| COMING EVENTS FROM THE LATEST WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE NOTES - Use month index in right column to jump to current month:
Documentaries, Videos of Interviews, and Commercial Movies of Interest to AFIO members can be found here.
January 2014
Tuesday, 07 January 2014, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Washington, DC - America’s Great Game: The CIA’s Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East, a book presentation at the International Spy Museum
Intelligence historian Hugh Wilford reveals the surprising history of the CIA’s pro-Arab operations in the 1940s and 50s by tracing the work of the agency’s three most influential - and colorful - officers in the Middle East: Kermit Roosevelt, Archie Roosevelt, and Miles Copeland. With their deep knowledge of Middle Eastern affairs, the three men were heirs to an American missionary tradition that engaged Arabs and Muslims with respect and empathy. These “Arabists” propped up authoritarian regimes, attempted secretly to sway public opinion in America against support for the new state of Israel, and staged coups that destabilized the nations with which they empathized. They were fascinated by imperial intrigue, and were eager to play a modern rematch of the “Great Game,” the nineteenth century struggle between Britain and Russia for control over central Asia.
Tickets: Free! More information at www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 08 January 2014, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Washington, DC - David Major's Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity, at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI Agent and former Director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! More information at www.spymuseum.org.
11 January 2014, 6 pm - Paradise Valley, AZ - AFIO Arizona welcomes New Board Members and kicks off New Year
Meeting occurs at home of Tom Pozarycki, 6001 N 38th Pl, Paradise Valley, AZ. RSVP to Shields Fair, Acting AFIO Secretary, at shieldsfair@gmail.com or call 602-206-8060.
Fee is $20pp or $40 per couple. If you pay at the door it is by CASH or CHECK only - no credit cards.
Monday, 13 January 2014, 4:30pm - Washington, DC - A Citizen's Guide to Terrorism and Counterterrorism with Christopher C. Harmon
You are cordially invited to a book lecture for A Citizen's Guide to Terrorism and Counterterrorism with Christopher C. Harmon,
MajGen Matthew C. Horner Chair of Military Theory, Marine Corps University Professor of Terrorism and Counterterrorism at The Institute of World Politics.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
RSVP Required. Please do so here: sdwyer@iwp.edu.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014, 9 am - noon - Washington, DC - The National Archives National Declassification Center (NDC), in partnership with the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Historical Review Program, will host a free symposium to tell the story
of the people of Berlin and their struggle for freedom. "A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall"
The event, from 9 a.m. to noon, takes place in the William G. McGowan Theater of
the National Archives Building in Washington, DC. The symposium is open
to the public (reserve a seat by emailing: NDC@nara.gov) and the press.
The symposium will highlight newly published and released
declassified documents that reveal East and West Berliners'
struggle for life and death in the shadow of the wall. The documents
detail many aspects of their lives, focusing on the resolve of the human
spirit for freedom and equality.
With his iconic speech on June 26, 1963, President John F.
Kennedy united the citizens of Berlin with the United States by stating
that he too was a Berliner. Twenty-four years later, President Ronald
Reagan declared in Berlin that "I do not come here to lament. For I find
in Berlin a message of hope, even in the shadow of this wall, a message
of triumph."
On January 14, we will release 11,000 pages of newly
declassified documents on various topics and activities on Berlin from
1962 to 1986 - the years between these two famous speeches by American
Presidents. Symposium attendees will receive a free publication and
DVD compilation of approximately 1,324 documents, and an additional
1,140 documents will be posted online at http://www.archives.gov/research/foreign-policy/cold-war/ The DVD of the documents which accompanied the program booklet can be viewed here.
- National Declassification Center - Sheryl Shenberger
- Archivist of the United States - David S. Ferriero
- Director, Information Management Services, CIA - Joseph Lambert
- National Declassification Center - Neil Carmichael
- Historian at the George Washington University and the Woodrow Wilson Center - Dr. Hope Harrison
- Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Dr. Christian F. Ostermann
- Central Intelligence Agency - Dr. Donald P. Steury
The National Archives Building is located on the National Mall
at Constitution Ave. and 7th Street, NW, and is fully accessible. Metro:
Yellow and Green lines, Archives/Navy Memorial/Penn Quarter
station. Attendees should use the Special Events entrance on 7th and Constitution Ave, NW.
Please email all inquiries to ndc@nara.gov
Did you miss the conference "A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall"?
Now you can see all the documents and moving personal stories about life in Berlin in the area of the Berlin Wall.
CIA and the National Archives Present Newly Declassified Documents Detailing Life in the Shadow of the Berlin Wall
The National Archives' National Declassification Center (NDC), in partnership with CIA, just made public more than 1,300 documents (more than 11,000 pages) detailing not only the political, military, and economic Cold War dynamics in Berlin, Germany, between 1961 and 1989, but also the many fascinating life stories of human beings impacted by the rise and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
In highlighting this release, the National Archives hosted a three-hour public symposium, "A City Divided: Life and Death in the Shadow of the Wall," which explored the newly released and published declassified documents. The second of three declassification events pertaining to the history of the Berlin Wall, today's featured a number of Cold War history experts, including Dr. Hope M. Harrison, Associate Professor of History and International Affairs at George Washington University and scholar with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and also Dr. Christian F. Ostermann, Director History and Public Policy Program at the Wilson Center. The program also featured two keynote speakers from the CIA - Joe Lambert, CIA's Director for Information Management, and Dr. Donald P. Steury, a CIA historian working at the NDC.
The collection of official U.S. Government memos, intelligence reports, contingency plans, diplomatic cables, meeting notes, maps, essays and vignettes provides unique insight into the human dimension of life in the shadow of the Berlin Wall for both East and West German citizens.
"The Berlin Wall was a constant reminder of Berlin's status during the Cold War," noted Joe Lambert, CIA's Director for Information Management. "Incidents at the Wall were a daily occurrence, whether it was an escape from East Berlin, or demonstrations and protests on the West Berlin side of the Wall. The CIA is proud to join with the National Archives and the NDC in shining a light on this important period in the archives of Cold War history."
NDC and CIA worked together to convince an additional 17 U.S. Government agencies - including six Presidential libraries and U.S. military history entities - to declassify thousands of these documents. "Getting two organizations to agree on the declassification and release of a single document is difficult enough, but getting 19 different agencies to work together is very strong evidence of the leadership of NDC and David S. Ferriero," added Lambert. Ferriero is the 10th Archivist of the United States, confirmed in November 2009.
The former Director of NDC's Indexing and Declassification Review Division, Neil C. Carmichael, noted that the documents released as part of the "A City Divided" conference took more than a year to develop, coordinate, and declassify. "The effort began in early 2012, and it was a struggle for us to discern a specific focus over 28 years of history," explained Carmichael. "The topics run the gamut from political and intelligence topics, but also propaganda, military, and so forth. But in the process of reviewing thousands of documents from State, the Defense Department, the Intelligence Community, and even NATO archives, the underlying stories that demonstrated the human spirit in the shadow of major world events were eventually revealed to us," he added.
The declassified documents showcase the struggle for freedom from specifically 1961 to 1989, and include vignettes highlighting the visits to Berlin of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, as well as the personal tragedies and triumphs of key individuals who, for example, either escaped or helped others to escape the oppressive Soviet-dominated East Berlin. According to Dr. Harrison, the documents also demonstrate the use of propaganda and the media by both sides as part of a continuing psychological war. Today's symposium featured a unique aspect of the Berlin Wall - the use of tunnels as an escape route, as highlighted by a 1962 movie documentary by the NBC network and journalist Piers Anderton.
"The Berlin Wall was built to stop the East German brain drain and keep the best and the brightest from defecting to the West," said Carmichael. "These documents tell us the story of the importance of four key freedoms - the freedom of speech, of worship, the freedom from fear, and the freedom from want - freedoms still valued today. These stories reflect the best of humanity's struggle and the indomitable human spirit."
"A City Divided, Life & Death in the Shadow of the Wall", Conference Publication
[date reflects when conference was supposed to take place in 2013. It was delayed until January 14, 2014, and was just released] (23 MB)
Selected Records Relating to Divided Berlin at the National Archives, a finding aid
The Wall Remained, Essay by Donald P. Steury
Online Collection from the Conference DVD
A City Divided Life & Death in the Shadow of the Wall is a document collection put together for the conference, now rescheduled for January 14, 2014. It is a multi-media Flash presentation showcasing photos, audio, and video materials from: the Declassification Center and the Historical Collections at the National Archives and Records Administration the Information Review and Release Divisions of the Central Intelligence Agency's Office of Information Services
This online collection contains over 500 documents and over 12,000 pages of materials. It is only a small part of the greater collection located at the National Archives and Records Administration in College Park, Maryland. The documents included are in PDF format.
View the document collection For CIA's complete Berlin Wall collection: http://www.foia.cia.gov/collection/berlin-wall-collection
Follow the NDC's blog: https://declassification.blogs.archives.gov/
THURSDAY, 16 January 2014, 10 am to noon - Washington, DC - CIA and The CWIHP at The Wilson Center present "Assessing Warsaw Pact Military Forces: The Role of CIA Clandestine Reporting"
Please note: this event has been rescheduled from January 15th to January 16th from 10:00AM to 12:00PM.
"CIA Analysis of Warsaw Pact Military Forces: The Importance of Clandestine Reporting" examines the role of intelligence derived from clandestine human sources in the Central Intelligence Agency's analyses of Warsaw Pact military capabilities for war in Europe from 1955 to 1985. The intelligence was provided to US policymakers and military planners and used to assess the political and military balance in Central Europe between the Warsaw Pact and NATO during the Cold War. The speakers, who were analysts of Soviet military affairs during much of the period, were selected by the CIA to mine its archives for relevant material, previously highly classified, and to provide the documents in coherent form for their study and for public release. The release features a large collection of internal Warsaw Pact classified documents obtained clandestinely during the period and translated and disseminated to senior policymakers by CIA.
Joan Bird will provide a brief overview of the released CIA documents, while John Bird will engage in an in-depth review of the substance of CIA analyses of Warsaw Pact Forces.
Mark Kramer, director of the Cold War Studies Program at Harvard University, and Barry Watts, Adjunct Professor, Center for Security Studies, Georgetown University, and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, will join the panel as commentators. A. Ross Johnson, Senior Scholar at the Wilson Center, will chair the event.
This meeting is a sequel to an April 5, 2011, Wilson Center event, "Warsaw Pact: Wartime Statutes - Instruments of Soviet Control," which focused on the mechanisms of Soviet control over its Warsaw Pact allies, based on an earlier CIA release of Warsaw Pact documents also obtained clandestinely.
A. Ross Johnson is senior scholar at the Wilson Center and visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution. He was director of Radio Free Europe from 1988 to 1991 and a senior executive of RFE/RL until 2002. From 1969 to 1988 he was a senior staff member of the RAND Corporation. His publications on the Warsaw Pact include East European Military Establishments: The Warsaw Pact Northern Tier, Crane Russak & Co., 1982 (co-authored); East European Military Reliability; An Émigré-Based Assessment, The RAND Corporation, R-3480, October 1986 (co-authored); and East European Armed Forces and Soviet Military Planning; Factors of Change, RAND Corporation, N-2856-AF, 1989. He is a graduate of Stanford University, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and Columbia University.
Joan Bird, one of the co-authors of this study, had a 29 year career at CIA as a senior analyst of Soviet issues, including Soviet space activities, Soviet policies on potential space weapons, and arms control of space and defense issues. She spent three years as the senior intelligence representative on the Defense and Space negotiating team and a year supporting the US delegation to the UN Conference on Disarmament on arms control for space. In addition she was assigned to the Center for Naval Warfare Studies at the Naval War College developing ways to incorporate intelligence, space, communications and information operations in their studies and war games.Since retirement she has worked for the US Army and Navy in developing the information and space issues as examined in their war games. She is a co-author of several historical studies for the Historical Collections Division of CIA
John Bird, one of the co-authors of this study, had a 32 year career as an analyst of Soviet Military issues at CIA. Among his many assignments within the CIA, he served as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for General Purpose Forces, Director of the Strategic Warning Staff and later as the National Intelligence Officer for Warning. He was chief of the Intelligence Community's monitoring authority for all US arms control treaties and agreements. He was also assigned to other US Government departments as his expertise was requested. Since retiring from government service he nevertheless continued as an adviser and consultant to the Naval War college, the US Army's Training and Doctrine Command and other US military organizations. His latest efforts have been devoted to the release of significant CIA Cold War documents and the co-authoring of several historical studies for the Historical Collections Division of CIA.
Mark Kramer is director of the Cold War Studies Program at Harvard University and a senior fellow of Harvard's Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. He is the editor of Journal of Cold war Studies. He has taught at Harvard, Yale, and Brown Universities and was formerly an Academy Scholar in Harvard's Academy of International and Area Studies and a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University
Barry Watts is Adjunct Professor, Center for Security Studies, Georgetown University, and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments where he focuses on net assessment, airpower and the emergence of guided munitions, Air Force transformation, and the military use of space. From May 2001 - June 2002, he was the Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Watts has also held the position of Director of Northrop Grumman Analysis Center at Northrop Grumman.
No fee to attend. Location:
6th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center. Directions: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/directions
Thursday, 16 January 2014, 6:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West, at the International Spy Museum
"This remarkable book will change the way you look at intelligence, foreign affairs, the press, and much else besides." - R. James Woolsey, former director of US Central Intelligence Agency
A quarter-century ago, the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West, Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, exposed the massive crimes and corruption of his former boss, Romanian President Nicolae Ceaușescu, giving the dictator a nervous breakdown and inspiring him to send assassination squads to the U.S. to find his former spy chief and kill him. They failed. And now Pacepa takes aim at an even bigger target: the exotic, widely misunderstood but still astonishingly influential realm of the Russian-born “science” of disinformation. Pacepa and his co-author, historian and University of Mississippi School of law professor Ronald Rychlak, reveal some of the most consequential yet largely unknown disinformation campaigns of our lifetime in Disinformation: Former Spy Chief Reveals Secret Strategies for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion and Promoting Terrorism. Join Rychlak (Pacepa lives under a protective identity and does not make public appearances) for a discussion of key cases such as the transformation of Pope Pius XII from a wartime hero into a Nazi sympathizer, the spread of anti-Semitism in the Middle East, and the Kremlin’s cultivation of modern terrorism. We will also screen highlights from the documentary Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West.
Tickets: $10. More information at www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 23 January 2014, 6:30 p.m. - American Spies: Espionage Against the United States from the Cold War to the Present, at the International Spy Museum
Join Michael Sulick, former chief of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, as he discusses his latest book, the second volume in his comprehensive history of spying in the United States. American Spies tracks great espionage cases from the KGB’s placement of “illegals” like Rudolf Abel in the 1950s all the way through the impact of WikiLeaks today. Some of the stories are familiar, such as those of Robert Hanssen and Jonathan Pollard, and others less so - meet Paul Raphael Hall a one-time signalman aboard the USS Benfold who shared classified movements of the destroyer with terrorist contacts. For more than forty cases, Sulick describes how they reflect the issues of the day and the motivations that drove these individuals to spy, how they gained access, the secrets they betrayed, their tradecraft, their exposure and punishment, and the damage they ultimately inflicted on America's national security.
Tickets: $10. More information at www.spymuseum.org.
26 January 2014, 6:30 pm - McLean, VA - The NMIA/NMIF Winter Social in Honor of Dr. Forrest Frank
The National Military Intelligence Association and its Foundation hold this tribute dinner in recognition of Dr. Forrest Frank, for years of service to the Intelligence Community. Frank served in US Navy intelligence; over 30 years as a corporate consultant to the IC; as an officer of NMIA, NMIF, and NMIA's DC Chapter; and was instrumental in the formation of the Foundation's Scholarship Program.
They expect 50 to 100 current/former IC professionals and significant others. The McLean Hilton is known for outstanding food and impeccable service. Come enjoy what promises to be an exceptional night and an opportunity to recognize an individual who has excelled in his efforts for the Intelligence Community.
Click here to make dinner reservations.
28 January 2014, 2:30 - 5:30 pm - Washington, DC - Col. Wortzel speaks on "Contemporary Chinese Military Strategy" at the Institute of World Politics.
COL Larry M. Wortzel, PhD (USA, Ret.), will be speaking on " Contemporary Chinese Military Strategy " at IWP on Tuesday, January 28 in the Military Strategy class (2:30-5:30 PM). Dr. Wortzel is one of the foremost U.S. experts on China and serves on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. During a 32-year military career, Dr. Wortzel spent 12 years in the Asia-Pacific region, including two tours of duty as a military attaché at in China. Following his retirement from the Army as a colonel in 1999, he was an executive with The Heritage Foundation. At Heritage he was Asian Studies Center Director and Vice President for foreign policy and defense studies. Dr. Wortzel has written or edited numerous books and articles on China.
The Institute of World Politics,
1521 16th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20036.
RSVP and email confirmation of receipt required. Do so to sdwyer@iwp.edu.
30 January 2014, 7:30pm - Santa Monica, CA - The AFIO LA Chapter joins with the Los Angeles World Affairs Council to hear former DCI Robert Gates
Robert Gates, former SecDef and D/CIA, will address offer his views on Afghanistan today, and will talk about his tenure as the only defense secretary who served under a Democratic and a Republican president. He faced challenges in dealing with Congress and the Pentagon bureaucracy, and said his goal was to transform the Pentagon from a "department organized to plan for war into one that could wage war."
Gates served as defense secretary under Presidents Bush and Obama from 2006 to 2011, presiding over the surge of US forces in Iraq, and redistributing some defense spending from conventional warfare to a greater emphasis on special forces.
The event includes dinner.
Fee: $95.
Location: Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, 1700 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica CA 9040.
Friday, 31 January 2014, 10 - noon - Washington, DC - Dr. Edward G. Amoroso speaks on "Cyber Security and the Public-Private Partnership" at Institute of World Politics
Dr. Edward G. Amoroso, Chief Security Officer and Senior VP for AT&T Services, has overseen Cyber Security for one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world - AT&T. In his role as Chief Security Officer, he has helped discover and counter virtually every conceivable type of malicious threat that has been targeted at computers and networks in the world.
Dr. Amoroso will discuss how private sector companies, such as AT&T, work with various US government entities, such as NSA, DHS, FBI, CYBERCOM and DOD, in a public-private partnership to secure our nation's critical network infrastructure and support US National Security initiatives. He will address recent NSA programs and how Snowden's illegal disclosures have damaged the private-public partnership.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
Parking map
RSVP and Confirmation Email required. RSVP to sdwyer@iwp.edu.
February 2014
ALL FEBRUARY - Saturday, 01 February 2014 - 28 February 2014, 10am - 6pm - Washington, DC - "Double Agent Date" Valentine's Day Special, at the International Spy Museum
Take your love undercover at the International Spy Museum! This February, the Museum has developed an exclusive package to spice up any romance. Celebrate the season's delights with a Double Agent Date promotional package which includes (2) tickets to the Museum's permanent exhibit and the new "Exquisitely Evil - 50 Years of Bond Villains" exhibition, access to a covert Sexpionage scavenger hunt, and a special SPY gift bag.
This package is good throughout the month of February. Take advantage of extended hours, open 9AM-7PM during the President's Day (February 15-16) holiday weekend
Tickets: $30. More information at www.spymuseum.org
01 February 2014 - Orange Park, FL - The AFIO North Florida Chapter hosts meeting featuring AFIO National President, Gene Poteat
We have moved the date of our February 2014 meeting from the 8th to the 1st to accomodate a very special guest speaker and his tight travel schedule in Florida. AFIO President S. Eugene Poteat, LLD, will do us the honor of a visit on that occasion, so we hope you will be able to attend. Gene is a retired CIA Senior Scientific Intelligence Officer. He was educated as an Electrical Engineer and physicist, and holds masters degrees in National Security and Intelligence Studies from the Institute of World Politics graduate school in Washington, where he now lectures on technology, intelligence and national security. He began his career with the Bell Telephone Laboratories in New Jersey and Cape Canaveral, Florida. His early CIA career included work on the U-2 and SR- 71 class of airplanes and various space systems. His CIA assignments included the Directorate of Science and Technology, the National Reconnaissance Office,Technical Director of the Navy's Special Programs Office and Executive Director of the Intelligence Research and Development Council. He served abroad in London, Scandinavia, and the Middle East. He frequently writes and speaks on intelligence and national security topics.
Event location: The Country Club of Orange Park. Please RSVP to qbegonia@comcast.net Cost will be $16 each, pay the Country Club at the luncheon.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014, 5pm - Las Vegas, NV - Travis Pullen, DOE, speaks on "Comic Books with Intelligence and the Military from WWII to Present" at the AFIO Las Vegas Chapter
Our featured speaker for the evening will be: Travis M. Pullen, Sr. Intelligence Research Specialist, US Department of Energy, on "The Ultimate Crossover: The Intersection of Comic Books with Intelligence and the Military, from WWII to the Present."
