WIN #23-04 dtd 5 July 2004


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��������� Iran Positioned to Affect Iraq�s Future

��������� Qatar Court Sends Russian Assassins to Prison for 25 years

��������� Iranian U.N. Mission Guards Expelled



��������� Anonymous Mike Praises CIA Resistance to Administration Pressure

��������� Abu Ghraib Interrogations That Led to Capture of High Value Prisoners



��������� DHS Wireless Data Found at Risk

��������� China Is Filtering Telephone Text Messages

��������� Coke Can Seen as Security Menace



��������� Books

������������������ Womb Doom

������������������ Gung Ho!

������������������ Married Life with Usama�s Big Brother

������������������ Deception as Nature�s Way



��������� Correction - Author Misidentified as AFIO Member

��������� Notes� - DoD Orders Its People Out of Bahrain

��������� Letters / Queries

������������������ Researching Women in the CIA

������������������ 2004 Naval Intelligence Essay Contest

������������������ OSS Society Historic Poster Available

������������������ My Grandfather's OSS Activities

                   Lawsuit Looking For Deep Pockets

��������� Careers - Institute for Scientific Research in WV needs TS Scientists/Engineers

          Coming Events

                   21 July - Institute of World Politics Hosts Open House

������������������ 26 - 29 Sept - Joint meeting USMC Tri-Association Intelligence Committee

������������������ 8 - 9 Oct - East Lyme, Ct -- New England Chapter, Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association reunion

��������� Obituary

������������������ Martha Poteat, wife of AFIO's President

������������������ Ron Schetzel, New England Chapter member





IRAN POSITIONED TO AFFECT IRAQ�S FUTURE - Iran has flooded Iraq with intelligence operatives and is financing Shi�i groups there, according to the New York Time on 3 July.� < > Two days later UPI reported Iraqi police reportedly arrested two Iranian nationals driving a booby-trapped car they apparently planned to detonate in a Baghdad neighborhood. < >

��������� Iran�s activities in Iraq, taken with what the Times calls the chaos of the occupation and the loosening of American control in Baghdad, has placed Iran in its best position in decades to influence the political shape of Iraq, the paper said. It might be more accurate to say that Iran is now in the best position ever to exert influence in Iran.

��������� Under the monarchy and the various dictatorships that followed the Iranians had little chance to intervene directly in Iraqi affairs. But in the 1980s a creeping growth of Iranian influence began. In 1982 the Shi�i Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq was formed and based in Tehran. Its cadre, financed, trained and armed by Iran, conducted guerrilla strikes inside Saddam's Iraq, mainly in the Shi�i south. SCIRI and its Badr corps remain important players in the determination of Iraq's future.

��������� The Times reports a senior American military official as saying the U.S. Army has observed a large amount of U.S. currency being passed by Iran to SCIRI for the supposed purpose of paying salaries and maintenance of vehicles and facilities. It also quotes a SCIRI official as saying the money comes from individuals in many countries, not just Iran, and is delivered over the Iranian border because there is no reliable way to wire money to Iraq. Uh-huh

��������� Following the 1991 war to free Kuwait from Iraqi conquest, the allies set up a safe-haven in Iraqi Kurdistan, freeing it from control by Saddam Husayn. Accompanying the new-found freedom from Baghdad was the growth of Tehran�s influence in the eastern area of Iraqi Kurdistan that borders Iran. Dependence on economic ties with Iran led to the political intervention of Shi�i hardliners in favor of Sunni Islamists in the area under the control of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and its leader, Jalal Talabani.

��������� Iraqi Kurds observed the connivance of the Iranian hard-line Islamic Revolution Guard Corps in the establishment of two very different guerrilla forces in the mountains that form the border between the two countries. One group was the PKK, now calling itself Kongra-Gel, a crudely Marxist Turkish Kurdish organization that fought security forces in southeastern Turkey in a struggle that has cost over 30,000 lives. Some 5,000 PKK fighters set up in Iraq on the border with Iran where they remain. The Kurds report no action by Iran to dislodge PKK/Kongra-Gel.

��������� The other group that the Iranians helped was Ansar al-Islam, a Sunni Islamist body that was a spin-off of al-Qa�ida. Iraqi Kurdish military officers observed Iranian trucks carrying provisions to Ansar in the Iraqi villages it seized near the border. A combined U.S. and Kurdish force drove Ansar out of Iraq, scattering its fighters into Iran. That did not prevent Ansar from reorganizing itself. It continues to be a serious security threat in Iraq.

