political Science BA at California State College, Long Beach, in 1966 and completed doctoral work at the University of Colorado in 1979. His career assignments include US Army Europe, US Air Forces Europe, and US European Command specializing in Russian and East European Geopolitical Affairs. He later was appointed Senior Advisor to the Afghan Chief of Military Intelligence; and performed similar responsibilities in the Philippines and Iraq. His published monographs explore the Political Psychology of Nazi Genocide; Soviet Defense Decision Making; Warsaw Pact Crisis Management; and biographies on Security & Intelligence leaders. He was awarded the Meritorious Civilian Service Medal during the Cold War, the Distinguished Civilian Service Medal in 2001, and foreign advisory recognitions later.
For more information or to attend, contact steve13507@gmail.com.
Thursday, 16 May 2019, 2 - 3pm - Washington, DC - "China and International Telecommunications Issues Facing the US" is topic at this Daniel Morgan Graduate School program
Michael O'Rielly, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, will discuss "China and International Telecommunications Issues Facing the US."
Michael O'Rielly was nominated for a seat on the Federal Communications Commission by President Barack Obama and was sworn into office in November 2013. In January 2015, he was confirmed and sworn into office for a second term, which extends until June 30, 2019.
Prior to joining the agency, Commissioner O'Rielly spent almost 20 years working in prominent Republican communication policy and leadership positions for the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Most recently, he served as a Policy Advisor in the Office of the Senate Republican Whip, led by U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).
Commissioner O'Rielly received his B.A. from the University of Rochester.
Event is being held at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School, 1620 L St NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20036
RSVP Required here.
Direct questions to Frank Fletcher, Director of Lectures & Seminars by email to, events@dmgs.org.
Please note that you must RSVP to attend this event.
Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security reserves the right to refuse entry.
16 May 2019, 6 pm - Washington, DC - "Night of Heroes Gala 2019" by the PENFED Foundation.
The PENFED Foundation hosts their impressive annual "Night of Heroes Gala 2019" at the beautiful Mandarin Oriental, 330 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024. This year marks the 15th annual gala honoring our unsung heroes — military children. Each year, the PenFed Foundation raises more than $1.5 million for military heroes through this hallmark event. Last year's event sold out and raised $2.5 million! Do not miss your opportunity to support Military Heroes.
6 pm General Reception and Silent Auction; 7 pm Dinner Program; After Dinner - Dessert Reception. To learn more...or to register.
17 May 2019, Noon to 1:30pm - Washington, DC - The International Spy Museum Luncheon and Book Signing with Lynne Olson
A luncheon at the new International Spy Museum features Lynne Olson, historian, journalist, author of Madame Fourcade's Secret War. The sponsor/host of the luncheon is Museum board member, former Governor (Michigan) Jim and Janet Blanchard. Olson will share insights from her book, which is an account of Marie-Madeline Fourcade, the woman who headed the largest spy network in occupied France during World War II.
Location: International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024.
Fee: $90 per person.
To register, do so here.
Saturday 18 May 2019, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Chapter hosts Col. David Hunt
Author, national news analyst and retired military intelligence officer Col. David Hunt has over 29 years of military experience, including extensive operational experience in special operations, counter terrorism and intelligence missions. He served as tactical advisor in Bosnia where he facilitated all national intelligence matters for the commander in chief, and coordinated a $350 million national security program for the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency.
He also served as counter terrorism coordinator to the Summer Olympic Games in Seoul, Korea. In this capacity, Hunt planned, choreographed and implemented the first United States national response for an Olympic event in Korea in conjunction with Korean National Intelligence and the Korean Crisis Response Agency as the counter-terrorist coordinator.
Hunt received his Master's degree in English from Norwich University in 1981, and graduated from the John F. Kennedy School of Government in Harvard University in 1991. He has lectured at the Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and several other high profile government agencies, as well as state and local police officials.
A question period will follow his presentation.
Location: The Brick Store Museum's Program Center, 4 Dane Street, Kennebunk, ME.
22 May 2019, 6:30 - 8 pm - Washington, DC - Graduate Admissions Information Session at Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security
Looking for the next step in your career with a focus on national security and intelligence? Come to the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security's Open House. Refreshments will be served while you get an in-depth presentation from our admissions team as they present on the opportunities that await you with a degree from DMGS. Speak to our world-class scholar-practitioner faculty, visit with current students and learn about the admissions process.
Location: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW #Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. Nearest Metro Stations: Farragut North and West.
Address questions to Jackie Linde at linde@dmgs.org or call 202-759-4988
No cost to register. Register here.
Thursday, 23 May 2019, 9 - 10:30 am - Washington, DC - The Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law Breakfast to Celebrate Launch of the Foreign Intelligence Collection
You are invited to attend a breakfast to celebrate the launch of the Foreign Intelligence Collection.
Curated by Professor Laura K. Donohue and Jeremy McCabe, the Foreign Intelligence Collection contains:
• the legislative histories of all statutory changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA);
• all publicly available opinions and orders issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review (FISCR);
• all FISA-related cases in non-specialized Article III courts;
• statutorily required and special reports on FISA and correspondence between FISC and Congress; and
• an annotated bibliography of select secondary sources related to FISA, FISC/FISCR, and FI law.
The fully-searchable website is designed to be a resource for the judiciary, clerks, legal advisors, amici, government attorneys, members of Congress and their staff, lawyers, scholars, journalists, students, companies, members of the public, and anyone with an interest in or need to understand the legal framework for U.S. foreign intelligence collection.
The panel discussion launching the website will include an overview of the site, a discussion of the materials, and information on the assigned Georgetown Identification (GID) numbers applied to facilitate use of the information.
Professor Laura K. Donohue, Professor of Law, Georgetown Law Center, Director, Center on National Security and the Law and Jeremy McCabe, Research Services Librarian, Georgetown Law Library
Carrie Cordero, Senior Fellow and General Counsel, Center for a New American Security, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Law Center (moderator)
Event will be held at Georgetown University, McDonough 200. Light breakfast provided.
Please RSVP here or to nationalsecurity@law.georgetown.edu.
Qs? Contact nationalsecurity@law.georgetown.edu.
Thursday, 23 May 2019, 6-8 pm - Washington, DC - NIP Third Thursday Social featuring LT William N. Murray on "Reimagine Intel Officer Training."
Please join us for socializing, professional insight and libations.
Happy Hour begins at 6pm, remarks by our guest speaker 6:45-7:30PM, followed by informal discussion.
Guest Speaker: LT William N. Murray, NIP Essay Contest Winner
Topic: Reimagine Intelligence Officer Training
LT William N. Murray recently completed a tour in Nimitz Operational Intelligence Center where he served as the Executive Assistant to the Commanding Officer, leading command operations and administrative efforts for the CO and 500+ Sailors, Civilians, Reservists, and Contractors. He also served as an INDOPACOM analyst. Prior to joining the Naval Intelligence Community, Murray served as a Surface Warfare Officer onboard USS McCAMPBELL (DDG 85) out of Yokosuka, Japan. He has a Master of Philosophy in International Relations and East Asian Studies from Cambridge University and a Bachelor's of Science in Political Science from the United States Naval Academy.
Location: The BRIG – DC'S Secret Beer Garden, 1007 8th SE, Washington, DC (8th & L Streets – convenient to Navy Yard and Eastern Market Metro)
25 May 2019, 11:30am - 2pm - Patrick AFB, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Col Mike McCalister USA(Ret) discussing "CENTCOM and SpecOps."
Colonel Mike McCalister, USA (ret.) served in the U.S. Army and the Army National Guard for over thirty years. He occupied a senior staff positon in CENTCOM in the special operations area. He has been an instructor at the university level and served in various command positions in the National Guard. He will address us on his experiences in CENTCOM and, with any luck, in the SpecOps area as he may be able to share.
Timing: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Social Hour, greet old, new members and guests (limited cash bar – honor system); 12:15 PM: Sit-Down lunch
NOTE NEW Location: The Tides, 1001 N. Hwy A1A, Bldg #967, Patrick AFB, FL 32925
TO ATTEND: Prepaid reservations are required which must be received by 20 May 2019. To reserve, please contact the chapter treasurer (if you did not directly receive a form to register for the lunch). She can be reached at afiofsctreas@gmail.com.
For those with a registration form, complete it and send check and meal choice to: Chapter Treasurer Rhonda Rhoads, PO Box 410158, Melbourne, FL 32941.
Rhonda can also be reached at afiofsctreas@gmail.com, and at 321 626 -4465.
Paid, advance registration is required and none can be accepted after 20 May.
Please note new meeting venue at top of this announcement.
Menu Choices are: Parmesan-crusted chicken breast with cream corn chipotle sauce (C); Pulled BBQ pork plate with cole slaw and roasted potatoes. (P); Dessert is key lime pie with Chantilly cream.
Cost is $28/members, $30 non-members.
Wednesday, 29 May 2019, 7:30 - 8:45 pm - McLean, VA - "Caliphaters and Apocalyptic Jihad: The Dynamics of the Most Powerful Millennial Movement of the 21st Century" - topic of Richard Landes's talk at the Westminster Institute
Richard Landes, Director and co-founder of the Center for Millennial Studies, and Senior Fellow at the Center for International Communication at Bar-Ilan University (2015 to present), will discuss: "Caliphaters and Apocalyptic Jihad: The Dynamics of the Most Powerful Millennial Movement of the 21st Century." He is the author of a number of books, including Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience.
Of his topic, he says: "Millennial movements seek to usher in 'heaven on earth,' a messianic era in which evil has been destroyed and good finally triumphs. When motivated by a sense of imminent success, apocalyptic-millennial movements move into active phase. The most dangerous of all these movements are those which believe in an active cataclysmic scenario (we are the agents of the necessary and massive destruction of evil that will clear the path), leading to an imperial millennial dream (we will rule the world). Currently Global Jihad represents one of the largest and most dangerous of all such movements known in history. The current ignorance of Westerners about this dimension of the problem and its dynamics constitutes a major weakness in our ability to resist. Worse, certain Western responses enable this movement."
Dr. Landes taught history at Boston University for 25 years and was Director and co-founder of the Center for Millennial Studies. For four years prior, he taught at the University of Pittsburgh. He is also the editor of The Apocalyptic Year 1000: Studies in the Mutation of European Culture; and Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements.
He received an M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University in history and a B.A. from Harvard University. He also attended the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.
No fee to attend. Register here.
Location: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101
Qs?: Contact Institute Director Robert R. Reilly at 703-288-2885 or at br@westminster-institute.org.