Did You Know: that the creator of the lie detector wrote comic books, and wrote his invention into the stories?; that the Army has had a standing contract to have a comic periodical written for its personnel for the last 60 years?; that after the failure of imagination cited by Congress regarding the September 11 attacks, one of the people the government turned to for insight on future terrorist attacks was a comic book writer?
These out-of-the-ordinary stories and more are part of a presentation that demonstrates how comics have touched upon major moments in American history, and how the realms of the American military, nuclear weapons, and the intelligence community have been involved and portrayed in comics. Learn how the people who made comic books participated in and influenced World War II and how the war impacted the comic industry. Discover the surprising interactions between the intelligence community and the world of comics over several decades. Observe the two-way street of interaction as these unlikely companions impact each other, and be amazed as we uncover the cultural significance of comics in a modern context, such that you will never look at them as "kiddie mags" again!
Pullen holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with a focus on International Affairs. He is a 20-year IC veteran and life-long comic collector and recent blog author.
Place: The Officers' Club at Nellis Air Force Base. All guests must use the MAIN GATE, located at the intersection of Craig Road and Las Vegas Blvd. at 5871 Fitzgerald Blvd., Nellis AFB, NV 89191 Phone: 702-644-2582.
(Guest names must be submitted along with their birth date by 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 22, 2014)
Consider arriving early to join us at 5 p.m. in the "Robin's Roost" bar area for liaison and beverages.
Wednesday, 05 February 2014, 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - Washington, DC - Dinner with a Spy - Spies in Love: Jonna and Tony Mendez, a CIA Romance, at Poste Restaurant
What happens when two spycrafty people connect? Tony Mendez has become famous for his rescue of American diplomats from Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis as depicted in ARGO, but he’s not the only spy named Mendez. Both Tony and Jonna Mendez are former CIA chiefs of disguise. This married couple will share their powerful stories of developing disguises and performing identity transformation for officers and agents around the world, and how they managed to balance personal lives with demanding careers. Jonna Mendez, who left the government in 1993 earning the CIA’s Intelligence Commendation Medal, used her disguise skills to go up against the Soviet KGB, the East German Stasi, and the Cuban DGI. Tony Mendez retired from CIA after 25 years earning the CIA's Intelligence Medal of Merit, the Intelligence Star, and two Certificates of Distinction. At this special pre-Valentine’s Day event, you will be one of only 7 guests at Poste for a three-course dinner where you’ll talk with them about their extraordinary disguise exploits and the evolution of their spy romance.
Tickets: $450. Ticket includes hors d’oeuvres and three-course dinner with wines. To make a reservation call 202-654-0932 or e-mail at lhicken@spymuseum.org.
Wednesdays, 05 February - 26 February 2014 - 10:15 a.m. - Washington, DC - Spy Seminar Series: Inside the Minds of Traitors, Dictators, and Terrorists, at the International Spy Museum (in collaboration with the Smithsonian Resident Associate Program)
Human intelligence (HUMINT) is concerned with helping policymakers better understand how our adversaries think. In this fascinating morning course, experts who have spent years examining the dark side of human psychology - delving into the minds and motives of traitors, dictators, and terrorists - share their insights and discuss implications for national security in the 21st century.
05 February 2014 - What Makes Traitors Tick?
He was the psychiatrist for notorious spy Robert Hanssen and interviewed him extensively in prison. David L. Charney knows better than anyone how Hanssen thought and even felt immediately after his long-term espionage was discovered. Did he feel remorse, did he worry about his family, did he care? The answers may surprise you. Charney has worked with a number of high-profile spies and has focused extensively on the psychology and motivation of traitors.
12 February 2014 - Does the Evil Mind Exist?
What makes a person choose evil as a way of life? Stanton Samenow, a noted forensic scientist and author of The Criminal Personality and Inside the Criminal Mind, has closely encountered truly villainous people - both notorious and unknown. If anyone can answer whether there are truly evil people, he can. Samenow was the prosecution's mental health witness in the trial of the younger of the DC snipers, Lee Boyd Malvo, and he participated in the longest in-depth clinical research and treatment study of offenders conducted in North America.
19 February 2014 - Dictators and Their Disciples in a Dangerous World
Today’s international security environment is much less stable than that of the Cold War. Rogue leaders of outlaw nations with access to weapons of mass destruction pose threats unknown in the past. It is crucial to understand what drives these leaders. Jerrold Post has devoted his career to this effort. He is director of the political psychology program at The George Washington University, and was founding director of the CIA’s Center for the Analysis of Personality and Political Behavior. He played the lead role in developing the “Camp David profiles” of Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat for President Jimmy Carter, and testified before Congress on the political personality of Saddam Hussein. He also initiated the U.S. government program in understanding the psychology of terrorism. Dr. Post’s latest books are Leaders and their Followers in a Dangerous World and The Mind of the Terrorist.
26 February 2014 - Can a Terrorist’s Brain be Rebooted?
What sets someone on a terrorist trajectory and, more importantly, what could divert him (or her)? Anne Speckhard, author of Talking to Terrorists, is a research psychologist who has interviewed more than 400 terrorists, their family members, hostages, and close associates worldwide. She has conducted psychological autopsies on more than half of the 112 Chechen suicide terrorists as well as dozens of Palestinian suicide terrorists to understand the motivations for and psychological underpinnings of terrorism. She also helped design the Detainee Rehabilitation Program in Iraq for more than 20,000 detainees held by the U.S. Department of Defense. Drawing on this expertise, she can suggest whether the terrorist mindset can be changed.
Spy Seminar Series Tickets for all four days: $120. More information at www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 7 February 2014, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - "Counterintelligence after Snowden" by William M. Nolte, former ODNI
William M. Nolte, Former Director of Education and Training, Office of the Director of National Intelligence presents this lecture as the annual Brian Kelley Memorial Lecture to be held at The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
William M. Nolte is the former director of education and training in the office of the Director of National Intelligence and chancellor of the National Intelligence University. He is a former Deputy Assistant Director of Central Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency. He was Director of Training, Chief of Legislative Affairs and Senior Intelligence Advisor at the National Security Agency. He also served as Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia during the Gulf War. He has taught at several Washington area universities, is on the board of CIA's Studies in Intelligence, and directed the Intelligence Fellows Program. He holds a B.A. from La Salle University and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland.
RSVP Required. Do so to kbridges@iwp.edu and wait for confirmation email.
February 2014, 11:30 - Melbourne, FL - AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter
hears from Gene Poteat, former CIA DS&T, President of AFIO National,
on "Special Ops to Analysis and High Tech Reconnaissance."
AFIO National president Gene Poteat who will address
members and guests on the topic Changing Face of American Intelligence:
From OSS Special Operations, to Analysis and High Tech Reconnaissance,
Back to Special Operations. As this promises to be a sellout event,
interested parties should reserve early.
Location: Indian River Colony Club, Melbourne, FL. Contact Chapter Secretary Don Wickstrand, donwickstrand@comcast.net, for reservations and details or send reservations to: Bobbie Keith 1024 Osprey Drive Melbourne, FL 32940 or call 321-777-5561.
8 February 2014, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - Former CIA Officer Joseph Wippl speaks on "Covert Action in Tradition and Law" at the Maine AFIO Chapter.
Joseph Wippl speaks on Covert Action in Tradition and Law. Wippl will address the traditions of covert actions beginning with OSS in WWII and how they evolved into law.
Wippl is a former CIA officer with 30 years experience in the National Clandestine Service (NCS). He served overseas in Bonn, West Germany; Guatemala City; Luxembourg; Madrid; Mexico City; Vienna; and Berlin. Other CIA assignments include senior representative to the Aldrich Ames Damage Assessment Team, Chief of the Europe Division and CIA's Director of Congressional Affairs.
Wippl has been teaching at Boston University since 2006. He has a BA from Marquette University, MA from the Univ. of Minnesota in European History, and is a PhD. Candidate in European History at the Univ. of Minnesota.
The meeting will be held at the Brick Store Museum Program Center, 2 Dane Street, Kennebunk, at 2:00 p.m. on February 8, 2014 and is open to the public. For information call 967-4298.
11 February 2014 - MacDill AFB, FL - The AFIO Suncoast chapter welcomes AFIO President Gene Poteat
AFIO National President Gene Poteat is honoring us with a return visit and presentation on Changing Face of American Intelligence:
From OSS Special Operations, to Analysis and High Tech Reconnaissance,
Back to Special Operations. Stay tuned!
Questions or reservations to Michael F. Shapiro at mfshapiro@att.net
Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity (A Monthly Update), at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI Agent and former Director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! More information at www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO Arizona hears a special presentation by Diplomat Harry K. Thomas.
Harry K. Thomas, Jr. is the Diplomat in Residence at Arizona State University, responsible for the State Department's recruitment efforts in the Southwest and an adjunct faculty member.
He is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service and served most recently as the ambassador to the Philippines. Prior to that, he was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director for Human Resources of the U.S. State Department. He also served as a Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department.
Ambassador Thomas joined the Foreign Service in 1984, and served as U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh from 2003 to 2005. He also served in the White House as the Director for South Asia at the National Security Council from 2001 to 2002. His other postings include: New Delhi, India; Harare, Zimbabwe; Kaduna, Nigeria; and Lima, Peru. Ambassador Thomas speaks Spanish, Hindi, and Bangla and some Filipino. He is a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and pursued further study at Columbia University. He holds an honorary doctorate in Philosophy from the Loyola University of Maryland and previously served on the Boards of Trustees of the National Defense University and the College of the Holy Cross.
WE WILL NEED FOR EVERY MEETING an RSVP NO LATER than 72 hours ahead of time.
If you do not show up for the lunch meeting and have not cancelled 48 hours prior, please send your check to Simone - you will be charged for the lunch.
Meeting fees are as follows: $20.00 for AFIO AZ Member; $22.00 for Non-Members
For reservations or questions, please email Simone: simone@afioaz.org or simone@4smartphone.net.
To call, please leave a message on 602.570.6016.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014, 4:30 PM - Washington, DC - Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence after 9/11 - a book lecture by author Michael Allen at the Institute of World Politics
After the September 11 attacks, the 9/11 Commission argued that the United States needed a powerful leader, a spymaster, to forge the scattered intelligence bureaucracies into a singular enterprise to vanquish America's new enemies-stateless international terrorists. In the midst of the 2004 presidential election, Congress and the president remade the post-World War II national security infrastructure in less than five months, creating the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and a National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
Blinking Red illuminates the complicated history of the bureaucratic efforts to reform America's national security after the intelligence failures of 9/11 and Iraq's missing weapons of mass destruction, explaining how the NSC and Congress shaped the U.S. response to the 9/11 attacks. Michael Allen asserts that the process of creating the DNI position and the NCTC is a case study in power politics and institutional reform. By bringing to light the legislative transactions and political wrangling during the reform of the intelligence community, Allen helps us understand why the effectiveness of these institutional changes is still in question
Event location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
RSVP and emailed confirmation required for entry. Contact sdwyer@iwp.edu
Tuesday, 18 February 2014 - Chantilly, VA - Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) - Strategic Challenges (SI/TK)
A Technologies and Methodologies Workshop. ATIA [Advanced Technical Intelligence Association] will be hosting a Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Workshop with the National Counter Proliferation Center (NCPC). The purpose is to provide a classified (SI/TK) forum for government, military and industry partners to discuss current and future threats, including the destabilizing effects of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their delivery systems and advance the counter proliferation mission. The workshop will be classified "SI/TK NOFORN"; this is also not a Business Development forum. Attendance will be limited; if interested, you are encouraged to register early.
Additional information, including the Agenda, Security Requirements.
As noted, above, we expect attendance will be limited to one-hundred (100) participants so early registration is encouraged. For any questions, please contact Executive Director, Jim Longley at JBLongley@aol.com.
Event Location: TASC Westfields I, Room WF-1415, 4801 Stonecroft Blvd., Chantilly, VA 20151
18 February 2014, 11:30am - 2pm - McLean, VA - "Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Behind Headlines of World's Hot Spots" by Dr. Elizabeth Colton at the DIF Luncheon.
The Defense Intelligence Forum (DIF) hosts Dr. Elizabeth Colton speaking on "Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Behind the Headlines in the World's Hot Spots." Dr. Colton's career bridges the fields of diplomacy, journalism, scholarship, politics, and education. She has worked in more than 100 countries on six continents. Her most recent diplomatic assignment was as a Foreign Service officer with the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. Before joining the Foreign Service, she was an Emmy-winning journalist for ABC News and other media, including NPR, NBC News and Newsweek, working in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asia and covering foreign policy and diplomacy in Washington, D.C. She has been a Fulbright Scholar, a university professor, executive editor of 10 newspapers. She holds several degrees, including a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her consulting firm, EO Colton & Associates, promotes global collaboration in diplomacy, politics, education, and the news media. Dr. Colter currently serves as Program Director and Adviser for the American Committee on Foreign Relations.
This forum will follow a modified Chatham House rule. You may use the information, but with the exception of speaker's name and subject, you may make no attribution. Everything will be off the record.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA
Pay at the door with a check for $29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc
Make reservations by 17 February 2014 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken cacciatore, tilapia puttanesca, Lasagna, sausage with peppers, or fettuccini with portabella.
Pay at the door with a check for $29 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc.
Check is preferred, but will accept cash; credit card payments are discouraged.
20 February 2014, 12:30 - 2 pm - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO-Los Angeles meets to hear Hugh Wilford on "The CIA's Secret Arabists"
Our guest speaker will be Hugh Wilford discussing his latest book: America's Great Game: The CIA's Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East.
Author bio: Hugh Wilford is a professor of history at California State University, Long Beach, and the author/editor of five books, including The Mighty Wurlitzer (Harvard University Press, 2008). He lives with his family in Long Beach, California.
RSVP your attendance by 2/14/2014: afio_la@yahoo.com
Thursday, 20 February 2014, 5 - 7:45 pm - New York, NY - "Human Source Intelligence in a Technical Era" is topic by Discussants David Cohen and David Hunt, both former CIA, at this NCAFP event.
On February 20, 2014 the NCAFP will host a public program featuring David A. Cohen, Former Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence for the New York Police Department, and David P. Hunt, are both former career CIA officers who served in the Directorate of Operations.
David Cohen was the Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence for the New York City Police Department, the first appointed to that position, created by the city in response to the 9/11 attacks. He previously was Deputy Director for Operations (DDO) in the CIA. He worked briefly in the private sector following his Agency career, doing global risk assessment for the American International Group. He retired from the New York City Police Department in December 2013.
David Hunt retired in 1995 as a senior CIA Officer where he served for 32 years, primarily in the Directorate of Operations. Hunt served overseas with tours in Italy, Saigon, Mogadishu, Somalia, Oslo, Paris, and New York City, serving twice as deputy chief of station (Oslo, Paris) and twice as chief of station, (Mogadishu, New York). He has expertise in Soviet operations, European affairs, and counterintelligence. He holds the Donovan Award for Excellence as well as the Agency's Distinguished Intelligence Medal.
Agenda: 5 - 5:30 p.m. Arrivals; 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. Lecture and Q & A; 6:45 - 7:45 p.m. Cocktail Reception
** Men are required to wear a jacket and tie. No Jeans allowed
Venue: The University Club, 1 East 54 Street, 9th Floor, Rms 3 and 4, New York, NY 10022.
Nonmember [of NCAFP] fee is $15.
For questions on this or other NCAFP events, please contact our office by phone at (212) 224-1120 or email us at contact@ncafp.org.
Friday, 21 February 2014, 1 - 4 p.m. - Washington, DC - Book [Fiction] Signing - J.C. Carleson at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Join J.C. Carleson, a former undercover CIA officer who has navigated war zones, jumped out of airplanes, and worked on the front lines of international conflicts, who will be signing her new novel. She now lives and writes in Virginia with her husband and two young sons.
Carleson's CIA experience gives unparalleled insight into conflicts in Syria and Iraq on which her newest young adult novel, The Tyrant's Daughter is based. The book contains robust back matter, including an author's note and a guide to supplemental reading. It also features a thought-provoking commentary from an expert in Middle Eastern studies, Dr. Cheryl Bernard, president of ARCH International and researcher for the RAND Corporation. She also has penned a non-fiction book, Work Like A Spy. Both books will be available at the event.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. More info at www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013,
8:45 am - 4:30 pm - Washington, DC - "Leakers, Whistleblowers & Traitors: An Evolving Paradigm" - sponsored by The Journal of National Security Law & Policy and The Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law
Traditionally, there has been a clear divide between whistleblowers, who have exposed corruption or criminal activity, and traitors, who have shared classified information with America's adversaries, usually for personal gain. Recently, a new cadre of "leakers" has exposed legally justified programs that that brought questionable policies or inefficiencies to the public's attention. Some consider these leakers to be performing a valuable service to our democracy, and others regard them as traitors whose leaks endanger national security. The secrets they have betrayed have frustrated international diplomacy and compromised vital intelligence programs. The media's role in propagating such leaks and protecting their sources is a particularly contentious issue that stresses the delicate balance between First Amendment rights and national security.
"Whistleblowers, Leakers, and Traitors: An Evolving Paradigm" will illuminate the tension between whistleblowers, the media, and national security interests and explore the prospects of the existing legal and policy framework to adapt to this evolving whistleblower paradigm.
Keynote Speaker:
Admiral William Studeman,
Former Director, National Security Agency,
Former Deputy Director and Acting Director, CIA
Panel Discussions:
Panel 1: The Current Legal Framework;
Panel 2: The Media and Whistleblowers;
Panel 3: A New Paradigm of Leaking.
Event location: Georgetown University Law Center,
Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor,
120 F St NW,
Washington, DC 20001.
Questions? Contact info@jnslp.com To RSVP: rsvp2@law.georgetown.edu
March 2014
6 March 2014, 11:30 am - 2 pm - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO James Quesada Chapter hosts former FBI Special Agent Frank Doyle discussing "The Oklahoma City Bombing and Timothy McVey."
Former FBI Special Agent Frank Doyle will discuss the Oklahoma City bombing, a homegrown domestic terrorism event which occurred on April 19, 1995. This April will be the 19th anniversary of this most destructive act of terrorism on U.S. soil, only superseded by the September 11 attacks in 2001. 11:30AM no host cocktails; meeting starts at noon.
Event location:
United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Avenue, SF (between Sloat/Wawona).
RSVP required by 2/25/2014 to Mariko Kawaguchi at afiosf@aol.com and mail check made out to "AFIO" to: Mariko Kawaguchi, PO Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011. Members and students: $25; non-member guests $35 (must be accompanied by member).
Wednesday, 12 March 2014, 11:30am - 1:30pm - Scottsdale, AZ - FBI Analyst/former CIA Officer Matt Perez discusses "Differences and Similarities in Intelligence Work between FBI and CIA."
Mathias J. Perez, Intelligence Analyst, FBI Phoenix Division, will discuss "The differences and similarities in intelligence work between the FBI & CIA"
Matt Perez is an intelligence analyst for the Phoenix Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. During his seven years with the FBI, Matt has worked as a manager and leader of analysts, as a line analyst embedded in a squad, and as a collection manager.
Prior to joining the Bureau, Matt served as the chief of China leadership political analysis at the Central Intelligence Agency. He has also worked as an all source analyst at the National Counterterrorism Center. Matt earned bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Arizona, and he is a US Army veteran.
Event location: McCormick Ranch Golf Course, 7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale AZ 85258 - Phone 480.948.0260
RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time. No Shows who have not cancelled 48 hours prior will be charged. Fee is $20/pp ($22/pp nonmembers). For reservations or questions, contact Simone at simone@afioaz.org or simone@4smartphone.net. To call, please leave a message on 602.570.6016.
12 March 2014, 1000-1145 hrs - Laurel, MD - The National Cryptologic Museum Foundation hosts the Spring Program featuring Jim Ohlson of NSA's Office of Counterintelligence
The guest speaker is Jim Ohlson. Jim is a retired FBI Special Agent with over 28 years of service to the FBI, primarily in the counterintelligence and counterterrorism programs.
On 20 February 2001, Mr. Ohlson's phone began to ring early in the morning and continued without letup throughout the day. He was stunned to learn that Robert Hanssen, a co-worker he had formed close ties with during assignments in D.C. and New York, was under arrest for espionage. The media frenzy that followed the Robert Hanssen spy case can be used to judge its impact. No modern spy has been the focus of so much attention as fast as Robert Hanssen. By 2003, five books had been published and numerous articles written and by 2007 several films had been produced.
Jim Ohlson had come to know Bob Hanssen fairly well over the years and felt the books and movies had done a mixed job at solving the essential mystery. To explain why, it will be helpful to address a series of questions: Who is Bob Hanssen? What made him a good FBI agent? What made him a good KGB agent? What was the damage? Why did he do it? Where is he now?
