as of April 2012 |
M. E. Spike BOWMAN, Capt., USN(Ret) - Chairman of AFIO's Board. He is a specialist in national security law and policy, was recently the Deputy, National Counterintelligence Executive [NCIX], part of the Office of the DNI. He previously served as Sr Research Fellow, National Defense University. Before that he served in the Senior Executive Service, FBI as Senior Counsel, National Security Law, and as Director, Intelligence Issues Group, National Security Branch. He retired from the FBI in 2006. Prior to the FBI he had an extensive Naval career which included assignments at NSA. Mr. Bowman has authored numerous articles on national security issues and is a frequent lecturer at conferences and universities both in the U.S. and abroad. He is a life member of AFIO. A graduate of Willamette University (B.A.), the University of Wisconsin (M.A.), the University of Idaho (J.D., cum laude) and George Washington University (LL.M., International and Comparative Law, summa).
Sarah L. BOTSAI, Ph.D. - Vice-Chairman of AFIO's Board. She was with the National Security Agency, Retired. Charter Member, Senior Cryptologic Executive Service. Deputy Director, White House Situation Room; Intelligence Community Staff; Cryptologic Advisor, USCINCPAC; Faculty, National War College. EDUCATION: PhD, American University, International Relations; National War College. OTHER: Editorial Board, Studies in Intelligence; Executive Committee, National Cryptologic Museum Foundation.
Stewart A. BAKER - a partner in Steptoe & Johnson, a law firm; is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Center for Strategic and International Studies and a Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution. He is author of Skating on Stilts: Why We Aren't Stopping Tomorrow's Terrorism. From 2005 to 2009, was first Asst Secretary for Policy at Dept of Homeland Security. Oversaw Department-wide policy analysis, international affairs, strategic planning, and relationships with private sector, advisory committees, and law enforcement. Involved in national security reviews of information technology transfers and in the effort to provide visa-free travel to Eastern European nations. Baker previously served as General Counsel, WMD Commission, investigating intelligence failures prior to Iraq war. Also was General Counsel of the NSA. Testified before government agencies/committees, including 9/11 commission.
C. Emerson COOPER - had a 30-year career as training specialist, instructor, and consultant for Western Electric and AT&T/Lucent. Retired 1989. Specialized in development of training materials and courses. Prior to AT&T served in U.S. Army, 1953-1955. Joined AFIO 1992 and served 3 years as President, AFIO Pacific Northwest Chapter. Received AFIO's Gen. Richard G. Stilwell Award, 1998. Developed first AFIO Handbook for new chapters. Serves as AFIO's VP of Chapters, responsible for guidance of chapters in organizational management and their charter directive to fulfill mission. Provides guidance and aid in establishing new chapters. Has been a regular donor and frequent participant in AFIO programs, has sponsored many new members, and gives extensive time to the needs of the Association in fulfilling volunteer and Board duties.
Christopher N. DARLINGTON - was with CIA 33 years, mainly with DO. Six overseas assignments, two as Chief of Station. Tours within DI and on IG Inspections staff. Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Africa in the National Intelligence Council, 1996-2000. Managed NIC Associates Program 2000-2007, designed to enhance cooperation between academia and the Intelligence Community. Recipient of the Career Intelligence Medal. MIA, International Affairs, Columbia University; BA, Slavic Languages and Literature, Harvard. Member of CIRA and DACOR. Experience in strategic analysis, outreach and organizational management with overseas experience on three continents.
Kenneth E. DeGRAFFENREID - is a Former Navy pilot, retired Captain, served as professional staff member on Senate Intelligence Committee in late 1970s. Became part of Reagan transition team in 1980. In 1981 served on NSC staff in Intelligence Directorate as Senior Director of Intelligence Programs. 1984-87 was Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Deputy NCIX ODNI (2004-2005). Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy (Policy Support) DoD (2001-2004). BA Purdue University (1967), MA Catholic University (1978). DoD Distinguished Civilian Service Award. DoD Exceptional Meritorious Civilian Service Medal. Professor of Intelligence Studies, Institute of World Politics, 1990 - present.
Martin C. FAGA - former USAF, CIA and Congressional Staff officer, a former President, Chief Executive Officer of the MITRE Corporation in McLean, Virginia, he is a current member of MITRE's Board of Trustees. Before joining MITRE in 1993, he served as the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space and Director of the National Reconnaissance Office. He holds a master's degree in electrical engineering from Lehigh University. He co-chaired the successful AFIO 2006 Symposium and served as co-chair of the 2007 Symposium. He has been a generous benefactor to AFIO through assistance with MITRE Corp membership and with symposium assistance.
Robert A. HARDING, MG USA(Ret) - is a Chief Executive Officer of his own high-tech firm: 33 years of military service included assignments as deputy to Army's Chief of Intelligence, director for operations in the DIA responsible for DoD Attaché System and the Defense Human Intelligence Service (DHS)-and as the Commander of the Army's only organization focused on homeland security. Most recently served as Executive Vice President for Operations at a medium-sized logistics and supply-chain security company. Has extensive experience running global operations as well as providing security for sensitive national programs, facilities and technologies.