��������� Conditions in occupied Iraq enabled a further growth of Iranian influence. Very soon after the end of �major combat operations,� well-informed Iraqis told the present writer how troubled they were by the flow of Iranian agents across the 900-mile common frontier. There were, and are, far too few coalition and Iraqi forces to control the border effectively. Along with smugglers, Iranian agents continue to enter the country, often as ostensible pilgrims traveling to Shi�i holy sites.

��������� The Persian presence was visible in the rebellion mounted by Muqtada al-Sadr this past spring. The Times' reports that during fighting in May between coalition forces and Sadr's Army of the Mahdi in Kufa, appeals for blood donations were broadcast in both Arabic and Persian. A resident of Kufa said in an interview at the time that he opened his door one day to find two Persian-speaking militiamen setting up a mortar outside it.

��������� The Times quoted a senior American military official as saying Iranian intelligence agents were operating in the command area of the First Infantry Division that is posted in Iraqi Kurdistan.

��������� "Iran is the regional hegemon," the Times quoted another senior military official saying. "They're trying to set the stage for the Shia to take power."

��������� According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zibari, insurgents have benefited from financial support, logistical assistance and training from neighboring government agencies. He told the Sunday Telegraph (London) that Baghdad believed up to 10,000 foreign spies and undercover agents had infiltrated the country since the war.

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��������� Zibari said the Baghdad government plans to publish evidence this week linking foreign powers to the Muslim extremists and loyalists of the former regime. While Zibari refrained from naming the countries, other senior Iraqi officials indicated that Iran and Syria were the worst offenders.

��������� Most worrisome to American officials, the Times says, are Iran's close ties to powerful Shi�i clerics like Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani and Muqtada al-Sadr who led a determined rebellion against American forces for nearly three months this spring. But to this observer, Sistani is by far the lesser evil. He kept his followers from rising against the coalition forces, has no murders attributed to him and dislikes the theocrat system in Iran. But Sadr, who is a successful rabble-rouser, admires the Iranian system for all the Iraqi nationalism attributed to him, has been involved in the murder of opponents and in April started a three-month rebellion led his followers, mostly impoverished lumpen Shi�i. On 5 July, Associated Press reported he threatened more of the same, declaring, "There is no truce with the occupier and those who cooperate with it" and denouncing the Iraqi government as illegitimate and illegal. < >

��������� The Times reports a senior Iraqi Shi�i official as confirming that financial transactions were taking place between Iran and various Shi�i parties, including Sadr's. The present observer and others, including Iraqis, have few doubts that Iranian hardliners have funded Sadr, following his visit to Tehran last year when he met senior members of the leadership. He also appears to have developed close ties with Hizbullah, the Lebanese Shi�i organization also funded by Tehran. Lebanese Hizbullah cadre have been reported in Iraq.

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��������� The Times recognizes that just how much sway Iran will exert over a new Iraq is far from clear. "But some warn that Iran, the world's dominant seat of Shi�ite Islam, could be the silent power broker as Iraq heads toward elections in January," it goes on to say. The Times thus ignores the fact that Iraq, not Iran, is historically the most influential center of Shi�i learning as well as holy sites, a pre-eminence that was lost over the past 20 years or so thanks to Saddam�s suppression of the Shia in Iraq and the flight of many of their senior religious scholars the rival center at Qum in Iran. Now the Iranian theocrats have reason to fear that Najaf might regain its superiority over Qum.

��������� The Times article concludes by reminding us that the FBI has opened an investigation into Ahmad Chalabi, a secularized Shi�i and former darling of Vice President Cheney and the Pentagon neoconservatives. Chalabi is said to have told Iranian officials that the Americans had broken the Iranian code. Chalabi has denied the charges. (DKR)


QATAR COURT SENDS RUSSIAN ASSASSINS TO PRISON FOR 25 YEARS  - On 30 June, a court in the Persian Gulf emirate of Qatar sentenced two Russian intelligence operatives to life imprisonment -- in effect, 25 years -- after convicting them of assassinating an exiled Chechen separatist leader, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev, the Los Angeles Times reported.

��������� The Moscow News, commenting on the convictions, wrote on 1 July that they were:

�The most dismal failure Russia's special services have experienced in post-Soviet years. Moreover, it occurred during the reign of a former KGB spy [President Putin] and against the backdrop of a general renaissance of power-wielding bodies [in Russia], as they more and more openly seek revenge for the loss of their positions during the 'democratic' 1990s, bent on proving that they alone make up the backbone of Russian statehood.�

��������� Yandarbiyev, an Islamist militant, died on 13 February in a car bombing as he was leaving a mosque in Qatar after Friday prayers. His 13-year old son was injured in the attack.

��������� At the end of the 1994-96 Chechen war, Yandarbiyev became acting president of the self-declared Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. He headed peace talks between the Chechen rebels and Russian President Yeltsin. The talks led to a temporary Russian withdrawal and three years of de facto independence for Chechnya.

