Section II -
Section III -
Section IV -
Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Section V - Events
AFIO Events
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
WIN CREDITS FOR THIS ISSUE: The WIN editors thank the
following special contributors: rsy, ec, po, pj, mh, km, gh, mk,
rd, fm, kc, jm, mr, jg, th, ed, and fwr. They have
contributed one or more stories used in this issue.
The WIN editors attempt to include a
wide range of articles and commentary in the Weekly Notes to
inform and educate our readers. However, the views expressed
in the articles are purely those of the authors, and in no way
reflect support or endorsement from the WIN editors or the
AFIO officers and staff. We welcome comments from the WIN
readers on any and all articles and commentary.
IMPORTANT: AFIO does not "vet" or endorse research inquiries,
career announcements, or job offers. Reasonable-sounding
inquiries and career offerings are published as a service to
our members, and for researchers, educators, and subscribers.
You are urged to exercise your usual caution and good judgment
when responding, and should verify the source independently
before supplying any resume, career data, or personal
If you are having difficulties with the links or viewing this
newsletter when it arrives by email, members may view the latest
edition each week at this link.
How the Art of Deception was Used by IC and Military.
U.S. Naval Institute October Intelligence Program available for immediate viewing:
David Copperfield: Magic, War, and Intelligence was the program the U.S. Naval Institute hosted in October. It featured world-renowned magician David Copperfield and former Acting Director of the CIA John McLaughlin on a historical journey as they discussed how the art of deception was used to help the military and the intelligence communities. In addition to entertaining audiences for centuries, magicians have used their skills in the art of deception to help the military and the intelligence community. Runs 36 minutes. Brief online registration to immediately view streaming video. View video here.
Continuing Series of Cryptologic Museum Webinars
on Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Virtual Classroom
ONLINE CYBERSECURITY CHATS by the National Cryptologic Museum
The Cyber Center for Education and Innovation (CCEI) have been
conducting a series of Cybersecurity Chats as part of their
special CCEI Cybersecurity Series. These online chats for
K-12 students [but older ages would benefit, too], are presented
by cybersecurity professionals and experts. General information
on the series is here.
There are many online chats that follow and they may be found here.
If you wish to share your own cybersecurity/cryptology
expertise, review the instructions here
Recommended Reads:
The Arkin Group's November 13 "In Other News" letter to private
clients by former Operations Officer Jack
Devine features...
• The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported that Iran now has more than 12 times the amount of enriched uranium allowed under the multilateral nuclear deal signed with China, France, Germany, Russia, the UK, and the US in 2015.
• President Trump has signed an executive order prohibiting U.S. firms or individuals from investing, either via direct share ownership or through funds (including emerging markets and mutual funds), in 31 companies the U.S. has labeled as providing support to modernization of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA).
• Political turmoil hit Peru this week when the Peruvian congress ousted President Martín Vizcarra on corruption allegations and installed speaker Manuel Merino as president.
the SCIF by JJ Green, WTOP -
Issue #89, 12 November has Death in helicopter crash in Egypt; Presidential Transition and Risk of Secrets; Putin's Nuke-Proof Command Post; Sitrep Russian Spy Ships in Scotland; more.
And in The Target USA podcast, Episode: 250 — "Trump, Debt and the Many Secrets He Knows" discusses worries of Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA Chief of Staff and White House Situation Room Director. Podcast is here.
More from Jeff Stein's "SpyTalk" Series
for Nov 16: "A Real life Tehran Spy Thriller"
The assassination of a top Al Qaeda agent in Iran has enough plot twists for its own TV series
Article continues here
Readers can subscribe for free at the moment here.
Special Life Insurance Offer for Our Members:

With Open Season upon us, we created a new announcement regarding the VOYA Life Insurance program for Federal Employees. This program is very competitive and in many cases saves Feds thousands of dollars when compared to FEGLI. The coverage can be provided either as a replacement to FEGLI or as supplemental coverage. In either case, it is underwritten by VOYA, one of the country's largest Life Insurance organizations and provided by Starr Wright USA.
For full details click image above or here.
One of the special benefits of membership in AFIO:
access to CIA's inhouse gift shop — the EAA Store.
It requires a quick preapproval process described here to all newly joined and current AFIO
members. And then allows you to purchase online their unusual
logo'd gift items for self or colleagues. Here is the latest
photo EAA released on November 10th featuring some of their
newest items:

Writers, Officers: Please Provide A
Brief Article for This Ongoing AFIO History Project
educational project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" seeks
writers to identify events throughout history involving any nation
or organization when the outcome was affected significantly by
AFIO has been publishing edited submissions serially in Intelligencer released two to three times a year.
To see what has been published, it is available here. Also look at the Fall edition of the
journal arriving in the mail of all members and subscribers over
the next three weeks.
Those readers interested in contributing an article, should email
For instructors, this project makes a great class assignment.
Accepted articles give students a publication credit in a
recognized journal.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
Special Items for our members:
Considerable work has been done on AFIO's LinkedIn and
YouTube video pages.
Members who use social media will find new announcements and other material on the pages of these two
sites: on LinkedIn and YouTube. One can be
notified as new material appears on those pages.