James. R. HUGHES - was with the U.S. State Department, seconded to CIA for many years, with service in many countries in the Middle East. He has served overseas as Chief of Station several times, and at CIA Headquarters in a number of senior management positions, including as Chief, Near East and South Asia Division, DO. He was named as the CIA's senior representative at NSA in 1998-99. Since his retirement in 2005, he joined EDS in Herndon, VA as the Client Industry Executive for Intelligence. Former CIA, NSA, and now corporate representation at EDS, he is a current AFIO member since 2005.
John LENCZOWSKI, Ph.D. - is an expert on European and Soviet affairs, is founder/director, The Institute of World Politics, an independent graduate school of national security affairs in Washington DC. From 1981 to 1983 served in State Dept as Special Advisor to Under Secretary for Political Affairs. From 1983 to 1987 was Director of European and Soviet Affairs at National Security Council, as principal Soviet affairs adviser to President Reagan, developing many policies that led to collapse of Soviet empire. Education - B.A., 1972, U of Calif., Berkeley; M.A., 1975, and Ph.D., 1980, Johns Hopkins U Sch of Advanced International Studies.
N. John MacGAFFIN, III - served 31 years as CIA officer, including four assignments overseas as Chief of Station, primarily in Middle East, and at CIA HQs, including Head of Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Chief of the Central Eurasian operational division, and associate DDO. After CIA, became Sr adviser to Director and Deputy Director of FBI, with responsibility for long-range enhancement of CIA/FBI relationships and development of FBI Five-Year Strategic Plan. In 1998 chaired commission for SECDEF, the DCI, and the Director of FBI to restructure national CI system - effort known as CI-21, implemented by Bush administration. Served as consultant to various USG depts (Defense Department, CIA) and corporations (Conoco, Gray Hawk Systems, Niagara-Mohawk, General Dynamics, Veridian Systems International, BAESystems, SAIC).
David G. MAJOR - retired FBI Executive/Supervisory Special Agent, During his twenty-four year FBI career specializing in all phases of counterintelligence, the first FBI official to be assigned as a staff officer on the National Security Council where he served as the Director, Intelligence and Counterintelligence Programs during the Reagan Administration. Founder and owner of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre)/President of DGMA, Inc. since 1997 teaching advance CI and CT courses for the U.S. national security community. Founding and current International Spy Museum Board of Directors located in Washington DC. 40+ years counterintelligence practitioner and recognized leading authority and expert on Counterintelligence/ Security and Counterterrorism. Major is a graduate of Syracuse University and served as a U.S. Army Captain.
Don MCDOWELL, RADM, USN(Ret) - Commissioned in 1954. Served on Staff, Commander Seventh Fleet, USS WASP, various amphibious ships in Pacific. After Washington assignment served on Staff, CINCPACFLT and then as Commanding Officer, Naval Security Group Activity, Hakata, Japan. Assigned to NSA twice, Staff, CINCUSNAVEUR, and Asst. Chief of Staff for Cryptology, CINCPACFLT. Served as Commander, Naval Security Group Command and Dep. Director Naval Intelligence. A career cryptologic officer, he retired in 1986 and has been active with industry since that time. Joined AFIO in 1988, currently chairs the AFIO National Luncheon Speaker Programs and assists on many other committees. Alumni of Indiana Univ and Kennedy School on National and International Security Matters. Currently working on a book on a naval intelligence officer in China.
C. Carson MORRIS - Life Member of AFIO since 1981. Holds advisory positions to Defense and IC agencies since 1970 including special programs for the SecDef's Special Advisory Staff and Advisor to Assistant SecDef – Intelligence Oversight. Currently COO of Intelsec Corporation. Previously Executive VP of CACI for Engineering and Integration, Director of Homeland Security & Counter-Terrorism Initiatives and Director, Corporate Strategic Planning; Group Executive of Analytics Inc. Communications and Information Systems Group; Director, Auerback Corporations Teleprocessing Systems Organization. Holds patents in cryptographic techniques, in communications transmission, and in multi-processor computer architecture.
Peter C. OLESON - is associate professor of intelligence studies, University of Maryland University College. Former assistant director of DIA, involved in policy, resource, and acquisition matters. Served as senior intelligence policy advisor to Under SecDef for Policy. Was one of eight charter members of Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service. After leaving government worked in industry developing defense and intelligence systems. From 1990 to 2008 was President of Potomac Strategies & Analysis, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in technology applications, C3I systems development, and strategic planning. Has taught about intelligence extensively on the faculties of CIA University and the National Defense Intelligence College.
Albano F. PONTE - is one of the largest personal and corporate financial donors to AFIO, Ponte has been a crucial, and selfless, financial advisor to the association for over a decade. Also plays major role in the raising of AFIO scholarship funds; created and conducts the bequest program. Has been an idea-generator sponsoring special events including the popular auction, concert series, and golf tournament. President of DuPont Investment Corporation, is a business executive and a longtime AFIO Member who has served as a volunteer Vice President of the Corporate Membership program for a number of years, making significant contributions of time and effort to AFIO. Advises association on real estate and donor noncash gifts. He has filled the informal role of running the "Boston Chapter" through private events he hosts for local members, and through his broad network of corporate contacts.