Thursday, 30 May 2019, 2 - 3 pm - Washington, DC - Globalized Authoritarianism: How Dictators are Weaponizing International Organizations at Daniel Morgan Graduate School
Globalized Authoritarianism: How Dictators are Weaponizing International Organizations will be a presentation by Dr. Edward Lemon at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security.
In recent years, powerful authoritarian states have sought to dilute the democratic dimensions of various international organizations and implant "rule by law" into these bodies. Through an examination of two case organizations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Interpol, Dr. Lemon will explore how autocrats are utilizing international organizations to pursue political exiles, consolidate their regimes, protect themselves against external pressure and develop new norms of international cooperation that undermine democracy and human rights.
RSVP Required. Do so HERE.
Event location: Location
Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036.
Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security Reserves the Right to Refuse Entry.
Attire is business or business casual.
June 2019
2 - 5 June 2019 - San Antonio, TX - GEOINT 2019
GEOINT 2019 is hosted and produced by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF), a non-profit, non-lobbying educational organization, the annual GEOINT Symposium is the nation's largest gathering of industry, academia, and government to include Defense, Intelligence and Homeland Security Communities as well as commercial, Fed/Civil, State and Local geospatial intelligence stakeholders.
The event annually attracts more than 4,000 attendees from all over the world, features more than 250 exhibiting organizations, offers 50 hours of training sessions, and countless opportunities to learn, exchange ideas, and network. The event is held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, TX.
Need support for your request to attend? Download the GEOINT 2019 Justification Letter.
5 June 2019, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Annapolis Junction, MD - Summer NCMF Cryptologic Program: The Tian'anmen Square Massacre of 4 June 1989 - A Day that Marked a Turning Point in Chinese History with Author Greg Nedved and Dr. Laura Kaplan Murray.
On the 30th Anniversary of this significant event in Chinese
history, the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation (NCMF) invites you to come and learn about this tragedy from two NSA Center for Cryptologic History historians and experts on Chinese society. We are thrilled to have Mr. Greg Nedved and Dr. Laura Kaplan Murray with us as our special guest speakers. Lunch will follow the morning presentation, and a book sale will include a book by Mr. Nedved, Presidential Foreign Language Trivia. To view a 2-page program flyer of the event, access it here.
TIMING: 10 a.m-11:45 a.m.program followed by lunch noon-1 p.m.
LOCATION: CACI Inc., Maryland Conference Center, 2720 Technology Dr, Annapolis Junction, MD 20755
FEE: Registration Fee, inclusive of lunch, is $25 for members and guests.
Qs?: call the NCMF office at 301-688-5436
Monday, 10 – 12 June 2019, 8 am - 5 pm – Queens County, NY – IAFIE 15th Annual Conference Featuring John Miller, Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counter-terrorism, NYPD.
The International Association for Intelligence Education expects many excellent papers and panels at their upcoming annual conference in New York City. Several distinguished speakers will include John Miller, Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism, NYPD. Don't miss this great opportunity to network and get the latest developments in intelligence education.
Consider bringing any interested students to the conference. There is another wonderful student poster competition planned and your students' participation is welcomed!
Event location: St Johns University, Queens Campus, NY. Accommodations arranged with Courtyard New York Queens/Fresh Meadows, or Fairfield Inn & Suites NY Queens/Fresh Meadows. Shuttle services between both locations and the conference location will be available. The campus is conveniently situated halfway between Laguardia and JFK airports.
To register: do so at this link.
Qs?: Additional information available from Keith Cozine at tel 973-928-1154 or cozinek@stjohns.edu
Wednesday, 12 June 2019, 7 pm - Las Vegas, NV - The AFIO "Roger E. McCarthy" Las Vegas Chapter hears Col Bijold on "US Army Nuclear Operations 1950s to 1990s."
Our featured speaker for the evening: Col. Gerald (Jerry) P. Bijold, US Army (Retired) speaking on "US Army Nuclear Operations 1950s to 1990s."
Col Jerry Bijold, US Army (Ret.) brings his insight and experiences with nuclear operations in the U.S. Army. During his 27-year career, Col. Bijold, served in diverse capacities, to include Helicopter Pilot; Executive Officer; U.S. Army Recruiting Commander; and Plans Officer.
Location: Los Prados Country Club, 5150 Los Prados Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130
Timing: 5:30 pm: Enjoy the Los Prados Club restaurant and bar; 7 pm Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Tribute, and Chapter Update – G. Schiffbauer; New Business; Adjournment of Business Meeting; Raffle Drawing.
To attend, email Linda Cohn at lasvegasafo@gmail.com anytime or call 702-239-1370 if you have questions. We look forward to seeing you!
15 June 2019, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine hosts CIA Veteran Operations Officer David Hunt discussing "From Russia With Love."
CIA operations veteran David P. Hunt will discuss "From Russia With Love -- a history of assassinations from the 16th century to today," at the AFIO Maine Chapter meeting.
Hunt served 32 years in the CIA, including tours in Italy, Vietnam, Somalia, Norway, France, and New York City. He served twice as Deputy Chief of Station (Norway and France) and twice as Chief of Station (Somalia and New York City). A Colby College graduate, he is an expert in Soviet operations, European affairs, and counterintelligence.
Hunt holds the Donovan Award for Excellence, as well as the CIA's Distinguished Intelligence Medal, its highest award.
This is the latest in a series of discussions relating to the importance of intelligence in current public affairs.
The meeting is open to the public, and will begin at 2 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk.
A question and answer period will follow the presentation.
Wednesday, 19 June 2019, 11 am - 2 pm - Arlington, VA - CIRA Luncheon - Speaker: Amb Joseph DeTrani, CIA expert on US Relations with North Korea and China
Ambassador Joseph DeTrani has served the public interest for more than three decades in the Central Intelligence Agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the State Department. Ambassador DeTrani had a distinguished career at CIA and the ODNI and is a highly recognized expert on North Korea which continues to be at the forefront of US national security and diplomatic interests. Moreover, Ambassador DeTrani has significant experience in directing and coordinating CIA and IC efforts in matters concerning China and Counterproliferation.
At CIA, Ambassador Detrani led Divisions in the Directorate of Operations and the Office of Technical Services, the Office of Public Affairs, and the Crime and Narcotics Center. At the ODNI, he served as Special Advisor to the DNI, the Director of the National Counterproliferation Center, and National Issue Manager for Counterproliferation and North Korea. He also served with the rank of Ambassador as the US Special Envoy for the Six-Party Talks with North Korea. Ambassador DeTrani is a graduate of New York University and recipient of several awards for his service to the Intelligence Community including the Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal and the Donovan Award. He is past President of the Industry and National Security Alliance (INSA). Ambassador DeTrani has published extensively on matters concerning China, North Korea, and Proliferation.
At a time when US relations with North Korea and China are of intense interest, CIRA is very fortunate to have such a distinguished speaker. Please join your fellow members in extending a warm welcome to Ambassador DeTrani.
Luncheon Location will be at the usual Arlington, VA location known to members. Fee: $27pp.
Send Reservation/Payment to CIRA, Box 7154, McLean, VA 2210 or make reservation + payment online on CIRA's website under Main Menu/Online Payments.
Monday, 24 June 2019, 6:30 - 7:30pm - Washington, DC - Graduate Admissions Information Session at Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security
Meet staff, students, and faculty.
Looking for the next step in your career with a focus on national security and intelligence? Come to the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security's Open House. Refreshments will be served while you get an in-depth presentation from our admissions team as they present on the opportunities that await you with a degree from DMGS. Speak to their scholar-practitioner faculty, visit with current students and learn about the admissions process.
RSVP or Address questions to Jackie Linde by email at linde@dmgs.org
Location: Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW #Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. P: 202-759-4988.
Nearest Metro Stations: Farragut North and West.
Tuesday, 25 June 2019, 11 am - Ponte Vedra Beach, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter hosts Bill Dayhoff, former FBI Director of Virtual Threat Analysis Center
We are extremely happy to have Bill Dayhoff, retired FBI - Director, Virtual Threat Analysis Center (2011-2016), as our guest speaker. Bill will be talking about his career in the FBI specifically regarding terrorism funding, various fraud schemes, 9/11 related incidents, etc. Bill recently retired from Ameris Bank where he served as the Chief Fraud Officer. Our chapter has recently moved our meeting venue from Orange Park to The Plantation at Ponte Vedra. We're also shifted to weekday events instead of Saturdays. Additionally, several of our members live in the Ponte Vedra area.
Event Location: The Clubhouse at The Plantation at Ponte Vedra, 101 Plantation Dr, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082.
Please RSVP to Ken Meyer, AFIO NF Chapter Secretary, at kmeyer12@bellsouth.net. Cost is $25 cash at the event that begins at 11 am with lunch beginning at Noon. If you do plan on attending we MUST have your email address available for gate security at least five days before the event.
July 2019
Thursday, 18 July 2019, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Bill Gallegos, discussing "Hostage in Tehran for 444 Days."
The speaker, Bill Gallegos, and 51 others were taken hostage in Tehran on November 4, 1979 by a group of Iranian college students belonging to the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line, who supported the Iranian Revolution as they took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. He spent 444 days until January 1981 as a "guest" of the Ayatollah Khomeini, who had replaced the Iranian monarchy with an Islamic Republic in March 1979. It was the longest hostage crisis in recorded history. Bill will speak to his experiences as a hostage.
Biography: William (Billy) Gallegos was born in Pueblo, Colorado. His Marine Corps career started in 1977. He attended Marine Corps Depot in San Diego, CA. He was then assigned to Marine Security Guard Battalion in Quantico, VA. Upon graduation from Marine Security Guard school he was assigned to the American Embassy Tehran, Iran. Upon his release from captivity, Sgt. William Gallegos completed his military enlistment and was honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps. During his military service he earned numerous military awards including the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Prisoner of War Medal, Good Conduct Medal and the Department of State Award for Valor. Upon his discharge, he returned to Colorado where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology from Metropolitan State University in Denver, Colorado.
Bill Gallegos then began a career in law enforcement as a Denver Sheriff and joined the Denver Police Department in 1994. His assignments with the Denver Police Department include street patrol officer, Vice and Narcotics and Denver police Intelligence unit where he was on loan to the Federal Bureau of Investigation/Joint Terrorism Task Force from 2004 to 2018. His police awards include numerous commendations as well as three Denver Police Distinguished Service Crosses and a Purple Heart. He retired from law enforcement in November 2018.