Latest Video: Interview with Dep Asst Sec for IC Integration at Treasury

Released 17 November 2020
Interview of Thursday, 30 October 2020 of Everette Jordan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Community Integration, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, US Department of the Treasury. Interviewer: Deborah Bonanni, former Chief of Staff, NSA, AFIO Board Member. Host: James Hughes, AFIO President, a former CIA Operations Officer.
TOPIC: Everette Jordan's long and impressive career in the Intelligence Community, including his decades at NSA, DOD, his creation of the National Virtual Translation Center working with the FBI, and his current "Follow the Money" position at Treasury's Office of Intelligence and Analysis where his group tracks, with CIA and the National Counterterrorism Center, complex foreign and domestic financial transactions to ensure they are not being used to underwrite terrorism or other unlawful activities. Provides many pointers for young people considering careers in the IC. Great quote: He had concern over some of the challenging, unusual assignments which put him out of his comfort zone. A wise colleague quipped: "Everette... being 'out of your comfort zone' is your comfort zone." Trusting himself and that gift, made him a success in multiple ventures and enabled him to sidestep the swirl of national politics to keep his group focused on doing the mission. He shares that and many other insights for experiencing an exciting, challenging career in numerous agencies. The interview runs 30 minutes which includes numerous Q&As.
Access Jordan video here or click above image.
Prior videos in
#7: David Robarge, CIA Chief Historian, PDB Editor
#6: Nicholas Dujmović, Professor, Author,
former CIA Historian, PDB Editor
#5: Shelby Pierson, Election Threats
Executive, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
#4: David Priess PhD, Author, former Senior
CIA Analyst and PDB Briefer
#3: Bruce Riedel, former CIA Senior Analyst,
Served on National Security Council during Iraq War
Interview #2: Martin C. Faga, former
Director, National Reconnaissance Office
#1: Joseph W. Augustyn, former CIA
Clandestine Services Officer
Introduction: Stewart Baker, Chairman, and James
Hughes, President
Other items brought to our
Cooking Your Enemies with Microwaves: Ruthless New Chinese Strategy
China 'used secret microwave pulse weapon to cook Indian soldiers alive' and force them into retreat in Himalayan border battle
Electromagnetic weapons were allegedly used on disputed Himalayan border. They cleared out Indian troops without violating ban on gunfire, a professor said. It came weeks after soldiers fought with rocks and clubs in a deadly brawl
By Tim Stickings for Mailonline, 17 November 2020.
Chinese troops used 'microwave' weapons to force Indian soldiers to retreat by making them violently sick during a Himalayan stand-off, a professor has claimed. The electromagnetic weapons which cook the human tissue of enemy troops 'turned the mountain tops into a microwave oven' and made the Indian soldiers vomit, international studies expert Jin Canrong told his students in Beijing. The microwave weapons heat water molecules in the same way as the kitchen appliance, targeting water under the skin and causing increasing amounts of pain to the target from ranges of up to 0.6 miles away. Article continues here.
Also see: China turns Ladakh battleground with India into a 'microwave oven' by Didi Tang, Beijing Tuesday November 17 2020, 12.00am GMT, The Times
China and India have been engaged in a high-altitude border standoff in the Ladakh region since April. China's military used microwave weapons to force Indian troops to retreat during a months-long border standoff in the Himalayas, according to an account that has emerged in Beijing. Its forces had turned two strategic hilltops that had been occupied by Indian soldiers "into a microwave oven," forcing them to retreat and allowing the positions to be retaken without an exchange of conventional fire, according to Jin Canrong, a professor of international relations at Beijing-based Renmin University. Article continues here (but is behind a paywall)
OSS Society Video Tribute to MG Victor J. Hugo Jr., USA (Ret.)

An inspiring 14-minute video of the life of this intelligence and special operations leader and patriot. Click image above to view Vimeo video. This same tribute video appears in Small Wars Journal cited in this issue here.
AFIO's obituary for MG Hugo appeared here.
Also available from The OSS Society is its previously-recorded "An "OH SO SOCIAL" conversation series celebrating the OSS' 75-year legacy.
Event was moderated by the Hon. Michael G. Vickers. Videos include:
A Third Special Operations Forces Revolution; Current & Future State of Special Operations Forces; National Security Challenges for the Next Adminnistration & INR75; The Bureau of Intelligence & Research; The Future of Intelligence; and OSS75 -- Its Legacy & Lessons.
All of these may be accessed here.
Op-Ed From Palantir USG, Inc.
Forget the AI Race. Let's Invest in a Data Grid for AI
By Akash "Aki" Jain, President, Palantir USG, Inc.
Neil Armstrong's small step for man in 1969 was a symbolic resolution to the Cold War's most visible global security power struggle: The Space Race. As victor, the U.S. proved its technological superiority, leading the Soviets to largely concede the space domain to the U.S. More broadly, the U.S. ability to come from behind demonstrated the underlying strength of its economic, technological, and scientific systems.
Today, we are in another pursuit for technological superiority – what has been dubbed the artificial intelligence (AI) Race. However, unlike the lunar landing, the so-called "AI Race" has no clearly defined finish line. We know we have an immediate competitor (China), but how will we know if – and when – we have won? The ambiguity around this question is why I believe we need to forget the notion of a singular AI Race and instead focus our efforts on building a data infrastructure to tackle any AI challenge.
