Association of Former Intelligence Officers

AFIO Eagle Logo

 AFIO Central Office
 220 Spring St
 Suite 220,
 Herndon, VA
 Voice: 703 790 0320
 Fax: 703 991 1278

 © 2024  AFIO

  Copyright and Privacy   Notice


AFIO BulletThe Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) presents this website to serve our members and visitors as a portal to our activities and to provide word of upcoming educational events by other select intelligence groups.

- Registration is Underway -


Friday, 4 Oct 2024, 1100-1400, Tysons, VA

"Intelligence Officers and Media Engagement"

Afternoon Speaker
Mark Kelton
Former Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Counterintelligence (DDNCS/CI)
  Morning speaker
J.J. Green
WTOP National Security Correspondent
Mark will provide "A Former CIA Officer's Look at Media Engagement" including the Dos and Don'ts of engagement with journalists, researchers, and others. Including the clearance process and his other experiences with various forms of media after retirement.   JJ will discuss his latest publications, upcoming projects, and his approach to developing sources.

1030 Check-in for pre-registered attendees (no walk-ins)
1100 Morning speaker: J.J. Green, WTOP National Security Correspondent
12-1300 Lunch
1300 Afternoon speaker Mark Kelton, Former Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Counterintelligence (DDNCS/CI) Mark will provide "A Former CIA Officer's Look at Media Engagement" including the Dos and Don'ts of engagement with journalists, researchers, and others. Including the clearance process and his other experiences with various forms of media after retirement.
1400 Event ends

Registration and Cost:
Registration and credit card payment required before event. Lunch is $60 (members) or $75 (guests, Subscribers).

Register now while space remains. Registration closes 1700 hours, Friday, 27 Sep 2024 or earlier when all seats taken.

Cancellations: No refund for cancellations after 21 Sep 2024. Payment for reservations cancelled 21 to 27 Sep 2024 will be converted to donations to AFIO. Payments for reservations cancelled after 27 Sep 2024 are forfeit; the meal will have been guaranteed at the hotel, per the contract.
Attendees must be AFIO members or accompanied by a member. For security reasons, no late or last-minute substitutions.

Please direct any questions to

Released to members-only on 3 September 2024...

An Exceptional Career at NSA, the US Cyber Command, and the U.S. Navy

RADM Margaret "Peg" Klein
speaking with Everette Jordan
on her career at NSA, the US Cyber Command, and the US Navy

Interview of Tuesday, 28 May 2024 with RADM Margaret "Peg" Klein on her exceptional career at NSA, the US Cyber Command, and with the US Navy.
Co-Hosts: AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer, and Interviewer Everett Jordan, former Deputy Assistant of the Treasury for IC Integration, current AFIO Board.
The interview runs 25 minutes.

Access the RADM Peg Klein video interview here or click above image.

Released to the public 9 September 2024...

The Cold War and the Making of Miami

Dr Vince Houghton and Eric Driggs
on Covert City: The Cold War and the Making of Miami

Interview of Monday, 20 May 2024 with Dr Vince Houghton and Eric Driggs on their new book: Covert City: The Cold War and the Making of Miami (PublicAffairs Books, Apr 2024)

Podcast here.



This and other AFIO Now videos (see below) in 2024 are sponsored by Northwest Financial Advisors.

SEARCH the content of all publicly-released AFIO Now Interviews here. Keywords such as "careers" "operations" "MI6" "GRU"...

NOTE: Use the second search symbol (see arrow above),
not the search box at top of browser window which searches everything on YouTube.

COMING in 2025...

We hope you will join us for this celebration.

Upcoming AFIO and Intelligence Community Events
Many informative, fascinating programs are occurring in the Washington Metro Area and across the country. Find out which ones to add to your calendar to stay connected and to stay current.

Learn how your company can make a difference with AFIO corporate memberships and marketing opportunities. Reach more than 4,800 intelligence professionals.

National Members
Join or renew your existing membership and enjoy member benefits, such as special publications, invitations to events, unique banking & investment services, scholarships, and career assistance.

As a member or subscriber you receive the popular Weekly Intelligence Notes [WINs] and the print-only academic journal: Intelligencer - Journal of U.S. Intelligence Studies for the intelligence community by intelligence professionals. AFIO also produces Intelligence As A Career - a printed and online guide to organizing your life and education to qualify for work in the intelligence community, and a Guide to the Study of Intelligence to assist college instructors, secondary school teachers of history, civics, and current events, and students, on the best readings on a wide variety of current intelligence topics.

About Us
Learn about us - our many events, publications, programs, and legislative alerts. Support AFIO with purchases and donations or meet our members at events throughout the US. Make your views known.

Local chapters have appeal to many members, so after you have joined AFIO National, consider adding a local chapter membership to your mix.