Please contact steve13507@gmail.com for more information.
Thursday, 18 July 2019, 9:30 - 11 am - Washington, DC - "Political Transition in Central Asia" Panel at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School
Central Asia is undergoing a period of profound transformations. Islam Karimov, who ruled Uzbekistan from 1989, died in office in 2016. His successor former Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev has embarked on a series of reforms to create a more efficient bureaucracy, attract investment, soften repression and rebuild ties with neighboring states.
Kazakhstan's first President Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned in March 2019. Zhomart Toqaev, his anointed successor, called a snap election on June 8th, winning with over 70% of the vote. But citizens have reacted angrily to perceived political stagnation with over 1000 arrested in protests around the country.
Tajikistan, the region's poorest state is also looking toward transition. President Emomali Rahmon, in power since 1992, appears to be grooming his son Rustam for power; presidential elections are scheduled for 2020. This comes at a time of instability in the country, with over thirty killed in a prison riot in May.
These ongoing developments are interlinked and pose questions around the sustainability of post-Soviet models of authoritarian governance in the region. To discuss these developments, Daniel Morgan Graduate School and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) will assemble a roundtable of experts who follow the region closely.
Speakers:Torokul Doorov, Director of RFE/RL's Kazakh Service; Salimjon Aioubov, Acting Director of RFE/RL's Tajik Service; Alisher Syddiq, Director of RFE/RL's Uzbek Service; Erica Marat, Associate Professor, College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University. Moderator: Edward Lemon, DMGS - Kennan Institute Fellow, Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security
Where: The Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security, 1620 L St NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20036
RSVP Required. Do so HERE. Qs? contact Frank Fletcher, Director of Lectures & Seminars by email to: events@dmgs.org
Attire: business / business casual
Registration Opens at 9:00 am
Please note that you must RSVP to attend this event.
Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security Reserves the Right to Refuse Entry.
Saturday, 20 July 2019, 10am - 3pm - Dedham, MA - AFIO New England Chapter hears from Peggy Adler and Damien Cregeau, and conducts chapter business
Our schedule is as follows: Registration & gathering, 1000 – 1015; Membership meeting 1015 – 1030; Morning Speaker 1030 to 1200; Luncheon at 1200-1300. Our afternoon speaker will be from 1300 – 1430 with adjournment by 1500. Our morning presenter is Peggy Adler. Peggy has served as AFIO/NE chapter president for 3 years and as program coordinator for 8 years She is also a recipient of AFIO National's coveted General Stilwell Award presented in 2001. Peggy's topic covers the Richard Brenneke October Surprise where in 1991, she was retained by self-proclaimed ex-CIA agent, arms dealer and money launderer, Richard Brenneke, to co-author his autobiography. Discovering evidence in his files contradicting claims regarding his presence at October Surprise conspiracy meetings, she contacted former CIA analyst-turned-journalist, Frank Snepp. This evidence was the basis of Snepp's February 1992 article for the Village Voice which outed Brenneke as a con artist. Adler worked with Snepp on additional articles for the "Voice" which went on to prove that the so-called "October Surprise" was a hoax. Adler's work was also the subject of a chapter in Robert Parry's book, Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery and she was interviewed by PBS' Frontline in this regard for an episode which aired in April 1992. In mid-1992, learning that the House October Surprise Task Force was investigating whether or not there actually had been an October Surprise, she contacted investigative journalist and author Steven Emerson, who put her in touch with the Task Force so that she could turn over to them the seventy cartons of documents she had hauled east from Brenneke's home in Portland, Oregon, in order to write his memoirs. Subsequently, she worked as a consultant to the Task Force, and assisted in drafting and editing the Brenneke section of their final report.
Our afternoon presenter is Damien Cregeau. Mr. Cregeau's one-hour PowerPoint presentation, "Spies, Lies, and Alibis: Spying and Tradecraft During the American Revolution," will focus on the espionage efforts in and around New York City, including the Major Benjamin Tallmadge's Culper Ring and the Dayton Ring run by Colonel Elias Dayton. It will also include an analysis of the failed Captain Nathan Hale operation as well as the successful counterintelligence efforts regarding the failed Tory plot to capture or kill Generals George Washington and Israel Putnam. The talk will also look briefly at the special invisible ink developed by Sir James Jay, brother of John Jay, as well as two common misunderstandings regarding the treachery of Major General Benedict Arnold. Finally, there will be a brief look at the unheralded efforts of Sgt. Daniel Bissell, a Continental Army soldier who posed as a deserter to operate behind British lines. Damien earned his bachelor's in history from Hillsdale College and his master's in history from Colorado State. After teaching history at preparatory schools for several years he became an independent historian. He is a scholar of the American Revolution specializing in espionage of the era. He has spoken on spies in the Revolution since 2007 at the FBI's New York Office, the Fraunces Tavern Museum in New York City, as well as to historical societies and organizations throughout the northeast, including Boston, Vermont and New Hampshire. He serves as president of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. He has been published in seven historical journals, including Leatherneck Magazine, Financial History, the Journal of the American Revolution and the DAR's American Spirit. He and his wife own two homes from 1765 in Connecticut: a private's house in Wethersfield and the General Jedediah Huntington House in Norwich. In September, as part of the town of Litchfield's 300th anniversary, Damien will host a Revolutionary War spy symposium on Sunday, September 8th.
Event being held at the MIT Endicott House, 80 Haven Street, Dedham, MA 02026.
Should you elect to stay at the Endicott House, Mike Assad has arranged a room rate of $140/night. Please mention AFIO/NE and Mike Assad when you make your reservation. For additional information contact us at afionechapter@gmail.com.
REGISTER: Advance reservations are $30 per person. We can no longer accept walk-ins. Emails regarding your plans to attend will be accepted if you are late meeting the deadline. These must be sent to Ms Sarah Moore at afionechapter@gmail.com no later than 3 days prior to the event
Reservation deadline: luncheon reservations must be made by 17 July 2019.
Mail your check and the reservation form to: AFIO/NE, Sarah Moore, PO Box 1203, Orange, CT 06477.
August 2019
Wednesday, 14 August 2019, 7 p.m. - Las Vegas, NV - The Roger E. McCarthy Chapter Las Vegas, Nevada hears from Tommy Anderson about "Haboob Wind"; Other Chapter Business Conducted
Our guest speaker, Mr. Tommy Anderson—a noted storyteller—will be speaking on the background and personal experiences which led to his authoring of a chilling story about what could actually happen in a modern day terrorist attack on the technology that holds together the very fabric of our society. Anderson is an Veteran of the U.S. Army, U.S. Army National Guard, and the U.S. Air National Guard.
His first novel, Haboob Wind—the basis of his talk this evening—draws on his experiences in the military and law enforcement and pays homage to the resourcefulness and patriotism of veterans.
The formal business meeting will start at 7 pm with a pre-meeting social gathering at 5:30 pm for those who wish to grab a bite or beverage at the Clubhouse Restaurant/Bar before the meeting.
Event is being held at the Los Prados Country Club, 5150 Los Prados Cir, Las Vegas, NV 89130.
RSVP: Linda Cohn, Chapter Secretary, at lasvegasafo@gmail.com or call her at 702-239-1370, if you have questions. We look forward to seeing you!
19 - 21 August 2019 - Sydney, Australia - The Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) holds their National Conference with theme: "An Emerging Intelligence Enterprise"
The AIPIO has issued a call for papers for its 2019 National Conference to take place August 19-21 in Sydney. The conference theme is "An Emerging Intelligence Enterprise" in Australia with a focus on capability planning, workforce/organizational development and analytic rigor. Proposals (300 word abstracts) are due by April 15, 2019 with a decision date of April 29, 2019. Papers will be due June 15, 2019 and with author approval will be published following the conference in a special issue of the AIPIO Journal.
CFP and conference details were online.
Saturday, 24 August 2019, 5:30 p.m. - Oak Lawn, IL - AFIO Illinois-Indiana Chapter hosts Cybersecurity expert Professor Maurice Dawson
Speaker and Dinner are part of this chapter meeting where we will hear Maurice Dawson, Ph.D., D.C.Sc., SMIEEE, Director of the Center for Cyber Security and Forensics Education, Fulbright Scholar, & Senior Fellow at ALPF, discuss Cybersecurity issues. Professor Dawson is a nationally recognized expert on CyberSecurity and a published author.
Event is being held at the Stoney Creek Golf Club, 5850 W 103rd St., Oak Lawn, ill. 60453. Chapter VP John Fanning has arranged dinner for us in a private room for the cost of only $40pp.
RSVP: Please advise me as soon as you can of your commitment to attend, and please bring guests with you.
Please understand that we must provide a guaranteed number, and I will be personally responsible for no-shows.
Email your RSVP to chapter President Vernon Petri at Vjpetri@petrilaw.com or call him at 317-696-3580. Also, if your dues are up for renewal, bundle the $40 fee with your registration.
September 2019
Wednesday, 11 September 2019, 11:30 a.m. – Albuquerque, NM – AFIO New Mexico Chapter hears from Hamid Rad.
The speaker at this New Mexico Chapter event will be Mr. Hamid Rad presenting on his dissertation research.
Location of event: "The Egg & I" restaurant on Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's,
6909 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, (505) 888-3447
Fee to attend: Meeting is Free.
11:00 AM (Arrive, Order Lunch - available at separate cost), 11:30 AM (Call To Order), 1:00 PM (Adjourn)
Our meetings are normally open to present and former members of Federal, Military (uniformed and civilian), State and Local Agencies and selective others who support the Intelligence Community.
If you desire further information, please contact one of the following:
Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963 e-mail: President@afionm.org
Tom Dyble - Phone: 505-299-3242 e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
On Wednesday, 11 September 2019, 11:30 a.m. no-host cocktails; 12 noon - San Francisco, CA - The "André Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Abraham D. Sofaer on "US- Iran Relations since 1979."
Abraham D. Sofaer, George P. Shultz Fellow in Foreign Policy and National Security Affairs, Emeritus, is the author of Taking on Iran: Strength, Diplomacy and the Iranian Threat. Dr. Sofaer, who served as legal adviser to the US Department of State from 1985 to 1990, was appointed the first George P. Shultz Distinguished Scholar and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution in 1994. During his service as legal adviser, he was responsible for US-Iran negotiations at the US-Iran Tribunal in The Hague.
Meeting location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco, CA.
Register via Eventbrite here.