Op-Ed continues here
Harvard's Belfer Center Offering Online Executive
Education Programs in Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Senior Executives in National and International
Security November 30 – December 11, 2020
Cybersecurity: The Intersection of Policy and
Technology January 11-15, 2021
for Military and Intelligence Community Members Seeking Degrees in Intelligence Analysis
Indiana State University's School of Criminology & Security Studies rolled out a new program for members of the military and intelligence Community who want or need to complete undergraduate (B.S.) or graduate (M.S.) degrees in Intelligence Analysis or Cyber-Criminology. The program features concentrations in Intelligence Operations, Intelligence Collection, Counterintelligence, and Criminal Intelligence.
The program can be completed face-to-face (in the classroom) or completely on-line or any combination of F-2-F and on-line.
Because the program interfaces with Army and Air Force ROTC programs on campus, the ISU degree program can also lead to a military commission in the Active, Reserve, or National Guard Army and USAF components. The program also works closely with Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Active, Reserve, and National Guard units to provide world-class educational opportunities to all members of the military, as well as the Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement Community.
ISU's Intelligence Analysis program encourages students to take advantage of additional classes with the Language Department, where students can acquire career enhancing proficiency in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, French, and Japanese languages.
ISU invites you to call or visit the School of Criminology & Security Studies webpage or contact one of our faculty or staff for more information. Inquiries to
Newly Released, Overlooked, or Forthcoming
Apollo's Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live
by Nicholas A. Christakis MD PhD
(Little Brown, Spark, Oct 2020)
A piercing and scientifically grounded look at the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic and how it will change the way we live. (Daniel Gilbert)
A riveting account of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic as it swept through American society in 2020, and how the recovery might unfold in coming years. Draws on dimly remembered historical epidemics, contemporary analyses, and cutting-edge research from a range of scientific disciplines. Physician, sociologist, and public health expert Christakis explores what it means to live in a time of plague — an experience that is paradoxically uncommon to the vast majority of humans who are alive, yet fundamental to our species.
Unleashing new divisions in our society as well as opportunities for cooperation, this 21st-century pandemic has upended lives in ways that will test, but not vanquish, our already frayed collective culture. Features provocative arguments and examples from medicine, history, sociology, epidemiology, data science, and genetics, positing what happens when the great force of a deadly germ meets the enduring reality of our evolved and restive social nature.
Book may be ordered here.
Unclassified: My Life Before, During, and After the CIA
by Richard J Kerr
(Rand-Smith LLC, Feb 2020)
Kerr, a former Deputy Director of the CIA, recounts how he joined the Agency fresh out of college as a GS7 analyst/clerk. During his more than 30 years, he rose through the ranks quickly, serving in all four directories—Intelligence, Operations, Administration, and Science/Technology (reaching Director level in both Intelligence and Administration)—before eventually becoming Deputy Director (DDCI).
Kerr was responsible for many highly visible tasks such as providing the US President with a daily briefing of CIA intelligence. He was known for his stabilizing influence during his tenure and his ability to address countless "hot button" issues. He also established a reputation for his integrity and objectivity when presenting CIA findings to high-ranking officials.
Now retired, Kerr has the opportunity to reflect on his many experiences and he even shares his thoughts on how someone working in the intelligence community should consider approaching an administration that does not understand how useful agencies like the CIA can be when managing world issues.
Book may be ordered
Section I -
Germany Charges Press Office
Worker with Spying for Egypt. German prosecutors say
they have formally charged an employee of the government's press
office with spying for an Egyptian intelligence service.
Federal prosecutors said Monday that the man, identified only as
Amin K. for privacy reasons, had used his position in the press
office's visitor service to obtain information for Egypt's General
Intelligence Service, or GIS.
Prosecutors said the suspect, a German citizen with family roots in
Egypt, took up his espionage activity from July 2010 on instructions
from the Egyptian embassy in Berlin. [Read more: AP/16November2020]
Intelligence Probe into Beirut
Explosion Lays Out Liabilities. A detailed report by
Lebanon's elite Information Branch intelligence agency has found a
host of state officials and security agencies responsible for a
massive explosion in Beirut's port in August that killed some 200
The 350-page report, which has been handed to the public
prosecutor's office but not made public, drew on investigations by
the Information Branch itself, in addition to probes by the military
police and judiciary in the days after the August 4 explosion that
destroyed large parts of the capital, injured more than 6,500 people
and initially left hundreds of thousands homeless.
The Information Branch is the intelligence wing of Lebanon's
Internal Security Forces, a prominent security agency that has led
investigations into bombings and attacks since the 2005
assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. [Read more:
Russia to Ban Several EU Officials
in a Reciprocal Move to Navalny Case Sanctions. Europe's
entry ban on several Russian officials over the poisoning of
opposition leader Alexei Navalny has hit back, as the Russian
Minister of Foreign Affairs has announced that the government will
reciprocate the move and ban several EU officials.
During an online conference last week, Minister Lavrov announced
that Kremlin would impose sanctions on Germany and France, including
entry bans on senior staff in the offices of the heads of Germany
and France.
"Since these sanctions directly concern senior staff of the
presidential administration of the Russian Federation, our response
sanctions will mirror them," Minister Lavrov said.
