Association of Former Intelligence Officers

James Calder, INTELLIGENCE, ESPIONAGE AND RELATED TOPICS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, Greenwood Press, 1999, $150, 1368pp. Calder, an AFIO member and former MI officer in the Army reserves, is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at The University of Texas at San Antonio. His teaching and research specialties include intelligence, espionage, national security, organized and white collar crime, American criminal justice history, and private and government security practices. His book "provides an annotated bibliography of more than 10,000 citations on intelligence, intelligence services, espionage, and related national or domestic security issues published in serial journal article form, mainly in English language sources, from 1844 onward. Many citations to journals in other languages are also cited. The majority of citations are annotated, but non-annotated titles contain information sufficiently clear to indicate the nature of the contents. Citations are arranged alphabetically by author, and all co-authors are indexed."

Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #49-99, 10 DEC 1999

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