We will also be taking a moment to honor the passing of Thérèse LeGallo, our immediate Past President. Her obituary appeared in the Weekly Notes #21-19 dated 28 May 2019.
Saturday, 14 September 2019, 11:30 am - 2 pm - Indialantic, FL - The Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Spencer Ward discussing RAdm Robert Ward's WWII Activities in the Pacific Theater of Operations
Mr. Spencer Ward, the son of Rear Admiral Robert Ward, will discuss his father's distinguished WWII record as a submarine commander in the Pacific Theater of Operations. Admiral Ward was a 1935 graduate of the U.S, Naval Academy, and retired from active service in 1965 at the rank of Rear Admiral. Admiral Ward's wartime medals include two Navy Crosses and two Silver Stars.
TIMING: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Social Hour, greet old, new members and guests. Cash bar.
12:15 PM: Sit-Down lunch
LOCATION: Doubletree Melbourne Beach Oceanfront, 1665 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903
TO ATTEND: Prepaid reservations are required and must be received by Sunday, 1 September 2019. To reserve, indicate in your email or letter your food choices (see below) and send check, payable to AFIO FSC to Chapter Treasurer Rhonda Rhoads, PO Box 410158, Melbourne, FL 32941.
Menu Choices are: Chicken Francese, chicken breast sautéed in a buttery lemon and wine sauce (C); Chef's Choice of either Pasta Marinara or Pasta Primavera. (P); Vegetables, dessert, coffee and iced tea included.
Cost is $30/members, $35 non-members.
Qs? Rhonda can be reached at afiofsctreas@gmail.com and (321) 626-4465.
Paid, advance registration is required and none can be accepted after Saturday, 7 September.
Please note new meeting venue at top of this announcement.
Thursday 12 September 2019, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - Prof Khester Kendrick discusses "Funding Terrorism through Cyber Crime" at Arizona Chapter Meeting
Professor Khester Kendrick, Cyber Security Faculty Member, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ, has worked in the telecommunications, information technology and business management industries for over 20 years and holds two master's degrees in IT; in 2020 he will be adding a PhD in Information Technology. He is currently developing an undergrad course material for Networking and Cyber-Security for GCU. Professor Kendrick will be leading this presentation with all of our members' active participation.
Location: Best Western Thunderbird Suites, 7515 E Butherus Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.
Cost: $18 pp.
RSVP: Let us know if you will be attending by sending email to simone@afioaz.org.
WE WILL NEED YOUR RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time. WE ARE charged for no-shows, therefore we ask that chapter members respond to confirm your presence (or not).
BADGES: many have been given a permanent badge, if you do not have one, please email me with the information you would like on your badge (Full Name and Past Career Title/Affiliated Organization ~ should you wish). The cost for a badge with a magnetic strip is $8.
For reservations or questions, please email Simone at either simone@4smartphone.net, or simone@afioaz.org; or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016.
REMEMBER as well, that if you are bringing a guest please send the full name of that person.
Wednesday 18 September 2019, 5:30 p.m. - New York, NY - AFIO NY Metro Chapter hosts Larry Loftis, on SOE Hero, Odette Sansom, in his book Code Name: Lise.
Larry Loftis is the author of Code Name: Lise―The True Story of the Woman Who Became WWII's Most Highly Decorated Spy, the story of Odette Sansom (1912-1995), a Frenchwoman living in England, wife of an Englishman and mother of 3 daughters, who was recruited into Britain's Special Operations Executive (SOE) to conduct espionage in France during WW II with her commander, and yet-to-be second husband, Peter Churchill. Leaving her daughters in a convent school and with relatives, she joined the rigorous training program, becoming proficient with a wide range of weapons, learning the fine points of spycraft, and perfecting her new identity with the code name Lise. In France she proved herself fearless. Hunted by the Germans, in 1943, Odette and Peter were captured, imprisoned, and tortured. Loftis describes Odette's ordeal in grisly detail. Two lies saved her: She pretended that she and Peter were married (they would be after the war) and that Peter was related to Winston Churchill. In defeat, the Gestapo hoped to use her as a bargaining chip.
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St (between Park and Lexington), New York, NY 10065.
Timing: Registration starts at 5:30 pm, Speaker presentation starts at 6 pm. Fee: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner, cash bar.
RSVP: Strongly recommended that you RSVP to ensure space at event. Call or Email Chapter President Jerry Goodwin at afiometro@gmail.com or 646-717-3776.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – The Nuclear Spies – at the International Spy Museum
When the Soviet Union detonated its first atomic bomb in 1949, the US was taken by complete surprise. Literally. American intelligence services had overlooked the signs that the Soviets were about to go nuclear. How did they miss this bombshell? Especially after their spectacular success gathering information about the Nazis' plan for a nuclear weapon during WWII. Spy Museum historian/curator Vince Houghton reveals the triumphs and the spectacular failures of the US's mid-20th century scientific intelligence pursuits in his new book The Nuclear Spies. Houghton will sit down with Spy Museum curator/historian Alexis Albion for a discussion of the fraught period when weapons and military capabilities surged exponentially and intelligence agencies desperately sought to keep up. Guests will have a chance to see nuclear intelligence artifacts from Houghton's personal collection. The Nuclear Spies will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for the general public: $10 per person; tickets for Members: $8. Register here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Thursday, 19 Sept 2019, 11:30 AM - Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dave Humpert, discussing "The View from Moscow"
Our speaker, Dave Humpert, will take a look at the military and political issues that drove the Soviet perspectives in the formulation of doctrine and military policy during the height of the Cold War—the 1980s. In examining the threat as perceived by Soviet military planners, "The View from Moscow" will specifically take a look at the period 1980-1984, the first term of the Reagan White House years and the emergence of the "Revolution in Military Affairs," i.e., the emergence of precision guidance/targeting systems and satellite-enabled net centric warfare. In the Soviet view, new technologies—e.g., the Pershing II IRBM and Ground-and Air-Launched Cruise Missiles and SDI—would enable the US to establish superiority and dominance on the battlefield. Dave will speak to his experience as a Soviet Military and Political Affairs Officer in the Air Force Intelligence Service, Directorate of Soviet Affairs during this period.
Contact steve13507@gmail.com to attend or for more information.
Thursday, 19 September 2019, 7pm – Washington, DC – Spy Trivia – at Port City Brewing Company
Match wits with your craft-beer drinking comrades in an effort to attain the coveted title of "Port City Trivia Champion." The Tasting Room opens at 4 p.m. Trivia starts at 7 p.m. The Museum will provide prizes for the most informed team of informants. Admission is free.
Monday, 23 September 2019, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Dawn of the Cold War: Looking Back at The Berlin Blockade and Airlift 70 Years after the Last American Flight – at the International Spy Museum
During one of the first major crises of the Cold War, the Soviet Union blocked road, rail, and waterway access to West Berlin. The only option to supply the West Berliners with food, coal for heating, and other essentials was via air. One of the original American members of the airlift crew, C-54 Flight Engineer Ralph G. Dionne, will discuss this dramatic event and will be joined by Bernd von Kostka, curator at the Allied Museum in Berlin, and Hope M. Harrison, historian and expert on Berlin and the Cold War. Attend to learn about the risky and challenging efforts made by many Americans, Brits, and Germans to help prevent Soviet leader Joseph Stalin's attempted take-over of West Berlin in 1948-49. Reception to follow program. Co-sponsored by Deutschlandjahr, the Allied Museum in Berlin, and the International Spy Museum.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Tuesday, September 24, 1:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – Peter Finn: A Guest of the Reich – at the International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is hosting an in-store book signing of A Guest of the Reich by Peter Finn. Peter Finn is the National Security Editor at The Washington Post. He is also the co-author of The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA and the Battle over a Forbidden Book, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for non-fiction and a finalist for the Pushkin House Russian Book Prize. The Zhivago Affair has been translated into eight languages. He lives in northern Virginia.
Book Description: Gertrude "Gertie" Legendre was a big-game hunter and society woman from South Carolina who lived a charmed life in Jazz Age America. Her adventurous spirit made her the inspiration for a Broadway play, Holiday, which became a film starring Katherine Hepburn. The attack on Pearl Harbor led Gertie to join the OSS, the wartime spy organization that preceded the CIA. First in Washington and then in London, some of the most closely-held government secrets passed through her hands. In 1944, on leave from duty in liberated Paris, she was captured by the Nazis after accidentally crossing the front lines. Subjected to repeated interrogations, her toughness averted a potential intelligence disaster. Moved from city to city throughout Germany, including a stay in Berlin, she was able to witness the collapse of Hitler's Reich as no other American did, until the day she escaped into Switzerland. A Guest of the Reich is a propulsive, heart-racing account of a little-known chapter in the story of the Second World War, and an irresistible portrait of a truly extraordinary woman. Event is free.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Friday, 27 September 2019, 1-3pm – Washington, DC – Lara Prescott: The Secrets We Kept – at the International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is holding an in-store book signing of The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott. Lara Prescott received her MFA from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas, Austin. She was previously an animal protection advocate and a political campaign operative. Her stories have appeared in The Southern Review, The Hudson Review, Crazyhorse, Day One, and Tin House Flash Fridays. She won the 2016 Crazyhorse Fiction Prize for the first chapter of The Secrets We Kept. She lives in Austin, Texas.
Book Description: At the height of the Cold War, two secretaries are pulled out of the typing pool at the CIA and given the assignment of a lifetime. Their mission: to smuggle Doctor Zhivago out of the USSR, where no one dare publish it, and help Pasternak's magnum opus make its way into print around the world. Glamorous and sophisticated Sally Forrester is a seasoned spy who has honed her gift for deceit all over the world--using her magnetism and charm to pry secrets out of powerful men. Irina is a complete novice, and under Sally's tutelage quickly learns how to blend in, make drops, and invisibly ferry classified documents. A thrilling tale of secretaries turned spies, of love and duty, and of sacrifice―inspired by the true story of the CIA plot to infiltrate the hearts and minds of Soviet Russia, not with propaganda, but with the greatest love story of the twentieth century: Doctor Zhivago. Event is free.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
2019 CAE Virtual Career Fair
This year the Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in
Cybersecurity is hosting the third annual CAE Virtual Career Fair
(VCF) 27 September 2019... Read More
October 2019
Tuesday, 1 October 2019, 6 to 7:30 p.m. – Washington, DC – The Media and Intelligence Accountability— The Public's "Right to Know" or "Need to Know"? at the Catholic University of America
The U.S. Intelligence Community's responsibility to protect our country requires it to wield powerful capabilities that many fear could violate the rights of U.S. citizens. To ensure that U.S. intelligence agencies are accountable to the American people, they are subject to formal mechanisms of oversight, especially the designated congressional intelligence committees.