He, however, did not specify the number of officials that would be
affected by the entry ban or any of their names. [Read more: schengenvisainfo/17November2020]
Intel Community Readies
Postmortem on Foreign Interference in 2020 Election. The
U.S. intelligence community has begun compiling an authoritative
account of foreign interference and influence efforts made during
this year's election - a report that could answer whether the
nation's defenses held up as well as they initially appeared.
The product, including a potential public release by or sometime in
January, could also guide the incoming Biden administration and
Congress as they look to protect future national elections. And it
could bolster or undermine last week's declaration by a group of
local, state and federal officials that "[t]he November 3rd election
was the most secure in American history."
"Before we reach [a] conclusion, let's wait for the after-action
report, so we can really get an analysis of what did happen and what
didn't happen," said Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on
the Senate Intelligence Committee. [Read more: Matishak/Politico/17November2020]
Half-Nephew of Kim Jong Un in CIA
Custody, Report Says. The half-nephew of North Korean
leader Kim Jong Un was taken into CIA custody, but his whereabouts
are unknown, according to a recent report.
Kim Han Sol was taken to an undisclosed location after a meeting
with CIA agents, The New Yorker reported. Kim was expected to arrive
at Schiphol Airport outside Amsterdam in 2017, but went missing en
route while accompanied by a CIA agent. Kim is the son of Kim Jong
Nam, the man who was assassinated on Feb. 13, 2017, at an airport in
The rescue of Kim Han Sol and his family was made possible with the
help of Free Joseon's Adrian Hong Chang and Christopher Ahn, a
former U.S. marine. The two men were also involved in a raid on the
North Korean Embassy in Spain in 2019.
Free Joseon, sometimes known as Cheollima Civil Defense, has often
been identified as a North Korea government-in-exile. [Read more:
The Australian Secret
Intelligence Service: 007 Blessing and Curse. When
intelligence folk smell roses, they look for the funeral. That bit
of spy lore is about finding the opportunity in the threats (or vice
The lore hints at the mystique of the trade: the allure of secrets.
As a former head of Oz spies (the Australian Secret Intelligence
Service) and spy-catchers (the Australian Security Intelligence
Organisation), David Irvine takes a droll view of the
forbidden-fruit fascination of both secrets and sex. Irvine cites
this wonderful bit of fruitiness from a top British diplomat, Rodric
‘The subject of intelligence attracts attention out of proportion to
its real importance. My theory is that this is because secrets are
like sex. Most of us think that others get more than we do. Some of
us cannot have enough of either. Both encourage fantasy. Both send
the press into a feeding frenzy. All this distorts sensible
discussion.' [Read more: Dobell/TheStrategist/15November2020]
New Russian for STEM Course
Prepares Students for Global Careers. Did you know,
federal agencies have identified Russian as a priority language of
national need?
A new course at the University of Kentucky aims to meet that need by
preparing students for careers as global language professionals.
The Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and
Cultures (MCLLC) in the College of Arts and Sciences strives to
teach students how to read, speak and write in various languages on
matters ranging from poetry to politics. Now, with support from an
Alternative Textbook Grant from UK Libraries, RUS 410G: Russian for
STEM prepares students for diverse career paths by focusing on
subjects in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
"At the core of this project is a recognition that students
graduating from our program should be poised to engage with Russia
as a fully modern, technological and scientific global power," Molly
Blasing, an assistant professor of Russian studies who developed the
course, said. [Read more: Piercy/UK/17November2020]
Watch: Video in Honor of the Late
Major General Victor J. Hugo, Jr., USA (Ret.) MG Victor
Hugo died from COVID-19 in April and was interred at Arlington
yesterday. This 13 minute video is a fitting tribute to him. MG Hugo
was at the tip of the spear for so many important missions in the
Army and after his retirement and many are recounted in this short
video. It is very much worth watching His life was full of more
adventure than you could read in a novel. And he made lasting
contributions to our national security much as a result of his
Special Forces training, experience, and expertise. We should all
aspire to live up to his example. [Watch here:
'Neither Confirm Nor Deny':
Film Review. In 1976 Clive Cussler published Raise the
Titanic!, a novel in which a team of undersea adventurers attempted
to bring the famous shipwreck to the surface and recover its
treasures. But Cussler's hero Dirk Pitt was late to this game: For
the previous six or seven years, the CIA had been secretly
attempting something similar in the real world, with a much more
dangerous treasure in mind.
Adapting a nonfiction book written by that project's director,
Philip Carter's Neither Confirm Nor Deny chronicles the massive
amount of work (and money) the CIA put into an effort to retrieve a
Soviet submarine that sank in the Pacific Ocean in 1968. Full of
period footage and storytelling from three of the men most
responsible for the project, the film gets much of its appeal from
context: As we're reminded in the background here, the '60s and '70s
were not exactly glorious years for covert operations by operatives
of the U.S. government. This plot, though, was about as morally
defensible as they come.