��������� Qatar refused repeated Russian requests to extradite Yandarbiyev, saying he was not involved in political or diplomatic activity, even though the United States and the United Nations put him on a list of people suspected of ties to al-Qa�ida and other terrorist organizations.

��������� "The Russian leadership issued an order to assassinate the former Chechen leader Yandarbiyev," Judge Ibrahim Nisf said in concluding the trial, mostly conducted behind closed doors. "The plan was discussed at Russian intelligence headquarters in Moscow."

��������� Moscow acknowledged that the defendants, Anatoly Belashkov and Vassily Bogachyov, were intelligence officers visiting Qatar without diplomatic status. But Foreign Minister Sergei V. Lavrov has continued to insist they were innocent.

��������� Prosecutors had sought the death penalty and, in keeping with Muslim custom, the victim�s family was asked whether it would accept blood money in lieu of their execution. The family refused. That the two Russians' lives were spared, observers said, reflected the intense diplomatic exchanges between Moscow and the government of Shaykh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the emir of Qatar.

��������� Najib al-Nauimi, a former justice minister in Qatar, told Al Jazeera television he expected the Russians would be released within weeks or months, now that the trial had been concluded, the New York Times reported.

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��������� Aslambek Aslakhanov, an advisor to Russian President Vladimir V. Putin, told the news agency Interfax that Moscow would do "everything possible to get the court to reverse its verdict."

��������� Russian authorities suspected Yandarbiyev of being linked to the 2002 seizure by Chechen rebels of a Moscow theater that ended with the deaths of 129 hostages. Nearly all of them died from gas used by security forces that stormed the building. Also killed were all 41hostage takers, many of whom were shot.

��������� Usman Ferzauli, a Chechen representative in Denmark, said in February that Yandarbiyev had indeed spoken by telephone with the leader of the hostage as claimed by Russian intelligence, but that he had sought the release of the hostages. "Why don't they [the Russians] make public the transcript of the entire conversation?" he asked.

��������� A third Russian, arrested with the two operatives, was Aleksandr Fetisov, first secretary at the Russian Embassy in Doha and also an intel operative. He was released in March because of his diplomatic immunity. At the same time, Russia released two wrestlers from Qatar's Olympic team who had been detained at an airport in Moscow, apparently in an effort to exert pressure on Qatar.

��������� According to Russian and Qatari news reports the two Russian operatives belonged to GRU, Russia�s military intelligence, and arrived in Doha two weeks before the killing. They smuggled in explosives from Saudi Arabia in a diplomatic pouch.

��������� Dmitri Afanasiyev, a Russian lawyer who represented the two men during the trial, said the charges were fabrications and that the only evidence was confessions extracted under torture. The defendants were deprived of sleep and access to bathrooms for four days and had been bitten by dogs during interrogation, he said. (DKR)


IRANIAN U.N. MISSION GUARDS EXPELLED - The United States expelled two security guards at Iran's U.N. mission for photographing sensitive sites in New York after two previous warnings about taking such pictures, the State Department announced on 29 June.

��������� Iran's U.N. Mission denied the charges, saying that the guards photographed only typical tourist attractions in the city, Associated Press reported.

��������� The expulsion order followed the FBI recently observing the pair videotaping, State Department spokesman Adam Ereli said. "These individuals were moving around New York City and essentially surveilling, taking photographs of a variety of New York landmarks and infrastructure and the rest," said Stuart Holliday, the U.S. deputy ambassador to the United Nations.

��������� The United States had warned Iran twice before about such photography, Ereli said. Since the Iranians persisted, he said, the United States had no choice but to expel the guards who were described as having engaged in activities that were not consistent with their duties. The two guards, who were not identified, left the United States on 26 June.

��������� According to a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity, the first photographing incident by Iranian guards took place in June 2002, a second last November and the third in May this year.

��������� New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said in November that two Iranian citizens were questioned while taking video images of the subway tracks on the No. 7 line in Queens but not charged with any wrongdoing.





ANONYMOUS MIKE PRAISES CIA RESISTANCE TO ADMINISTRATION PRESSURE  - Despite pressure from the Bush administration, CIA analysts steadfastly refused to alter their assessment that there was no collaborative relationship between Saddam Husayn's Iraq and Usama bin Ladin's al-Qa'ida, according to a senior serving CIA officer as reported in the Los Angeles Times on 1 July.