The Intelligence Studies Program of the Catholic University of America is pleased to host this panel discussion to explore the additional role that the media plays in keeping U.S. intelligence accountable. Joining us are four journalists with extensive experience reporting on national security: Julian Barnes of the New York Times, Ellen Nakashima and Peter Finn of the Washington Post, and Steve Coll, the dean of Columbia University's School of Journalism and a former correspondent for the Washington Post. Issues to be discussed include: Is the "public's right to know" a blanket justification to reveal any secret a journalist might discover, or are there limits? On what basis do members of the media judge that information ought to be shared with—or withheld from—the public? Former CIA officer and staff historian Nicholas Dujmovic, the founding director of the university's intelligence program, will moderate the discussion.
A reception will follow the event.
Event location: Heritage Hall (Father O'Connell Hall), in the Catholic University of America, 597-599 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064.
There is no fee to attend. RSVP here. More information here. For questions or accommodations, please contact ihe@cua.edu.
Wednesday, 2 October 2019, 6 - 8 pm - Washington, DC - Mother, Daughter, Sister, SPY - a panel at The International Spy Museum
The Spy Museum is hosting a signature event, the annual Mother Daughter, Sister, Spy panel. The moderator will be Washington Post national security reporter Ellen Nakashima and panelists will include: The Honorable Mary Beth Long, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Former Chair of NATO's High-Level Group (HLG); Melissa Mahle, Former U.S. intelligence officer and expert on the Middle East and counterterrorism, SPY Advisory Board Member; Jonna Hiestand Mendez, Former Chief of Disguise in the CIA's Office of Technical Service, SPY Founding Board Member; Farhana Qazi, Author of Secrets of the Kashmir Valley and Invisible Martyrs: Inside the Secret World of Islamic Female Radicals, Adjunct Faculty in The Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University; Lena Sisco, Former Department of Defense (DoD) certified military interrogator and Naval Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Officer. Tickets for the general public: $115 per person. Register here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Wednesday, 2 October 2019, 7:30 to 8:45 pm - McLean, VA - Bill Gertz on "Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy" at The Westminster Institute
The United States' approach to China since the Communist regime in Beijing began the period of reform and opening in the 1980s was based on a promise that trade and engagement with China would result in a peaceful, democratic state.
Forty years later the hope of producing a benign People's Republic of China has evaporated. The Communist Party of China deceived the West into believing that its system and the Party-ruled People's Liberation Army were peaceful and posed no threat. In fact, these misguided policies produced the emergence of a 21st century challenge that may be as dangerous to the United States and its allies as the Soviet Union was. How can it meet this challenge?
Bill Gertz, national security columnist, The Washington Times, is author of seven books, including Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11 and The China Threat: How the People's Republic Targets America.
Where: Westminster Institute, 6729 Curran St, McLean, VA 22101. Reception at 7 pm
No charge to attend.
To register, do so here.
Thursday, 3 October 2019, 5-8pm – Washington, DC – Educator Night Out – at the International Spy Museum
Enjoy an evening at the new International Spy Museum where the red carpet will be rolled out just for teachers! Gain exclusive access to the brand new exhibits, bring your A-game to compete in a Museum-wide scavenger hunt, collect useful curriculum materials and resources to spice up…or shake up your teaching, relax with a signature martini – the Teachertini, and some quick bites to eat and who knows…you might just meet a real spy! Please Note: This event is open to K-12 classroom and resource teachers only. This is a 21+ event and a valid Teacher ID is required. Event is free but RSVP is required here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Tuesday, 8 October 2019, 11 a.m. - Ponte Vedra Beach, FL - The "Bill Webb" North Florida Chapter hosts LTG Hagenbeck on "A Career in Afghanistan."
Our guest speaker will be LTG Buster Hagenbeck, US Army Retired. Buster will be discussing his career, Afghanistan, and other relevant topics. Buster is the chairman of the World Affairs Council of Jacksonville and has a distinguished career in the US Army.
Location: The Plantation, 101 Plantation Dr, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. Reservations are required. Please contact Ken Meyer to RSVP.
Wednesday, 9 October 2019, 11:30 am - Albuquerque, NM - AFIO New Mexico Chapter hears Tom Dyble on "Chaos in Cairo: Arab Spring in Egypt."
Mr. Tom Dyble will do a presentation to the AFIO New Mexico Chapter on "Chaos in Cairo: Arab Spring in Egypt" based on David D. Kirkpatrick's book Into the Hands of the Soldiers: Freedom and Chaos in Egypt and the Middle East.
Location of event: "The Egg & I" restaurant at 6909 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, (505) 888-3447. [On Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's]
Fee to attend: Meeting is Free.
Timing: 11 a.m. (Arrive, Order Lunch - available at separate cost), 11:30 a.m. (Call To Order), 1 p.m. (Adjourn)
Our meetings are normally open to present and former members of Federal, Military (uniformed and civilian), State and Local Agencies, and selective others who support the Intelligence Community.
If you desire further information, please contact one of the following:
Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963, e-mail: President@afionm.org
Tom Dyble - Phone: 505-299-3242, e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
Friday, 11 October 2019 - Arlington, VA - Annual General Membership and Board of Directors Meeting for NIP
The 2019 NIP Fall Luncheon and Annual General Membership and Board Meeting will be held at the stately Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, VA. The ANCC is near Suitland, MD with spectacular views of the Capitol and abundant free valet parking.
The guest speaker will be VADM Matthew Kohler, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare and 67th Director of Naval Intelligence.
Online registration is available for those ready to pay by credit card. To register use this link.
Saturday, 12 October 2019, 10am - 3pm - Dedham, MA - AFIO New England hosts Membership Business Meeting, Speaker, and Discussions
The AFIONE meeting schedule is as follows: Registration & Gathering, 1000 ― 1030; Membership meeting 1030 ― 1045; Morning Discussion Session 1045 to 1200; Luncheon at 1200 - 1300. The Morning session will be open discussion. Our afternoon speaker will be from 1300 ― 1430 with adjournment by 1500. The Morning session will cover various business-related items, general discussion regarding recent events of interest to the membership and a presentation by one of our members.
Full details when available.
LOCATION: The AFIONE chapter meeting will be held at the MIT Endicott House in Dedham Mass. Their website is here. Address is: 80 Haven Street, Dedham, MA 02026. Should you elect to stay at the Endicott House, Mike Assad has arranged a room rate of $140.00. Please mention AFIO/NE and Mike Assad when you make your reservation.
For additional information contact us at afionechapter@gmail.com
Reservations are $25.00 per person. Emails regarding your plans to attend will be accepted if you are late meeting the deadline. These must be sent to Sarah Moore no later than 7 days prior to the event. Paid in advance the cost of the luncheon is $25 per person.
Mail name of attendee and any guests to: AFIO/NE, Sarah Moore, PO Box 1203, Orange, CT 06477.
Monday, 14 October 2019, 5 - 8 pm - Dallas, TX - Come to Formational Meeting of Proposed AFIO DFW (Texas) Chapter
Come to this formational meeting for a proposed Dallas-Fort Worth AFIO Chapter.
We shall be meeting 5 - 8 p.m. on Monday, Columbus Day, 14 October at the Roy Stanley Masonic Lodge #1367, 9225 Ferguson Rd, Dallas, TX 75228. This is located just east of Buckner Blvd near White Rock Lake.
For reasons of security, participation is restricted to current AFIO members and their spouses. No invitees this time around. No evening meals are provided though refreshments are available.
In consideration of distance and travel time for some of our Ft. Worth-Granbury-Burleson members, and for any others who may be delayed for reasons of employment or other obligations, you are welcome to arrive when you can and depart when you must. No problem.
This is our first meet 'n greet. There will be good camaraderie knowing we are among confreres, many of whom have shared common experiences in ways not usually lived by others. Several generations will intermingle, some still employed, some retirees.
I suspect there will be a meeting of persons with friends in common and/or swapping stories of who, when, where and what ever happened to...followed by each person introducing him/herself to the group for 10 minutes or so. Q&A after all finished. The whole experience will produce a convivial atmosphere, excellent for first meeting which will be conducive for planning future meetings. As time goes by I may lean on each of you for suggestions and introductions to qualified speakers whom you know or otherwise have high regard for and to other meeting sites that may be available to us at no charge,
Some have already advised of their attendance at meeting. I welcome confirmation from all. Others with questions, requests, advice or regrets may call, text or email me at any time. I am looking forward to a sizeable turnout. No one will be disappointed. We are all among friends. Make the effort to attend.
Our vision of the future is what distinguishes us: to become one of the more significant AFIO Chapters nationwide by providing a podium to informed speakers in matters of intelligence to air their message; and there are many in the DFW area whose knowledge, talent and experience we will tap. We will grow slowly, are not yet funded or even officially a Chapter, but we'll make it happen. Good luck to all of us.
Please RSVP to organizer Arthur Hochberg arthurhochberg@hotmail.com or call him at 214-952-7988
Tuesday, 15 October - Wednesday, 16 October 2019, 4:30 - 6 pm - Washington, DC - IWP's Asian Initiative lecture series – a two-day event – "Lessons Learned: The Inter-Korean Dialogue and The Hanoi Summit"
AFIO Members are invited to the inaugural presentation of IWP's Asian Initiative lecture series – a two-day event – "Lessons Learned: The Inter-Korean Dialogue and The Hanoi Summit."
15 October, 4:30 - 6 pm: Lessons Learned: The Inter-Korean Dialogue and Path Forward with Gen. Kim Dong-shin, South Korea Minister of National Defense (ret.)
16 October, 4:30 - 6 pm: US-NK Relations: The Post-Hanoi Summit with a senior policy panel, to include:
- Gen. Kim Dong-shin, former ROK Minister of National Defense
- Gen. John Tilelli, Jr, former Commander in Chief, United Nations Command, ROK
- Dr. Victor Cha, Senior Adviser and holder of the Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Mr. Bruce Klingner, Senior Research Fellow for Northeast Asia, The Heritage Foundation
- Prof. John Sano, IWP Professor, and former Deputy Director, CIA's National Clandestine Service
* Both events will be off the record.