Upcoming AFIO Events ... Full listings found here
Icon Calendar

Mon, 9 Sep 2024, noon (CT) - in-person San Antonio, TX - The AFIO San Antonio Chapter Meeting Will Review "Some CIA Secrets and Innovations," F-22 and F-35 Aircraft, and How 32 Soldiers Opened Omaha Beach, Normandy, in 1944

AFIO BulletThis month's program reviews the differences between the F-22 and F-35 aircraft; "Some CIA Secrets" dealing with past CIA innovations; and a video analyzing how 32 soldiers opened up the Omaha Beach in Normandy, 6 June 1944.
Event will be at Road Runner Lounge, The Towers at Blue Skies Texas West Complex, 5100 John D Ryan Blvd, San Antonio TX 78245
AFIO Members attending should identify themselves to the Blue Skies gate guard as "coming for the intelligence meeting in the Roadrunner Lounge at The Towers." Blue Skies Texas West is located at 5100 John D Ryan Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78245. Members attending should park in front of The Towers. Come early and have lunch in the dining room adjacent to the Roadrunner Lounge. Please pay with a credit card.
Questions to John Franklin, President, AFIO San Antonio Chapter, or call 210 863-0430.

Thu 19 Sep 2024, 6 - 8 pm PDT - Virtual via Zoom - The AFIO LA Chapter meeting features Ricky Deutsch discussing "Hexagon - The History of Film-based Space Intelligence"

AFIO BulletAFIO-L.A. meeting will feature guest speaker Ricky Deutsch who will present "Hexagon - The History of Film Based Space Intelligence." This presentation will be conducted via zoom with many great visuals to support the presentation. We look forward to your attendance, please RSVP attendance via email.
Ricky Deutsch, as a Captain in the Air Force, was Operations Director for a now declassified top-secret reconnaissance satellite program called Hexagon. From the Satellite Control Facility (aka the "Blue Cube") in Sunnyvale, CA, his team generated mission critical commands to be sent to the satellite. He was awarded a Commendation Medal for support of his program
Questions? Contact chapter President Vincent Autiero

Fri, 4 Oct 2024, 11 am (ET) - McLean VA In-Person - AFIO National Fall Luncheon: JJ Green, WTOP, Morning Speaker; Afternoon Speaker Mark Kelton, Former Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Counterintelligence (DDNCS/CI)

AFIO BulletMorning speaker starts 11 a.m.: J.J. Green, National Security Correspondent, WTOP
Afternoon speaker starts 1 p.m.: Mark Kelton, Former Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Counterintelligence (DDNCS/CI)
Register here while space remains.
: Lunch served noon to 1 p.m. Event ends at 2:00 p.m. Luncheon prices are $60 for Members; $75 for nonmember guests and all Subscribers. Payment by credit card required at time of registration. No mailed checks or "at door" payments accepted or permitted.
Registration opens here 1 August. Registration closes 5 p.m., Friday, 27 September 2024.
Check-in and badge pickup for Registered Attendees begins 10:30 a.m. NO registrations or walk-ins at hotel. No payments by cash or check or onsite registrations at venue.
Register now while space remains. Registration closes 1700 hours, Friday, 27 Sep 2024 or earlier if all seats taken.
Cancellations: No refund for cancellations after 21 Sep 2024. Payment for reservations cancelled 21 to 27 Sep 2024 will be converted to donations to AFIO. Payments for reservations cancelled after 27 Sep 2024 are forfeit; the meal will have been guaranteed at the hotel, per the contract. Thank you for your understanding. All attendees must be members of AFIO or accompanied by a current member. For security reasons, we are unable to accept late or last minute substitutions for non-attendance or changes in your guests.
Questions regarding this event to

Online version of the Guide
AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence
Are You Using It?

Full no-cost, online version of Guide here.

Perfect for professors, students, those considering careers in intelligence, and current/former officers seeking to see what changes are taking place across a wide spectrum of intelligence disciplines.

AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence helps instructors teach about the large variety of subjects that make up the field of intelligence. This includes secondary school teachers of American History, Civics, or current events and undergraduate and graduate professors of History, Political Science, International Relations, Security Studies, and related topics, especially those with no or limited professional experience in the field. Even those who are former practitioners are likely to have only a limited knowledge of the very broad field of intelligence, as most spend their careers in one or two agencies at most and may have focused only on collection or analysis of intelligence or support to those activities.

We regret that the printed, bound edition has sold out. No copies remain for sale.

AVAILABLE ONLINE-ONLY: As an educational service to professors and students, AFIO provides the full 788-page Guide online here for free. This was made possible through the generosity of our foundation, corporate, and institutional members, coupled with the donations we received from our many individual members. We thank all of them.


AFIO is seeking authors for its section on "When Intelligence Made a Difference" in the semi-annual Intelligencer journal. Topics of interest for which we are seeking authors include:

• How A.Q. Khan’s nuclear proliferation efforts were uncovered and stopped.
• The breaking of the Nazi U-boat SHARK encryption system.
• How US intelligence found Usama Bin Laden in Abbottobad, Pakistan.
• How US intelligence discovered the Soviet’s high speed Shkval torpedo.
• Intelligence and the rescue of Scott O’Grady.
• Other topics are also welcome.

Interested authors please contact Peter Oleson, senior editor The Intelligencer, at

Special Walking Tours
by Spyher Tours

Starting September, Spyher tours and events expands with three new tours offered weekly Wednesday - Sunday: The Capitol Hill Spy Tour, Arlington National Cemetery: CIA Memorial Wall Tour, and SpyKids Mission Training. Visit Eventbrite to book these and our original tours: The Georgetown Spy Tour and The Embassy Row Spy Tour.
Use promo code AFIOSPYTOUR for a 15% discount.