Douglas R. PRICE - began career in 1974 as Engineer with NSA's Office of COMSEC Applications. Joined System Development Corporation in 1978, where he helped design secure communications systems. Left SDC in 1983 to join SPARTA, Inc., a small employee-owned Defense contractor, where he served until April 2011. Price had established SPARTA's Applied Communications Technology Operation which provides Scientific & Technical support to various Government agencies. SPARTA was acquired by Cobham, PLC in June 2008, and operates as Cobham Analytic Solutions. He holds a BS Electrical Engineering from Lehigh University, and an MS Computer Science from George Washington University.
John R. SANO - is Former Deputy Director National Clandestine Service [NCS], CIA. 28 years in CIA. Appointed National Clandestine Service's (formerly the DO) first Deputy Director by Porter Goss. Previously served as Chief, East Asia Division, in DO. Chaired NCS Sr Leadership Team; oversaw day-to-day management of Clandestine Service. Active member of CIA's Executive Management Team, regularly briefed senior Administration and Congressional Committee members on national security and worldwide covert operations. Frequent contact with NSC and Congress. Other prior CIA positions: Chief of Station, two foreign and one domestic location; 15 years overseas in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Middle East. Chief, North Korean operations in early 90s; directed CIA efforts during Balkan conflict in mid-90s. Recipient of Donovan Award (NCS' highest award), and other community awards. Bachelor's, Political Science; Master's, Asian Studies, St. John's University, NY; MIA, Columbia University. Retired CIA 2007 as SIS-5. Joined Cisco Systems as Sr Director of Business Development. Serves on Board of Aegis Defense Services. Is professorial lecturer on national security and intelligence issues at Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C
Michelle VAN CLEAVE - was National Counterintelligence Executive under President G. W. Bush, who appointed her in 2002 to set up and lead the newly created office. In that position she served as head of U.S. counterintelligence, and was responsible for providing strategic direction to and ensuring integration of CI activities across the government. Currently serves as Sr Research Fellow, National Defense University, and principal with Jack Kemp Foundation. Served as Special Assistant to Under Secretary for Policy, DOD, and General Counsel and Assistant Director for National Security Affairs, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Also served as staff director, Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism and Government Information; Chief Minority Counsel of House Committee on Science, Space and Technology; and defense and foreign policy assistant to Cong. Jack Kemp and House Republican Conference. Was of Counsel at Feith & Zell, and President, National Security Concepts, in Washington DC. Member of the Board, Jamestown Foundation. Holds MA and BA in International Relations from Univ of S California, and a JD from the USC School of Law.
S. Eugene POTEAT, LLD – ex officio member – is President of AFIO. He is a retired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligence Officer. Gene was educated as an Electrical Engineer and physicist, and holds Masters degrees in National Security and Intelligence Studies from the Institute of World Politics graduate school in Washington, where he now lectures on technology, intelligence and national security. He began his career with the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey and Cape Canaveral, Florida. His early CIA career included work on the U-2 and SR-71 class of airplanes and various space systems. His CIA assignments included the Directorate of Science and Technology, the National Reconnaissance Office, Technical Director of the Navy's Special Programs Office and Executive Director of the Intelligence Research and Development Council. He served abroad in London, Scandinavia, and the Middle East. He frequently writes and speaks on intelligence and national security topics.
André V. KESTELOOT – is Executive Vice-President of AFIO. He was educated in his native Belgium as an Electronics Engineer, and is a Life Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He retired from CIA at the end of 1994, having served extensively in the Middle-East and Europe. While at Headquarters, he spent a couple of years with the Office of Technical Service (OTS). His last assignment was Senior Scientist for one of the Directorate of Operations' Area Divisions. He has been awarded the CIA's Intelligence Star for Valor. He is currently a Senior Faculty Member at Phoenix Consulting (Intellpros) where he trains members of our Special Forces and Intelligence Agencies. He is the author of the article "Why La Fayette came to America" that appeared in the Winter 2000 issue of The Intelligencer.
Elizabeth BANCROFT – ex officio member – is AFIO Executive Director. She was Director of the National Intelligence Book Center, Washington DC, from 1982 - 1999. She served as Managing Editor of Surveillant, a bi-monthly intelligence publications review, 1989 to 1994. She became AFIO Executive Director in 2003. A graduate of Harvard/Radcliffe [1978], she is editor of AFIO's Intelligencer journal, as well as a computer specialist on text indexing/retrieval, bibliographic databases, and publishing. She served on the Board of the National Intelligence Study Center, and as Vice-President of the National Historical Intelligence Museum, and was an advisor to AFIO's board a decade prior to being hired as management. An early Life Member of AFIO, she advises other intelligence and military associations, worked on projects with several intelligence agencies, assisted the International Spy Museum with its online presence, and with current and former intelligence officers with their writing and publication projects.