The sub in question was equipped with multiple nuclear missiles, and
when it sank after some kind of accident, the Russian government
didn't know exactly where to look. [Read more: DeFore/HollywoodReporter/13November2020]
Section III -
Spooks and Satellites: the Role
of Intelligence in Cold War American Space Policy. In
1978, Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Admiral Stansfield
Turner declared that the "Russians can kill us in space." Shortly
thereafter, President Carter approved the Pentagon's request to test
an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon to place greater pressure on the
USSR over ASAT arms control. Reagan Administration officials
regularly invoked intelligence on Soviet space activities to justify
both the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and the Miniature Homing
Vehicle (MHV) ASAT program. The declassified intelligence record
reveals that the US Intelligence Community was less alarmist in its
assessments of Soviet military space capabilities than some public
statements suggested. Intelligence did, nevertheless, play a direct
role in the decisions to develop US ASATs, and later to justify
space-based missile defense. Perhaps most interestingly, the Reagan
administration systematically released sanitized intelligence on
Soviet military capabilities in the publication Soviet Military
Power to garner greater support for SDI. Now, with the
declassification of relevant national security documents on Soviet
space activity, it is possible to better understand the role of
intelligence in shaping American space policy during the Cold War.
[Read more: Bateman/TheSpaceReview/16November2020]
Nigeria: The Intelligence
Community and the New Challenges. Crisis is an
opportunity to make good on big changes. So never waste a good
crisis. The late British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill (30
November 1874-24 January 1965) once wrote,"never let a good crisis
go to waste". After the brutal assassination of General Murtala
Ramat Mohammed (8 November 1938 – 13 February 1976), GCFR, on
February 13, 1976, the central government realized that the coup
d'etat caught the government unawares. To rectify the situation and
to prevent future occurrence, the government decided to reform the
security apparatus in the country. Earlier the internal security of
Nigeria was under the supervision of the Nigeria Police Force headed
by Alhaji Muhammadu Dikko Yusuf (1931-2015) from Katsina. Prior to
the coup, internal security and intelligence was handled by the
police Special Branch, a Secret Police, while external intelligence
was conducted by the Research Department (RD), a unit of the
External Affairs ministry.
The Central Government then enacted decree 27 of 1976. The decree
signed into law by General Olusegun Obasanjo, GCFR, was for creation
of the National Security Organisation of Nigeria (NSO). [Read more:
History: Lost Capitol Hill: The
Carroll Arms Hotel. I was asked about this hotel a few
months ago, but then became sidetracked with other questions. I
wanted to return to it, for reasons that I trust will be obvious
over the next few weeks.
Operating a hotel near the Capitol has always been a no-brainer. The
people coming to D.C. for the express purpose of visiting the
Capitol or interacting with members of Congress have always been a
steady clientele for such ventures. But it it were just these honest
visitors, it would hardly make for any interesting stories.
The Carroll Arms Hotel was a Capitol Hill institution for over 40
years, located as it was at the corner of 1st and C Streets NE,
right across the street from the Senate Office Building. Built in
1936 by Thomas Pickford, it was operated by Jefferson L. Ford, who
leased the building for 10 years. The hotel opened on January 4,
1937. It was described as being "an apartment hotel," with 100 rooms
over five floors. It had "mostly one-room apartments with the new
‘pullman' type kitchens." It had a brick exterior whose
ornamentation could be described as Colonial.
The new venture was a hit with one group right away: Members of
Congress. [Read more: Pohl/TheHillIsHome/16November2020]
The President's Daily Brief
and Presidents-Elect: A Primer. Incoming U.S.
presidents inherit institutions to help them gain insight into the
capabilities and intentions of global competitors. These tools
include the President's Daily Brief, or PDB, which contains the
nation's most sensitive intelligence reporting and analysis.
The president-elect's toolkit overlaps with that of the president.
For more than 50 years, components of the intelligence community
have delivered the top-secret PDB to the commander in chief every
working day. Along with other support, the PDB helps the president
remain the world's best-informed person on a wide range of national
security challenges.
A president-elect is normally brought into this briefing process
early in the transition to support a smooth transfer of power and to
avoid national security vulnerabilities on or after inauguration.
[Read more: Priess/Lawfare/17November2020]
Section IV -
Research Requests, Jobs, Obituaries
Did you work in CIA's Alec Station or bin Laden Issue Station?
Author of four-volume history of anti-American terrorism at home and abroad from Eisenhower through Trump administrations would like to connect with anyone who worked in the CIA's Alec Station or Bin Laden Issue Station for assistance in writing an accurate profile of the unit for volume III (Clinton and Bush administrations). Please contact Dennis Pluchinsky at
The Vienna Tunnel
- "Operation Silver" - Researcher Seeks More Info
After retiring from the CIA I ended up living in Vienna, Austria
and got interested in the "Vienna Tunnel." It was a SIS/MI6
operation from 1949-52 or so which tapped Soviet phone lines
between Soviet HQs and Moscow. It was the inspiration for the
Berlin Tunnel in that same era. Very little information has been
made public about the Vienna Tunnel and much of the information
doesn't seem to make sense. If you have any ideas for how to find
this tunnel or knowledge about this operation I would love to
hear from you at Than you
in advance, -Hans
Did you know: Eloise
Page, Elizabeth Sudmeier, Adelaide Hawkins, or Mary
Hutchison at CIA? Or have insights on Women in Intelligence?
Please assist this author.