Visit Spyher
Book | Buy | Contact us to schedule a private event | Subscribe and "Get the Intel" for not-yet-public information on upcoming events

Vintage Espionage travels throughout the U.S. 
Visit to learn more and book all tours.

Icon Calendar

9 Sep 24, 1800-1830 (ET) - virtual - Q&A with Liza Mundy, award-winning journalist and New York Times-bestselling author of The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA (2023) - AFIO East Tennessee.

AFIO BulletTune in and learn about the brave women espionage officers who helped build the world’s foremost spy agency. For more information and link to event, contact AFIO East Tennessee

Sat, 14 Sep 2024, 11:30am EDT - Indialantic, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Matthew Newgent on "DEI at U.S. Military Service Academies."

AFIO BulletThe AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter is hosting Matthew Newgent, a 1996 West Point graduate, who will speak on "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at the Service Academies."
The event will commence at 11:30 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel, 1665 N. Highway A1A, Indialantic, Florida, 32903.
Mr. Newgent's speech will follow a sit-down lunch. Cost $35.
To register or more info, contact Larry Sanford.

Thursday, 19 Sep 2024, 11:30 AM MDT – Colorado Springs - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hosts Dr. Ryan Burke: “The Polar Vortex”

AFIO BulletAbstract: The polar paradox began in the post-WWII era. The polar reaches of the Arctic and Antarctica were simultaneously valuable strategic locations for the United States and also sites of American vulnerability.
The Polar Pivot reexamines this opportunity/vulnerability dichotomy, arguing that, today, more so than in the period following World War II, the polar regions should be a primary focus of American security discourse because they are among the most likely venues for 21st century competition and conflict.

Bio: Dr. Ryan Burke is a professor of military and strategic studies at the US Air Force Academy, an affiliate professor with the University of Alaska’s Center for Arctic Security and Resilience, and the Co-Director of Project 6633 at West Point’s Modern War Institute. Dr. Burke conducts field research in conflict zones and extreme climates, is a fellow with The Explorers Club, and is a veteran US Marine Corps officer.
For further information, contact Anthony Leto.

Fri, 20 Sep 2024, 1130 (PT) - San Francisco CA - In-Person - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter Lunch and Presentation by Dr. Matthew Brazil on "China's Ministry of State Security."

AFIO BulletDr. Matthew Brazil will offer his expert analysis of China's Ministry of State Security - it's organization, expanding activities and unique culture. Followed by Q&A moderated by Lt. Col. Roger S. Dong (USAF, ret.)
Time: 11:30am no-host cocktails; 12 noon meeting start. Location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco.
RSVP at Eventbrite here.
Questions? Contact Mariko Kawaguchi, Board Secretary, AFIO SF Chapter at


Be informed on career opportunities in the U.S. Intelligence Community

Intelligence as a Career - with updated listings of colleges teaching intelligence courses, and Q&As on needed foreign languages, as well as the courses, grades, extracurricular activities, and behavioral characteristics and life experiences sought by modern U.S. intelligence agencies.

AFIO's popular 47-page booklet reaches thousands of high school, college students, university guidance offices, and distributed in classes teaching intelligence, to help those considering careers in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

This is the all new fifth edition.
The publication is also popular with University Career Guidance Centers, professors and academic departments specializing in national security, and parents assisting children or grandchildren in choosing meaningful, public service careers.
This booklet is provided online as a public service from the generosity and efforts of AFIO board, volunteer editors/writers, donors, and members. We thank all for their support which makes this publication available.

Careers Booklet (new 2023 Fifth Edition) can be read or downloaded here


Gray long-sleeved polo shirts with embroidered AFIO logo. Men's sizes only.
Show your support for AFIO with our new Gray Long-sleeve Polo Shirts. Shirts are shrink and wrinkle resistant of fine cotton with a soft, "well-worn, comfy" yet substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal. Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues, family, and friends. Only $60 each including shipping.
Sizes for men, only: Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, and XXXL.  $60 per shirt. Order this and other store items online here.

 20 oz ceramic Mug with color glazed logo. Made in America.

Check out our new tapered, sleek AFIO coffee mug!! This handsome 20 oz. ceramic mug is made in the USA, has a white matte exterior, sports a beautiful navy-blue interior, and is dishwasher safe.  Order yours today!

$35 per mug includes shipping to a CONUS address. [includes shipping to U.S. based address, only. For foreign shipments, we will contact you with a quote.] 

SHIPPING: For shipment to a U.S.-based CONUS address, shipping is included in price. For purchases going to AK, HI, other US territories, Canada, or other foreign countries the shipping fees need to be calculated, so please call our office M-F 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET at 703-790-0320 or email providing following information: 1) your name, 2) mailing address (or addresses where each gift item will be shipped), 3) name of the AFIO store items you wish to purchase, 4) quantity of each, 5) your credit card number and expiration date, 6) amount (except for additional of shipping fees) authorized to charge, and 7) your phone number and email should we have questions. Foreign shipments fees will be calculated and estimates emailed to you, awaiting your approval.  Order this and other store items online here.

Still available - Black short-sleeved polo shirts with embroidered AFIO logo. Men's only.