Early in his career he studied Arabic at the Defense Language Institute and then put the language to use in the Bureau's New York Field Office. He spent over 14 years in the New York Office working counterterrorism, counterintelligence and directing FBI support to the National Foreign Intelligence programs for the U.S. Intelligence Community. Following that assignment Jim was awarded the DCI's National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal. Jim retired from FBI Headquarters as the Security Program Manager. In 13 years since leaving the FBI, he has worked with the Center for Public Justice, the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive [NCIX]; and, since 2004, with NSA's Office of Counterintelligence. Prior to his years in the FBI, Jim served in the U.S. Army, to include a tour in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne Division.
Event Location: L-3 Communications located at 2720 Technology Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701, Tel 301-575-3200. Lunch will be served 1200-1300.
The fees are $20 for members and $50 for guests (includes a guest membership). Deadline for registration is 07 March 2014.
If you wish to register by sending a check via U.S. mail, do so by making it payable to NCMF and send to PO Box 1682,
Fort George G Meade, MD 20755-3682.
Questions? Contact Mary J. Faletto, Senior Administrator, National Cryptologic Museum Foundation, Office: 301-688-5436 Cell: 443-250-8621. E-mail: cryptmf@aol.com
Wednesday, 12 March 2014, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity (A Monthly Update), at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI Agent and former Director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! More information at www.spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 13 March 2014, Noon-2 pm - Washington DC - The Returned & Services League of Australia meets to hear The Hon Kim Beazley AC Ambassador of Australia.
Topic: Possible Future Directions in Australia's Defence Force.
Where - Amenities Room, Embassy of Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Washington DC 20036
Charge - $15.00 including buffet lunch and sodas. Alcoholic beverages - $2.00 each.
RSVP by noon on Wednesday March 12, to David Ward at 202-352-8550 or via e-mail to dmward1973@gmail.com
NOTE: Valid photo ID required
Parking: While there is no parking at the Embassy, paid off street parking is available behind and under the Airline Pilots Association- 17th and Mass, and at 15th and Mass (1240 15th street). On street two hour metered parking is also available.
13 March 2014, 1130 - 1300 - Arlington, VA - The FAO Association Luncheon features John Brennan, D/CIA, at the Ft. Myer Officer Club.
** Cutoff for Registration 7 March ** Dress Code: Coat and Tie or Uniform of the Day. Fellow FAOs, Intelligence Professionals, and Foreign Affairs Colleagues.
Non-ID card holders can get in with their drivers license at the gate subject to inspection of car and occupants by base security.
Maps and Directions for the Fort Myer Officer Club.
Friday, 14 March 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet a Spy series: Meet former CIA officer and technical wizard Robert Wallace, at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Join us at the International Spy Museum Store and Meet A Spy Robert Wallace! During his 32 years at the CIA, some of them spent working undercover; Wallace served for seven as director of the Office of Technical Services (OTS), where spy gadgets are created. OTS scientists developed systems for agents and case officers to communicate with each other using secret writing, short-range radio, microdots, subminiature cameras and satellites. They designed and built audio bugs, telephone taps and surveillance systems. They made tracking devices, weapons, disguises and fake documents, and conducted experiments in character assessment and even 'thought control.' In other words, Bob was one of the "Qs" of CIA.
To date, Robert along with H. Keith Melton and Henry Robert Schlesinger have co-authored a book called Spycraft: The Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs, from Communism to Al-Qaeda.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. No registration required. For more information visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 14 March 2014, 6:30pm - 9:30pm - Washington, DC - Spy School Workshop: Inside Surveillance 101 with Eric O'Neill, at the International Spy Museum
Spring into surveillance! As a young operative in the FBI, Eric O'Neill was used to conducting surveillance; he was even put into the position of spying on his boss. The boss was Robert Hanssen, who was under suspicion of working for Russia, and O'Neill was up to the challenge. Now he'll share his expertise with you. O'Neill has conducted many outdoor surveillance exercises for the Museum, and he's ready to take those with the right skills up a notch. You'll be trailing the "Rabbit" through a complicated urban setting with red herrings and false leads. O'Neill will rate your clandestine prowess while you spy on secret meetings and operational acts and see if you can uncover the spy skullduggery that's afoot while you are on foot. There is no guarantee that your "Rabbit" won't escape!
Tickets: $94. Space is limited to only 10 participants - advance registration required! Call Laura Hicken at 202-654-0932 to register.
Friday, 14 March 2014, noon - 2pm - Leesburg, VA - Sandra Grimes, CIA Officer, (ret'd) and co-author of Circle of Treason: A CIA Account of Traitor Aldrich Ames and the Men He Betrayed
Sandra Grimes, retired CIA officer and principal member of the investigating team responsible for identifying and capturing Aldrich Ames, speaks on her experiences as covered in her recent book and TV series. Ames was a Soviet KGB mole in the CIA and one of the most devastating traitors in US history whose betrayal of his country not only cost many invaluable secrets but also the lives of many agents. Ms. Grimes will discuss this very interesting case as only an insider can. She will also be available to sign her book, which the Loudoun Crime Commission will have on hand in very limited quantity.
The luncheon will be held at the Belmont Country Club.
Doors open at noon for registering and networking, and meeting starts at 12:30 PM.
TO ATTEND: RSVP by March 10th at RSVP@loudouncrimecommission.org
Tuesday, 18 March 2014, 6:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - The Liberty Incident Revealed, at the International Spy Museum
“The attack was not intentional.” - Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 1967
More than forty-five years after the deadly attack on the USS Liberty by Israel’s Air Force and Navy in 1967, it is still a matter of controversy. The combined Israeli assault during the Six-Day War in June 1967 killed 34 Americans and wounded 171, while the Liberty was monitoring 12 miles offshore in international waters. Cutting through all of the conspiracy theories, Capt. A Jay Cristol, USN (Ret.) has spent a quarter-century researching what really happened that day. In his newest book, The Liberty Incident Revealed: The Definitive Account of the 1967 Israeli Attack on the U.S. Navy Spy Ship, he combines his painstaking analysis of the incident drawn from all of the sources, including tapes of intercepts recently released by the National Security Agency; formerly classified and open-source documents; and his interviews with all then-living individuals directly involved in the incident. Join Cristol as he explains why he contends that the documentary record is clear - the incident was a tragic case of mistaken identity.
Tickets: $10. More information at www.spymuseum.org.
19 March - 21 May 2014 - Washington, DC - Frontiers: A Ten Week Program in American Strategy and Statecraft at the Institute of World Politics.
Frontiers consists of ten-weekly luncheons featuring a panel of experts on each session's topic including Cyber and Corporate Statecraft, Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Counter-radicalization and more. Frontiers is an intensive ten-week program in American strategy and statecraft that reflects the unique curriculum offered at The Institute of World Politics (IWP) based on statecraft, strategy, political philosophy, and applied ethics. The program will emphasize the concept of integrated strategy, which attempts to address foreign policy and national security challenges by applying and integrating different instruments of statecraft such as military, traditional and public diplomacy, strategic communications, intelligence, counterintelligence, and economic strategy - within the rule of law.
Tuition: The cost of this program is $3,000. Once you have been accepted to the program, please mail your check to: The Institute of World Politics,
Attn: Tania Mastrapa,
1521 16th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20036
Contact: Dr. Tania C. Mastrapa at mastrapa@iwp.edu
Thursday, 20 March 2014 - Colorado Springs, CO - AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter luncheon features Inspector John San Agustin of El Paso County Sheriff's Office
Inspector John San Agustin of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office discusses the Jon Benet Ramsey case. That case has been in the news in December 2013 and again in January 2014. John Agustin and Ollie Gray, partners in an investigation with full access to the Ramsey’s files, will demonstrate their findings and evidence, which may surprise you. The Chapter meets at its new venue: the Falcon Room of the Air Force Academy, Falcon Club, starting at 11:30 am. Price: $12.00 payable at the door. Please RSVP to Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net.
Friday, 21 March 2014, 10:30 am - 2 pm - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO National Luncheon of 2014 features JOHN RIZZO, former Acting General Counsel, CIA. REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED. No Seats Remain.
John Rizzo, former Acting General Counsel, CIA, author of: Company Man: Thirty Years of Controversy and Crisis in the CIA, makes his presentation to our members at 1 p.m. "Rizzo rose to become the most influential career lawyer in CIA history
...involved in proxy wars in Central America in the 1970s to recent drone strikes in Pakistan." "Practicing law at CIA was unlike any other attorney job in the government.
Few federal statutes were meant to apply to the Agency's activities..." Company Man is "an atlas to navigate the dark, murky morality
that governs the business of intelligence." -- The Washington Post,
Dina Temple-Raston,
10 January 2014
11 am Speaker is Philip Mudd, Former Deputy Director of National Security, FBI,
Former Deputy Director, Counterterrorist Center, CIA, author of TAKEDOWN:
Inside the Hunt for Al Qaida. Philip Mudd, a career CIA officer, became second-in-charge of counterterrorism analysis in the Counterterrorist Center. He was promoted to the position of Deputy Director of the Center in 2003 and served there until 2005, when FBI Director Mueller appointed him as the first-ever deputy director of the National Security Branch in 2005. He later became the FBI's Senior Intelligence Adviser and then resigned from government service in March 2010.
EVENT LOCATION: The Crowne Plaza,
1960 Chain Bridge Road • McLean, Virginia 22102.
Driving directions here or use this link: http://tinyurl.com/boey9vf
Friday, 21 March 2014, 12.30 - 2pm - Los Angeles, CA - The AFIO L.A. Chapter hosts speaker on "The U-2 Incident: A Son's Perspective."
Francis Gary Powers, Jr will be our guest speaker discussing "The U-2 Incident, A Son's Perspective." Powers, Jr., was born five years after his father was shotdown over the Soviet Union. The downing was an incident that triggered much embarrassment for the Eisenhower Administration. Powers Jr. is founder of The Cold War Museum located in Vint Hill Farms, Virginia.
Event location: LAPD ARTC, 5651 W Manchester Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Please RSVP for attendance: afio_LA@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014, 4:30 pm - Washington, DC - Sulick speaks on "American Spies: Espionage against the United States from the Cold War to the Present"
Michael J. Sulick, Former Director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service; Former Chief of CIA Counterintelligence, speaks on his new book on Espionage from the Cold War to the Present.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC.
To attend, you MUST have a reply email indicating you are registered.
Friday, 28 March 2014 , 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet a Spy series: Meet former CIA officer Sandy Grimes, at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Join us at the International Spy Museum Store and Meet a Spy, Sandra Grimes! Sandy is a longtime veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, and along with her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames. Sandy, who is a twenty-six- year veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, spent the majority of her career working against the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Jeanne, who passed away in 2012, was a CIA officer from 1954 to 1992 specializing in counterintelligence in the Soviet Union. In 2003, nearly 10 years after the Ames case closed, Grimes and Vertefeuille agreed to co-author a memoir entitled Circle of Treason: A CIA account of Traitor Aldrich Ames and The Men He Betrayed.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. No registration required. For more information visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 28 March 2014, 6 - 7:30 pm - Washington, DC - IWP Professor and AFIO President, Gene Poteat, speaks on The Changing Face of American Intelligence: From OSS Special Operations, to Analysis and High Tech Reconnaissance, back to Special Operations
The CIA has responded to changing national security needs. The early CIA, staffed by former OSS men with Special Ops expertise, succeed in countering the Communist subversion of Italy, Greece and Turkey. Political interference however, led to the disastrous Bay of Pigs fiasco. Special Ops were replaced by analysts who sought to inform policymakers on all they needed to know. But without HUMINT, analysts failed to answer the most critical intelligence question of the time, the "bomber and missile gap." Eisenhower answered the question with high tech reconnaissance, beginning with the U-2 and Corona satellites, which also helped in the Berlin and Cuban Missile crises. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, followed by challenges of global Islamic terrorism, American intelligence has returned to an updated version of Special Ops, i.e., integration of HUMINT, analysis, high-tech weapons, such as the Predator, all working hand-in-glove with Special Forces based in Florida.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
RSVP Required. Do so to sdwyer@iwp.edu.
28 - 30 March - Crystal City, VA - Three Day Benchmarks: "New Approaches to Strategic Threat Management" by the new National Security Enterprise.
"Benchmarks: Africa" is a residential program that will take place at the DoubleTree Hotel in Crystal City, VA. The three-day event will bring together national security professionals ranging from mid-career to senior leaders from various services and agencies. Joining us will be current and former experts from the military and civilian communities, including congressional staff, business leaders, and academics concerned with sub-Saharan Africa.
The Benchmarks agenda covers a wide variety of topics. These include:
What are American interests in Africa? What end state does the US seek, and how can we get there?;
What is the US commercial strategy in Africa? How does it compare with the strategies of others?;
How can we improve liaison relationships in Africa? What should we do when bad actors offer us help? How can we explore non-traditional partnerships with 'other than sovereign' partners?;
What are the best ways to manage dysfunction? And how is excellence to be found in Africa?
This unclassified workshop will broaden and intellectually challenge attendees by promoting an appreciation for the depth and breadth of the issues we face in Africa. NSE welcomes nominations from throughout the IC. A broad spectrum of military and intelligence personnel are expected to attend.
More information, including nomination forms, the most current agenda, and an up to date list of speakers and assignments may be found at www.benchmarksusa.com Nominations will be processed in order of their receipt.
Cost: The tuition for the weekend is $1995, which includes room, board, parking, and all instructional materials.
April 2014
Friday, 04 April 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet a Spy series: Meet former CIA officer Sandy Grimes, at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Join us at the International Spy Museum Store and Meet a Spy, Sandra Grimes! Sandy is a longtime veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, and along with her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames. Sandy, who is a twenty-six- year veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, spent the majority of her career working against the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Jeanne, who passed away in 2012, was a CIA officer from 1954 to 1992 specializing in counterintelligence in the Soviet Union. In 2003, nearly 10 years after the Ames case closed, Grimes and Vertefeuille agreed to co-author a memoir entitled Circle of Treason: A CIA account of Traitor Aldrich Ames and The Men He Betrayed.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. No registration required. For more information visit www.spymuseum.org.
Saturday, 5 April 2014 - Shepherdstown, WV - Society for History in the Federal Government [SHFG] 2014 Annual Meeting
This multi-day event features a special panel on 5 April of interest to AFIO members.
The panel runs 2:00 - 3:30 PM on Saturday, April 5, with the title "The Dueling Loyalties of Cold War Era Spies of the U.S. Government and the Soviet Union."
Panel Chair, Katherine Sibley, Saint Joseph's University.
Panelists: David Chambers, Independent Historian, "Whittaker Chambers and the Global Network of Great Illegals, 1932-1935";
Jason Roberts, Quincy College, "An Examination of the Rosenberg Grand Jury Transcripts";
John Fox, Historian, Federal Bureau of Investigation, "The FBI's Eyes on the Communist World: Morris Childs, Cold War Intelligence and the Sino-Soviet Spilt"; and
Veronica Wilson, University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, "To Tell All My People": Race, Representation, and African-American FBI Informant Julia Brown.
6 - 8 April 2014 - Northampton, MA - Mini-Renunion of the New England Chapter of the Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association
Location: Hotel Northampton in Northampton, MA. The registration cut-off date for hotel reservations is 6 March 2014. For additional information, local members and prospective members may call (518) 664-8032.
Or contact Victor Knorowski at knork620@gmail.com or call (518) 664-8032.
7 April 2014, 5:30 - 8 pm - New York, NY - Master of Disguise CIA Officer Tony Mendez, of the ARGO Operation which inspired the film, to speak on his unusual tradecraft techniques.
Speaker: Tony Mendez, 25 year distinguished CIA career. Awarded CIA's Intelligence Medal of Merit in 1980 for exfiltrating six Americans from Iran, subject of the Oscar-winning movie ARGO, awarded "Trailblazer Medallion"
Topic: His book Master of Disguise - A classic story about life in the CIA. Iran was only one of several places where this master of disguise was successful.
Location: Society of Illustrators building 128 East 63rd St, New York City
Time: Registration 5:30 PM Meeting Start 6:00 PM
Cost: $50/person Cash or check, payable at the door only.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 11:30am - 2pm - Tampa, FL - The AFIO Florida Suncoast Chapter hears Col Michael Hill on USSOCOM's History and Background
Colonel Michael S. Hill is the Deputy Director, Communications Systems, J6/CIO, for Headquarters United States Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL. He is responsible for developing USSOCOM's Information Technology (IT) strategy as well as executing the Command's C4 acquisition program. He is also responsible for operating and maintaining USSOCOM's global network providing support to more than 56,000 special operations personnel.
COL Hill will brief us on USSOCOM history and background, strategic context, the commander's priorities, and how the J6 Communications Systems Directorate provides support in achieving the Commander's Vision and the SOCOM Mission. He will close with the challenges facing USSOCOM and its current priorities.
The meeting will be held at the Surf's Edge Club at MacDill AFB, with the program beginning at noon. Advance reservations are required by Wednesday, April 2, and the luncheon cost is $20. Please contact the Chapter Secretary, Michael Shapiro at michaels@suncoastafio.org for further information or to make reservations.
8 April 2014, 4:30pm - Washington, DC - Dr. Nowaczyk discusses "Poland's Smolensk Crash: A Status Report" at the Institute of World Politics
As the fourth anniversary of the Smolensk Plane Crash--which killed the Polish president and 95 other members of Poland's political and military elite in suspicious circumstances--approaches, Dr. Kazimierz Nowaczyk will deliver a lecture on the current state of our knowledge about the circumstances of the air disaster.
Dr. Kazimierz Nowaczyk will present the results of studies by experts from several countries-including the US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Poland and Russia-who collaborated over the last three years with the Polish Parliamentary Committee to Investigate the Crash of the presidential Tupolev-154M in Smolensk, Russia on April 10, 2010. Dr. Nowaczyk's presentation will focus on the official Russian report, issued by the Interstate Aviation Committee (Russian MAK), which was put in charge of investigating the crash by an executive decision of the National Investigation Committee headed by Vladimir Putin himself.
The analysis will concentrate on the actions of the Russian air traffic controllers, the recorded data of the final seconds of the flight, and the immediate activities of the rescue services and official forces responsible for securing the crash site.
Dr. Kazimierz Nowaczyk received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Gdańsk, Poland. In the early 1990s, he began working for the Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. His scientific research has focused on fluorescence and phosphorescence of biological systems, image processing, and statistical data analysis. In 2011, he began cooperating with the Polish Parliamentary Committee for the Investigation of the 2010 Smolensk Air Disaster. He coordinates the research of a group of experts from many countries who investigate the causes of the Smolensk Crash
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
Parking map is here.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 6 p.m. - Washington, DC - "Witness to History: DarkMarket and the FBI Agent who Became Master Splynter (How an online agent exposed an exclusive cyber club for crooks) at the International Spy Museum
Selling stolen personal credit and identity information online is not a recent phenomenon, in 2005 DarkMarket was created to be a one-stop shop for illicit data. The online site became a hub for underground criminal enterprise, with over 2,500 registered members at its peak. In 2008, Agent J. Keith Mularkski of the FBI's Cyber Initiative & Resource Fusion Unit creatively masked his true identity joined DarkMarket under the handle Master Splyntr and remained undetected for two years. His ingenious efforts were responsible for preventing millions in financial loss and resulted in 60 worldwide arrests. Hear directly from Mularski how he learned to log on and think like a crook to catch criminals and hear from the experts how cyber security adapts to current threats and trends in the marketplace.
Presented in collaboration with the National Law Enforcement Museum. Sponsored by Target.
Tickets: Free! For more information visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO Arizona Chapter hosts Professor Gregg Zachary, on the role of Vannevar Bush and the Manhattan Project
Guest Speaker: Gregg Zachary, Professor of Practice.
Title: The Role of Vannevar Bush as presidential science adviser in WWI, overall director of the Manhattan Project and much more...
World War II transformed the way Americans applied science and technology tothe problems of war, military planning and national security. Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) was at the center of this revolution of arms, knowledge and men. In a wide-ranging introduction to Bush's life and times, Gregg Pascal
Zachary, a professor of practice at ASU, will examine Bush's role as presidential science adviser in WWII and overall director of the Manhattan
Project and all military R&D, including research done by his "Division 19" for the OSS.
G. Pascal Zachary is a professor of practice at Arizona State University. Zachary covered Silicon Valley for The Wall Street Journal in the 1990s and reported from 50 countries as a correspondent for the Journal from 1989-2002. Of Zachary's four books, one was Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century (1997), which won the IEEE Literary Award.
Location: McCormick Ranch Golf Course, 7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale AZ 85258 - Phone 480.948.0260. RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time.
If you do not show up for the lunch meeting and have not cancelled 48 hours prior, please send your check to Simone - you will be charged for the lunch. Meeting fees are as follows: $20 for AFIO AZ Member; $22 for Non-Members.