About the Lecture and Panel Presentation: North Korea remains a highly critical foreign policy and intelligence issue for not just the U.S., but for the international community as well. A new, relatively untested leader with a burgeoning weapons inventory – both nuclear and conventional, and a penchant for unpredictability, Kim Jong-un represents both an enigma and an unprecedented dilemma. From what appeared to be a relatively promising first ever meeting between a North Korean leader and a sitting U.S. President in Singapore to a disappointing sequence of events in Hanoi, the current situation on the Korean peninsula remains potentially extremely volatile.
About the Speaker and Panel Members: On 15 October, former ROK Minister of National Defense, Gen. Kim Dong-shin will present a lecture based on his significant experiences as part of the national leadership during the myriad inter-Korean dialogue as well as his assessment as to the path forward in addressing what is undoubtedly one of the most pressing national security and foreign policy issues of our time.
On 16 October, panel members in addition to Gen. Kim, include Gen. John Tilelli, Jr., former Commander in Chief of the United Nations Command, and concurrently Commander of U.S. Combined Forces, and U.S. Forces Korea; Dr. Victor Cha, former Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and currently a senior advisor and holder of the Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Mr. Bruce Klingner, former CIA Deputy Director for Korea analysis and currently the senior research fellow for Northeast Asia at The Heritage Foundation's Asian Studies Center.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, D.C. Parking.
More information is here.
RSVP here.
Tuesday, 15 October 2019, 1-4pm – Washington, DC – Eric Lichtblau: Return to the Reich– at the International Spy Museum
Meet at the International Spy Museum for an in-store book signing of Return to the Reich by Eric Lichtblau. Eric Lichtblau, a two-time Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist, is the best-selling author of The Nazis Next Door and Bush's Law: The Remaking of American Justice. He was a Washington reporter for the New York Times for fifteen years, while also writing for the Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, TIME, and other publications. He has been a frequent guest on NPR, MSNBC, C-SPAN, and other networks, as well as a speaker at many universities and institutions. He lives outside Washington, D.C.
Book Description: forthcoming
Event is free. More about event is here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Wednesday, 16 October 2019, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Laurel, MD - NCMF 2019 Membership Meeting
The 2019 NCMF General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium will be held from 9am to 3pm on 16 October 2019 at the JHU/APL Kossiakoff Center, 11100 John Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723-6099. See below for a snapshot of the program and stay tuned for more details. Registration is open now. We hope you will please share information about our upcoming program with friends, colleagues, and related communities.
The NCMF symposium this year will feature an exposé of Soviet and Russian active measures to engage in political warfare and to conduct espionage against the U.S. and others using close access and other means. Among the speakers are Dr. John Lenczowski, Dr. Terry Thompson, Dr Eric Haseltine, Charles Gandy, Jerry Roddy, and James Gosler, all of whom were directly involved in working to thwart these security threats. In addition, the program includes information about NCMF and museum activities as well as an update on the new museum project.
Fee includes breakfast (8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.) and lunch (Noon - 1:00 p.m.). $25 Members, $50 Guests (includes 1 year NCMF membership). Deadline to register is 11 October. NSA/CSS and NCMF Program and Registration Fill-n-Print Forms.
***CCH Symposium 2019 (see next event below) - Remember, this year the Symposium on Cryptologic History will take place on 17-18 October and registration for this event is separate from the NCMF program. Please consider registering for both events and enjoying 3 full days of cryptology and cybersecurity. See the NCMF event calendar and Educate section for information about the CCH Symposium.
Additional information or questions can be handled at NCMF Office at cryptmf@aol.com or call 301-688-5436. NSA/CSS and NCMF Program and Registration Fill-n-Print Forms.
Thursday-Friday, 17 - 18 October 2019 - Laurel, MD - 2019 Symposium on Cryptologic History - The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) and the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation
The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) and the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation invite proposals for the 2019 Symposium on Cryptologic History. The Symposium will be held on October 17-18, 2019 at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory's Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, MD. The theme of the 2019 Symposium is "From Discovery to Discourse."
The theme for the 2019 Symposium on Cryptologic History is "From Discovery to Discourse." Since 1990, the Symposium on Cryptologic History has served as an opportunity to present historical discoveries found in unclassified and declassified Intelligence Community records and engage in scholarly discussion about their significance to cryptologic history. The 2019 Symposium program offers over 20 educational sessions led by over 65 speakers. Topics include cryptologic history related to World War I and II, the Cold War, communications security, cyberspace and technology, international and diplomatic relations, counterintelligence and espionage, declassification and public engagement, and more. .
REGISTRATION INFO: The registration rate is $70/day ($140 for the full program). The student rate is $35/day ($70 for the full program). Registration includes a light continental breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks. Sessions on Saturday, October 19th are free for those who register for one, or both, days at the Kossiakoff Center. For registration questions, contact the NCMF at crypt@cryptologicfoundation.org or 301-688-5436.
*** Registration will close on Friday October 11, 2019. No refunds for cancellations will be issued after Monday October 14, 2019.
Thursday, 17 October 2019, 6:30pm – Washington, DC – Life Undercover: An Evening with Amaryllis Fox – at the International Spy Museum
Amaryllis Fox spent ten years in the clandestine operations unit of the CIA, hunting the world's most dangerous terrorists. Fox was in her last year as an undergraduate at Oxford when her writing mentor Daniel Pearl was captured and beheaded. Galvanized by this brutality, Fox applied to Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, where she created an algorithm that predicted, with uncanny certainty, the likelihood of a terrorist cell arising in any village around the world. At 21, she was recruited by the CIA. At 22, she was fast-tracked into advanced operations training, sent from Langley to "the Farm," learning how to use a Glock, how to get out of flexicuffs while locked in the trunk of a car, how to withstand torture, and the best ways to commit suicide in case of captivity. At the end of this training she was deployed as a spy under non-official cover as an art dealer specializing in tribal and indigenous art and sent to infiltrate terrorist networks in remote areas of the Middle East and Asia. Join Fox this evening as she discusses her ten years in the CIA clandestine service and launches her riveting new memoir Life Undercover: Coming of Age in the CIA. Life Undercover will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for the general public: $15 (or $35 including book); tickets for Spy Museum members: $10 (or $30 including book). To register to attend, do so here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
19 October 2019, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Hosts Robert Cekuta, Former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, discussing "Oil, Gas, Russia, Iran, and America."
Former U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan Robert Cekuta will explore "Oil, Gas, Russia, Iran and America" at this AFIO Maine meeting.
The only country in the world to border both Russia and Iran, Azerbaijan is important to the US in terms of oil and natural gas for European and global energy security, as a means for NATO access to Afghanistan as well as for commerce between Europe, China, and South Asia. Current policy concerns in the region for the US include China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, the changes in Turkey's foreign relations, transnational criminal activity and terrorism.
This is the latest in a series of discussions relating to the importance of Intelligence in current public affairs. This chapter meeting is open to the public, and will begin at 2 p.m. at the Program Center of the Brick Store Museum, 4 Dane St., Kennebunk. A question period will follow the presentation.
No registration is required.
Sunday/Monday, 20-21 October 2019 – Washington, DC – North American Society for Intelligence History Inaugural Conference – at the International Spy Museum
Want to rub shoulders with intelligence historians and intelligence scholar/practitioners from around the world? Want to hear about their cutting-edge research much of which underpins the new International Spy Museum exhibitions? Want to meet the authors of some of your favorite books about espionage and intelligence? Then come to the inaugural conference of the North American Society for Intelligence History (NASIH). This extravaganza includes eleven panels on the international history of espionage and counterespionage, disinformation, intelligence in popular culture, signals and cyber intelligence, covert action, counterterrorism, intelligence analysis, intelligence in wartime, and much more. Conference attendees will have access to the Museum's exhibits with their conference badge and will be eligible to sign up for guided tours by the Museum's curatorial staff. Tickets: $100 in advance; $150 at the door; $50 for students. To register, do so here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Friday, 25 October 2019, 6:30pm – Virginia Hall: A Woman of No Importance? – at the International Spy Museum
Virginia Hall was a trailblazing spy. She didn't let a hunting accident which robbed her of a leg slow her down. A Baltimorean with an interest in foreign languages and the gumption to overcome obstacles both physical and cultural, Hall operated courageously behind enemy lines in occupied France during World War II. She coordinated French Resistance efforts and put her life on the line first as an agent for the English Special Operations Executive and then with the US Office of Strategic Services. Award-winning author Sonia Purnell's new book A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II takes a fresh look at Hall's espionage activities and how they changed the course of the conflict. And who better to interview Purnell about Virginia Hall than another trailblazing spy: Jonna Mendez, former CIA chief of disguise and co-author of Moscow Rules. Guests will have a chance to see some Virginia Hall artifacts from the Museum's collection. New York Times bestseller A Woman of No Importance and Moscow Rules by Jonna Mendez will be available for sale and signing at the event. Tickets for the general public: $15 (or $35 including book); tickets for Spy Museum members: $10 (or $30 including book). To register, do so here.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798
Monday, 28 October 2019, 6-8:30 pm - Alexandria, VA - "The Dark Side of Paradise: Odd and Intriguing Stories from Vero Beach" by former DDCI Richard Kerr
Members are invited to an author talk with former Deputy DCI Richard "Dick" Kerr as he discusses his new book, The Dark Side of Paradise: Odd and Intriguing Stories from Vero Beach (Rand-Smith, May 2019). Dick's son, Peter Robert, will have books available for purchase on site for $16 (cash or check).
LOCATION: Union Street Public House, 121 South Union St, Alexandria, VA 22314
COST: $30. Includes light refreshments.
This event is sponsored by the NIU (National Intelligence University) Foundation and Alumni Association.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019 - Beaverton OR - The AFIO Columbia River (OR) Chapter hosts Prof Tung Yin on "FISA and the Constitution."
Professor Tung Yin from the Lewis and Clark School of Law at Lewis and Clark College will be speaking on "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance and the Constitution" discussing the origin of FISA and its development after 9/11.
The Columbia River Chapter of AFIO's website goes live at the end of October at https://afiocr.org/. Under the "For Students" tab there are two things that link back to AFIO materials.
Kudo's to chapter Secretary-Treasurer John Roberts who took the whole thing from a set of powerpoint slides into a working website.
LOCATION: This unclassified program will be held in the Fab-15 Auditorium, Intel Aloha Campus, 3585 SW 198th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97078.
REGISTRATION: AFIO members and others are invited to attend. Current AFIO membership is not required. The event is free of charge with ample parking.
The content of this presentation is provided by the author and nothing therein should be construed to represent the positions of the United States Government or AFIO
For additional information contact Carl Wege at twege@ccga.edu or 912-222-8640.