��������� The analysts were required repeatedly to check, double-check and triple-check their files about a connection between al-Qa'ida and Iraq, said the officer. He spoke to the Times on condition that he be identified only by his first name, Mike. He is known, however, to be the anonymous author of Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror and in some press accounts has been reported to be a Michael Scheuer with CIA. (See 'Anonymous CIA analyst/author sees U.S. losing war' WIN #22-04 dtd 28 June 2004)

��������� Asked whether he attributed the demands to an eagerness among officials at the White House or the Pentagon to find evidence of a link, he said: "You could not help but assume that was the case. They knew the answer [they wanted] before they asked the question."

��������� "There was pressure to perform. But to its credit, the Intelligence Community as a whole said there was nothing" to suggest a collaborative relationship, he said. DCI Tenet, he said, "insisted we call it straight."

��������� Mike headed a special station created in 1996 to track bin Ladin and is still a serving agency officer. As the Times notes, the CIA approved publication of his book after a four-month review and so created a situation in which a senior serving officer publicly criticized the administration and its prosecution of the war on terror.

��������� CIA spokesman Bill Harlow told the Times that the opinions in the book were those of the author, not the agency. He acknowledged that the book's publication was awkward for an agency that sought to be apolitical, but that the CIA found no classified material in it, and therefore allowed its release, said the Times.

��������� Some have questioned Mike's motives, noting that he was removed as head of the bin Ladin station in 1999 over concerns about his performance. An intelligence official who has worked with the author at the CIA told the Times that while Mike might have been embittered by his removal, people tend to think of him as a straight shooter.

��������� Mike said he was removed from the post because agency leaders "thought I was too myopic, too intense, too aggressive," according to the interview. He declined to elaborate, but insisted he did not write the book to settle scores.

��������� In an interview last week, Mike, who has close-cropped hair and a beard, said the Coalition Provisional Authority's transfer of authority to Iraq on 28 June was likely to do little to curtail insurgent attacks. "Iraq, with or without a transfer of power, will be a mujahedin magnet as long as whatever government is there is dependent on America's sword," he said, adding that he thought his view was widely shared among agency counterterrorism officers and in other parts of the Intelligence Community.

��������� The stealthy manner in which sovereignty was restored to Iraq sent a weak signal, he said. In bin Ladin's perspective, the CPA was seen as afraid of an attack and left like a thief in the night, with departing CPA Administrator Bremer throwing the keys to Ayad Allawi, the recently installed prime minister. Islamist militants can only see this as a victory, Mike said.

��������� Mike's criticism echoed that of former White House counterterrorism aide Richard A. Clarke. Mike, however, faulted Clarke and others who served the Clinton administration for failing to mount operations to capture or kill bin Ladin when the CIA had intelligence on his whereabouts.

��������� Referring to the question of ties between bin Ladin and Saddam Husayn's Iraq, Mike said he thought the Qa'ida leader would have been extremely reluctant to enter into collaboration with Saddam, in part because he saw Iraq's military and intel services as inferior and incapable of protecting the security of al-Qa'ida's plans and operations.

��������� Mike still serves in the counter-terrorism center at Langley, but acknowledged that he has been marginalized. He said he gets invited to speak on counterterrorism at DoD, FBI and NSA "but not within my own building." (DKR)


ABU GHRAIB INTERROGATIONS THAT LED TO CAPTURE OF HIGH VALUE PRISONERS  - Interrogations conducted by a previously unreported MI unit at Abu Ghraib produced leads that resulted in the arrests of Iraqi generals, senior Ba�ath Party officials and tribal leaders aligned with Saddam Husayn, according to the New York Times on 3 July. < >

��������� Known as the special projects team, the unit interrogated a dozen Iraqis who helped Saddam while he was on the run and were caught when he was taken last 13 December. The prisoners had shepherded Saddam through as many as 40 different hideouts, the Times reported. They included bodyguards and other helpers who did everything from cooking and installing air conditioning in his rooms to carrying messages from him, according to MI officers.

��������� In a race against time before Saddam supporters, still at large, found other hiding places, the interrogators were given greater latitude to use tactics that had previously required the signed approval of senior officers. Interrogations became more intense and a greater number of high-level Iraqis were captured, according to Times' interviews with senior military officers, officials and MI soldiers.

��������� MI personnel, who asked to remain unidentified for fear of harming their careers, said tactics employed included sleep and food deprivation, extended isolation and the use of menacing dogs. Interrogations sometimes lasted for 10 hours at a time "It was `Do whatever you have to do, find out where they are and let's get 'em fast,' " the Times quotes an MI analyst as saying. "We needed to get them before they got away."

��������� Reports based on the interrogations dealt with insurgency groups, terrorist organizations or groups that carried out attacks on American and allied forces, according to several MI people interviewed.