For reservations or questions, please email Simone: simone@afioaz.org or simone@4smartphone.net.
To call, please leave a message on 602.570.6016.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014, 11am - 1pm - Albuquerque, NM - AFIO New Mexico hears from Tom Dyble on ABLE ARCHER and the 1983 Soviet War Scare
ABLE ARCHER vs. Operation RYaN: Cold War in Crisis by Tom Dyble, AFIO member
Soon after Ronald Reagan became President in January 1981, KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov initiated a joint KGB/GRU program, called Operation RYaN, to collect indicators of US and NATO preparations for nuclear war. By 1983 Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev had died and been replaced by Andropov who quickly intensified the monitoring of nuclear attack indicators. In the fall of 1983, a NATO troop reinforcement exercise, AUTUMN FORGE 83 culminated in ABLE ARCHER 83, a command post exercise which simulated the authorization for the use of nuclear weapons. While ABLE ARCHER was an annual exercise, in 1983 NATO was in the process of deploying Pershing II intermediate range missiles which would reduce the flight time of nuclear weapons to Moscow to less than 10 minutes. Soviet leaders feared that US and NATO were preparing for a nuclear first-strike. This talk will present the astonishing series of events which led to the crisis and its abrupt ending.
Tom Dyble is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University with degrees in Chemical Engineering. After graduate school, he entered the United States Air Force and retired after 22 years in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. His first and last duty assignments were with the Air Force laboratory at Kirtland AFB. In between he had general staff assignments in Washington DC which coincided with the presidency of Ronald Reagan. While not directly encountering ABLE ARCHER, he was exposed to the many events contributing to this Cold War crisis.
WHERE: The Egg & I, at 6909 Menaul Blvd NE (just East of Louisiana).
Sign in and order lunch 1100 Hrs - Call to Order NLT 1130 Hrs - Adjourn 1300
RSVP to B.E. Pete Bostwick, Jr., President, Tom Smith New Mexico Chapter, foreigndevil@yahoo.com
Wednesday, 9 April 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update at the International Spy Museum.
Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden's current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre's SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014, 6 pm - Las Vegas, NV - Gaetano Benza talks of Operation Fortitude/D-Day at AFIO Las Vegas Chapter Meeting.
The AFIO Roger E. McCarthy, Las Vegas Chapter hosts Mr. Gaetano Benza.
On Tuesday, June 6, 1944, World War II and the Normandy invasion began with the overnight parachute and glider landings of massive attacks and naval bombardment; and U.S. Army Private, Gaetano Benza was there! With a few weeks of new tactics and training leading up to the invasion, the Allied forces conducted a deception operation, Operation Fortitude, aimed at misleading the Germans with respect to the date and place of invasion.
In the early morning, amphibious landing on five beaches, (code names) June, Gold, Omaha, Utah and Sword began and during the evening the remaining elements of the parachute divisions landed. Only ten days of each month were suitable for launching this operation and a day near full moon was needed both for illumination during the hours of darkness and for spring tides. All landings had to be scheduled for low tide entry.
Operation Neptune, which was the assault phase, began on D-day, June 6, 1944 and ended on June 30, 1944. By this time, the Allied Forces had established a firm foothold in Normandy. The Supreme Allied Commander was General Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Deputy Supreme Commander was Arthur Teddy. Also present was General Bernard Montgomery, 21st Army Group and Ground Forces Commander in Chief; Trafford Leigh-Mallory, Air Commander in Chief; Bertram Ramsay, Naval Commander in Chief; and General Omar Bradley, U.S. First Army.
Presenter: Mr. Gaetano Benza was born in New York, New York on March 7, 1925. After his military career, he worked for many years as a barber at Nellis AFB where patrons were regaled with stories of his past.
Location: The Officers' Club at Nellis AFB, at intersection Craig Rd & Las Vegas Blvd. All guests must use the MAIN GATE. Address: 5871 Fitzgerald Blvd., Nellis AFB, NV 9191; Phone: 702-644-2582
Nellis Air Force Base Access: If you have provided your name, date of birth and either a drivers' license number or a social security number, your name will be at the guarded main gate at the entrance of Nellis Air Force Base. If not, please provide this information to me by Tuesday, April 1, 2014, or you will not be admitted on base. If you currently have adequate base access, you do not need to provide this information.
QUESTIONS / REGISTRATIONS?: Email Mary Bentley at mary.bentley@doe.gov or call 702-295-0417. (Guest names must be submitted along with their birth date by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 1, 2014). Please join us at 5 p.m. in the "Robin's Roost" bar area for liaison and beverages.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014, 7 - 10 p.m. - Washington, DC - Dinner with a Spy: An Evening with Sandy Grimes, at Poste.
Dine with a woman who helped identify Aldrich Ames -- the infamous CIA officer turned traitor.
Aldrich Ames could not have been more wrong when he considered Sandy Grimes a dumb broad. As a former CIA officer in the Agency's Clandestine Service, she and her fellow co-worker Jeanne Vertefeuille used determination and hard work to identify him as a KGB mole inside CIA. He was not only a co-worker and long-time acquaintance but someone they saw frequently in the hallways of CIA Headquarters. The women were finally able to tell the inside story of the unmasking of the CIA's most notorious mole in their remarkable book Circle of Treason: A CIA Account of Traitor Aldrich Ames and the Men He Betrayed which was the basis for the recent ABC Television mini-series The Assets. At this gathering, International Spy Museum executive director, Peter Earnest, who was once Ames' immediate supervisor, will lead a discussion with Grimes about how she and Vertefeuille pursued Ames until his capture. You will be one of only 7 guests at Poste for this three-course dinner.
Tickets: $450. To register please contact lhicken@spymuseum.org.
Thursday, 10 April 2014, 7pm - Mission Viejo, CA - Former CIA case officer Bob Baer speaks on International Relations, Espionage, and Foreign Policy at the AFIO Orange County California Chapter.
Robert Booker "Bob" Baer is an American author and a former CIA case officer who was primarily assigned to the Middle East. He is currently TIME.com's intelligence columnist and has contributed to Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. Baer is a frequent commentator and author about issues related to international relations, espionage and U.S. foreign policy. He was born on July 1, 1952 in Aspen, Colorado, USA. He is a writer and actor, known for his novels and the movies Syriana (2005), Car Bomb (2008) and Cult of the Suicide Bomber 2 (2006).
Event Location: Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA
Directions to the meeting: From Interstate 5 in Mission Viejo: Exit at La Paz and head West toward the mountains, Go 1.6 miles on La Paz and turn left at light on Veterans Way (It's named Pacific Hills if you turned right), Go about 0.2 miles to end of Veterans Way and it dead ends into the Mission Viejo Community Center Parking Lot. Go to the front desk and they will direct you to our meeting room.
Please RSVP and send your email responses and telephone responses directly to me at my personal email: LarryHoldridge@gmail.com, or cell phone: 954-298-5442.
Friday, 11 April 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - "Meet a Spy" series: Meet former CIA operationa officer Melissa Mahle, at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Join us at the International Spy Museum Store and Meet A Spy, Melissa Mahle. Ms. Mahle is a former CIA operations officer and expert on the Middle East and counterterrorism.
As a field operative for CIA, she worked against many of the key challenges to US national security, including running operations against al-Qaeda terrorists and illicit networks selling weapons of mass destruction. Since leaving the CIA in 2002, Melissa has embarked on a new career as an author, An Insider's View of the CIA from Iran-contra to 9/11, and two children's books Lost in Petra and Camp Secret. All of her books will be available at the event.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. For more information visit www.spymuseum.org.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Book Signing - Prisoners, Lovers & Spies: The Story of Invisible Ink from Herodotus to al-Qaeda at the International Spy Museum
Join the author for an informal chat and book signing.
From the piazzas of ancient Rome to the spy capitals of the Cold War, Kristie Macrakis reveals the global history of hidden communications. In her new book, Mackrakis, a professor of history, technology, and society at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has unearthed the drama and importance of secret messaging from Ovid's advice to use milk for illicit love notes, to John Gerard's dramatic escape from the tower of London aided by orange juice ink messages, to Al Qaeda's hidden instructions in pornographic movies. Prisoners, Lovers, and Spies: The Story of Invisible Ink from Herodotus to al Qaeda is a page turning history of intrigue and espionage, love and war, magic and secrecy for anyone with an interest in learning more about the evolution and impact of the art of concealing messages.
Tickets: Free! No registration required.
Friday, 18 April 2014, noon - San Diego, CA - AFIO San Diego Chapter to hold meeting on Domestic Cyber Threats.
We will have a very engaging, DOD offensive cyber expert as a speaker on domestic cyber threats. Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you plan (at least tentatively) on attending.
Replies to Alex Carrillo, AFIO San Diego Chapter President, alexander.carrillo@hotmail.com or call (858) 531-7433.
Exact location TBD.
A joint event by Dickinson College, the US Army Heritage and Education Center [part of the US Army War College] and the Central Intelligence Agency.
21 - 22 April 2014 - Carlisle, PA - Cold War Forum: CIA Analysis and Collection.
CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Cold War Forum: CIA Analysis and Collection. The forum is centered on recent publication of two volumes by the CIA's Historical Collections: Penetrating The Iron Curtain: Resolving the Missile Gap and CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact Forces: The Importance of Clandestine Reporting. The authors and editors, John and Joan Bird will present and discuss the publications along with selected historians, authors and scholars in a series of panels.
• The first of three panels and reception will take place in Room 106, Althouse Hall, Dickinson College, followed the next day by two more panel discussions at the Army Education and Heritage Center.
• Looking at the analysis, technical collection and clandestine reporting about the Warsaw Pact forces from a distance of 30-50 years allows us to better understand the evolution of the intelligence community in qualitative and quantitative terms. As the work went forward and built upon successes with sources and methods, the analytic quality improved greatly, as did the value to the nation. The other story to be told is of the heroism of the human sources. The Warsaw Pact publication tells the story of three men, Pyotr Popov, Oleg Penkovskiy, and Ryszard Kuklinski. A separate panel offers an opportunity to appreciate their heroism. The forum also offers a venue to discuss some of the more successful operations of the cold war, such as the U-2 and Corona programs and the Berlin Tunnel.
- Speakers include CIA Historian Dr David Robarge, Mr and Mrs John and Joan Bird (authors and editors of the publications), Dr R. Craig Nation (US Army War College and Dickinson College), Professor Frank Leith Jones (US Army War College). Additional speakers include Jerrold Schecter (co-author of The Spy Who Saved The World: How a Soviet Colonel Changed the Course of the Cold War), Mr Eugene Poteat,Mr Lou Mehrer, Mr Fred Kaplan (author of The Wizards of Armageddon), Mr Hayden Peake, and Dr Richard Immerman (the current DeSerio Chair and author of The Hidden Hand: A Brief History of the CIA.)
Panels Schedule:
Monday 21 April - Evening, at Dickinson College's Althouse hall, Room 106, 45 North College St., Carlisle, PA 17013 [Althouse is #13 on this map]
Panel I, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. - "Resolving the Missile
Moderator - Major General William F. Burns, U. S. Army (Retired)
Panelists: John Bird, CIA (Retired); Gene Poteat, CIA (Retired), Association of Former Intelligence Officers; Fred Kaplan, Author; Dr Richard Immerman, PhD, DeSerio Chair, U.S. Army War College
Tuesday, 22 April at the Army War College Heritage Center, 950 Soldiers Drive, Carlisle, PA.
Panel II - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. - " CIA Analysis of the Warsaw Pact; The Importance of Clandestine Reporting"
Moderator - Dr David Robarge, PhD, CIA Historian
Panelists: John and Joan Bird, CIA (Retired); Dr Craig Nation, PhD, Dickinson College / U.S. Army War College; Frank Jones, U.S. Army War College
Panel III - 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. - " The Men (Popov, Penkovskiy, Kuklinski)" Moderator - John Bird
Panelists; Hayden Peake, CIA; Lou Mehrer, CIA (Retired); Jerrold Schecter, Author; David Forden, CIA (Retired)(invited)
Wrap-up - Dr David Robarge, CIA Historian
• Attendance Fee: None. Lodging: Nearby hotels are listed here. Directions from the Dickinson Campus are here.
• RSVP: If you wish to attend, please respond directly to event organizer, Dr. Kaufman, at denis.kaufman@gmail.com or visit AHEC: http://www.carlisle.army.mil/ahec/index.cfm for additional information.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014, 6:30 - 9:30pm - Washington, DC - Spy School Workshop: Surveillance 101 with Eric O'Neill, at the International Spy Museum
Spring into surveillance!
As a young operative in the FBI, Eric O'Neill was used to conducting surveillance; he was even put into the position of spying on his boss. The boss was Robert Hanssen, who was under suspicion of working for Russia, and O'Neill was up to the challenge. Now he'll share his expertise with you. O'Neill has conducted many outdoor surveillance exercises for the Museum, and he's ready to take those with the right skills up a notch. You'll be trailing the "Rabbit" through a complicated urban setting with red herrings and false leads. O'Neill will rate your clandestine prowess while you spy on secret meetings and operational acts and see if you can uncover the spy skullduggery that's afoot while you are on foot. There is no guarantee that your "Rabbit" won't escape!
Tickets: $94. Space is limited to only 10 participants -- advance registration required! Call Laura Hicken at 202.654.0932 to register.
May 2014
1 - 3 May 2014 - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO 2014 Intelligence Symposium. Thursday, 1 May will be held at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency located in Springfield, VA. US Citizens, only, are permitted to attend this part of the 3-day symposium. Friday panels, speakers, and luncheon to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vienna/Tysons Corner, VA. Saturday, 3 May, to feature Chapter workshop and General Membership Meeting. Registration, agenda, and further details are available below. Are speakers are confirmed.
Registrants - be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel by 7:30 a.m. Thursday, 1 May
to pick up badges, instructions, and board buses.
If you miss the bus, you miss the program.
1960 Chain Bridge Road,
McLean, VA 22102,
Phone: 1-888-233-9527
AFIO 2014 Intelligence Symposium
1 - 3 May 2014
GEOINT, HUMINT, SIGINT: Expanding Capabilities; Growing Challenges and Risks
Day One at the new headquarters of the
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
You will hear and meet ...
NGA DirectorLetitia Long, NGA Director; turned GEOINT into crucial player in most intelligence and CT operations;
Michael Sulick, former Director, CIA's National Clandestine Service, Intelligence Historian;
John J. Hamre, President CSIS, former Deputy Secretary of Defense;
Michael Warner, Historian, DoD and CIA;
James Hughes, CIA Mideast Expert;
Paul R. Pillar, former senior CIA analyst, on Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform
Kai Bird, Mideast Expert, author of The Good Spy: The Life and Death of Robert Ames;
Stewart Baker, former NSA & DHS legal expert on privacy and intel issues;
John Bennett, former Director, CIA's National Clandestine Service;
Spike Bowman, former NSA, NCIX/DNI, FBI, privacy and intel legal issues;
David Ignatius, author, journalist Washington Post; the media view of privacy sensitivities; author of The Director
John Sano, former Deputy Director, National Clandestine Service, CIA;
and banquet speaker: Dr. John M. Poindexter, ADM, USN(Ret), visionary, brave lightning rod, and heralded pioneer in digital, real-time security who showed how to connect-the-dots; a leader in protecting privacy in a data-driven society; the architect of Big Data systems that sent terrorists running for cover and to their lawyers and front groups to circumvent the new capabilities.
Day One of the Event [at NGA] is open to U.S. citizens only. Days Two and Three are open to all members, subscribers, and guests.
All three days will be conducted at UNCLASSIFIED level.
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1960 Chain Bridge Road,
McLean, VA 22102,
Phone: 1-888-233-9527
Thursday, 01 May 2014, 6:30pm - Washington, DC - The Shadow War Against Al Qaeda: Taking Stock, at the International Spy Museum
"Bin Laden is gone, and that's wonderful. But evil is still out there. If we're looking for a respite, this isn't it." --Michael Hurley
Three years after Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan in an operation based on years of CIA's work, where are we in the war against Al Qaeda? Does the terrorist organization still pose the threat it once did? Does Al Qaeda still have the capability - and ambition - to carry out another large-scale, 9-11-style attack in the United States or elsewhere? Join us for a discussion led by Michael Hurley, a retired CIA officer with unique experience in combating terrorism -- both at the policy level, having served with the National Security Council and the State Department, and on the ground in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Mr. Hurley was appointed director of the 9/11 Commission's counterterrorism policy investigations and was a key author of its ground-breaking report. Today, he runs his own consulting agency and lectures at the Naval Postgraduate School and King's College London and is heard widely on the BBC and US national media as an expert on terrorism. Our host for the evening will be former Spy Museum historian Dr. Alexis Albion, who worked for Mr. Hurley on the 9/11 Commission and with him in the Offices of the State Department's Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism.
Tickets: $10. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 02 May 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Book Signing by Sandy Grimes at the International Spy Museum Store
Sandy Grimes is a longtime veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, and along with her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames. Sandy, who is a twenty-six- year veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, spent the majority of her career working against the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Jeanne, who passed away in 2012, was a CIA officer from 1954 to 1992 specializing in counterintelligence in the Soviet Union. In 2003, nearly 10 years after the Ames case closed, Grimes and Vertefeuille agreed to co-author a memoir entitled Circle of Treason: A CIA account of Traitor Aldrich Ames and The Men He Betrayed.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Saturday, 3 May 2014, 11a - 3p - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter hosts Capt Robert Masterson, USNR on Special Operations
Our speaker
will be CAPT Robert Masterson, USNR (Retired),
whose subject will likely concern special operations. He
was commissioned at OCS, Newport, RI, in June 1967. Location: Country Club of Orange Park. Questions and reservations: RSVP right away
for the 3 May meeting to kemeyer123@att.net or
call 904-777-2050. Cost will be $16 each, pay the Country Club at the luncheon.
Saturday, 3 May, 2014, 1- 3 - Washington, DC - Author briefing - Jeffery Deaver and Raymond Benson, authors of Ice Cold: Tales of Intrigue from the Cold War
Join us at the International Spy Museum for an informal chat and Q&A with best-selling authors Jeffery Deaver and Raymond Benson. The only American writers to be commissioned to pen official James Bond novels have joined forces to bring us twenty tales of paranoia, espionage, and psychological drama.
With the current tensions in Ukraine, many are remembering a time not so long ago when the United States and Russia were at a standoff and nuclear war was a touch of a button away. In ICE COLD, the Cold War era serves as the backdrop for a collection of short stories from these mystery writers. This short story anthology contains nuclear brinksmanship, psychological warfare, spies, double agents, femme fatales, and dead drops.
"These stories are terrific. They range from classic espionage to subtle psychological drama of the decades that saw huge change in the world.”
No registration required. For more info visit www.spymuseum.org
Monday, 5 May 2014, 4pm - Washington, DC - "Covert Legions: U.S. Army Intelligence and the Defense of Europe, 1944-1949" with Dr. Thomas Boghardt
Covert Legions: U.S. Army Intelligence and the Defense of Europe, 1944-1949.
“As the Third Reich collapsed, Soviet forces moved deep into Central
Europe, and the United States had to adjust rapidly to the new political
landscape. The intelligence services of the U.S. Army assumed a key
role in informing Washington national security policy toward Europe
during this critical period. This presentation discusses the early Cold
War operations of U.S. Army intelligence as it sought to apprehend war
criminals, suppress Nazi subversion, contain communism, and monitor the
Red Army.”
Location: Woodrow Wilson Center. 6th Floor Moynihan Board Room,
Ronald Reagan Building, Federal Triangle Metro Stop. An Informal Reception Will Follow the Lecture.
Dr. Thomas Boghardt is a senior historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History, where he focuses on U.S. military intelligence operations in postwar Europe. Prior to this, he served as the historian at the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C., and as a Thyssen fellow at Georgetown University. Dr. Boghardt is the author of several books, including The Zimmermann Telegram (2012) and Spies of the Kaiser (2005). He received his Ph.D. in modern European history from the University of Oxford.
Thursday, 8 May 2014, 10a - Washington, DC - Data and Goliath: How the Internet Affects Power, and How Power Affects the Internet
with Bruce Schneier
Data and Goliath: How the Internet Affects Power, and How Power Affects the Internet is the theme of the talk by security expert Bruce Schneier, Chief Technology Officer, Co3 Systems, Inc.; Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
Saturday, 10 May 2014, noon - 2 - Indian Harbor Beach, FL - The AFIO Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Dick Kerr discussing Robert Gates' book: Duty.
CIA veteran Dick Kerr will discuss Robert Gates' book Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War. The meeting will convene at the Eau Gallie Yacht Club, 100 Datura Drive, Indian Harbor Beach, FL. For information and reservations, please contact Barbara Keith, bobbie6769@juno.com, or 321 777 5561.
Saturday, 10 May 2014 - Orange Park, FL - The AFIO North Florida Chapter Meets.
