b'The website for the Director of National Intelligence (http://www.odni.gov) provides a wealth of background information on the national Intelligence Community as well as news releases, speeches, reports and testimony to Congress, management directives, and other publications. One section explains the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act and efforts at reforms. The website links to all member agencies of the US Intelligence Community.CIAThe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (www.cia.gov) was established by the National Security Act of 1947, it is responsible to the President through the Director of National Intelligence and accountable to the American people through the Intelligence Oversight Committees of the Congress. The Director of CIA also serves as the National HUMINT Manager. Those at the CIA are guided by the following six principles: integrity; service; excellence; courage; teamwork; and stewardship. The CIA has one core mission: preempt threats and further U.S. national security objectives. This is done by meeting the intelligence needs of today and tomorrow. The CIA is separated into five basic components: the Directorate of Operations, the Directorate of Analysis, the Directorate of Science and Technology, the Directorate of Digital Innovation and the Directorate of Support. Ten Mission Centers, organized on geographical and topical lines, serve as locations to integrate capabilities and bring the full range of CIAs operational, analytic, support, technical and digital skillsets to bear against the nations most pressing national security problems.DIAThe Defense Intelligence Agencys (DIA) (www.dia.mil) mission is to provide intelligence on foreign militaries, prevent and decisively win wars by providing military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners in the Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. The agency employs extensive expertise in such areas as foreign military forces; their intentions and capabilities; foreign military leadership; proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; defense-related political and economic developments; advanced military technologies and material production; information warfare; missile and space developments; defense-related medical and health issues. 33'