��������� The Army's top intelligence officer in Iraq, Brig. Gen. Barbara Fast, met with the team several times to get updates, according to a military officer and soldiers the Times interviewed.

��������� Military officials in Baghdad did not comment on the special projects team. But they acknowledge that the arrival of the new prisoners set off an urgent interrogation effort. It is not clear whether the intensified intelligence gathering led to mistreatment of prisoners, the paper said. (DKR)





DHS WIRELESS DATA FOUND AT RISK  - The Homeland Security Department�s Inspector General has found that the department failed to impose security controls on its wireless data and so exposed sensitive information to potential eavesdropping and misuse, GCN.Com reported on 1 July.

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��������� DHS has agreed to follow the IG�s recommendations in tightening security. As part of the Intelligence Community, many DHS agencies handle sensitive and classified information at various levels affecting counterterrorism and law enforcement functions.

��������� The IG�s auditors exposed security gaps and wireless back doors in DHS systems that could expose DHS networks to eavesdropping or denial of service attacks. In some cases, DHS employees were not aware that specific devices were enabled for Bluetooth wireless access. In others, department employees did not create virtual �demilitarized zones� to separate wireless networks from wired networks and were not aware that such DMZs are needed to ensure security.

��������� The auditors analyzed DHS systems using the three main wireless standards: IEEE 802.11b, Bluetooth and wireless messaging systems. (DKR)


CHINA IS FILTERING TELEPHONE TEXT MESSAGES -- The campaign, announced on 2 July by the official New China News Agency, comes after text messages sent between China's nearly 300 million mobile phone users helped to expose the national cover-up of the SARS epidemic last year, according to the New York Times. Text messages have also generated popular outrage about corruption and abuse cases that had received little attention in the state-controlled media. < >

��������� The government has also substantially increased surveillance of digital communications and adopted new methods of preventing people from getting unauthorized information about sensitive subjects.

��������� Officials have begun daily inspections of short-message service providers, including Web sites and the leading mobile phone companies. Ten providers have been fined so far and 20 others shut down for not properly policing messages.

��������� All such companies are being required to install filtering equipment that can monitor and delete messages that contain key words, phrases or numbers before they reach customers. The companies must contact the relevant authorities, including the Communist Party's propaganda department, to make sure they stay in touch with the latest lists of banned topics, executives in the industry said.

��������� Text messaging has become a primary means of communication in China. Chinese mobile phone users sent 220 billion text messages in 2003, or an average of 7,000 every second, more than the rest of the world combined, China Telecom data shows.

��������� Many people with mobile phones like text messaging because it is quieter and less expensive than making phone calls. Messages can also be sent to multiple people at once. China also monitors Web sites and has arrested several dozen "cyberdissidents" for posting articles or expressing views on the Internet that the authorities deemed unacceptable. (DKR)


COKE CAN SEEN AS SECURITY MENACE  - Coca-Cola has become a threat to national security. Well, at least some cans of Coke may have: they contain cell phones and GPS chips and officials at some U.S. military bases are worried that they could be used for eavesdropping. Protective measures are being taken.

��������� Associated Press reported that Coca-Cola Co., says such concerns are nothing but fizz. The cans are prizes in a summer drive to promote drinking Coke. < >

��������� Such cans cannot be an eavesdropping device, Mart Martin, a Coca-Cola spokesman, said.

��������� Nonetheless, military bases, including the U.S. Army Armor Center at Fort Knox, Ky., are asking soldiers to examine their Coke cans before bringing them in to classified meetings. �We're asking people to open the cans and not bring it in if there's a GPS in it,'' said Master Sgt. Jerry Meredith, a Fort Knox spokesman.� Sue Murphy, a spokeswoman for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio said, "We've taken measures to make sure everyone's aware of this contest and to make sure devices are cleared before they're taken in"' to restricted areas.

��������� The Marine Corps said all personnel had been advised of the cans and to keep them away from secure areas. (DKR)







WOMB DOOM - Jerrold M. Post, Leaders and Their Followers in a Dangerous World: The Psychology of Political Behavior (Cornell, 336 pp. $29.95)

��������� Dr. Post is a psychiatrist who founded the CIA's Center for the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior. When he takes up Saddam Hussein in this book, he finds that the Iraqi dictator underwent a traumatic childhood as an unwanted baby born to a depressed, suicidal mother. Her failure to bond with him as an infant and his stepfather's abuse wounded Saddam's emerging self-esteem, impairing his capacity for empathy and setting the stage for his subsequent brutality. So, if you go along with Post, Saddam's troubles "can really be traced back to the womb." (Elizabeth B., DKR)


GUNG HO! - Billy Waugh, with Tim Keown, Hunting the Jackal: A Special Forces and CIA Ground Soldier�s Fifty-Year Career Hunting America�s Enemies (Morrow, 256 pp. $23.95)