Please RSVP to qbegonia@comcast.net Cost will be $16 each, pay the Country Club at the luncheon.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014 , 6:30pm - Washington, DC - Why Intelligence Fails, at the International Spy Museum
"What you're surprised with depends on who you are - " --Philippe Silberzahn
Who lives in caves, only holy men or primitive cavemen? Dr. Milo Jones, visiting professor at IE Business School in Madrid, Spain, thinks that the answer to that question helps explain the intelligence failure of 9/11. He comes to the International Spy Museum to argue that the CIA's repeated intelligence failures are a result of the fact that the CIA thinks that intelligence analysis is science while it is really a social process in which identity and culture play a major role. Also joining us for the evening will be Dr. Mark Lowenthal, CEO of the Intelligence and Security Academy and former assistant director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production. He will engage with Dr. Jones on the provocative conclusions of the book Constructing Cassandra: Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947-2001, that Jones co-authored with Philippe Silberzahn of EMLYON Business School in France.
Tickets: $10
Wednesday, 14 May 2014, 6 - 9 pm - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO AZ Chapter's 2nd Annual James Bond 007 Black Tie Event
AFIO's Arizona Chapter's scholarship fundraiser helps support the students of the defense and security studies at ASU.
Attire: Black Tie Optional
EVENT: Shaken not Stirred Martini Bar, Sit down dinner with hosts at each table representing the CIA Clandestine Service, FBI, Military Intelligence, and Law Enforcement Intelligence who will share war stories and answer questions; Bond Girls; live entertainment and dancing; Aston Martin (minus Machine Guns); Charitable fundraising auction of intelligence & spy paraphernalia; related art objects.
Tickets: $62.50 per person; $125 per couple until April 30
$75 per person; $150 per couple May 1 to May 11.
RSVP: 0072014@afioaz.org. Send check to: AFIO AZ 8614 E Appaloosa Trail, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. Select Chicken Provencal or Poached Salmon, and indicate full name of each guest.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update, at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden's current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre's SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
15 May 2014, noon - 2 pm - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO James Quesada Chapter hosts Farhad Mansourian, former officer in the Imperial Iranian Army. He will discuss the current Iranian government and intelligence related to terror structure and nuclear activities.
11:30AM no host cocktails; meeting starts at noon. United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Avenue, SF (between Sloat/Wawona). RSVP required by 5/1/14 to Mariko Kawaguchi: e-mail afiosf@aol.com and mail check made out to "AFIO" to: Mariko Kawaguchi, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011. Members and students: $25; non-member guests $35 (must be accompanied by member).
15 May 2014, 11:30am - 2 pm - Englewood, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hears from Thomas Ravenelle, FBI SAC Denver
AFIO will hold a joint meeting with FBI's InfraGard featuring Thomas Ravenelle, FBI Denver Division Supervising Agent in Charge. SAC Ravenelle will talk about a case briefing and overview of a closed EOD case. The meeting will be held at the Perfect Landing Restaurant, which is upstairs at the Denver Jet Center FBO, 7625 S. Peoria Street, Englewood CO 80112. Phone: 303-649-4478. There are seating limitations of 45 seats so we will accept reservations on a first come first serve basis. You will receive directions when you RSVP to Tom Van Wormer at robsmom@pcisys.net. The lunch will cost $15.00. You can pay at the door.
Sunday, 18 May 2014,1800 - 2200 - Tysons Corner, VA - NMIA/NMIF Awards Banquet
Please join for the social highlight of 2014 as NMIA honors the winners of the prestigious National Military Intelligence Association/National Military Intelligence Foundation awards. Help them and senior representatives from each of the Services in congratulating the future leaders of the military intelligence community whose significant achievements have enhanced our national security in truly spectacular ways.
Location: Mclean Hilton Hotel, Tysons Corner, VA.
20 May 2014, 11:30a - 2p - McLean, VA - Dr. Bythrow "On the Future of MASINT" at the DIF Forum
The Defense Intelligence Forum hosts Dr. Peter Bythrow speaking on the question: “On the future of MASINT: independence or annexation?”
Dr. Bythrow is the MASINT Chief Scientist at DIA/National MASINT Office. Before assuming his present position in 2000, he was the Principle Staff Scientist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physical Laboratory from 1981 to 2000. He earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Physic from the University of Texas in Dallas in 1981 and Bachelor of Science (BS) in Physic from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell in 1970. He served as a pilot in the United States Air Force from 1970 to1975 and has been an aerobatic flight instructor since 1992.
This forum will follow a modified Chatham House rule. You may use the information, but with the exception of speaker's name and subject, you may make no attribution. Everything will be off the record.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA
Fee: Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc
Registration starts at 11:30 AM lunch at 12:00 PM
Make reservations by 19 May 2014 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken cacciatore, tilapia puttanesca, lasagna, sausage with peppers, or fettuccini with portabella for your luncheon selection.
Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc.
Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however credit card payments are discouraged
Tuesday, 27 May 2014, noon - Washington, DC - The Good Spy: The Life and Death of Robert Ames, at the International Spy Museum
Join Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Kai Bird for the inside story of his compelling portrait of the remarkable life and death of one of the most important operatives in CIA history, Robert Ames. Through Bird's personal connection to Ames' family, he gained access to his personal correspondence and rnge of contacts. Eventually more than forty retired CIA and Mossad officers told Bird their memories of Ames. Those seasoned spies all seemed to feel that they had been waiting for someone to tell the incredible story of Bob Ames, and how he carefully cultivated his ten-year relationship with Ali Hassan Salameh, Yasir Arafat's intelligence chief. This highly clandestine relationship between the CIA and the PLO planted the seeds for the Oslo peace process. Bird also discovered the mastermind behind the embassy bombing that killed Ames. The assassin is alive and well - and guests will be shocked by the revelation of where he now resides.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
June 2014
1 - 13 June 2014 - Charlottesville, VA - Call for application to attend Twenty-Second Annual National Security Law Institute at the University of Virginia School of Law.
As you may know, the nation’s first law school course on Law
and National Security was taught here at UVA in 1969, and when it was
established in 1981 our Center for National Security Law was the world’s
first think tank addressing these important issues. There were perhaps
four or five law schools in the nation offering courses or seminars in
the field when the first National Security Law Institute was held in
1991, and the Institute’s primary objective remains to help prepare law
professors who wish to teach in the field and provide a timely update
and networking opportunities for those already teaching national
security law. In addition to law professors from the United States and
around the world, the Institute is also open to professors in related
disciplines like international relations and to government practitioners
with responsibilities in the national security field. Over the decades
we have trained participants from six continents.
Most of the costs of the Institute are covered by grants from
non-profit foundations to the University of Virginia Law School
Foundation, but there is a tuition fee of $1950.00 that helps cover
lodging and other Institute expenses. Participants are responsible for
their transportation to and from Charlottesville and for most evening
meals during the Institute, and other personal expenses.
Further information on the Institute may be found on Center’s website.
I invite you to contact me (jnm9s@virginia.edu) or my colleague and CNSL co-founder, Professor Bob Turner (bobturner@virginia.edu) by email or by phone at (434) 924-4080.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014, 6p - Nellis AFB, NV - AFIO Las Vegas Chapter meets to hear Reza Karamooz on "Future of Unmanned Vehicles."
Please join us at 5 p.m. in the "Robin’s Roost" bar area for liaison and beverages. Mr. Reza Karamooz is the President, Nevada Business Aviation Association. His topic, “Future of Unmanned Vehicles” is highly appropriate based on recent news analyses.
Place: The Officers' Club at Nellis Air Force Base. All guests must use the MAIN GATE, located at the intersection of Craig Road and Las Vegas Blvd.
Address: 5871 Fitzgerald Blvd., Nellis AFB, NV 89191 Phone: 702-644-2582.
Guest names must be submitted along with their birth date, driver’s license number and social security number by 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May 21, 2014
For Nellis AFB access or questions about the upcoming event, email or call Mary Bentley at mary.bentley@doe.gov or 702 295-0417.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update with David Major
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden’s current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Free. No registration required!
Thursday, 05 June 2014, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - Follow the Money: The Role of Financial Intelligence and Tools in US National Security, at the International Spy Museum
"Zarate - [is a] pioneer - on the frontier of fighting international corruption."- Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Even before Al Capone was brought down on tax evasion, law enforcement "followed the money" to topple notorious criminals who used cooked books and dirty dollars to finance their illicit activities. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the US government sharpened its financial tools to thwart nefarious actors and their network of supporters. What's inside the US government's financial toolkit that has been effective in foiling terrorist threats around the globe? How has the Treasury Department reshaped the way America fights terrorist networks and rogue states? To find out, join: Juan Zarate, former deputy assistant to the president, deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism, first-ever assistant secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes, and author of Treasury's War: The Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare; and Philip Mudd, former deputy director of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center, first-ever deputy director in charge of the FBI's National Security Branch, and author of Takedown: Inside the Hunt for Al Qaeda. The panel's personal stories and expert insight will pull back the curtain on the government's battle to bankrupt America's enemies and combat terrorist networks.
Tickets: $12. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Thursday, 5 June 2014, 4-6 PM - Reston, VA - Pherson book signing of "Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis"
Pherson Associates invites you to join author Randolph H. Pherson at an exclusive book signing event for Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis, 2nd Ed. by Richards J. Heuer Jr. and Randolph H. Pherson.
The second edition of Structured Analytic Techniques for Intelligence Analysis is an updated version of what has become a standard text in many colleges, universities, and government offices involved in intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and risk analysis. It has been adopted by dozens of intelligence agencies both in the United States and abroad, and the techniques are increasingly being integrated into analytic products.
Building upon the success of the first edition, the second edition has added five new, cutting edge structured techniques. Logically organized and richly illustrated, its spiral binding and tabs separate techniques into categories making it an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference. Each technique is clearly and systematically explained: when to use it, the value added, the method, potential pitfalls, its relationship to other techniques, its origins, and examples of how it can be used.
Location: Offices of Pherson Associates: 1892 Preston White Drive, Suite 300 Reston, VA.
Opportunity to purchase the new book and have it signed. Light refreshments will be served. With special guest: CIA Trailblazer, Jack Davis.
RSVP to Cindy Jensen at cjensen@pherson.org
Friday, 06 June 2014, 1 - 4 pm. - Washington, DC - Book Signing by Sandy Grimes, at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Sandy Grimes is a longtime veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, and along with her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames. Sandy, who is a twenty-six- year veteran of the CIA's clandestine service, spent the majority of her career working against the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Jeanne, who passed away in 2012, was a CIA officer from 1954 to 1992 specializing in counterintelligence in the Soviet Union. In 2003, nearly 10 years after the Ames case closed, Grimes and Vertefeuille agreed to co-author a memoir entitled Circle of Treason.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Saturday, 07 June 2014, 1 - 4 pm. - Washington, DC - Book Signing by Allan Topol, at the International Spy Museum Store (In-store Book Signing)
Join the International Spy Museum for an In-store book signing of “The Argentine Triangle” by Allan Topol, author of ten novels of international intrigue. Two of them, "Spy Dance" and "Enemy of My Enemy," were national best sellers.
Just in time for your summer spyreading,the dynamic former CIA agent Craig Page is back in Alan Topol’s tenth novel, "The Argentine Triangle," another highly anticipated fast paced thriller.
Craig goes undercover in the glamorous world of the Buenos Aires’ wealthy elite. He confronts brutality driven by a power hungry Argentine general, his cruel henchman, and a double dealing Washington lawyer who is the American President’s closest advisor.
In trying to block their effort to reshape exotic Argentina and all of South America, Craig uncovers buried secrets from the Dirty War. His mission and life hinge upon Gina, a sensuous young Argentine journalist and Nicole a compassionate Patriot. This is a heart wrenching tale of intrigue and deception.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 09 July 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Update, at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Learn Snowden’s current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 11 June 2014, 11am - 2pm - Albuquerque, NM - The AFIO New Mexico Chapter to hear Professor Gilfeather of the UNM
11:00 AM: Arrive, socialize, order lunch 11:45 Meeting Program. Location: Lunch at "The Egg & I" (Menaul just East of Louisiana).
Prof. Frank Gilfeather, Director of UNM's Office of Strategic Initiatives and lead for their National Security Studies Program, will discuss this program and curriculum with chapter attendees. We believe there is potential for constructive interaction with these folks, and ask you to attend with a view to evaluating that potential.
Questions to B.E. Pete Bostwick, Jr., President, AFIO Tom Smith New Mexico Chapter, 436 Chimaja Rd., Corrales NM 87048; Tel: 505-898-2649 or email him at foreigndevil@yahoo.com
Wednesday, 11 June 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update with David Major at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden's current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre's SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014, 6:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - Drones and Data Mining: The Intelligence Transformation After 9/11, at the International Spy Museum
Data mining and drones have both sparked controversy, but have these tools given the US the upper-hand against our enemies? Must Americans give up a degree of privacy for the sake of national security? After 9/11, intelligence agencies have expanded their reliance on data-mining tools to amass and analyze metadata from around the world on suspected terrorists, world leaders, and ordinary citizens in an attempt to net useful tips. Drones have emerged as another critical instrument in the fight against Al Qaeda and jihadist extremists. But do these attacks keep us safe, or does the collateral damage breed more terrorists? Jeremy Bash, former chief of staff to Leon Panetta in his roles as both director of the CIA and Secretary of Defense, and Michael Allen, former staff director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and author of Blinking Red: Crisis and Compromise in American Intelligence after 9/11, will address the transformation of the intelligence field and the debate surrounding these changes.
Tickets: $12. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
Friday, 13 June 2014, 10:30am - 2pm - Tysons Corner, VA - AFIO Summer Luncheon featuring Good Hunting by Jack Devine, former CIA director of operations and chief of the CIA Afghan Task Force, 1986-87. The morning speaker is Peter Finn, National Security Editor for The Washington Post. His book, The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA, and the Battle Over a Forbidden Book, discusses a risky, highly successful 1960s CIA propaganda operation.
John "Jack" J. Devine addresses his colleagues and other AFIO members at this luncheon upon the release of his book, Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's Story. Devine served in the CIA for more than three decades, participating in covert operations that took him from Allende's Chile through Iran-Contra and Charlie Wilson's Afghanistan to George Tenet's Iraq, eventually rising to the position of Director of the DO [today's National Clandestine Service]. This book is a master class in spying.
Peter Finn's book, co-authored with Petra Couvee [Couvee lives in Russia], discusses the world of Soviet intelligentsia and Cold War politics to study how Boris Pasternak came to write and publish Doctor Zhivago (which first appeared in Italy in 1957). The authors use previously classified CIA files to depict the oppressive political conditions that gave rise to Pasternak's masterpiece, and the international firestorm that occurred when the novel was banned in the Soviet Union. The torturous ideological policing by the Soviets mirrored the tale of Doctor Zhivago itself which harbored a long psychic scar from the Russian Revolution. The authors also present the role played by the Kremlin in persecuting Pasternak and his loved ones, as well as the role of the CIA in using his book in a game of ideological warfare - overall, a triumphant reminder that successful covert and propaganda operations, though they can fade into history devoid of public recognition or credit, played significant roles and led to some highly beneficial, pro-freedom outcomes.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014, 4:30 PM - Washington, DC - Hoover's Secret War against Axis Spies: FBI Counterespionage during World War II with author Raymond J. Batvinis
Hoover's Secret War against Axis Spies: FBI Counterespionage during World War II by Raymond J. Batvinis, Former Supervisory Special Agent, FBI, Professor, The Institute of World Politics, talks about his book.
The world was at war, America precariously poised on the sidelines. But already a second secret war was well underway. While he fought on the home front to consolidate the FBI's intelligence gathering power, J. Edgar Hoover was conducting an all-out campaign to make his agency America's first foreign espionage service-a campaign that would lead to an uneasy alliance with British intelligence in a brilliantly successful operation to undermine Germany.
Taking up the tale begun in his acclaimed Origins of FBI Counterintelligence, FBI historian and former agent Raymond Batvinis mines a wealth of heretofore untapped resources to expose Hoover's remarkable connivances and accomplishments in concert-and occasionally contention-with the Allies in outsmarting German intelligence. Hoover's Secret War opens up a world of spy rings, secret and double agents, surveillance, codes and ciphers, wire taps, microdots, mail drops, invisible ink, radio transmissions, and deception and disinformation as it tracks the warring nations spreading their intelligence tentacles throughout Europe and North and South America. As it documents the rocky evolution of the FBI's relationship with Britain's vaunted MI5 and MI6, the book brings to light the feud between Hoover and Williams Stephenson, director of the British Secret Intelligence Service's U.S. operation.
Batvinis reveals how the agency gained access to ULTRA intelligence. He uncovers eye-opening details of the FBI's participation in the famed "Double-Cross System, which effectively "turned" German agents against the Fatherland, among them a flamboyant, larger-than-life playboy, a world famous French flyer, and a lecherous Dutchman. Batvinis tells for the first time how the Bureau manipulated these agents, and how it transmitted deceptive information critical to the Normandy landings, the Allied invasion of the Marshall Islands, and the atomic bomb program, among other matters. Rich with secrets and surprises worthy of the finest spy fiction, this true story of espionage and counterintelligence gives us our first clear look at the secret second world war, and a significant moment in history.
At the The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC
RSVP to sdwyer@iwp.edu
Tuesday, 17 June 2014, noon - Washington, DC - The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA, and the Battle Over a Forbidden Book, at the International Spy Museum
Travel back to a time when literature had the power to influence the world. Washington Post national security correspondent and former bureau chief in Moscow, Peter Finn tells the dramatic first account of how a forbidden book in the Soviet Union became a secret CIA weapon in the battle between East and West. In May 1956, an Italian publishing scout smuggled a manuscript out of the USSR entrusted to him with these words from the author: "This is Doctor Zhivago. May it make its way around the world." Pasternak knew his novel would never appear in the Soviet Union, where the authorities regarded it as an assault on the 1917 Revolution, but in 1958, the CIA, secretly printed Doctor Zhivago in Russian and smuggled it into the Soviet Union. It was snapped up on the black market and passed surreptitiously from friend to friend fueling flames of dissent. Finn, will share how he and his co-author used their special access to otherwise classified CIA files, to create an irresistible portrait of the charming and passionate Pasternak and a twisty thriller that takes readers back to a fascinating period of the Cold War.
Join the author for an informal chat and book signing.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. More info at www.spymuseum.org
17 June 2014, 1130a - 2p - McLean, VA - the DIA Alumni Association hosts Russell Breighner on "Putin's Capability for Power Projection."
The DIAA hosts their Defense Intelligence Forum featuring speaker: Russell G. J. Breighner on “Putin’s Capability for Power Projection; Does China have his back?”
Mr. Breighner extensive Russian expertise was gained from a wide variety of assignments involving Russia and his graduate program in Russian Studies from Georgetown University. Some of these assignment were: (1) working on Soviet Strategy and Doctrine, (2) investigating Soviet Inland Waterways and Ports, and (3) drafting a chapter for the largest NIE (over 400 pages) ever: “ Soviet Military Research and Development.” He received a personal note of congratulations from the NIC Chairman, Robert Gates. For years, he chaired the Threat Advanced Steering Group for the Joint Cruise Missile Program Office. A further example of his understanding of complex weapon system was demonstrated when he advised Senator Warner that the use of Electromagnetic weapons would degrade the Serbian electrical and electronic systems. This use reduce the Serbian power by 70% in some cases. For this he received the Senatorial Republican Medal of Freedom.
His undergraduate degree in Russian Language and Literature is from the University of Maryland. He has a PhD (ABD) in Russian Studies from Georgetown University and is the author of several books.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA.
Fee: Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc. Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payment are discouraged.
Registration starts at 1130 AM, lunch at 1200 PM
This forum will follow a modified Chatham House rule. You may use the information, but with the exception of speaker's name and subject, you may make no attribution. Everything will be off the record.
Make reservations by 14 April 2014 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken cacciatore, tilapia puttanesca, lasagna, sausage with peppers, or fettuccini with portabella for your luncheon selection.
19 June 2014, 11:30a - 2p - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO James Quesada Chapter hosts investigative journalist Scott C. Johnson who will be speaking about his book, The Wolf and the Watchman: A Father, a Son and the CIA.
11:30AM no host cocktails; meeting starts at noon. United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Avenue, SF (between Sloat/Wawona). RSVP required by 6/6/14 to Mariko Kawaguchi: e-mail afiosf@aol.com with meal choice (fish or meat) and mail check made out to "AFIO" to: Mariko Kawaguchi, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011. Members and students: $25; non-member guests $35 (must be accompanied by a member).
Thursday, 19 June 2014 - Washington, DC - Public Meeting of the Public Interest Declassification Board, National Archives
The Public Interest Declassification Board will hold a public meeting the morning of Thursday, June 19, 2014.
We will include more details about the agenda, location and time of the meeting, as well as information about how to register to attend in a future blog post.