Tuesday, 31 October 2019, 1-4pm – Washington, DC – Meet an F-4 Pilot: Mark Hewitt – at the International Spy Museum
Meet at the Spy Museum Store to be introduced to an F-4 pilot. Mark A. Hewitt has always had a fascination with spyplanes and the intelligence community's development and use of aircraft. He flew F-4s in the Marine Corps and served as Director of Maintenance with the Border Patrol and the Air Force, as was an Associate Professor for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is the author of Special Access, Shoot Down, No Need to Know, and his latest, Blown Cover. His novels have been approved by the CIA Publication Review Board.
Book Description: When a stolen CIA file is released to the public, America learns that their President is not the man he claims to be. Three years after being chased from office, the former president discovers the identity of the man who released his secret file. The ex-President begins to exact revenge while plotting his return to power. A fatwa makes CIA pilot Duncan Hunter the most wanted man in America. Then an airliner disappears over the Pacific Ocean. The new President gives the CIA two time-sensitive missions: find and eliminate his traitorous predecessor, and stop a self-radicalized computer scientist before another airliner goes missing. Duncan Hunter is in the race of his life to stop a jumbo jet from crashing. The CIA believes they have finally located the former president. All roads lead to Dubai where a showdown between good and evil begins on the top floor of the world's tallest building. Event is free. No registration required.
Event location: The International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Washington DC 20024 202.393.7798.
31 October 2019, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Tyson Corner, VA - The Pinnacle Awards 2019 hosted by Mike Rogers
WashingtonExec Pinnacle Awards 2019, presented by Bloomberg Government, will be hosted by AFIO Board Member Mike Rogers, former Congressman and Host of CNN's "Declassified."
Before an audience of over 300 GovCon leaders and influencers, WashingtonExec in November announced the winners of the inaugural Pinnacle Awards — not an easy feat as the judges had received 125 impressive nominations spanning several categories.
Of the many finalists for the awards, of interest to AFIO are these categories: Cybersecurity Government Executive of the Year; Cybersecurity Industry Executive of the Year; Intelligence Government Executive of the Year; Intelligence Industry Executive of the Year; National Security/DHS Industry Executive of the Year; and STEM Advocate of the Year.
To meet the finalists and all the guests and hosts, attend the event at The Ritz-Carlton, 1700 Tysons Blvd, McLean, VA 22102.
November 2019
1 November 2019, 10:30 am - 2 pm - Tysons, VA - This final AFIO luncheon of 2019. Event features Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, co-author of (with Tony Mendez, and Matt Baglio) The Moscow Rules: The Secret CIA Tactics That Helped America Win the Cold War, and Vince Houghton PhD, Spy Museum Historian, discussing his just released The Nuclear Spies: America's Atomic Intelligence Operation against Hitler and Stalin.
Jonna Mendez's presentation starts at 11 a.m. Mendez (Spy Dust: Two Masters of Disguise Reveal the Tools and Operations That Helped Win the Cold War), share (with late husband Tony Mendez) their experiences as spies in Moscow during the height of the Cold War in the mid-1980s. The authors begin with the initial list of "the Moscow Rules" and continue to discuss briefly the current state of affairs in Russia under Vladimir Putin, and how they interfered with the 2016 U.S. election.
Vince Houghton PhD, historian and curator of the International Spy Museum, makes his presentation at 1 p.m. on The Nuclear Spies: America's Atomic Intelligence Operation against Hitler and Stalin. He asks why did the US intelligence services fail so spectacularly to know about the Soviet Union's nuclear capabilities following WWII? The Manhattan Project's intelligence team had penetrated the Third Reich and knew every detail of the Nazi 's plan for an atomic bomb. What changed and what went wrong?
Venue: DoubleTree by Hilton, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons Corner, VA 22182 Phone: (703) 893-2100. Directions at this link.
MENU: BEEF — Beef Burgundy - Tender Flank Steak Slow Cooked with Mushrooms, Carrots and Onions Served Over Buttered Egg Noodles—
CHICKEN — Roulade of Chicken - Seared Chicken Stuffed with Cornbread, Cranberries and Apples with a Port Wine Demi Accompanied with Seasonal Vegetables and Wild Rice Pilaf
VEGETARIAN — Wild Mushroom & Fennel Ravioli - With Seasonal Vegetable Medley in a Fennel Broth
Dessert - Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream & Cinnamon
Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 6 - 10:30 pm - Washington, DC - Michael Morell and Jill Singer, Co-Chairs, invite you to The Honorable William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award Dinner at the International Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum is proud to announce the keynote speaker for the Museum's annual dinner will be The Honorable George J. Tenet, former Director of Central Intelligence.
As one of longest serving and most influential CIA directors in history, DCI Tenet shares the unique perspective of intelligence in action at the highest level. He will share his experiences and long-standing relationship with this year's Webster Service Awardee, General Michael V. Hayden (Ret.), former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award Dinner will take place at the new home of the International Spy Museum in L'Enfant Plaza. On this special evening, more than 500 attendees will gather to recognize the men and women who have served in the field of National Security with integrity and distinction.
Each year, The Honorable William H. Webster Distinguished Service Award is given to an individual who has embodied the values of our esteemed friend, mentor, and leader — Judge William H. Webster. This year's honoree is someone known for his invaluable service and contributions to the Intelligence Community, someone that has worked from the ground up and has been both a provider and consumer of intelligence with more than 20 years of experience. It is with great pride that we announce the 2019 honoree is General Michael V. Hayden, former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
AWARD DINNER CO-CHAIRS: Mr. Michael Morell, Senior Counselor, Beacon Global Strategies and Former Deputy Director and former Acting Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Ms. Jill Singer, Vice President, National Security, AT&T Public Sector & Wholesale; Former Chief Information Officer, National Reconnaissance Office.
Tickets range from $495 to $15,000. Explore your registration options here.
This event is closed to media.
Event location: The New International Spy Museum, 700 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024. Directions here.
Saturday, 9 November 2019, 11:30am - 2pm - Indialantic, FL - Rudy Enders on 1961 Bay of Pigs Operations - at this Florida Satellite Chapter meeting
Guest Speaker is AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter Member Rudy Enders.
American efforts to disable or overthrow the Castro regime in Cuba did not end with the failed Bay of Pigs operation in 1961. CIA was tasked by the National Security Council Special Group to continue infiltrating Cuban exile teams into Cuba to recruit, organize and train indigenous forces to wage a guerilla warfare campaign designed to overthrow the communist government. This led to a number of covert CIA maritime operations to insert teams and resupply them, with the hand of the US government hidden or plausibly denied. Our speaker will relate his experience in the conduct of at least one of these operations.
TIMING: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM: Social Hour, greet old, new members and guests. Cash bar. 12:15 PM: Sit-Down lunch
LOCATION: Doubletree Melbourne Beach Oceanfront, 1665 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, FL 32903
FOOD CHOICES: Chicken Francese, chicken breast sautéed in a buttery lemon and wine sauce (C); Chef's Choice of either Pasta Marinara or Pasta Primavera. (P); Vegetables, dessert, coffee and iced tea included. Costs are $32 members, $36 non-members.
TO ATTEND: Prepaid reservations are required which must be received by 5 November 2019. To reserve, send food choices and names of self+guests with send check, payable to AFIO FSC, to: Chapter Treasurer Rhonda Rhoads, P.O Box 410158, Melbourne, FL 32941.
Rhonda can also be reached at afiofsctreas@gmail.com and at 321 626 -4465.
Paid, advance registration is required and none will be accepted after November 5.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019, 1130 - Albuquerque, NM - AFIO New Mexico Chapter hears Tom Dyble on "Part II -- Chaos in Cairo - Arab Spring in Egypt"
Speaker Tom Dyble will provide Part 2 of his presentation on "Chaos in Cairo: Arab Spring in Egypt" based on David D. Kirkpatrick's book "Into the Hands of the Soldiers: Freedom and Chaos in Egypt and the Middle East".
Location of event: "Sunnyside Up Cafe" formerly the "The Egg & I" restaurant on Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's.
6909 Menaul Boulevard Northeast, Albuquerque, NM 87110, (505) 888-3447
Fee to attend: Meeting is Free.
11:00 AM (Arrive, Order Lunch - available at separate cost), 11:30 AM (Call To Order), 1:00 PM (Adjourn)
Our meetings are normally open to present and former members of Federal, Military (uniformed and civilian), State and Local Agencies and selective others who support the Intelligence Community.
If you desire further information, please contact one of the following:
Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963 e-mail: President@afionm.org
Tom Dyble - Phone: 505-299-3242 e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
Wednesday, 13 November 2019, 11:30 a.m. no-host cocktails; 12 noon - San Francisco, CA - The "Andre Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Dr. Matthew Brazil on Beijing's Spy Apparatus
Dr. Matthew Brazil, a non-resident Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation, worked in Asia for over 20 years as a U.S. Army officer, American diplomat, and corporate security manager. He is the co-author of Chinese Communist Espionage: An Intelligence Primer (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, Nov 2019)
Hitherto, almost all writings about Beijing's espionage and influence operations have focused on individual cases that shed little light on the actual nature of their organs of state security. Dr. Brazil will speak about how he and his co-author researched original sources in Chinese and unearthed new insights into Beijing's most secret operations at home and abroad.
RSVP: Your registration via Eventbrite may be quickly completed here.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - "Agents of Influence" by Henry Hemming at the International Spy Museum
When we talk about outside influence and "fake news" tactics in today's politics, it's surprising to be reminded that foreign intervention in American policy is hardly new. As World War II raged into its second year, Britain sought a powerful ally to join its cause—but the American public was sharply divided on the subject. Canadian-born MI6 officer William Stephenson, with his knowledge and influence in North America, was charged with changing US opinion by any means necessary. Join Henry Hemming, author of Agents of Influence: A British Campaign, a Canadian Spy, and the Secret Plot to Bring America into World War II, as he shares Stephenson's ingenious propaganda efforts from forging documents to thwarting the anti-war "America First" movement.
Agents of Influence will be available for sale and signing at the event.
Tickets: $10 | Members: FREE! Buy tickets here.
Tuesday, 19 November 2019,
1 - 5:30 p.m. with reception to follow - Boston, MA -
This Boston University Event is sponsored by The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, the BU Police Department & the Metropolitan College of Applied Social Sciences
DNA has been used for criminal justice purposes since the 1980s but current DNA methods are slow and some labs are backlogged by years. The recent development of Rapid DNA has reduced processing time from months to minutes, increasing expediency and accuracy. Leam more about this cutting edge technology with transformational global implications.