��������� At the age of 71 Waugh wangled his way back into his beloved Special Forces so as to take part in the war in Afghanistan. His memoirs go back to firefights in Vietnam and take in CIA work in Sudan when Carlos the Jackal (who he helped get arrested) and young Usama bin Ladin were also there. Pet hates are squeamish civilians and conventional military who fail to appreciate special ops. (DKR)


MARRIED LIFE WITH USAMA�S BIG BROTHER - Carmen bin Ladin, Inside the Kingdom: My Life in Saudi Arabia (Warner, pp. 208, $23.95)

��������� A Swiss miss, Carmen fell for Usama�s elder brother, Yeslam. Early bliss turned sour as the constraints imposed by the Wahabbi version of Islam took their toll and the marriage ended in divorce and charges laid against her in Saudi Arabia. A cautionary tale for Western damsels and a corrective to the current Saudi campaign in the United States to sweeten the kingdom�s image. (DKR)


DECEPTION AS NATURE�S WAY  - David Livingstone Smith, Why We Lie: The Evolutionary Roots of Deception and the Unconscious Mind (St. Martin�s, 256 pp. $24.95)

��������� Smith is a professor of philosophy and cofounder and director of the Institute for Cognitive Science and Evolutionary Psychology at the University of New England. He argues that deception is so much a part of our existence that we often cannot distinguish truth from lies in our everyday lives and that deception is more often spontaneous and unconscious rather than cynical and coldly analytical. That�s because nature has hardwired humans to deceive. But unlike other animals wired to only deceive others, humans also have a psychology that can result in their deceiving themselves. (DKR)






��������� AUTHOR MISIDENTIFIED AS AFIO MEMBER - In �Wednesday, 30 June 04 - Kuklinski Case Author at Polish Embassy Fete,� WIN #22 dtd 28 June 2004, Benjamin Weiser, author of A Secret Life, a biography of Col. Ryszard Kuklinski and a New York Times reporter on terrorism, was incorrectly identified as an "AFIO member." Mr. Weiser, like a number of other journalists who write about intelligence, is well known to AFIO members but is not himself a "member" of the Association.� AFIO apologizes for this error.



��������� DoD ORDERS ITS PEOPLE OUT OF BAHRAIN - On 2 July the Pentagon ordered the evacuation of non-emergency American defense employees and family members of American military personnel in Bahrain. The order arose from concern about planned attacks by extremists on American and Western targets in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom that is home to the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet.

��������� A Reuter's report said Secretary Rumsfeld approved the temporary relocation, lasting at least 30 days, after the State Department issued an advisory about planned attacks. "Credible information indicates that extremists remain at large and are planning attacks in Bahrain," the advisory said.

��������� The move came less than two weeks after Bahrain arrested six men on suspicion of supporting al-Qa�ida and planning attacks in Bahrain, but then freed them because of lack of evidence.

��������� The State Department earlier warned Americans to defer travel to Bahrain, and said Americans there should leave.


Letters / Queries


��������� WOMEN IN THE CIA - I am conducting research for a book on women in the CIA, examining how the role of women changed from the 1960s to the present and how women changed the CIA.� I am interested in interviewing women who joined the CIA in the 1960s-1980s, serving in any position, but I am particularly interested in speaking with women who were in the Agency for at least 10 years.� Not to leave men out, I would also be interested in interviewing men to gain a rounded understanding of male-female professional dynamics.� I am a former Agency operations officer (DO/NE) who served from 1988-2002.� As a former staff recruiter for the DO, I repeatedly heard complaints from female applicants that there is a real dearth of publications on women in intelligence, a situation this book project with attempt to rectify!� If you are interested in shaping the historical record, please contact me --Melissa Mahle -- at


��������� 2004 NAVAL INTELLIGENCE ESSAY CONTEST - Naval Intelligence Professionals and the U.S. Naval Institute are again co-sponsoring their essay contest. Essays of not over 3,500 words in length must relate to any subject pertaining to naval intelligence or intelligence support to naval or maritime forces. You don't have to be in naval intelligence to enter. Get started, now, in order to get your essay in before the 1 August deadline for submissions. The prize is $1,000 this year. This is a great opportunity to get your views before readers of the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings. Last year's winner, CDR Warren Wheeler, elicited much attention with his essay "Naval Intel Must (Re) Acquire Core Skills" published in the February 2004 Proceedings. (See his essay at: His and other fine entries have appeared or will appear in the NIP Quarterly and Naval History magazine. Click here for submission guidelines.