Show your support for AFIO with our new Black Short-sleeve Polo Shirts. Shirts are shrink and wrinkle resistant of fine cotton with a soft, "well-worn, comfy" yet substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal. Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues, family, and friends. Only $50 each including shipping.
Sizes for (M) men, only; Small, Medium, Large, XL, XXL, and XXXL. $50 per shirt.
You may pay by check or credit card. Complete your order online here or mail an order along with payment to: AFIO, 220 Spring St Suite 220, Herndon, VA 20170. Phone orders at 703-790-0320. Questions? Contact Annette at: Order this and other store items online here.

Also available are our popular Intelligence Community Mousepad AFIO Mousepad

Full color seals of all 18 members of the U.S. Intelligence Community on this 8" round, slick surface, nonskid, rubber-backed mouse pad. Price still only $20.00 for 2 pads [includes shipping to U.S. based address, only. For foreign shipments, we will contact you with a quote.] Great gift for colleagues and self. Click image above for larger image. Now with dark navy background, brighter, updated seals of member agencies. And now MADE IN USA. Order MOUSEPADS here.

Other Upcoming Educational Events....includes selection of events from advertisers, corporate sponsors, and others—

Thursday, 12 September 2024, 12:00-1:00pm – Washington, DC – Spy Chat with Chris Costa ft. Christine Abizaid – Virtual International Spy Museum Program

International Spy Museum eventsJoin us for an online discussion of the latest intelligence, national security, and terrorism issues in the news. Spy Museum Executive Director Chris Costa, a former intelligence officer of 34 years, will be joined by Christine Abizaid, former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). Abizaid was Director of NCTC until July of 2024. She was the eighth Senate-confirmed Director and the first woman to lead NCTC, the United States Government's primary organization that integrates, analyzes, and shares counterterrorism information to address the persistent and evolving threat environment. During the Obama Administration, Abizaid was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia. Prior to joining the Office of the Secretary of Defense, she served on the National Security Council Staff as both Director for Counterterrorism and Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. Abizaid began her government career at the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Joint Intelligence Task Force Combating Terrorism and served for seven years to include time as the Senior Intelligence Analyst in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Division and the Iraq/Middle East Division. She deployed several times throughout the Middle East, including a tour as the senior DIA counterterrorism representative in Iraq. Abizaid has received the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Award, the National Military Intelligence Association John T. Hughes Award, and the DIA Meritorious Civilian Service Award. Visit

Saturday, 14 September 2024, 2:00-4:00pm – Washington, DC – In Store Book Signing Event for Sell Like A Spy with Author Jeremy Hurewitz – In Person International Spy Museum Book Signing

International Spy Museum eventsJoin the Museum for an in-store book signing with Jeremy Hurewitz, the author of Sell Like a Spy: The Art of Persuasion from the World of Espionage. Tapping into the history of intelligence-gathering and his work with former agents of the CIA, FBI, and other federal departments, Jeremy Hurewitz, a foremost corporate sales and security expert and former journalist, offers field-tested spycraft strategies and government-agency tactics anyone can use to build relationships, persuade, and sell anything. Hurewitz has built his career around CIA case officers, FBI agents, and government officials—people like Steve Romano, former Chief Negotiator of the FBI; Mark Sullivan, former Director of the Secret Service; General Stanley McChrystal (Ret.), former Commander of the Joint Special Operations Command; and John Sipher, former member of the CIA's Senior Intelligence Service. Drawing on in-depth interviews about their skillsets, stunning spy-world anecdotes, and science-backed principles of behavioral intelligence, Hurewitz has created a handbook of lessons and techniques that will strengthen your ability to connect, entice, and make deals—in business and everyday life. Though a spy's targets may be odious—terrorists, criminals, corrupt diplomats, and more—the agent's focus is on cultivating relationships and understanding motivations to gather information, free hostages, or procure money. Elicitation, Radical Empathy, and RPM (Rationalize, Project Blame, and Minimize Fault) are just a few methods in this persuasion playbook from the real world of international espionage. With a foreword by Robert Grenier, former Director of the CIA's Counterterrorism Center, Sell Like a Spy puts James Bond in its dust, making you a true agent of persuasion. Visit

30 Aug - 8 Sep 2025 - Mediterranean Cruise - Spies, Lies & Nukes announce Espionage on the High Seas! Plan NOW to join the late-summer 2025 cruise.

Instead of their traditional Spies, Lies & Nukes conference in 2024, Valerie Plame and other intelligence colleagues are thrilled to introduce an exciting variation for 2025: Spies at Sea. A combined cruise and conference through the breathtaking Mediterranean, from August 30 to September 8, 2025! See brochure here.

What to Expect:
•Intimate Conference Setting: Enjoy the same close-knit, engaging environment you've come to expect, with unparalleled access to our expert speakers.
• Exclusive Shore Excursions: Explore clandestine meeting spots, delve into espionage history, and more on excursions EXCLUSIVE TO OUR GROUP.
• Seminars at Sea: Participate in lectures and presentations led by Valerie Plame and other top intelligence professionals, all the while cruising through some of the Mediterranean's most iconic destinations.
• Special Events: Enjoy exclusive cocktail receptions, surprise activities, and one-on-one conversation time.