Please visit the PIDB’s website, https://transforming-classification.blogs.archives.gov/, and continue to follow the PIDB’s blog, Transforming Classification, for more information about the PIDB’s activities.
Saturday, 21 June 2014, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - Maine AFIO Chapter features Jack Christie on "Unmasking the Lockerbie Bombers"
UNMASKING THE LOCKERBIE BOMBERS is the theme of Jack Christie's presentation to the AFIO Maine Chapter. He will discuss the bombing of Pan American Airlines flight 103 from London to New York on the night of December 21, 1988, resulted in the deaths of 270 people. Jack Christie, former Chief of CIA's Foreign Finds Laboratory, will tell the exciting story of the efforts to determine the cause of the explosion, identify the perpetrators, and bring them to justice.
The story reflects the close cooperation between the U.S. and Scottish intelligence and police agencies. As much of the Pan Am 103 story has (by design) not been reflected in the mass media, Jack will attempt to tell "the rest of the story."
Jack Christie joined the CIA Office of Technical Services in 1970 as an Electronics Engineer designing and producing small electronic devices for support of field operations. The mission of the Foreign Finds Laboratory is to analyze and identify the origin and technical ability of electronic devices targeted against US interests in the field. Jack continued to work part-time as a contractor until 2012.
The meeting, which is open to the public.
For information call 207-967-4298.
Location: Brick Store Museum, Program Center, 4 Dane St, Kennebunk, ME
Website: www.afiomaine.org
Wednesday, 25 June 2014, 1000-1145 - Annapolis Junction, MD - Dr. Michael Warner addresses NCMF Quarterly Cryptologic Program on "The Rise and Fall of Intelligence: An International Security History."
The National Cryptologic Foundation Museum welcomes Dr. Michael Warner, Command Historian for United States Cyber Command as the speaker at this Quarterly Cryptologic Program. Dr. Warner has written and lectured widely on intelligence history, theory, and reform, and has taught at American University, Johns Hopkins University, and Columbia University. His new book The Rise and Fall of Intelligence: An International Security History has just been published by Georgetown University Press.
Dr. Warner’s book has been called a tour de force through the history and evolution of intelligence structures. The world changes intelligence and intelligence changes the world. Dr. Warner will discuss the development of professional, institutionalized intelligence, and examine the implications of the “fall” of the state monopoly on high-powered espionage today and beyond. During the Cold War, only the alliances clustered around the two superpowers maintained viable intelligence endeavors, whereas a century ago, many states could aspire to be competitive at these dark arts. Today, larger states have lost their monopoly on intelligence skills and capabilities as technological and sociopolitical changes have made it possible for private organizations and even individuals to unearth secrets and influence global events. How that happened and what it portends are the topics Dr. Warner will explore. You won’t want to miss this interesting program.
LOCATION: The presentation will be held at L-3 Communications, 2720 Technology Dr, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701, Tel 301-575-3200. There will be a book signing after the presentation as well as lunch from 1200-1300.
REGISTER: To attend mail your registration fee to NCMF, PO Box 1682, Ft. George G. Meade, MD 20755-9998
For Information, email: cryptmf@aol.com; call: 301-688-5436/37; Fax: 301-688-5619;
FEE: $20 NCMF members; $50 for guests (includes a guest membership). Deadline for registration is 20 June 2014.
27 June 2014 - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO Los Angeles hears from Dr. Erik Nemeth on "Cultural Intelligence in International Affairs and Foreign Policy."
Dr. Erik Nemeth from the RAND Corporation will be the guest speaker for the June 27, 2014 meeting. Dr. Nemeth will present "Cultural Intelligence in International Affairs & Foreign Policy" - The politics of historical & cultural property and the intelligence gathering to assess the political significance of looting and repatriation of cultural property. Please RSVP for attendance: AFIO_LA@Yahoo.com
Friday, 27 June 2014, 1 - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Tony & Jonna Mendez, the real CIA Officers behind the movie ARGO
Meet the Mendezes, both are former CIA Chiefs of Disguise, responsible for changing the identity and appearance of thousands of clandestine operatives around the world. Tony is most famous for his rescue of American diplomats from Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis as depicted in the film ARGO.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org.
July 2014
Tuesday, 08 July 2014 - MacDill AFB, FL - The AFIO Suncoast Chapter hosts USCENTCOM Chief of the Joint Cyber Center on "the Rise of Cyber to a Warfighting Domain."
COL John Burger is Chief of the Joint Cyber Center at United States Central Command responsible for the planning, integration and execution of cyberspace operations in the
USCENTCOM AOR. He leads a staff of 115 military, civilians and contractors to assure the CDRs freedom of maneuver in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries. He designs and Implements information assurance programs to secure cyber key terrain, and develops defensive cyberspace plans to “see, block, and maneuver” defensive forces against threats to friendly networks. Working with our Allies and Partners, he develops Cyber Security Cooperation plans to enable our partners to protect themselves in cyberspace. He integrates cyberspace force application with the air, land, and maritime domains in support of OPLANs. He interacts daily with the Joint Staff, USCYBERCOM, the Intelligence Community, and the Interagency. COL Burger serves as principal advisor to the CENTCOM Commander on all cyberspace matters.
Following his graduation from the US Military Academy at West Point, COL Burger began his career in A Co, 13th ENGR BN, Fort Ord, CA., and then was assigned tours with 10th ENGR BN, Schweinfurt, Germany. COL Burger arrived at MacDill AFB in 2009 as the Regional Manager Southeast Regional Support Center, Defense Intelligence Agency, followed by assignments as Chief, Cyber Security Division, and then Chief, Joint Cyber Center, US Central Command.
COL Burger will address the rise of cyber to a DoD warfighting domain with particular emphasis on the intelligence aspects.
LOCATION: MacDill AFB Surf’s Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Blvd, MacDill AFB, FL 33621. Please RSVP to the Chapter Secretary no later than Wednesday, July 2, for yourself and include the names and email addresses of any guests. Email or call Michael Shapiro at michaels@suncoastafio.org, the Chapter Secretary. You will receive a confirmation via email. If you do not, contact the Chapter Secretary to confirm your registration. Check-in at noon; opening ceremonies, lunch and business meeting at 1230 hours, followed by our speaker.
FEE: You must present your $20 check payable to “Suncoast Chapter, AFIO” (or cash) at check-in to cover the luncheon. If you make a reservation, don’t cancel and get a cancellation confirmation by the response deadline and then don’t show up, you will be responsible for the cost of the luncheon.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014, 4:30pm - Washington, DC - Amb. Frank Lavin speaks on "Where is China going? Current affairs and foreign policy implications"
The most important question in international relations in the 21st century might be: Where is China going? This leads, in turn, to a series of questions as to the performance of China's economy, domestic social stability, leadership cohesion, and foreign policy goals.
Long-time "China hand" and current China resident and businessman Frank Lavin will offer his insight on these critical developments in China and what they portend for U.S. foreign policy.
Frank Lavin is the CEO and founder of Export Now, which runs e-commerce stores in China for foreign companies.
In Government, Lavin served as Under Secretary for International Trade at the U.S. Department of Commerce 2005-2007. In that capacity, Lavin served as lead trade negotiator for both China and India and was the senior policy official in the Department responsible for commercial policy, export promotion, and trade negotiations across the globe. Lavin was U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Singapore from 2001-05, where his duties included helping negotiate the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.
In the private sector, Lavin served in senior finance and management positions in Hong Kong and Singapore with Bank of America, and Citibank.
Previously, Lavin served in the George H.W. Bush and Reagan Administrations, working in the Department of Commerce, Department of State, National Security Council, and White House. Lavin served as Director of the Office of Political Affairs in the White House 1987-89.
Lavin earned a B.S. from the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University; an M.S. in Chinese Language and History from Georgetown University; an M.A. in International Relations and International Economics from the School of Advanced International Studies at the Johns Hopkins University; and an M.B.A. in Finance at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Where: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
Parking Map
Please contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Wednesday, 09 July 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Update by David Major at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Learn Snowden’s current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
10 July 2014, 1830 hrs - Miami, FL - The New Ted Shackley Miami-Dade County Chapter Hosts Organizational Meeting.
We invite all current AFIO members in the Miami/Ft Lauderdale/Homestead areas to attend an event planning meeting on July 10, 2014 at 1830 in the Doral area of Miami. Purpose of the meeting is to gather input on the organization of a stellar inaugural event, to be held later in the summer with some very special invitees.
Those wishing to attend should kindly RSVP to tsmdc.afio@gmail.com in order to receive a formal personal invitation. Please include your national membership number and updated contact information in your correspondence.
Chapter membership applications will be available at this and all future meetings, as well as on our website (when launched). We look forward to your participation in advancing interest in and knowledge about the Intelligence Community.
Email: tsmdc.afio@gmail.com
Address: 11410 NW 20 St., Suite 220, Miami, FL 33172
Facebook Page: /AFIO-Ted-Shackley-Miami-Dade-Chapter
Twitter: @AFIOMiamiDade
Friday, 11 July 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet former FBI/CIA Counterintelligence Officer, Christopher Lynch
Christopher Lynch was a Counterintelligence Officer, first in the FBI, and then in the CIA, for thirty years. As an Operations Analyst, he specialized in the KGB in assessing tradecraft and in detecting hostile control.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org
Tuesday, 15 July 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Kenneth Daigler discusses Spies, Patriots, and Traitors: American Intelligence in the Revolutionary War at the International Spy Museum
Nathan Hale and Benedict Arnold may be the most famous spies of the American Revolution, but they were hardly alone. George Washington’s use of spy networks and wider intelligence efforts were critical to the fight for independence. In Spies, Patriots, and Traitors, former CIA officer Kenneth Daigler closely examines American intelligence activities during the era of the Revolutionary War from 1765 to 1783. Daigler will explain how America’s founders learned and practiced their intelligence role, providing insight from an intelligence professional’s perspective and revealing how many of the principles of the era’s intelligence practice are still relevant today. After the talk, see the Museum’s famous George Washington spy letter.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org
Tuesday, 15 July 2014, 4:30pm - Washington, DC - "How to Conduct a Foreign Counterintelligence Investigation" by Dennis D. Staszak,
Former Deputy Unit Chief, Foreign Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Training Unit, FBI
Dennis Staszak is a 33 year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and has investigated numerous criminal and national security matters. He specializes in foreign counterintelligence investigations, and previously served as the Deputy Unit Chief of the FBI's Foreign Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Training Unit. Prior to retirement, Professor Staszak instructed new agents and senior police executives at the FBI Academy, FBI National Academy, and many international police training facilities. Starting March, 2007, Professor Staszak has taught a graduate course in Intelligence Theory and Applications for Law Enforcement Managers attending the FBI National Academy.
He currently serves as Assistant Dean and Professor of National Security and Administration of Justice studies at the Northern Virginia Community College, and an Adjunct Faculty member teaching Intelligence Analysis and Counterintelligence Concepts at George Mason University.
Prof. Staszak is a graduate of Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin. He received a Master of Arts degree in the area of International Transactions from George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, a Master of Science degree in Strategic Intelligence Studies from the National Intelligence University, Washington, D.C., and has done graduate work at the University of Virginia and The Institute of World Politics.
He previously served for three years on active duty in the United States Army during the Vietnam War era, and is a graduate of advanced language studies at the Defense Language Institute.
Where: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
Please contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
15 July 2014, 11:30 am - McLean, VA - Defense Intelligence Forum hears Cal Carnes on "The Insider Threat."
Mr. Cal Carnes will speak on “The Insider Threat.” His presentation will show that the Insider Threat is a malicious threat to an organization that comes from people within the organization, such as employees, former employees, contractors or business associates, who have inside information concerning the organization’s security practices, data and computer systems. He appreciates the gravity of this threat because of his long involvement in counterintelligence issues. His work in intelligence began in January 1968 at Arlington Hall Station where he worked Military Capabilities. In 1972 he worked at the National Photographic Interpretation Center and in 1974 he moved to the Military Intelligence Center at the Pentagon. After this time he worked counterintelligence issues at the Soviet/Warsaw Pact Division, DIA Counterintelligence Division, FBI and Naval Investigative Service. Cal retired from the Army 902d MI Group in 2001 after working for the Army Counterintelligence Center. As a defense contractor, he worked for the Defense HUMINT Service and the Counterintelligence Field Activity. He is now a part-time independent contractor for the Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy and the Joint Military Attaché School as a role player. He holds master degrees from Georgetown University in National Security Studies and the National Intelligence College.
This forum will follow a modified Chatham House rule. You may use the information, but with the exception of speaker's name and subject, you may make no attribution. Everything will be off the record.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA Pay at the door with a check for $29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc
Registration starts at 1130 AM, lunch at 1200 PM.
Make reservations by 16 JULY 2014 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken cacciatore, tilapia puttanesca, lasagna, sausage with peppers, or fettuccini with portabella for your luncheon selection.
Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014, 6:30 pm - Washington, DC - Exploring the Covert Capital with Prof. Friedman - at the International Spy Museum
“His Monument is Around You.” - Dulles memorial inscription at CIA Headquarters
Washington, DC, may be the United States’ official capital, but the northern Virginia area is the covert capital of a secret empire. Anchored at one end on the Pentagon and at the other on CIA headquarters, the area has been profoundly affected in its architecture, culture, and politics by the covert business done there, business which touches every part of the globe. Join Professor Andrew Friedman of Haverford College for a fascinating discussion of an aspect of the secret world of espionage that you probably never considered: architecture. Afterwards, Professor Friedman will sign his book Covert Capital: Landscapes of Denial and the Making of U.S. Empire in the Suburbs of Northern Virginia, and you can examine photographs from the secret files of the International Spy Museum showing long-gone classified CIA facilities around the Washington area.
Reservations at www.spymuseum.org Tickets: $8
Thursday, 17 July 2014, 11:30 am - Palmer Lake, CO - The AFIO Rocky Mountain Chapter hears Sheriff-Elect Bill Elder.
Our speaker is Bill Elder, Sheriff-Elect at the caucus who is running unopposed in November; therefore, he will be our next Sheriff of El Paso County unless a huge write-in campaign is undertaken. This is an excellent chance to meet the new Sheriff and get to know more about him and his background.
Location: The Inn on the Palmer Divide, 443 S Highway 105, Palmer Lake, CO 80133 ~ Phone: 719-481-1800.
Exit I-25 at Exit 161 for Monument and Palmer Lake. Go North of SH 105 towards Palmer Lake. You will receive additional directions when you RSVP to Tom Van Wormer at robsmom@pcisys.net. The lunch will cost $12.00. You can pay at the door.
Saturday, 19 July 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Allan Topol: In-Store Book Signing
The International Spy Museum hosts a book signing of The Argentine Triangle by Allan Topol, the author of ten novels. Two of them, Spy Dance and Enemy of My Enemy, were national bestsellers. His novels have been translated into Japanese, Portuguese and Hebrew. One was optioned and three are in development for movies.
BOOK SUMMARY: Former CIA Officer Craig Page is featured in Alan Topol’s The Argentine Triangle.
Craig goes undercover in Buenos Aires’ where he confronts brutality driven by a power hungry Argentine general, his cruel henchman, and a double-dealing Washington lawyer who is the American President’s closest advisor.
In trying to block their effort to reshape exotic Argentina and all of South America, Craig uncovers buried secrets from the Dirty War. His mission and life hinge upon Gina, a young Argentine journalist and Nicole a compassionate Patriot.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 25 July 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Tony & Jonna Mendez, the real CIA Officers behind the movie ARGO
Meet the Mendezes, both are former CIA Chiefs of Disguise, responsible for changing the identity and appearance of thousands of clandestine operatives around the world. Tony is most famous for his rescue of American diplomats from Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis as depicted in the film ARGO.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org
More information here.
August 2014
August 2014 - location TBD - "CIA's Directorate of Science & Technology - 50th Anniversary" - a CIA Historical Documents 'Release Event' Conference co-hosted with a major U.S. University [TBA], (co-hosted with CIA’s DST internally location tbd)
Exact August date of event TBD, to be announced here with additional program details as released to AFIO.
Saturday, 9 August 2014 - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter hosts meeting
Location: Country Club of Orange Park. Questions and reservations: Quiel Begonia at qbegonia@comcast.net call 352-332-6150. Cost will be $16 each, pay the Country Club at the luncheon.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update, at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden's current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre's SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
14 August 2014, 11:30 a.m. - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Capt. Welton Chang, DoD Analyst and Ph.D. student at the University of Pennsylvania.
Topic: Predicting War and Peace: Inside the Massive IARPA Political Forecasting Experiment - Exploring the Frontiers of Optimal Political Forecasting. In 2011, IARPA sponsored a tournament to test a big idea: can people predict political outcomes? If so, how? Come learn how the tournament has progressed over the last three years from a participant in the project. Capt. Welton Chang will discuss the experimental set up, findings, and implications for intelligence and policy making.
11:30AM no host cocktails; meeting starts at noon. Please note new meeting location: Basque Cultural Center, 599 Railroad Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080. RSVP required by 8/1/14 to Mariko Kawaguchi: e-mail afiosf@aol.com with meal choice (Salmon with Champagne Sauce or Veal Roast au Jus) and mail check made out to "AFIO" to: Mariko Kawaguchi, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011. Members and students: $25; non-member guests $35.
Friday, 15 August 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet former FBI/CIA Counterintelligence Officer, Christopher Lynch
Christopher Lynch was a Counterintelligence Officer, first in the FBI, and then in the CIA, for thirty years. As an Operations Analyst, he specialized in the KGB in assessing tradecraft and in detecting hostile control.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org
16 August 2014, 11 a.m. - South Euclid, OH - Steven Oluic, USA, on "Aspects of Radical Islam in the Balkans and Ties to Diaspora in US" at the Northern OHIO AFIO Chapter
The AFIO Northern Ohio Chapter invites everyone to a speaking engagement at 11:00 am at Notre Dame College, South Euclid, OH. Our speaker will be Dr. Steven Oluic, USA (ret.), Dean of Mathematics, Natural and Social Sciences at Lakeland C.C. He is a published author and has presented at many professional conferences including the Defense Intelligence Agency, the FBI, and the Department of State. He has also had a 27-year military career including tours of duty in Iraq, Korea, Germany, and Bosnia.
The topic for the meeting will be " Aspects of radical Islam in the Balkans and its ties to the Diaspora in the USA.
Members are encouraged to offer this meeting to interested associates, as we would like to grow our chapter.
I would also like to thank our fellow member Greg Moore, Ph.D., Chair Department of History and Political Science, and Director, Center for Intelligence Studies, Notre Dame College for his efforts in creating a venue for our speakers to offer their presentations.
A catered brunch will be offered so a nominal fee will be collected at the meeting site. Please RSVP to hp34063@yahoo.com. by the 11th of August so we can plan for the number of people arriving and brunch. We look forward to seeing you.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014, noon - Washington, DC - Good Hunting: An American Spymaster’s Story with Jack Devine
Jack Devine is one of the legendary spymasters of our time. He was in Chile when Allende fell; he ran Charlie Wilson’s war in Afghanistan; he had too much to do with Iran-Contra for his own taste, though he tried to stop it; he caught Pablo Escobar in Colombia; and he tried to warn George Tenet that there was a bullet coming from Iraq with his name on it. His new book, Good Hunting, is Devine’s guide to the art of spycraft and his belief in the CIA’s vital importance as a tool of American statecraft. Although it has been caricatured by Hollywood, lionized by the right, and pilloried by the left, Devine believes the CIA remains one of the least understood instruments of the United States government. Join him as he uses his wit, candor, and common sense wisdom to set the record straight about an organization whose history has not been given its due.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org.
19 August 2014, 1130 - McLean, VA - The DIAA Alumni Association's DIF hosts John Moore on "The Mess in the Middle East."
The Defense Intelligence Forum luncheon features Mr. John L. Moore speaking on “The Mess in the Middle East.”
From 1968 thru 2000, John Moore was an analyst, senior analyst, manager and senior executive on the Middle East for DIA. From 1984 thru 1992, he was the chief of the Middle East and Africa Division and from 1992 thru December 2000 when he retired, John served as the Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism. Mr. Moore worked as a Middle East consultant from 2000 thru 2002 where he appeared as the first non-lawyer to brief the international Court of Justice (World Court). From 2003 thru 2012, John was a consultant on the Middle East for DIA; the last five years he served as the Senior Mentor in the Middle East office. John was twice awarded the National Distinguished Service Medal (1991 and 2000) and was twice awarded the DIA Exceptional Civilian Service Medal (1984 and 1997). John was a 1965 graduate of LaSalle University and a 1978 graduate of the US Army Was College.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA. Pay at the door with a check for $ 29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc. Check is preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments are discouraged.
Forum follows modified Chatham House rule: you may use the information, but with the exception of speaker's name and subject, you may make no attribution. Everything will be off the record.
Make reservations by 18 August 2014 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken cacciatore, tilapia puttanesca, lasagna, sausage with peppers, or fettuccini with portabella for your luncheon selection.