< >� [WHorn]


��������� OSS SOCIETY HISTORIC POSTER AVAILABLE - Special Opportunity - Receive a just released historic Office of Strategic Services �62nd Anniversary WWII Memorial poster. View image at to find out about this one-of-a-kind collectible and how you can get your copy. Perfect for gifts to colleagues, for a parent or relative, or for your own collection.� The OSS Society is a 501(c)3 association.


����������� MY GRANDFATHER'S OSS ACTIVITIES  - "I am writing because I would like to connect with people who might be able to tell me about my grandfather - Robert Melvin Simpson - December 14th, 1915 - August 14th 1975 Army Serial Number 15 107 693 �Grade: S Sgt�� Arm or Service: Sig C�� Component: AUS�� Organization: 993 SIG SV CO Military Occupational Specialty and No: Radio Operator H Speed 766 Battles and Campaigns: Indai-Burma China (Defensive)� China (Offensive). He was in the AVG / OSS during World War II, and served in the China / Burma / India theatre.� He passed away in 1974, and at that time had maintained admirable, but to his loved ones frustrating, secrecy regarding many of his activities and operations during the war.� All we really have are some memoirs collected during a series of interviews conducted by a historian near the end of his life.� If you can be of service in helping us contact people who knew him and information (at least that which has been declassified - at least one operation in which he participated was apparently still classified at the time of his death) about his activities and accomplishments, please let me know.� I will be happy to provide what information I have to help connect with people who knew him and to find out more about his military career.� Any information we can get would be greatly appreciated."� Replies to Laura E. Hardenbrook at


��������� LAWSUIT LOOKING FOR DEEP POCKETS - "I am gratuitously assisting a fellow attorney who is representing the spouse of Allen W. Benefield, dob 6/24/26 who is now deceased. Benefield was former Army and later was employed by the CIA. Benefield contracted Mesothelioma, a lung cancer that is peculiar to persons exposed to asbestos. The attorney representing Benefield's widow must determine when and where Benefield was exposed to asbestos in order to obtain his benefits. If any WINs readers have any information that will help Ms Benefield, please contact me at or regular mail to John C. Hawkins, Jr., P O Bx 5969, Texarkana, TX 75505-5969. Thanks Buddy Hawkins, COL, JA, USAR, Ret."



[IMPORTANT: AFIO does not "vet" or endorse these inquiries or offers. Reasonable-sounding inquiries and career offerings are published as a service to our members, and for researchers, educators, and subscribers. You are urged to exercise your usual caution and good judgment when responding or supplying any information.]


��������� INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH in West Virginia has positions available that require a Top Secret Clearance. There are two vacancies for each position. They are located in northern West Virginia, about 90 miles south of Pittsburgh, PA.� They recruit nationwide, and offer relocation assistance.� ISR is rapidly becoming a worldwide leader in advanced scientific research and development through the purposeful selection of distinguished scientists, engineers, mathematicians, information technology professionals and research staff.� They are now constructing a corporate headquarters with expected completion in 2005. [copy from ISR, Inc.]


        Information Systems Scientist/Engineer - Principal Member Research Staff  - �In support of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Institute for Scientific Research, Inc. will provide the National Signatures Program (NSP) Systems Engineering and Architecture research and development support. This effort will develop and execute a standardization plan to facilitate the exchange of reporting information. Specific Duties Serve as the technical lead on research team to identify existing MASINT efforts in this area and identify their strengths and weaknesses. ��Conduct a survey of personnel at collection centers, analysts, and users� of the NSP systems. ��Develop a coordinated database structure and common set of terminology. ��Review database interfaces and develop uniform access and storage methodologies for the retrieval/storage system. ��Review the existing infrastructure of electronic communications to develop recommendations for hardware/software update. ��Develop a systems level requirements document for an NSP prototype system. ��Develop hardware and software conceptual design requirements to implement a prototype of the NSP system.� Required Skills / Experience ��BS/MS/PhD in Math, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related discipline. ��A minimum of 5 years experience in systems analysis and complete software lifecycle process with emphasis on requirements definition, and systems architecture/engineering. ��A minimum of 5 years experience in data modeling, data exchange, and database systems integration. ��A minimum of 5 years experience in a MASINT Signatures related discipline. ��A minimum of 5 years experience in secure network architecture development. ��Excellent communication and collaborative/team building skills. ��A minimum of 5 years experience interacting and working with DoD customers on a daily or weekly basis. ��Experience with IEEE and DoD compliance documentation standards. ��Experience with data visualization techniques.