Exclusive Spies, Lies & Nukes Itinerary Highlights:
Barcelona, Spain: Begin your adventure in this vibrant city.
Valletta, Malta: Walk through history with guided tours led by espionage experts who will lift the veil on area spy stories and meeting sites.
Mykonos, Greece: Discover the charm and beauty of this picturesque island.
Ephesus, Turkey: Explore ancient ruins with a private guide and enjoy a unique group lunch, all while learning about intelligence activities that took place at each spot.
Santorini, Greece: Experience the iconic beauty of Santorini with endless photographic opportunities.
Naples, Italy: Enjoy a group lunch at a local restaurant and an exclusive walking tour with a private guide while learning a few spy secrets from Naples, Capri, and the Amalfi Coast.

We've secured a discounted rate that includes your stateroom, meals, classic beverage package, wi-fi, exclusive excursions, and all conference activities. These cabins will get booked quickly, so don't wait—book now and get $100 off!

This is your chance to combine professional enrichment with an unforgettable travel experience. Network with like-minded professionals, gain exclusive insights, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Secure Your Spot Today

Additional Events:

Friday, 20 September 2024, 6:00-9:00pm – Washington, DC – Educator Night Out 2024 – In-Person International Spy Museum Program

International Spy Museum eventsEnjoy an exclusive evening at the International Spy Museum where the red carpet will be rolled out just for teachers. Uncover the secret history of history and discover new and exciting resources to enrich your students' learning across all subjects! During this open-house event, teachers can explore SPY's permanent and special exhibits with fellow educators, meet SPY's youth education team, plan your students' next in-person or virtual SPY field trip, browse SPY's free curriculum and digital resources, and a special discount at the SPY Store. This event is open to current K-12 classroom and resource teachers only (21+) and 1 guest (21+, $25.00). This program is generously supported by Booz Allen Hamilton. Visit

Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 6:30-7:50pm – Washington, DC – Spies, Lies, and Robots: The Rise of AI Chatbots and the Counterintelligence Dilemma with H. Keith Melton – In-Person International Spy Museum Program

International Spy Museum eventsAI chatbots have emerged as a significant challenge to national security, evolving from simple customer service tools to sophisticated entities capable of mimicking human behavior. This transformation poses a dilemma for counterintelligence efforts, as these chatbots infiltrate various communication channels, including social networks, dating sites, and even pornography platforms, to extract sensitive information or manipulate users. Tonight, intelligence historian and Spy Museum Board Member H. Keith Melton will explore the evolution of AI chatbots and the threats they pose across different communication channels, using advanced graphics to illustrate their capabilities. As these capabilities continue to advance, the risk of widespread disruption and compromise increases along established and emerging attack vectors. Melton will suggest ways that counterintelligence agencies can address this growing threat effectively—in particular, proactive measures such as enhancing vetting procedures and deploying advanced detection algorithms. He cautions that only through collective vigilance and concerted efforts can we effectively counter the evolving menace of AI-powered threats and hostile foreign intelligence activities. He'll also cover the pressing need to adapt national security policies to the dynamic landscape of technological espionage. Selected books by H. Keith Melton will be available for sale and signing after the event. Visit

5 October 2024, 2p-4p: Vintage Espionage, a wine tasting with an espionage twist hosted by former CIA officers.

Enjoy two hours of spies, sips and stories, where secrets and wine collide. Your sommelier for the afternoon, known only as DECANTER/1 (C/1) lived and served around the world. She's an expert in relationship building and persuasion and guides you through a blind tasting of old-world and new-world wines - six wines total. Along the way enjoy stories from a life on the front lines of intelligence operations from C/1 and Spyher Founder Rosanna Minchew. Whether you're a wine connoisseur or simply love intrigue, Vintage Espionage promises an afternoon you won't want to miss. We're especially excited to host this event at a The Grange historic schoolhouse built in 1889, a perfect venue for a pop-up speakeasy! Book here and use promo code SPYHERWINEFRIENDS for a $15 discount. Use this Eventbrite link to sign up.
Location: 9818 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls, VA 22066.

Wednesday, 24 October 2024, 5 - 7 p.m. - In-Person - NCF & INSF 3rd Annual Cocktails & Codebreakers event

Please join the NCF & INSF [National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) & Intelligence and National Security Foundation (INSF)] for the 3rd Annual Cocktails & Codebreakers event
We are pleased to announce that this year's program will feature a Fireside Chat with Gen Timothy D. Haugh, USAF, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service and a special presentation by Mr. Montel Williams, military veteran/retired cryptologic officer (US Marines & Navy), actor, and motivational speaker. We are also grateful to welcome journalist Mr. Steve Scully as moderator for the Fireside Chat. Learn about our speakers & view the draft agenda or...