Speakers include:
• Ed Davis, Former Boston Police Commissioner,
• John Boyd, Office of Biometric Identity Management, Department of Homeland Security,
• Richard Seiden, M.D., Ph.D., Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, ANDE Corp.
A panel of subject matter experts including:
• Prof. Robin Cotton, Ph.D., Director, Biomedical Forensic Science, BU School of Medicine.
The conference chair is Prof. John Woodward, J.D., Pardee School.
Event Location: Barrister's Hall, BU School of Law, 765 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA
There is no conference fee but you must RSVP to: Ms. Madison Sargeant msrgnt@bu.edu
Thursday, 21 November 2019, 11:30 a.m. - Colorado Springs, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Edin Mujkic, discussing "The Balkans: A Joker in Putin's Sleeve"
Synopsis: This presentation by Edin Mujkic discusses Russian interference in Balkan politics, the American and European role in the Balkans, as well as the potential for escalation of the situation toward violence. From interference in the United States domestic politics to support of some of the most brutal regimes in the world, Russia is again the focus of attention. Whether it is media attention, or attention of intelligence and national security professionals, there is a consensus that Vladimir Putin is engaged in a campaign of undermining the post-World War II international theater and generally the Western democracies. While attention where Putin's next move will be, is usually focused on the Baltics or the Middle East, the situation in the Balkans is not generating much attention. The Balkans, always on the periphery of European politics, until it explodes, is fertile ground for Vladimir Putin to exploit its weaknesses and complicate European and world affairs. The political quagmire in Bosnia and Herzegovina that does not have a government since elections in the Fall of 2018, relations between Serbia and Kosovo, the role of Croatia, a NATO member, in internal affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are not only exploited, but directly influenced by Moscow.
Biography: Edin Mujkic is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Affairs for University of Colorado Colorado Springs. He is also a UCCS Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Faculty Fellow for 2017-2018. Edin received his BA from Auburn University Montgomery, majored in Political Science, with a minor in Criminal Justice. Edin followed up his Bachelor's Degree with a Master's in International Relations (2008) and was a Prince Khalid bin Sultan fellow. Upon completing his Master's degree, Edin entered the Public Administration and Policy Ph.D. program at Auburn University graduating December 2012. While earning his PhD, Edin furthered his education studying Strategic Leadership and National Security at Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL. Edin is continuing his research focusing on national security, defense, homeland security and U.S. foreign policy.
For more information, please contact: steve13507@gmail.com
21-22 November 2019 - Phoenix, AZ - CAE in Cyber Security Annual Symposium
The CAE in Cyber Security Symposium is right around the corner! CAE is Centers of Academic Excellence. If your institution belongs to the CAE-CD, CAE-2Y, CAE-R, or CAE-CO Program, you are eligible to participate. Details to follow several months from now.
Direct your questions to info@caecommunity.org.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019, 7 - 8:45 pm - McLean, VA - How Terrorist Groups End - Dr Christopher Harmon at the Westminster Institute
Dr. Christopher C. Harmon is the Donald Bren Chair of Great Power Competition at Marine Corps University, where he teaches at schools such as Command and Staff College and the School of Advanced Warfighting.
Some terrorist campaigns are short; some last for decades. Most terrorist campaigns do end....but how? The answers not only reveal much about a given terrorist group, they also aid us in identifying good strategies for countering such political violence. Dr. Harmon's work -- from a 2004 think tank report to lectures at the National Counter-Terrorism Center and Interpol headquarters -- has focused on five results: defeat of the terrorists by force; arrest or killing of the leader(s); terrorism's turn up a pacific political path; defeat via good grand strategy including law enforcement; and terrorist success. His lecture will address a dozen important modern groups of varied ideologies and will include Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Long ago stirred by the question of this evening's topic, Dr. Harmon created a rubric and concept of analysis, articulated in many publications from 2004 through 2010, including a book chapter for Cambridge University Press in early 2006. He is lead author or editor of six books, including A Citizen's Guide to Terrorism & Counterterrorism, Toward A Grand Strategy Against Terrorism, and The Terrorist Argument. The latter book's thesis was presented at a Westminster Institute lecture in December, 2017 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q8U7T1vJcw).
Harmon's most recent essays are in Combating Terrorism Exchange, the geopolitical journal Orbis, and Oxford Bibliographies.
Dr. Harmon wrote his political science dissertation on terrorism in the early 1980s at the Claremont Graduate School in California, where he had also earned his M.A. He continued that work as Legislative Aide for Foreign Policy to a member of Congress and, much later, director of counterterrorism studies programs in Asia and Europe for the U.S. government. A professor at civilian and military graduate schools, including the Naval War College, Dr. Harmon has also taught courses at The Institute of World Politics on terrorism and on counterterrorism.
No fee. Register Now
Reception at 7:00 pm; Dr Harmon at 7:30.
Where: The American Legion, 1355 Balls Hill Rd, McLean, VA
Questions: Contact Robert R. Reilly, Director, The Westminster Institute, 703-288-2885 or at br@westminster-institute.org
December 2019
Wednesday 4 December 2019, 5:30 p.m. - New York, NY - AFIO NY Metro Chapter hosts CIA Officer (Ret) Dr. John A. Gentry discussing "IC Political Activism since 2016 -- Origins and Implications."
Partisan political activism by current and former intelligence officers since mid-2016 is the largest and most significant politicization of intelligence by intelligence officers in U.S. history. This presentation will explore the causes and the wholly negative consequences of this new form of politicization for the IC and the country.
Dr. John A. Gentry was for 12 years an intelligence analyst at the CIA, where he worked mainly economic issues associated with the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries; for two of those years he was senior analyst on the staff of the National Intelligence Officer for Warning. He is a retired U.S. Army Reserve officer, with most assignments in special operations and intelligence arenas. On active duty, he was executive officer of a special forces operational detachment. As a reservist, he was mobilized and spent much of 1996 as a civil affairs officer in Bosnia. Dr. Gentry also is an adjunct associate professor with the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. He formerly taught at the College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, at the National Intelligence University, and at George Mason University. His research interests primarily are in intelligence and security studies. He publishes frequently in Intelligence and National Security and International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence. Georgetown University Press published his co-authored book, Strategic Warning Intelligence: History, Challenges and Prospects, in early 2019. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence. He is adjunct professor at Georgetown University.
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St (between Park and Lexington), New York, NY 10065.
Timing: Registration starts at 5:30 pm, Speaker presentation starts at 6 pm. Fee: $50/person. Payment at the door only. Cash or check. Full dinner, cash bar.
RSVP: Strongly recommended that you RSVP to ensure space at event. Call or Email Chapter President Jerry Goodwin at afiometro@gmail.com or 646-717-3776.
Thursday, 5 December 2019, 12:30 - 2 pm - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO Los Angeles Chapter meeting features Dr John Gans discussing "White House Warriors: How the NSC Transformed the American Way of War."
Dr. John Gans will be the guest speaker for the Los Angeles Chapter of AFIO and discuss key topics of his newly published book White House Warriors: How the National Security Council Transformed the American Way of War, which covers the people and power of the National Security Council staff.
Gans is Perry World House's Director of Communications and Research. In addition to leading Perry World House's Graduate Associates program, he teaches Penn undergraduate and graduate students. Prior to joining Perry World House, he was the chief speechwriter to Secretary of Defense Ash Carter at the Pentagon. In addition to leading the writing team at the Defense Department, Gans served as senior speechwriter for Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew.
In 2019, Gans published White House Warriors: How the National Security Council Transformed the American Way of War, which the Wall Street Journal said was a "bottom-up history," The New Republic called "enlightening," and Lawfare concluded it was "rollicking and compellingly told." Gans earned his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies.
We look forward to your attendance. Please mark your calendar and your spouse or other guests are welcomed.
Event Location: 5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045. Map or Directions here.
Full refreshments served
RSVP: afio_LA@yahoo.com
Questions to Vincent Autiero, President, AFIO-Los Angeles Chapter, at afio_LA@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019, 11:30 am - 2 pm - MacDill AFB, FL - Florida Suncoast Chapter Meeting and Luncheon features Mark Aubin on The Scourge of Human Trafficking
Mark Aubin, licensed investigator and practicing attorney, speaks on the growing scourge of human trafficking and several cases he's personally pursued.
As of the end of last year, almost 11,000 human trafficking cases in the Untied States were reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, which provided resources and referrals to over 9,000 potential victims. Among all US states, Florida ranked third after California and Texas with 767 cases reported. The clear majority of cases involve adult women but about a third of trafficking cases involve minors.Traffickers compel victims to engage in commercial sex and to work in both legal and illicit industries, including in hospitality, traveling sales crews, agriculture, janitorial services, construction, restaurants, care for persons with disabilities, salon services, massage parlors, retail, fairs and carnivals, peddling and begging, drug smuggling and distribution, child care, and domestic work.
Top Gun Investigations in Tampa was established by Mark J. Aubin, a Licensed Investigator, Class "A" Investigative Agency owner and practicing Attorney at Law. Mark has more than 12 years of experience as a licensed Florida private investigator and over 19 years of experience a wide variety of legal disciplines including civil litigation,
criminal law, family law, contracts, bankruptcy, probate and all manner of general civil law. Mr. Aubin is also the Volunteer Legal Advisor for FALI, The Florida Association of Licensed Investigators, whichrepresents close to a thousand licensed investigators throughout the State of Florida.
To Attend: RSVP to the Chapter Secretary at michaels@suncoastafio.org, no later than noon Tuesday, 3 December, for yourself and any guests. You will receive a confirmation via email. If you do not get a confirmation, contact the Chapter Secretary.
FEE: $20 check per person payable to "Suncoast Chapter, AFIO" (or cash) at check-in to cover the luncheon. If you make a reservation, don't cancel and get a cancellation confirmation by the response deadline and then don't show up, you will be responsible for the cost of the luncheon.
Anyone with special AFIO Base Access should proceed to the Bayshore Gate. If you need directions, please let us know.
Note: Meal Alternatives Available
When you RSVP, you may indicate an alternate meal preference of a chef's salad, grilled vegetable plate or a fruit plate. You will receive a coupon when you check
in for your meal alternative-please remember to return your coupon when the meeting concludes.
Location: MacDill AFB Surf's Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Boulevard, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
Check-in starting at 1130 hours; Opening ceremonies, lunch and business meeting at noon, followed by our speaker.
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