21 August 2014, 12:30pm - Los Angeles, CA - AFIO - Los Angeles hosts LAPD Police Chief Bernard Parks on Aerial Surveillance Platforms
The chapter will host Bernard Parks, former Chief of Police of the L.A.P.D. (Los Angeles Police Dept.) and current member of the Los Angeles City Council, to discuss the current state of safety in the city of Los Angeles and future limited use of aerial surveillance platforms (UAV-Drones), and the impact it will have on the future of local law enforcement in L.A.
Location for the meeting: LAPD-ARTC 5651 W Manchester Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045, Start Time:12.30 PM, Room 1E.
Please RSVP for attendance: afio_LA@yahoo.com
Friday, 22 August 2014, 1- 4 pm - - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Tony & Jonna Mendez, the real CIA Officers behind the movie ARGO
Meet the Mendezes, both are former CIA Chiefs of Disguise, responsible for changing the identity and appearance of thousands of clandestine operatives around the world. Tony is most famous for his rescue of American diplomats from Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis as depicted in the film ARGO.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org
September 2014
Wednesday, 3 September 2014, 6 pm - Las Vegas, NV - The AFIO Las Vegas Chapter hears Steven Ririe on "Silent Heroes of the Cold War National Memorial."
The next AFIO Roger E. McCarthy, Las Vegas Chapter Meeting features Steven Ririe, Memorial founder & Chairman, on his memorial: "Silent Heroes of the Cold War National Memorial."
The US emerged victorious from the Cold War due largely in part to those who worked in secret. Without their contributions, the Cold War could very well have had a different ending. To ensure the continued safety of our country, many of their contributions were purposefully left out of history books. Ririe states that there is now an obligation and a responsibility to honor these heroes by telling their stories and giving them their rightful place in history.
The inspiration for the Memorial started on 17 November 1955 at 7:25 a.m., a USAF Military Air Transport Service aircraft took off from Burbank, CA with an Air Force crew, engineers, CIA personnel and scientists bound for Watertown, now known as Area 51. At 8:40 a.m. the aircraft was first reported missing. The full story of the fourteen men aboard and the U2 reconnaissance plane they helped build remained classified for over 40 years. Also classified as top-secret was the account of the men who risked their lives while they braved subzero temperatures at 11,500 feet elevation to attempt a rescue on Mount Charleston. Now, over four decades later, the time has come to tell one of the most intriguing stories of the Cold War. To honor these men and the hundreds of individuals who have worked in obscurity during the Cold War, many of whom have paid for our freedom with their very lives, is the purpose of this new proposed Memorial.
Presenter: Ririe has been featured on the History Channel’s Pawn Stars and the Travel Channel’s Mysteries at the Museum. Ririe has been a resident of Las Vegas since 1961. For the past 26 years Ririe worked as an insurance agent and is currently employed with AAA of Nevada. Ririe is a member of the AFIO-Las Vegas, Nevada Chapter.
“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but by the men it honors, the men it remembers” - President John F. Kennedy
PLEASE NOTE NEW CHAPTER Event Location: in the Conference Center at Texas Station Hotel [Gambling Hall and Casino], 2101 Texas Star Ln (corner of Rancho Blvd. and West Lake Meade Blvd.), North Las Vegas, NV 89032, (702) 631-1000
Please join us at 5 p.m. in the "Texas Star Oyster Bar" for liaison and food and beverages.
RSVP: Mary Bentley at mary.bentley@doe.gov or call her at 702-295-0417, if you have any questions.
Friday, 5 September 2014, 1 - 4 pm - Washington, DC - Meet former FBI/CIA Counterintelligence Officer, Christopher Lynch
Christopher Lynch was a Counterintelligence Officer, first in the FBI, and then in the CIA, for thirty years. As an Operations Analyst, he specialized in the KGB in assessing tradecraft and in detecting hostile control.
Free. No registration required. More info and directions at www.spymuseum.org
Tuesday, 09 September 2014, 12pm - 7pm - Washington, DC - The Catcher Was a Spy: The Mysterious Life of Moe Berg at the International Spy Museum
Briefing on Moe Berg - the major league baseball player, OSS operative and legendary linguist--was one of the most remarkable secret agents ever deployed by the US. Whether authorized by the government as an atomic spy or choosing to surreptitiously film Tokyo of his own volition, Berg relished and accomplished his espionage missions, yet he died penniless and with little acclaim. Nicholas Dawidoff brought Moe Berg’s achievements to light in his best-selling 1994 book The Catcher Was a Spy. In honor of the Pennant Race, Dawidoff will share his latest thoughts on the only Major League baseball player to have his card on display at CIA headquarters.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 10 September 2014, 10:15 am - Washington, DC - The Atomic Spies: Famous Spy Rings of the 20th Century - A Spy Seminar Series by the International Spy Museum
The execution of the Rosenbergs in 1953 ensured that the Atomic Spies would never be forgotten. The key actors involved in stealing nuclear secrets ranged from internationally-known top-level physicists to working man machinists. Some sought scientific equality while others wanted to level the world’s political playing field. Some paid with their lives and others continued with distinguished careers. International Spy Museum historian Dr. Vince Houghton explored these spies and their networks researching his dissertation The Principal Uncertainty: U.S. Atomic Intelligence, 1942-1949. He’ll share never-before seen documents revealing the extensive espionage effort to steal the secrets of the atomic bomb.
Tickets: $100. To register: (via phone) 202.633.3030; (online) www.SmithsonianAssociates.org.
Internet Quick Tix code for the program: 1M2-732.
Thursday, 11 September 2014, 12:30-3:30 PM - Washington, DC - Dr. Marek Chodakiewicz speaks on "The 70th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising: Why the Poles Commemorate Defeat" at the Institute of World Politics.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the tragic Warsaw Uprising. During this great feat of martial heroism, the Polish anti-Nazi, anti-Communist underground resistance fought the German occupiers of their homeland for sixty-three days -- from 1 August to 3 October 1944. The goal was to rid the capital city of the Germans before the arrival of the Red Army. Predictably, the Soviet troops on the other side of the river Vistula stood by passively; Stalin hoped to destroy the Polish resistance with Nazi claws. The Western Allies did little more than airdrop some small arms and ammunition, most of which fell into German hands. As a result, the city of Warsaw was almost entirely destroyed, and a significant element of the Polish Home Army slaughtered. In addition, the Germans and their auxiliaries massacred approximately 200,000 civilians as they suppressed the uprising.
Yet, in spite of the toll and the defeat, the Poles generally celebrate the failed Warsaw Rising. In this year's Kościuszko Chair Military Lecture, Dr. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz will explain this phenomenon.
This Kościuszko Chair Military Lecture by Dr. Marek Chodakiewicz, Professor of History, The Kościuszko Chair in Polish Studies, will be followed by a screening of the movie The August Sky: Sixty-Three Days of Glory [Sierpniowe niebo: 63 dni chwały], with English subtitles.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
For Parking, consult this map.
Please contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions
12 September 2014, noon - 2 pm - Ashburn, VA - The Loudoun Crime Commission hosts FBI Special Agent Kara Sidener, on her 9/11 experiences in the Pentagon.
Kara Sidener, Special Agent, InfraGard Coordinator, FBI - Washington Field Office, is the keynote speaker. Sidener details her experience in the 9/11 terrorist attack where she was a first responder to the Pentagon. She will discuss her experiences on that day as a member of the FBI's WFO's Evidence Response Team and the difficult task of gathering evidence in the immediate aftermath of the attack. Her 16+ years with the FBI have all been in the Washington, DC area, having had assignments at WFO, FBI Headquarters, and the FBI Academy. Kara has experience in a number of areas to include counterintelligence and cyber investigations, evidence response, instruction and training, and private sector outreach. She is a member of the Behavioral Analysis Program team and is a certified practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the DiSC assessment tools. Kara was also a member of WFO’s Evidence Response Team and a first responder to the Pentagon on 9/11/01. She has also co-authored two articles, “Proactive Human Source Development” and “Office Paper DeCopier,” which appeared in the Law Enforcement Bulletin and Journal of Forensic Sciences, respectively. Kara has a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and a Master of Forensic Science degree, both from The George Washington University in Washington, DC.
The luncheon will be held at the Belmont Country Club, 19661 Belmont Manor Ln, Ashburn, VA 20147; (703) 723-5330. Doors open at noon for registering and networking, the meeting starts at 12:30 PM.
To RSVP: RSVP@loudouncrimecommission.org
EVENT CANCELLED - Saturday, 13 September 2014, 10am - 1pm - Mission Viejo, CA - The AFIO Orange County Chapter business meeting and presentation by CIA Clandestine Service Officer - EVENT CANCELLED
Business Meeting: 10 - 11am. (1) Nomination and election of chapter officers for the coming year. Please contact me if you are interested in serving in one of these positions and you will be added to the slate for election: Current Officers are - Larry Holdridge, President; Tom Cagley, Secretary (Not running for reappointment); Len Holzworth, Membership Director; and Bob Margoles, Programs Director. (2) Venues and times for meetings, and (3) New Business.
Speaker Presentation: 11am - 12:30pm. Speaker - Maura Godinez, with Q&A session at end of presentation.
SPEAKER: MS. MAURA GODINEZ - CIA NATIONAL CLANDESTINE SERVICE OFFICER. Ms. Godinez served in the Central Intelligence Agency for 25 years as a member of the National Clandestine Service. Experience includes service as an operations officer and intelligence officer on multiple continents; analytic and operational work in counterintelligence, foreign intelligence collection and covert action; managing counterintelligence operations against hostile services and non-state actors; coordinating intelligence collection from military, law enforcement and intelligence community assets in a high-threat environment; and engagement in covert action programs. Prior to joining the CIA, Ms. Godinez was a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State. She has a Master’s Degree in International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Relations.
LOCATION: Norman P. Murray Community Center, 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, CA
Directions to the meeting: From Interstate 5 in Mission Viejo: Exit at La Paz and head East toward the mountains. Go 1.6 miles on La Paz and turn left at light on Veterans Way (It’s named Pacific Hills if you turned right). Go about 0.2 miles to end of Veterans Way and it dead ends into the Mission Viejo Community Center Parking Lot. Go to the front desk and they will direct you to our meeting room.
Fees: Annual chapter dues of $40 are due. Please pay at the meeting or mail to the chapter secretary: Tom Cagley, 21951 Cayuga Lane, Lake Forest, CA 92630
RSVP by email or phone to: LarryHoldridge@gmail.com or cellphone: 954-298-5442.
13 September 2014, 1130 hrs - Indian Harbour Beach, FL - The Florida Satellite Chapter hosts Counterterrorism expert, Wallace Bruschweiler
Former AFIO Suncoast Chapter VP Wallace Bruschweiler will explore various approaches used by Israel, USA, Western Europe and Russia in combating terrorist activities around the world. He is a quadri-linguist and an expert on counter terrorism and national security issues. Wallace is a results oriented security executive, strategist and problem solver with extensive expertise and over 25 years in solving complex domestic and international security and intelligence situations in a large range of venues. Terrorism has evolved and Wallace has stayed in front of the curve.
Event location: Eau Gallie Yacht Club, 100 Datura Drive, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937
For reservations and further details, contact Barbara Keith, 1024 Osprey Drive, Melbourne, Florida 32940. Telephone: 321.777.5561, email: bobbie6769@juno.com
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 2 pm - Washington, DC - Dr. Paul Goble discusses "Natalie Grant and the Critical Importance of Understanding Disinformation" at the Institute of World Politics
Paul A. Goble, Former Senior Advisor to the Director, Voice of America, Adjunct Professor, IWP, discusses "Natalie Grant and the Critical Importance of Understanding Disinformation."
No American contributed more to the understanding of disinformation than the late Natalie Grant. From her days as secretary to George Kennan at the Riga Legation in the 1920s to her years as an independent scholar in Washington, she explained the critical distinction between disinformation and propaganda and why those who work in international affairs must understand that, even though ferreting out disinformation is more challenging than identifying propaganda.
Paul Goble is a longtime specialist on ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia. Most recently, he was director of research and publications at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy. Earlier, he served as vice dean for the social sciences and humanities at Audentes University in Tallinn and a senior research associate at the EuroCollege of the University of Tartu in Estonia. While there, he launched the "Window on Eurasia" series. Prior to joining the faculty there in 2004, he served in various capacities in the U.S. State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the International Broadcasting Bureau as well as at the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He writes frequently on ethnic and religious issues and has edited five volumes on ethnicity and religion in the former Soviet space. Trained at Miami University in Ohio and the University of Chicago, he has been decorated by the governments of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania for his work in promoting Baltic independence and the withdrawal of Russian forces from those formerly occupied lands.
Mr. Goble's blog can be found at: www.windowoneurasia.blogspot.com
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
For Parking, consult this map.
Please contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 4:30 pm - Washington, DC - Douglas Streusand, PhD on "The Constitution and Foreign Policy: The Dangers of Ignorance" at the Institute of World Politics.
The events of the last thirteen years, especially the last three, have cast profound doubt about the utility of the global promotion of electoral democracy as a means of establishing a more peaceful and orderly world. This result would not surprise Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote that "The Constitution of the United States resembles those fine creations of human industry which ensure wealth and renown to their inventors, but which are profitless in other hands." Defining the role of the American political principles and institutions in US foreign policy requires a profound understanding of the Constitution and the Founding.
Dr. Douglas E. Streusand is a Professor of International Relations at the Command and Staff College, Marine Corps University, Quantico, Virginia, and Adjunct Professor at the Institute of World Politics.
An Islamic historian by training, he has written and taught on a wide variety of historical and national security related topics. His major publications include The Formation of the Mughal Empire (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989), The Islamic Gunpowder Empires in World History (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2010) and articles and chapters including "Managing the Iranian Threat to Sea Commerce Diplomatically," ); "Sir Hamilton Gibb, Abu Yusuf, and the Concept of Islamic Civilization," "Geopolitics versus Globalization," "European Islam or Islamic Europe"and "What Does Jihad Mean." He has developed curriculum and taught on the American founding at the Marine Corps Command & Staff College.
Dr. Streusand received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
For Parking, consult this map.
Please contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
17 September 2014, 11:30am - McLean, VA - Dr. Daniel L. Burghart discusses "What Has Changed in Russia" at this DIF Luncheon
The Defense Intelligence Forum [DIAA] hosts Dr. Daniel L Burghart speaking on “What has changed in Russia, what has not, and how will future changes affect Russia.”
Dr. Burghart is a professor of National Security and Eurasian Studies at the National Intelligence University in Washington, DC. As a specialist in Russian, CIS and Central European Affairs, he entered the Army in 1973 as a distinguished military graduate of the University of Illinois, and served in a variety of Foreign Area Officer assignments before retiring as a Colonel with 30 years of service in June 2003. Prior to coming to NDIC, Dr. Burghart taught and was a research fellow at the National Defense University. He has also served as Senior National Security Policy Advisory at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, U S. Defense and Army Attaché to Kazakhstan, and a Mission Commander at the On Site Inspection Agency, Where he led arms control inspections to the republics of the Former Soviet Union. Other assignments include: Senior Russian Military Analyst and Eurasian Branch Chief on the Army Staff, Professor of Russian and East European Studies at West Point and Director of Area Studies at the U.S. Army Russian Institute. He has a Ph.D. in Russian and International Studies from the University of Surrey. Along with articles in defense and civilian journals, He is the author of the book “Red Microchip: Technology Transfer, Export Control and Economic Restructuring in the Soviet Union.”
The forum will follow a modified Chatham House rule. You may use the information, but with the exception of speaker's name and subject, you may make no attribution. Everything will be off the record.
Location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, VA
Register: Pay at the door with a check for $29.00 payable to DIAA, Inc Registration starts at 11:30 AM, lunch at 12:00 PM.
Make reservations by 16 September 2014 by email to diforum@diaalumni.org. Include names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. For each attendee, choose among chicken cacciatore, tilapia puttanesca, lasagna, sausage with peppers, or fettuccini with portabella for luncheon selection .
Pay at the door with a check for $29.00 per person, payable to DIAA, Inc.
Checks are preferred, but will accept cash; however, credit card payments are discouraged
Wednesday, 17 September 2014, 10:15 am - Washington, DC - The Cambridge 5: Famous Spy Rings of the 20th Century - Spy Seminar Series of the International Spy Museum
Philby, Maclean, Burgess, Blunt, and Cairncross. These famous English spies, known for the University where they were recruited as young men between 1934 and 1937, spied for the Soviet Union before and during World War II. Three were assigned to the British embassy in Washington, DC, at the start of the Cold War and into the 1950s. How were they recruited by the NKVD, what motivated them, how damaging were they, and does their espionage legacy still effect the world today? David Major, retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) and former Director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs at the National Security Council in the White House, has provided high-level briefings on this case for the intelligence community and now he can share with you the incredible access and exploits of this NKVD/ KGB-controlled network. With posts to positions of power, knighthoods, and work with MI5 and MI6, this spy ring set the gold standard for access and national security damage.
Tickets: $110
To register: (via phone) 202.633.3030; (online) www.SmithsonianAssociates.org. Internet Quick Tix code for the program: 1M2-732.
Thursday, 18 September 2014, 11:30 am - Colorado Springs, CO - The Rocky Mountain Chapter presents Deputy Sheriff Mark Pfoff who will speak about a complicated trial.
In December of 2009 an 11 year old girl accused her grandfather of touching her inappropriately. This started a case that revealed an 800 page grooming document and took 4 years to resolve; to include a 2 1/2 year manhunt and a complicated trial. To be held at The Inn at Palmer Divide, 443 S. Highway 105 Palmer Lake, CO, Exit 161 westbound off I-25, West on Highway 105. Please RSVP to Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net
Friday, 19 September 2014, 11 am - 2 pm - Tysons Corner, VA - FBI Deputy Director Mark Giuliano discusses the latest efforts and concerns on Terrorism, WMDs, and espionage. Richard Whittle, aviation expert, on PREDATOR: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution.
Registration has closed. For security, no unregistered attendees admitted on day of event.
FBI Deputy Director Mark F. Giuliano discusses terrorism, WMDs, and espionage. Giuliano was former Executive Assistant Director (EAD) of the National Security Branch (NSB), responsible for counterterrorism, espionage, and WMDs. He also served as the FBI’s lead intelligence official, responsible for coordination and liaison with the U.S. Director of National Intelligence and the rest of the Intelligence Community. Giuliano streamlined counterterrorism operations and better positioned the FBI to address current and emerging terrorist threats through operations designed to penetrate and disrupt key terrorist networks and threats.
Morning speaker: Richard Whittle, author of PREDATOR: The Secret Origins of the Drone Revolution which is being released at this event. Whittle is a Wilson Center Global Fellow on International Security Studies, and a Fellow at the National Air & Space Museum. He writes extensively on security and aviation matters.
Check-in for badge pickup at 10:30 a.m.; Richard Whittle begins presentation at 11 a.m.; Lunch served at noon; FBI DD Mark Giuliano begins his presentation at 1 pm. Event closes at 2 p.m.
Morning program is On The Record
Afternoon program - featuring Deputy Director Giuliano - is OFF THE RECORD.
The latest intelligence books, and many others, on display and for sale throughout event.
EVENT LOCATION: The Crowne Plaza, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons Corner, VA
Driving directions here or use this link: http://tinyurl.com/boey9vf
Registration has closed. For security, no unregistered attendees admitted on day of event.
Monday, 22 September 2014, 6 pm - New York, NY - The AFIO NY Metro Chapter features Jack Devine
Former CIA Director of Operations, Jack Devine, Founder & President "The Arkin Group" NYC-based Global Strategic Intelligence, speaks on his new book Good Hunting. A sophisticated account of real life in the CIA, an American spymasters spellbinding memoir of his career. Charlie Wilson's War, stinger missiles, acting chief of the clandestine service, South American drug cartels.
Location: Society of Illustrators, 128 E 63rd St.
Registration: 5:30 p.m., Presentation starts 6 p.m.
Buffet dinner follows the talk & Q&A.
$50/person Payable at the door only, cash or check.
Reservations strongly suggested, not required. Reply to Jerry Goodwin 646-717-3776 or Email: afiometro@gmail.com
Wednesday, 24 September 2014, 10:15 am - Washington, DC - The Red Wasp Network: Famous Spy Rings of the 20th Century - Spy Seminar Series of the International Spy Museum
On September 15, 1998, USA Today reported, “Ten people were charged in what prosecutors said is the largest Cuban spy ring ever uncovered in the United States since Fidel Castro came to power nearly 40 years ago.” Discussion of the controversial La Red Avispa or Wasp Network showcases the creativity, patience, and tenacity of the Cuban Directorate of Intelligence (DI) that ran the network based in south Florida. The spy ring sought to penetrate American military bases, infiltrate anti-Castro groups and manipulate US media and political organizations. Connie Huff Allen, a retired US Army Counterintelligence (CI) Special Agent and former Senior Instructor at the US Army’s Advanced Foreign CI Course and former Professor/VP for Training and Education at the Centre for CI and Security Studies, will address the spy ring’s members, missions, and neutralization by the FBI.