Location: The Hotel at Arundel Preserve, 7795 Arundel Mills Boulevard, Hanover, Maryland 21076
Registration Fee: $225. A selection of sponsorships are still available.
This October 24th event celebrates Men & Women in Cryptology.
If you missed our previous Cocktails & Codebreakers programs - you can view recaps & photos of 2023 and 2022.
Questions? Email

30 Apr - 02 May 2025 – In Person – Cryptologic History Symposium - National Cryptological Foundation and NSA Center for Cryptologic History, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland

Since 1990, the Cryptologic History Symposium has served as an opportunity to present historical scholarship found in unclassified and declassified cryptologic records and engage in discussion about their significance to history. The event is an occasion for historians and those interested in history to gather for reflection and debate on relevant and important topics from the cryptologic past. Regular speakers include historians from CCH, the Intelligence Community, the defense establishment, the military services, scholars from American and international academic institutions, veterans of the cryptologic profession, graduate and undergraduate students, and noted authors. Past symposia have featured scholarship that set out new ways to consider our cryptologic heritage. The conference provides many opportunities to interact with leading historians and other experts. The mix of practitioners, scholars, and interested observers guarantees a lively debate that promotes an enhanced appreciation for past events and their applicability to current and future issues. More information and registration here.

MORE about the "AFIO Now" Video Series....

To view publicly-released videos released in 2024 and earlier visit our YouTube page here
To see all videos released in 2024, log into Member-Only area here.
To see videos released in 2020 to 2023, log into Member-Only area here.
To explore podcasts, see links in table below or visit main podcast page.

"AFIO Now" Interviews and Podcasts in 2024 are sponsored by

Northwest Financial Advisors
Press Release on this new Joint Arrangement

Below are the Videos and Podcasts released in 2024 in our popular "AFIO Now" Series.
View publicly-released videos from 2024 and earlier here YouTube page
View member-only and public pre-2024 videos here.

For Members-Only at this time...

An Exceptional Career at NSA, the US Cyber Command, and the U.S. Navy

RADM Margaret "Peg" Klein
speaking with Everette Jordan
on her career at NSA, the US Cyber Command, and the US Navy

Interview of Tuesday, 28 May 2024 with RADM Margaret "Peg" Klein on her exceptional career at NSA, the US Cyber Command, and with the US Navy.
Co-Hosts: AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer, and Interviewer Everett Jordan, former Deputy Assistant of the Treasury for IC Integration, current AFIO Board.
The interview runs 25 minutes.

Access the RADM Peg Klein video interview here or click above image.

The Cold War and the Making of Miami

Dr Vince Houghton and Eric Driggs
on Covert City: The Cold War and the Making of Miami

Interview of Monday, 20 May 2024 with Dr Vince Houghton and Eric Driggs on their new book: Covert City: The Cold War and the Making of Miami (PublicAffairs Books, Apr 2024) on the history of how the entire city of Miami was constructed in the image of the US-Cuba rivalry. From the Bay of Pigs invasion to the death of Fidel Castro.
Host: AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer.
They discuss secret operations, corruption, crime, and a city teeming with spies: why Miami was as crucial to winning the Cold War as Washington DC or Moscow.
The interview runs 48 minutes.
Covert City may be purchased here.

Access the HOUGHTON-DRIGGS video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Army OSINT Office's New Strategy

Dennis Eger and Shawn Nilius
on Army OSINT Office's New Strategy

Interview of Monday, 29 Apr 2024 between Dennis Eger, OSINT Defense Intelligence Senior Leader, and Shawn Nilius, Director of Army OSINT Office
Interviewer: Jennifer Daniel, former senior officer of NGA and ODNI.
Host: AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer.
They discuss the Army Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Strategy. The Army defines OSINT as a foundational intelligence discipline playing a central role in support of operations.
The interview runs 51 minutes and includes several Q&As.

Access the OSINT video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Persistent Rivalry between the US and Russia

Brian J. Morra,
Former US Air Force Intelligence Officer,
Author: "The Righteous Arrows"
on the persistent rivalry between the US and Russia

Interview of Monday, 15 Apr 2024 between Brian J. Morra, Former US Air Force Intelligence Officer and senior aerospace executive; and AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer. They discuss Brian's semi-fiction book "The Righteous Arrows" on the stubbornly persistent rivalry between the US and Russia in a story of international espionage and war.
The interview runs 18 minutes and includes several Q&As.
More about the "The Righteous Arrows" or to purchase, do so here
His earlier book "The Able Archers" may be purchased here.

Access the Morro video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

An Incredible Spy Career and
What It Took to Achieve

Jonna Mendez,
Former CIA Chief of Disguise, on her latest book
"In True Face: A Woman's Life in the CIA, Unmasked.

Interview of Wednesday, 27 March 2024 of Jonna Mendez, Former CIA Chief of Disguise, on her latest book "In True Face: A Woman's Life in the CIA, Unmasked."
Interviewer is Linda Millis, former CIA, NSA, ODNI, who is currently Assistant Professor at Marymount University and serves on AFIO's Board.
Host is AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
A courageous story of being a female spy at the height of the Cold War. She began her CIA career as a "contract wife" performing secretarial duties for the Agency. Yet Mendez had a talent for espionage and soon took on more significant roles at the Agency. She parlayed her interest in photography into an operational role overseas. She lived under cover and served tours of duty all over the globe, rising first to become an international spy and ultimately to Chief of Disguise at CIA's Office of Technical Service.

The interview runs 29 minutes and includes several Q&As.
More about Jonna Mendez and her books
"In True Face" can be purchased here.

