Association of Former Intelligence Officers

The Final Months of War With Japan: Signals Intelligence, US Invasion Planning, and the A-Bomb Decision, by Douglas MacEachin, Center for the Studies of Intelligence, December 1998. As World War II progressed it became clear that unconditional surrender by Japan would require an invasion of its homeland. The Japanese correctly identified Kyushu island as the most likely invasion site. Signals intelligence in the Spring-Summer of 1945 showed that Japan was dramatically expanding its defense forces on the island, ensuring large US casualties if an invasion materialized. This CIA monograph contains a fascinating and authoritative view of the elements that went into the decision to use the A-bomb. Essential reading for scholars and students of history. Monograph ( CSI 98-10001) may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, tel: 1-800-553-6847. NOTE: Mr. MacEachin addressed the AFIO San Antonio Chapter on 10 February. Call AFIO Chapter President Henry Bussey (210) 490 5408, email <> for chapter membership. (RoyJ)

Reviewed in AFIO Weekly Intelligence Notes ##06-99, 10 Feb. 1999

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