Nathalia Holt, Ph.D., author of Rise of the Rocket Girls:
The Women who Propelled Us from Missiles to the Moon to Mars,
is writing a book about the history of women at the CIA during the
Cold War. She is eager to interview retired and active
intelligence professionals, both men and women, to gather insight
into the role of women at the CIA. She is particularly interested
in those who knew Eloise Page, Adelaide Hawkins, Mary
Hutchison, and Elizabeth Sudmeier.
The CIA public affairs office is cooperating. The book will be
published by Penguin Random House. The aim is to highlight the
untold successes of the CIA during the early Cold War period and
the role of women officers. If you would be willing to chat and
share your insights, please contact Nathalia at
or 805-616-1690 (phone, text or Signal app). Holt's book Rise
of the Rocket Girls was a New York Times
best-seller and received glowing reviews. USA Today
called her book, "Illuminating… these women are vividly depicted
at work, at play, in and out of love, raising children — and
making history. What a team — and what a story!" Her work has
appeared in numerous publications including The New York
Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic,
Slate, Popular Science, and Time. She is a former
fellow at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard University.
Replies to Nathalia Holt PhD at
More info on this author at or
Full Time Assistant
Professor for Intelligence Studies Program at Catholic
University, Washington, DC
AFIO Members with Academic Credentials! Potential Full
Time Teaching Opportunity in 2022 in Catholic University's
Intelligence Program
University located at 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC
Former CIA officer and staff historian Nicholas Dujmovic
retired in 2016 to become the founding director of the
Intelligence Studies Program at the Catholic University of America
(CUA) in Washington, D.C. The program is successful and growing.
The undergraduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies currently
has 76 students enrolled--the largest such program on campus. The
program continues to expand the number of intelligence courses
offered, as well as their variety.
Dr. Dujmovic is optimistic that a full time position at the
assistant professor level will open in the summer of 2022.
He is reaching out early to the AFIO community to identify
potential candidates with the following attributes:
- Significant service (at least 15 years) as a professional
intelligence officer involved in analysis, operations, technical
collection, or possibly support. A recent retiree closing a
successful career would be ideal.
- A Ph.D. from an accredited university in political science,
history, area studies, a comparable field or a relevant STEM
- Teaching experience at the university level, either
undergraduate or graduate.
- Evidence of past scholarship and a willingness to engage in
further research and publication, consistent with CUA's
commitment to excellence as a "research university."
- An enthusiasm for teaching and advising mostly undergraduate
AFIO members wishing to learn more are encouraged to contact Dr.
Dujmovic at
Assistant Professor
of Criminal Justice - UTEP - University of Texas at El Paso
The University of Texas at El Paso's College of Liberal Arts,
Department of Criminal Justice, is seeking a full-time
tenure-track "Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice."
Position Description: The position begins Fall 2021 at the
Assistant Professor level. Responsibilities include conducting and
publishing scholarly research, seeking extramural funding,
teaching face-to-face and online courses, and service to the
department, university, and profession.
About UTEP: The University of Texas at El Paso is a Carnegie R1
and Community Engaged research university in the heart of the
U.S.-Mexico border region, in a bicultural metroplex of over
800,000 people. UTEP faculty are nationally recognized for their
commitment to student success, teaching, and research. UTEP
enrolls more than 25,000 students, of whom nearly 80 percent are
Latino/Latina. UTEP provides equal access and social mobility for
over 50% of its student body of first generation students. UTEP
comprises 10 academic colleges/schools. The Department of CJ
offers an online B.A. in Security Studies, a Master of Science in
Intelligence and National Security and a Master of Defense and
Strategic Studies. The department also offers a B.A. in Criminal
Justice, an equivalent 100% online B.A., and an M.S. in
Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Required Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Criminal
Justice, Criminology or closely related field in Intelligence
and/or Security Studies from an accredited university. ABD
applicants will be considered if doctorate will be completed by
Fall 2021. Active research agenda and published scholarly journal
articles are required to apply. Applicants with only a J.D.,
Psy.D., or Ed.D. will not be considered.
Preferred Areas: All research/teaching areas of criminal justice
and criminology will be considered, but preference will be given
to candidates who have demonstrated teaching and/or research areas
in at least one of these areas: security studies, open source
intelligence, or quantitative methods/statistics.
Application Instructions and Contact Information: To apply, visit Applicants must electronically
submit: (1) letter of interest that includes teaching areas and
research expertise, (2) curriculum vita, (3) one scholarly
publication or dissertation manuscript, and (4) names and full
contact information of three references that we may contact. If
you have questions about the position, please contact the Search
Committee Chair, Dr. Egbert Zavala, at
Application Review Date: Review of applications will begin October
5th, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.
Hiring decisions are based on budget approval. To explore UTEP, do
so here. To apply for the position, contact Dr. Zavala at
numerous career and part-time assignments
available for cleared former military personnel. See listing here. Or contact or visit
instructors at the University of Texas at El Paso (US)
The National Security Studies Institute at the University of Texas
at El Paso (UTEP) (see their website here) is seeking adjunct instructors
to teach online graduate-level courses:
Legal Issues in Intelligence and National Security
Propaganda and Influence Operations
Intelligence and Counterterrorism
Political Economy of Terrorism
Risk Analysis
Emergency Management
Public Health and Homeland Security
A PhD in public policy, security studies, political science, or a
related field is required.