Access the Mendez video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Secret Plot to Build a Confederate Navy

Alexander Rose,
author, historian, journalist,
on The Lion And The Fox: Two Rival Spies and the Secret Plot to Build a Confederate Navy

Interview of Tuesday, 13 February 2024. Alexander Rose, author and historian, on his latest book "The Lion And The Fox: Two Rival Spies and the Secret Plot to Build a Confederate Navy."
Host and Interviewer is AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
In 1861, soon after the outbreak of the Civil War, two secret agents — one a Confederate, the other his Union rival — were dispatched to neutral Britain, each entrusted with a vital mission. This is the untold tale of two implacable foes and their twilight struggle for the highest stakes involving the lucrative Cotton trade.
The interview runs 30 minutes and includes several Q&As.
On X he is @AlexRoseWriter
The Lion and The Fox is available here.

Access the Rose video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

Duplicity and Betrayal in Espionage

James Roth, author and former CIA Officer,
on The Dead Drop: Espionage is a Dangerous Game for Amateurs

Interview of Friday, 9 February 2024. James Roth, author and former CIA Officer, on The Dead Drop: Espionage is a Dangerous Game for Amateurs, explores themes of duplicity and betrayal. The novel captures the human tension of real-world espionage with a memorable cast of characters. Of the book, former CIA Officer James Lawler wrote: "...a riveting tale of spies, youthful idealism, and adult betrayal, which accelerates to a thrilling climax worthy of a major motion picture."

Host and Interviewer is AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
The interview runs 22 minutes and includes several Q&As.

Access the Roth video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

Who Was Frederick Rutland aka 'Agent Shinkawa'?

Ronald Drabkin, author
Beverly Hills Spy: The Double-Agent War Hero Who Helped Japan Attack Pearl Harbor

Interview of Wednesday, 1 February 2024. Ronald Drabkin, author of Beverly Hills Spy: The Double-Agent War Hero Who Helped Japan Attack Pearl Harbor, the story of the WWI hero who became a fixture of high society in Golden Age Hollywood while acting as a double agent for the Japanese Empire as it prepared to attack Pearl Harbor.
"Thanks to recently declassified FBI files, Drabkin discovered why the UK, US, and Japan would prefer to keep their dealings with Frederick Rutland, aka 'Agent Shinkawa,' secret forever.... The life of a spy has never seemed so addictive or harrowing. Drabkin takes an evenhanded approach, portraying Rutland as complicated—equal parts hero and villain. This winning and dramatic biography pierces the veil of secrecy surrounding historical events." — Booklist
Host and Interviewer is AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
The interview runs 19 minutes and includes several Q&As.

Access the Drabkin video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

Would a Victorious post-Ukraine Russia Eye the Baltics?

James Stejskal,
Author, Military Historian, Conflict Archaeologist,
author of "Dead Hand" on a victorious post-Ukraine Russia eyeing the Baltics

Interview of Tuesday, 12 December 2023. James Stejskal, Author, Military Historian, Conflict Archaeologist, former CIA and Special Forces, on his book "Dead Hand" on a story of what happens after Russia has won the war in Ukraine and is eyeing the Baltics. As the world stands on the precipice of war, a legendary CIA Officer rushes to meet a spy deep in the Kremlin, on an operation where failure could mean nuclear Armageddon.
Interviewer/host is AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
The interview runs 14 minutes and includes several Q&As.
"Dead Hand" is available here.

Access the James Stejskal video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

CIA Digital and Cyber Capabilities

Jennifer Ewbank, Deputy Director of CIA for Digital Innovation,
responsible for accelerating the development and integration of digital and cyber capabilities across all of CIA's mission areas.

Interview of Wednesday, 3 January 2024. Jennifer Ewbank, Deputy Director of CIA for Digital Innovation, responsible for accelerating the development and integration of digital and cyber capabilities across all of CIA's mission areas.
Interviewer: Paul Hollingsworth PhD, former senior CIA Executive in Analysis and Operations. Ms Ewbank retired from her CIA post shortly after this interview.
Host: AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
The interview runs 36 minutes and includes several Q&As.
Jennifer Ewbank's LinkedIn page is here.

Access the Jennifer Ewbank video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Secret Pigeon Service of WWII

Gordon Corera, BBC National Security Correspondent and author
on Operation Columba - The Secret Pigeon Service: The Untold Story of World War II Resistance in Europe

Interview of Friday, 1 December 2023. Gordon Corera, BBC National Security Correspondent, Author and Journalist, on his book "Operation Columba - The Secret Pigeon Service: The Untold Story of World War II Resistance in Europe."
The fascinating, untold story of how British intelligence secretly used homing pigeons as part of a clandestine espionage operation to gather information, communicate, and coordinate with members of the Resistance to defeat the Nazis in occupied Europe during World War II.
Interviewer/host is AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.
The interview runs 21 minutes and includes several Q&As.
"Operation Columba - The Secret Pigeon Service" is available here

Access the Gordon Corera video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Secret History of Women at the CIA

Liza Mundy,
Journalist/Author, on her book
"The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA"

Interview of Friday, 10 Nov 2023 between Liza Mundy, award-winning journalist and New York Times-bestselling author of five books; Linda Millis, Former Senior CIA, NSA, and ODNI Executive, Assistant Professor, Marymount University / AFIO Board Member, and AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations. They discuss Liza's latest book "The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA."
The interview runs 24 minutes and includes several Q&As.
The Sisterhood is available here.
Her earlier book, Code Girls, is available here.

