Association of Former Intelligence Officers

SPY HUNTER: Inside the FBI Investigation of the Walker Espionage Case, by Robert W. Hunter, US Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md 21402-5035, May 1999, list $27.95, ISBN 1-55750-349-4. The Walker case was an unprecedented and devastating breach of Naval security, eighteen years of critical espionage involving the theft of US codes, one of the most important and successful Soviet Cold War espionage operations. Robert Hunter, a former senior Foreign Counterintelligence agent of the FBI, provides a unique perspective. He was involved with the case from the beginning, and allows the reader to see what happened behind the scenes, and in his mind, as the action unfolded. The book includes interviews with the KGB general who supervised Walker, and with judges and prosecutors involved in the case. This is the compelling story of how the case was built and prosecuted against this abominable and amoral individual, John Walker, and his accomplices, told in straightforward language. (RoyJ)

Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes #19-99, 14 May 1999

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