        Information Systems Scientist/ Senior Member Research Staff ���In support of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Institute for� Scientific Research, Inc. will provide the National Signatures Program� (NSP) Systems Engineering and Architecture research and development� support. This effort will develop and execute a standardization plan to� facilitate the exchange of reporting information. ��Specific Duties ��Work within the research team to identify existing MASINT efforts in� this area and identify their strengths and weaknesses. ��Conduct a survey of personnel at collection centers, analysts, and users� of the NSP systems. ��Develop a coordinated database structure and common set of terminology. ��Review database interfaces and develop uniform access and storage methodologies for the retrieval/storage system. ��Review the existing infrastructure of electronic communications to develop recommendations for hardware/software update. ��Develop a systems level requirements document for an NSP prototype system. ��Develop hardware and software conceptual design requirements to implement a prototype of the NSP system.� Required Skills / Experience ��BS/MS degree in Math, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or related discipline. ��A minimum of 2 years professional experience in systems engineering, complete software lifecycle process with emphasis on requirements definition, and systems architecture/engineering. ��Strong programming background with 2+ years experience in database systems, C/C++, Java, XML, and Web services/SOAP. ��A minimum of 2 years experience with database programming in a MASINT Signatures related discipline. ��A minimum of 2 years experience in secure network architecture development and a thorough understanding of DoD/DSS security procedures and secure data handling. ��Experience with IEEE and DoD compliance documentation standards. ��Experience with data visualization techniques.�

CONTACT:� Jeannine Ogden, Senior Recruiter Institute for Scientific Research, Inc � �Visit them at


Coming Events


���������Wednesday, July 21 - Washington, DC - OPEN HOUSE at the Institute of World Politics from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Institute's campus The Marlatt Mansion 1521 16th St. NW (Dupont Circle Metro). Hors d' oeuvres will be served and the $50 application fee is waived for those who attend. Stop by to visit with their faculty, tour their beautiful facilities and learn about their unique M.A. programs in Statecraft and World Politics and Statecraft and National Security Affairs. For full details:


���������26 - 29 September 04 - Reno, NV - All bets are on you will not want to miss the joint meeting of the U. S. Marine Corps Tri-Association Intelligence Committee comprised of members of the Marine Corps Counterintelligence, the Marine Corps Intelligence and the Marine Corps Cryptologic Associations at Harrah�s Hotel and Casino in Reno, Nevada. The reunion will be held in conjunction with the Marine Intelligence Community�s fall conference which will involve active duty Marines attending from the �corners of the world,� current contingencies permitting. Friends of Marine Corps Intelligence are invited to attend. For additional details, contact Tom MacKinney (916) 983-6119 or at


��������� 8 - 9 October 04 -- East Lyme, Ct -- The New England Chapter, Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association hosts a special reunion. For more information, contact: Phil Sirmons, 492 Boston Post Rd, East Lyme, CT 06333, 860-739-6006,, or visit their website at


��������� 28 - 31 October 04 -- Linthicum, MD -- AFIO National holds Annual Symposium/Convention at the National Maritime Center and other secure locations.� Some details on location and reservations appear at the top of this WIN.� Please put these dates on your calendars.



��������� Martha Ann Cox Poteat, wife of AFIO's President, Eugene Poteat, lost her battle on Tuesday, July 6th, with an illness she had bravely fought for several years. Martha was a savvy journalist, a community leader, a devoted wife and mother.� She often reported on and photographed AFIO luncheons and our Annual Symposiums. To a lucky few, she gave wise, droll advice and inspiration to those who joined her on special Friday evenings at roundtables she and her husband held at her dearly loved National Press Club.� She is irreplaceable and forever in our hearts.


��������� New England Chapter member, Ron Schetzel, died suddenly, after a short illness on 6/24.� Sales manager of the Hotel Northampton and a Marine, he joined AFIO /NE and became a member of its Board back when they began having their conferences in that corner of Massachusetts.�� Ron had the capacity to make people feel bigger than life. And his optimism and enthusiasm for life are all part of what made him so special. "I considered him a dear friend who, himself, was bigger than life." He leaves a wife (Linda), two sons and assorted grandchildren. He will be missed! [Peggy Adler]



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WINs are protected by copyright laws and intellectual property laws, and may not be reproduced or re-sent without specific permission from the Producer. Opinions expressed in the WINs are solely those of the editor(s) or author(s) listed with each article. AFIO Members Support the AFIO Mission - sponsor new members! CHECK THE AFIO WEBSITE at for back issues of the WINs, information about AFIO, conference agenda and registrations materials, and membership applications and much more! (c) 2004, AFIO, 6723 Whittier Ave, Suite 303A, McLean, VA 22101.; Voice: 703 790-0320; Fax: 703 991-1278 AFIO WINs are produced each week in Memory of WINs founder/AFIO Exec Director, Roy Jonkers