Interested and eligible applicants should contact Stephen
Coulthart (
Dick Buzzelli, ONI Cyber Warfare Pioneer
Richard Albert Buzzelli, 84, a Naval Intelligence Cyber Warfare Pioneer, died 3 November 2020 in Leesburg, VA.
Born in Blairsville, PA, he was a proud byproduct of a small Western PA town, routed in a strong work ethic and surrounded by a large extended family. Dick graduated from Blairsville High School in 1954 and attended VMI, ultimately graduating from IUP and later receiving his master's degree from Villanova University. He started his career as a teacher and football coach in Western PA.
In 1969 he moved to northern Virginia where he started a 27-year career at the Office of Naval Intelligence.
"Dick" Buzzelli worked at NAVSTIC (Navy Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center) starting in the late 1960s. He was a Soviet Navy Communications capacities analyst. In the 1980s he was a key member of the damage assessment team stood up under then DNI Admiral Bill Studeman to assess impact of the Walker-Whitworth spy rings. At the end of his career, Dick worked closely with Denny Harmon at the Office of Naval Intelligence. Dick was an exceptional analyst and a key leader within ONI on efforts of vital, national importance. His work can only be described as foundational for what today is called Cyber Warfare.
In retirement he enjoyed family and many beach trips to Kiawah Island, SC. Dick had a great passion for hunting and good food and often said, "Sitting at the table isn't about the food, it's about the people." All who knew him and experienced his cooking would agree his hospitality was overflowing and his dinner table always welcomed you. We smile knowing, he is now experiencing a heavenly feast that is hard to imagine. We look forward to sharing in that meal with you someday.
Survived by his wife of 60 years Marge (DeLuca) Buzzelli, three sons, and other family.
Section V - Events
3 Dec
2020, 11:30 a.m. CST - Virtual - "Lessons Learned from 25
Years in Counter-Terrorism" - CIA Operations Officer Bob
Dougherty at this San Antonio, TX Chapter virtual event
In the short presentation "Lessons Learned from
25 Years in Counter-Terrorism," veteran CIA operations officer Bob
Dougherty utilizes real-world examples from his long
operational career with the Agency to illustrate some major
lessons he learned throughout his time in the field focused on
Counter-Terrorism. Some of these lessons were learned the hard
way, and some were taught and demonstrated to him by fellow CIA
Meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. Central Standard
Time. If already a SA Chapter Member, mark your calendar. You will
be sent a link for the online presentation prior to the meeting.
If not a member, contact President John Franklin
There is no charge to attend these meetings.
Wednesday, 9
December 2020, 12 noon PST - Virtual via Zoom - The "Andre
Le Gallo" San Francisco Chapter hosts Farhad Mansourian on
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the new United States
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Registration link is here.
Farhad Mansourian is a former anti-terrorist
officer in the Iranian Imperial Army at the time when Islamic
Fundamentalists were attempting to overthrow the 2500 year old
Monarchy in Iran. Upon the fall of the Shah of Iran, Mr.
Mansourian escaped to the United States where he has remained
active and in close contact with current Iranian & Middle East
Mr. Mansourian has provided high level analysis on Iranian,
Middle Eastern and Islamic issues for local, state and numerous
federal agencies including the Pentagon, the White House, Pacific
Region Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), DEA
and the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force in San Francisco, Oakland
and San Jose, California. He is the author of many articles
published in a variety of national and international publications
and numerous radio and television appearances.
Mr. Mansourian brings a unique hands-on and insightful
perspectives on the latest events in the Middle East. Some of the
topics presented will include: the decision making process in the
Islamic Republic of Iran; the role of security and intelligence
agencies in that process; upcoming June 2021 Presidential election
in Iran, The Biden Administration, The Trump Administration arms
deal; what the Iranian leaders say, what they hope for and what
the Iranian people want.
Other Upcoming
Events from Advertisers, Corporate Sponsors, and Others
The International Spy
Museum has reopened to visitors.
Click here
to explore events, exhibits, and ticketing.
Upcoming virtual (and a few
live, post-quarantine) events at the International Spy Museum.
Click event to explore and register for event. All virtual
events require pre-registration.
Access all upcoming Spy Museum events directly from their website:
Wednesday, 18 November 2020, 1-2:30 pm EST - Virtual - Project Fallen Angel: An Advanced OSINT Case Study by Ntrepid Academy
Join Ntrepid Academy analysts as they identify and collect information on threat actors operating online in real time. Nicknamed Project Fallen Angel, this webinar features a live demonstration of how to use Nfusion—our managed attribution platform—to operate on encrypted messaging applications, infiltrate closed networks, and conduct advanced OSINT activities across the web. After you've registered, check out the differences between passive and active OSINT in our most recent blog. Explore this and other programs by Ntrepid here.
19 November 2020, 2300/11PM BST; 1800/6PM EST; 1500/3PM PST;
1100/11AM HST - Virtual - NIP September 2020 Virtual Speaker
Video Conference (Go to Meeting)
GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. Matt Zullo, Retired U.S. Navy
Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive) Master Chief, CTICM (SS),
and author of the book series "The U.S. Navy's On the Roof Gang",
tracing the origins of the Navy's radio intelligence organization
in the interwar and early years of WWII
TOPIC: "The On The Roof Gang" – The History of the Navy's
Cryptologic Pioneers.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at
link. You can also dial in using your phone. United States:
+1 (872) 240-3311 Access Code: 507-949-765 As always, please mute
your device/phone.