Access the Liza Mundy video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

Cambodian Allies who Defied the Khmer Rouge

Dr. Chip Beck,
CIA Officer, Foreign Service Officer, Naval Commander on
"Final Days of Heroes"

Interview of Thursday, 19 Oct 2023 between Chip Beck, CIA Officer, Sailor, Artist; and AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer. They discuss Chip's book "Final Days of Heroes: How a CIA Agent and his Cambodian Allies Fought, Defied, and Resisted the Khmer Rouge."
The interview runs 25 minutes and includes several Q&As.
His book FINAL DAYS OF HEROES is available for purchase here

Access the Chip Beck video interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

Iran and Its Surrogates

Recorded 31 January 2024

Norman Roule, ODNI National Intelligence Manager, Iran, on
Attacks on US Forces by Iranian Proxies

In this inaugural AFIO Special Edition episode, former CIA Division Chief and National Intelligence Manager for ODNI, Iran, Norman Roule discusses the aerial system attack at a military base in Jordan near the Syrian border last week that killed 3 service members. Interviewer: Jim Hughes, AFIO President and former CIA Operations Officer and Former NSA Associate Deputy Director of Operations.

The interview runs 27 minutes and includes several Q&As.

Access the Norman Roule interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Soviet Nuclear War Crisis of 1983

Brian J. Morra, USAF Intelligence Officer
on The Able Archers on the 1983 Soviet Nuclear War Crisis

Interview of Tuesday, 17 Oct 2023 between Brian J. Morra, Former US Air Force Intelligence Officer and senior aerospace executive; and AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer. They discuss Brian's semi-fiction book "The Able Archers" on the 1983 Soviet nuclear war crisis.

The interview runs 26 minutes and includes several Q&As.
His book "The Able Archers" may be purchased here.

Access the Brian Morra interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

The Secret History of the CIA and a Cold War Assassination

Stuart A. Reid,
Executive Editor of Foreign Affairs,

on "The Lumumba Plot - The Secret History of the CIA and a Cold War Assassination"

Interview of Monday, 2 Oct 2023 between Stuart A. Reid, Executive Editor of Foreign Affairs, prolific author/writer; and AFIO President James Hughes, a former senior CIA Operations Officer.
They discuss Stuart's new book "The Lumumba Plot: The Secret History of the CIA and a Cold War Assassination."
The interview runs 30 minutes and includes several Q&As.
The Lumumba Plot can be purchased here.

Access the Stuart Reid interview here or click above image.

Podcast here.

Above are the Videos and Podcasts released in 2024 in our popular "AFIO Now" Series.
View publicly-released videos from 2024 and earlier at our YouTube page here
View released and member-only pre-2024 videos here.

NOTE: ABOUT THE SPEAKERS — Full bios appear below each video either using the "SHOW MORE" or the caron (down caret symbol) under image or at far right on mobile devices. Closed Captioning is available with each video. Click CC button at bottom right of video viewing window. If viewing on a mobile browser or device, click video while running and three dots will appear at top right edge to turn CC on or off.
PODCASTS: Too busy to sit and watch an entire "AFIO Now" episode above on YouTube? Would you rather listen in your car or while accomplishing other tasks? Now you can quickly download or stream episodes on your favorite podcasting platform. AFIO Now interviews are available on 8 podcasting platforms. Search for 'AFIO Podcast' for a selection of the interviews above (public released ones) or click on any of these podcast links: Podbean; iTunes; Google; Spotify; Amazon Music; Amazon TuneIn + Alexa; iHeartRadio; and Pandora.


Getting a Security Clearance: Questions and Answers about what they are, how they are conducted,
how you can qualify, how long they take, and what can put them in jeopardy.

Two valuable booklets are available

The Security Clearance Process: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions - by the Congressional Research Service, Sept 2013

Security Clearances - FAQs - / DICE

Intelligence Community - Fourteenth Year in a Row
One of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government
and now ranked at #3 in 2022

For the 14th consecutive year, the Intelligence Community (IC) has been named as one of the "Best Places to Work in the Federal Government." The IC ranked fourth overall among large federal agencies with more than 15,000 full-time permanent employees. The Partnership for Public Service (PPS) compiled the 2022 rankings and presented the awards during a ceremony today in Washington, D.C. Dustin Gard-Weiss, Deputy DNI for Policy and Capabilities, and Sherry Van Sloun, Assistant DNI for Human Capital, accepted the award on behalf of the IC.

"What makes the IC the Best Place to Work from my perspective, is the extraordinary people who show up every day, ready to solve some of the most vexing and important challenges we face in the world," said Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. "I also realize, however, that we need to support those extraordinary people and we will continue to work to make their lives and the environment that they work in one that allows them to realize their enormous potential." The "Best Places to Work" rankings provide insight into employee satisfaction across several key workplace categories including innovation, recognition, and work-life balance. The results are based on data from the Office of Personnel Management's Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, as well as responses collected by several federal agencies that surveyed their employees during the same time period last year. PPS is a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that aims to revitalize the federal government by transforming the way government works and inspiring a new generation to serve. For more details, visit:

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