AGENDA: • RDML (Ret.) Cothron, NIP Chairman, welcoming remarks. •
Introduction to the new NIP READBOOK publication by CDR (Ret.) Sue
Himes, NIP Editor. • Introduction of CTICM (Ret.) Matt Zullo and
discussion (slide presentation) • Q & A encouraged throughout
the presentation moderated by CAPT (Ret.) Bob Allen. - Please ask
your questions in the GoToMeeting chat window or email your
questions in advance/during the video conference to:
Questions will be presented to by the moderator in stride
In addition to the new Royal Blue long sleeve shirts, and the
gray long sleeve hooded sweatshirts, the AFIO Store also has the
following items ready for quick shipment:
NEW: LONG and Short-Sleeved Shirts with
embroidered AFIO Logo and New Mugs with color-glazed permanent
your support for AFIO with our new Polo Shirts. Be the first to
buy these new, high quality, subtle heathered grey short
sleeve shirts, and dark blue long sleeved shirts, of
shrink and wrinkle resistant fine cotton with a soft yet
substantial feel. They feature a detailed embroidered AFIO seal.
Get a shirt for yourself and consider as gifts for colleagues,
family, and friends. Only $45 each including shipping.
Sizes of (M) men or (W) women shirts; Small, Medium, Large, XL,
XXL, and XXXL. At this time all orders will arrive as Short
Sleeve shirts.
You may pay by check or credit card. Complete your order online here or mail an order along
with payment to: AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Ste 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Phone orders at 703-790-0320. If interested in
other shirt colors or sleeve lengths, contact Annette at:
Available as a thank you for donations are the new AFIO
logo face masks:
These soft,
form-fitting, washable, non-medical grade fabric face masks have
wide behind-the-ear elastics to make long periods of wear
comfortable. Also easier to quickly put on or take off. Blue on
outside, white inside. The masks do not have a nose wire but are
sculpted, shaped, and sewn to fit most users. The all-cloth
composition allows the masks to be washed or steam-disinfected
without concerns over metal wires. The color logo is washable and
a permanent part of the mask.
The masks, however, are not for sale. They are being offered
strictly as a thank you gift to our donors.
For tax-deductible donations of $50 you will receive a receipt and
our thank you gift of two of these newly-arrived
face masks.
Donations of $100 receive four masks to be sent to the same
address. Other amounts and split-shipments are available.
To donate now to support AFIO's programs and publications, please
do so here.
We wish all members and donors continued good health, safe social
distancing, and warmly appreciate any support you are able to
provide the association.

AFIO Mug with color glazed logo. Made in
America. Sturdy enough to sit on desk to hold pens, cards,
paperclips, and candy.
This handsome large, heavy USA-made ceramic mug is
dishwasher-safe with a glazed seal. $35 per mug includes shipping.
Order this and other store items online here.
Guide to the Study of Intelligence and
When Intelligence Made a Difference
"AFIO's Guide to the Study of Intelligence" has
sold out in hard-copy.
However, it is available in digital form in its entirety on the
AFIO website here.
Also available on the website here are the individual articles of AFIO's
history project "When Intelligence Made a Difference" that have
been published to date in The Intelligencer journal.
More articles will be forthcoming in future editions.
and Removal Instructions
Weekly Intelligence Notes (WINs) are commentaries on Intelligence
and related national security matters, based on open media
sources, selected, interpreted, edited and produced for non-profit
educational uses by members and WIN subscribers.
REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS: We do not wish to add clutter to inboxes.
To discontinue receiving the WINs:
a) IF YOU ARE A MEMBER - click here: UNSUBSCRIBE and supply your full name and
email address where you receive the WINs. Click SEND, you will be
removed from list. If this link doesn't open a blank email, create
one on your own and send to
with the words: REMOVE FROM WINs as the subject, and provide your
full name and email address where you are currently receiving
b) IF YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER, and you received this
message, someone forwarded this newsletter to you [contrary to
AFIO policies]. Forward to
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The HTML feature also does not work for those who access their
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WINs are protected by copyright laws
and intellectual property laws, and may not be reproduced or
re-sent without specific permission from the Producer. Opinions
expressed in the WINs are solely those of the editor's or
author's listed with each article. AFIO Members Support the AFIO
Mission - sponsor new members! CHECK THE AFIO WEBSITE at for back issues of the WINs,
information about AFIO, conference agenda and registrations
materials, and membership applications and much more!
(c) 1998 thru 2020. AFIO, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Suite 470 East, Falls Church, VA 22043-2004. Voice:
(703) 790-0320; Fax: (703) 991-1278; Email:
About AFIO | Membership Renewal | Change of Address | Upcoming Events | Chapter Locations | Corporate/Institutional Memberships | Careers in Intelligence Booklet | Guide to the Study of Intelligence | Intelligencer Journal | Weekly Intelligence Notes | To Make A Donation | AFIO Store | Member-Only Section | Code of Ethics | Home Page