Tickets: $110
To register: (via phone) 202.633.3030; (online) www.SmithsonianAssociates.org. Internet Quick Tix code for the program: 1M2-732.
Wednesday, 30 September 2014, 11:30 a.m. - Scottsdale, AZ - Dr. Connie Mariano, Physician to the President/Dir of WH Medical Unit makes presentation to AFIO Arizona Chapter
Guest Speaker: Connie Mariano, M.D.,
Physician to the President and Director of the White House Medical Unit; Founder and President of the Center for Executive Medicine, sharing interesting aspects of her personal journey at the White House, as well as vignettes and lessons from serving 3 sitting presidents, and what life has been after the White House.
Her work experiences include the Mayo Clinic, a private practice, and is currently businesswoman and author. She will be more than happy to share her current challenges both professional and personal.
Location: McCormick Ranch Golf Course, 7505 McCormick Pkwy, Scottsdale AZ 85258, Phone 480.948.0260
RSVP: simone@afioaz.org RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time; in the past, not reserving or cancelling without prior notice (72 hours prior to the meeting) created much grief for those of us organizing the meeting and dealing with the personnel!
WE ARE charged for the no-shows and please remember, we are a small organization with a humble coffer!
We would therefore APPRECIATE that you all respond to this email to confirm your presence (or not).
Our meeting fees will be as follows:
• $20.00 for AFIO members
• $22.00 for guests
For reservations or questions, please email Simone simone@4smartphone.net or simone@afioaz.org or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016
October 2014
7 - 8 Oct 2014 - Chelan, WA - 26th Annual Marine Law Enforcement Conference
The 26th Annual Marine Law Enforcement Conference is a program designed to support continuing education and training, information sharing and technology transfer. This program is a unique opportunity for marine law enforcement representatives across the State of Washington to meet, network, and train together using best practices that will enhance their duties on the water. Upon conclusion of the program, all participants will be given a certification of completion signifying that they have been trained in the latest and highest standards of law enforcement tactical ability provided by the State of Washington.
• Hotel rooming block ($83/night) expires September 6
• Updated Agenda released
Attendees will be given training and instruction in the following fields:
• Waterborne Pursuit & Stop Techniques
• NASBLA BOAT Certification
• Onboard Handcuffing Techniques
• Boat Handling
• Dry Fire Training
• Live Fire Training
• Boating Education
• Hull Identification Number Analysis
• Derelict Vessel Removal
REGISTRATION: Details can be found at www.mleconference.com. Participants are encouraged to bring their duty sidearms and long rifles to the conference for training purposes. Ammunition will be provided if your weapon models and ammunition types are disclosed during the registration process
NEWFor the first time, registration is open to all law enforcement and government agencies outside of the State of Washington. Law enforcement and government personnel from outside Washington State can register for $750 ($850 after September 1).
Tuesday, 07 October 2014, 12pm - 7pm - Washington, DC - Peter Duffy on "Double Agent: The First Hero of World War II and How the FBI Outwitted and Destroyed a Nazi Spy Ring" at the International Spy Museum
Book Signing:
Leading up to the US entry into WWII, Germany set up a sophisticated and productive espionage ring, which effectively utilized well-placed German Americans in the States. They were able to infiltrate key military and industrial facilities, and succeeded in obtaining critical information, including plans for the exceptionally accurate and very secret Norden bombsite device. When naturalized American William Sebold visited his native Germany in 1939, German intelligence officers saw him as a prime target for recruitment. Threatened with arrest, Sebold seemingly agreed to work for the Germans, but they woefully misjudged him. Returning to New York, he contacted the FBI and told all. In his new book Double Agent, journalist Peter Duffy uncovers how Sebold became the center of a 16-month investigation that led to the arrest of 33 enemy agents in June 1941. Known as the Duquesne Spy Ring, the colorful cast of traitors included military contractors, a South African adventurer with an exotic accent and a monocle, and a Jewish femme fatale. Join the author for this tense and exciting tale with all the elements of a fine spy novel, except that it is true.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 08 October 2014, 12pm - 7pm - Washington, DC - David Major on Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden’s current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 8 October 2014, 11 am - Albuquerque, NM - CI Specialist Donald Fingleton on Conducting Research in a Threat Environment
Dr. Fingleton founded D4 Enterprise in early 2010 to provide private industry and US Government agencies advice on protecting critical program information from economic collection and industrial espionage activities. Prior to this he was a Counterintelligence Specialist with the Department of Energy’s Counterintelligence Training Academy (CITA) with a focus on providing counterintelligence (CI) training for the national laboratory science and engineering community and CI professional development training for the U.S. intelligence community. He is a frequent keynote speaker at Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Counterintelligence Strategic Partnership conferences and workshops across the country, often teamed with former intelligence officers from hostile intelligence services. Dr. Fingleton also served on the FBI’s Region Nine Counterintelligence Working Group and the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-terrorism Advisory Council.
Before joining CITA he was primarily a physical scientist with positions at New Mexico State University, College of Engineering; Founding Director, Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring & Research Center; the FBI; and Argonne National Laboratory. While at Argonne, he had special assignments at Harvard University and the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dr. Fingleton has a Bachelors Degree in Physical Science and Mathematics; Masters Degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Atmospheric Science, Geochemistry, and Industrial Hygiene; and a Doctorate in Environmental Chemistry. He has over 150 scientific publications and has delivered more than 400 presentations on a wide variety of topics. In 2007, Dr. Fingleton received commendation from FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III for “Exceptional Service in the Public Interest.”
Dr. Fingleton is a unique member of the intelligence community in that he is an experienced counterintelligence specialist with significant academic and research experience who as an environmental chemist, with no access to classified information (i.e., no clearance), was targeted by hostile intelligence services and terrorists. He has firsthand experience conducting research in a threat environment
Location: “The Egg & I,” 6909 Menaul Blvd (just East of Louisiana), Albuquerque.
RSVP: Please come to what should be a very interesting meeting. Your Chapter officers look forward to seeing you, and hope you will bring guests whom you think might also be interested. Questions to Pete Bostwick at (505) 898-2649 or foreigndevil@yahoo.com or
Mike Ford at (505) 294-6133 or Secpro39@yahoo.com
Wednesday, 8 October 2014, 11:30am - Scottsdale, AZ - Arizona's Director of Homeland Security speaks at the AFIO AZ Chapter
Gilbert M. Orrantia, Director AZDOHS-Director, Arizona Department of Homeland Security, addresses the AFIO AZ chapter. Orrantia became the Director of the Arizona Department of Homeland Security in June, 2009. Prior to heading Arizona’s Homeland Security efforts at the State, he served in the FBI for 26 years.
Mr. Orrantia brings a national and global perspective on counterterrorism that is gained from vast counterterrorism experience including the supervision of an FBI counterterrorism squad in Phoenix and serving eight years as a Supervisory Special Agent. For four years he helped lead the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in Phoenix, Arizona located at Arizona’s fusion center, known as the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC).
Recognized as an expert in investigations of terrorism, drugs and violent crimes, Mr. Orrantia’s successful FBI law enforcement career is reflected in the numerous awards and commendations he received. Among them are two of the FBI’s highest commendations: the Medal of Valor and the FBI Star. These awards were made to Mr. Orrantia for his role in the deadliest firefight in FBI history;- a gun battle known as the “Miami Shootout” in which two fellow FBI agents were killed.
Mr. Orrantia has lectured to members of the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia on officer safety and survival and continues to share his expertise in surviving a deadly encounter with numerous law enforcement agencies.
Director Orrantia currently serves on the Executive Committee of the National Governors Association Homeland Security Advisors Council and also serves as a Tri-Chair of the National Homeland Security Consortium.
In April of 2013, he was appointed by Governor Jan Brewer to serve as Co-Chair of the Governor’s Task Force on Human Trafficking.
Mr. Orrantia, a native Arizonan who is fluent in Spanish, was raised in Mesa, Arizona. He is a graduate of Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education.
LOCATION: McCormick Ranch Golf Course, 7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale AZ 85258 ~ Phone 480.948.0260.
RSVP: simone@afioaz.org
WE NEED an RSVP no later than 72 hours ahead of time; in the past, not reserving or canceling without prior notice (72 hours prior to the meeting) created much grief for those of us organizing the meeting and dealing with the personnel. WE ARE charged for the no-shows and please remember, we are a small organization with a humble coffer.
Our meeting fees will be as follows:
• $20.00 for AFIO members
• $22.00 for guests
For reservations or questions, please email Simone simone@4smartphone.net or simone@afioaz.org or call and leave a message on 602.570.6016
Wednesday, 8 October 2014, 7:30 pm - Palo Alto, CA - AFIO SF Chapter reconvenes to hear former DIRNSA, Mike Hayden, speak on "Inside the NSA"
Event being held at Stanford University's Cemex Auditorium
General Michael Hayden, former Director of the National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency will be speaking in Cemex Auditorium, GSB, Stanford Campus, on Wednesday, October 8 from 7:30 to 8:30pm. Stanford in Government, in collaboration with the Stanford Law School, FSI, CISAC, and Continuing Studies, welcomes General Hayden to campus to commence a year-long "Security Conundrum" speaker series. There will be a post-event reception from 8:30pm to 10:00pm in the GSB's Seawell Conference Room. General Hayden, Professor Phil Taubman, and Hoover Institution Associate Director and CISAC Co-Director Amy Zegart will also be at the reception.
The event is free.
MEETING CANCELLED - Thursday, 9 October 2014, 11:30 a.m. - San Francisco, CA - The AFIO Andre LeGallo Chapter hosts Lt. Col. BC Thomas, USAF, ret. speaking about the SR-71. They recommend you attend Oct 8 event above.
Lt. Col. BC Thomas, USAF(Ret) addresses the chapter on the subject of SR-71s. 11:30AM no host cocktails; meeting starts at noon.
Event location:
United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Ave, San Francisco (between Sloat/Wawona).
RSVP required by 9/7/14 to Mariko Kawaguchi: afiosf@aol.com with meal choice (fish or meat) and mail check made out to "AFIO" to: Mariko Kawaguchi, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011. Members and students: $25; non-member guests $35 (must be accompanied by a member).
10 October 2014, noon - 2 pm - Ashburn, VA The Loudoun Crime Commission hosts a special speaker.
The Crime Commission has not yet announced their October speaker. When they do, we will list it here.
The luncheon will be held at the Belmont Country Club, 19661 Belmont Manor Ln, Ashburn, VA 20147; (703) 723-5330. Doors open at noon for registering and networking, the meeting starts at 12:30 PM.
To RSVP: RSVP@loudouncrimecommission.org
Sunday, 12 October 2014, 1pm - Washington DC - Sylvia Rafael: The Life and Death of a Mossad Spy by Moti Kfir - a book signing at the Spy Museum
Sylvia Rafael was a young Mossad spy when she was chosen to be one of the lead intelligence agents tracking Ali Hassan Salameh, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Black September division. Her pursuit of Salameh, the infamous mastermind of the kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, led her team to Lillehammer, Norway. The mission went tragically wrong resulting in the death of an innocent named Ahmed Bouchiki. Join co-author Moti Kfir as he discusses Sylvia Rafael, a page-turning account of the dedicated Mossad spy he trained. Kfir held a number of senior positions in the Special Operations Unit of Mossad, including Director of the School for Special Operations. He and his co-author Ram Oren drew on extensive research and interviews to weave together the stories of Rafael and Ali Hassan Salameh, how the intelligence failed, and the impact of that day in Norway.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Tuesday, 14 October 2014, noon - MacDill AFB, FL - The Florida Suncoast AFIO Chapter hears from Dr. Bill Costanza, retired CIA, Professor at Marymount University.
William Costanza, DLS, has more than two decades of experience at CIA. He retired in 2004 as a senior operations officer after 24 years of service. During his Agency career he designed and implemented operational targeting and intelligence collection strategies in the areas of counterterrorism, counter-narcotics, WMDs, telecommunications and strategic technologies. He also conducted operations in high-threat environments against high-priority terrorist targets in Africa and Central Asia.
Costanza received a doctoral degree in liberal studies from Georgetown University in 2012. His doctoral dissertation examined the psychology of radicalization and proposed an interdisciplinary framework to study the radicalization process across cultures.
What began as an initiative to introduce one or two intelligence-related courses into the forensic psychology curriculum at Marymount University in northern Virginia is now evolving into a process to create a series of skills-based intelligence courses geared to meet the analytic needs of the IC.
LOCATION: MacDill AFB Surf’s Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Boulevard, MacDill AFB, FL 33621.
TO ATTEND: RSVP to Michael F. Shapiro at sectysuncoastafio@att.net no later than Wednesday, October 8, with your name and the names and email addresses of any guests. Not providing contact information for your guests will delay your reservation. If you (or any of your guests) have not previously attended one of our meetings and need base access, instructions will be sent to you upon your RSVP (or, if a chapter member, consult the newsletter which describes how to have your name added to the Gate Access List). If you make a reservation, and need to cancel but fail to get a cancellation confirmation by the response deadline and do not show up, you will be responsible for the cost of your luncheon.
QUESTIONS: Contact Michael Shapiro, Secretary, Florida Suncoast Chapter of AFIO at (813) 832-1164 or sectysuncoastafio@att.net
Tuesday, 14 October 2014, 5-6pm - Washington, DC - "Marine Corps Intelligence and the 'New Normal' with Brigadier General Michael S. Groen, Director of Marine Corps Intelligence
General Groen will address the convergence of chaos, instability and advanced technology and the Marine Corps' approach to dealing with these factors. He will review the Marine Corps philosophy towards professional development, the current state of affairs which he characterizes as the "New Normal," and the Marine Corps' plan for adapting to this new circumstance: the Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Enterprise Plan.
This lecture is the inaugural lecture in the Marine Corps Intelligence Association, Inc. Speaker Series, which will examine current and past challenges of Marine Corps Intelligence.
Event location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
For Parking, consult this map.
RSVP: Register here or contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
15 October 2014 - Laurel, MD - National Cryptologic Museum Foundation [NCMF] 16th General Membership Meeting and Annual Symposium
"Effects of Internet, Social Media, & Open Source Data on Intelligence Analysis" - Alex Borhani, FBI Cyber Division and Martin Petersen, former CIA
"The Aftermath of the Snowden Disclosures" - John "Chris" Inglis, Chair for Cyber Studies, US Naval Academy
Invited Guest Speaker: Richard Ledgett, NSA Deputy Director.
Location: John Hopkins APL - Kossiakoff Auditorium
Registration/Check-In for the program begins at 0800. A continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Speaker presentations are from 0900-1500.
The fee for members is $25 and the guest fee is $50 (including a one-year guest membership). Registration closed. Event has passed.
EVENT POSTPONED -- Friday, 17 October 2014, 4-6:30 PM - Washington, DC - Special Panel on "British Patriot or Soviet Spy: Clarifying a Cold War Mystery" at the Institute of World Politics. EVENT POSTPONED.
Please save the date
for a demonstration of new analytic techniques
to examine the controversial case of whether Britain's former MI5 Director General, Roger Hollis, was or was not a Soviet agent.
Raymond J. Batvinis, Ph.D. -
Retired FBI Supervisory Agent; IWP Professor of counterintelligence history; author of The Origins of FBI Counterintelligence.
David L. Charney, M.D. -
Consulting psychiatrist to the U. S. intelligence community; expert on the psychology of the "insider spy"; Medical Director, Roundhouse Square Counseling Center.
Harvey Klehr, Ph.D. -
Intelligence historian, Emory University; Co-author of
Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America.
Former Senior Intelligence Officer, Australian Defence Intelligence Organization; Argument mapping/Bayesian expert; Co-founder of Austhink, a critical-thinking skills consulting firm.
MODERATOR - John L. Wilhelm -
Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer; TIME magazine correspondent; Independent PBS Writer/Producer/Director; author of a forthcoming history of Russian Military Intelligence (the GRU).
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
For Parking, consult this map.
EVENT POSTPONED. RSVP to Sarah Dwyer at sdwyer@iwp.edu. Space is limited.
Please contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Friday, 17 October 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Sandy Grimes at the International Spy Museum
Be at at the International Spy Museum Store and “Meet A Spy” - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally.
Meet the woman who helped capture Aldrich Ames - the infamous CIA officer turned traitor! Sandy Grimes is a longtime veteran of the CIA’s clandestine service, and along with her co-worker Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Saturday, 18 October 2014, 2 pm - Kennebunk, ME - AFIO Maine Chapter meets to hear Dr. John Park, Harvard University and MIT, on "Dealing with North Korea."
"Dealing with North Korea" will be the subject of guest speaker Dr. John Park at this meeting of the AFIO Maine Chapter. Park is an Adjunct Lecturer at Harvard University and a Research Associate at MIT. He was the 2012-2013 Stanton Nuclear Security Junior Faculty Fellow at MIT’s Security Studies Program. He previously worked at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C.; and earlier in Goldman Sachs’ M&A Advisory Group in Hong Kong and the Boston Consulting Group’s Financial Services Practice in Seoul. Dr. Park has contributed to a number of books and publications on North Korea. His current research focuses on the North Korean regime’s accumulated learning in evading targeted sanctions. He received his M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Cambridge University and completed his pre-doctoral and post-doctoral training at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center.
The meeting, open to the public, will be held at the Brick Store Museum Program Center, 4 Dane St, Kennebunk, Maine. For information call: 207-967-4298.
Monday, 20 October 2014, 1000-1230 - Miami, FL - The AFIO Ted Shackley Miami‐Dade Chapter hosts Lt Gen Patrick Hughes and a seminar on “Threat to the Homeland and US Interests Abroad - Addressing Growing Radicalization.”
The event is co-hosted by the Miami Police Department Intelligence Unit at a location in Miami, Florida, to be sent following formal RSVPs.
The principal speaker will be Lt. Gen Patrick Hughes, (US Army, Ret.), formerly Director, Defense Intelligence Agency. Lieutenant General Hughes was the first long‐term Assistant Secretary for Information and Analysis (Intelligence) at the stand‐up of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
A panel discussion around General Hughes’s remarks will include:
• Major Jorge Martin, Miami Police Department
• Matthew E. White, Director Global Security and Response. Helmerich & Payne, Oil and Gas.
• Special Agent Ricardo R. Hernadez, FBI - Joint Terrorism Task Force
• Larry Soriano, formerly Senior Civilian Intelligence Analyst, (J2) SOUTHCOM, and presently Managing Director, Intelligence, Hazelwood Street Consultants, LLC
This seminar is classified “For Official Use Only”, and is for a restricted audience. NO RECORDINGS PERMITTED.
Refreshments and a snack will be offered.
RSVP by 15 October 2014 for clearance purposes to tsmdc.afio@gmail.com. Provide your full name, corporate or agency affiliation, AFIO National Membership Number (if a member), email, and a contact phone number.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014, 4:30 PM - Washington, DC - Robert Anders' Winning Paktika: Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan discussed at the Institute of World Politics
"We can win the war without killing a single person."
This is the story of the Wolfhounds in 2nd Platoon, Bravo Company through the eyes of a young platoon leader. He details their adventures on the frontier in a little-known dangerous place called Paktika Province, centrally located along Afghanistan's volatile border with Pakistan. It is the story of ordinary men, cast into a treacherous and unfamiliar world with the mission to destroy the enemy's sanctuary, not just the enemy. It is the story of triumph and failure, elation and frustration through a hard-fought struggle with their identity as infantrymen, evolving from trained tactical killers to strategic nation builders in their quest to win Paktika.
Author Rob Anders was beginning his senior year at the United States Military Academy at West Point on 9/11. Rob and his men deployed to Afghanistan in early 2004, facing a complex and confusing war. In addition to his responsibility of executing tactical level orders with his platoon, he also served as a primary liaison to the highest ranking Afghan leaders in Paktika Province where he had a close-up account of life in the trenches as well as the operational and strategic tectonics of the battlefield.
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
For Parking, consult this map.
RSVP: Register here or contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Thursday, 23 October 2014, 6:30pm - 7pm - Washington DC - Burned with Valerie Plame: Exclusive! - at the International Spy Museum
“A smart, sexy action hero, a kind of James Bond with high heels, short skirts and a Glock in her purse.” - Patrick Anderson, The Washington Post
Valerie Plame has put her hard-won intelligence experience expertly to work with her latest spy thriller Burned. Vanessa Piersen, the hero of Valerie Plame’s thriller series, is a CIA Ops Officer that Plame describes as a “younger, smarter version of me.” Plame and her co-author Sarah Lovett left Piersen with plenty of unfinished business in their first book Blowback. Now Piersen is tangled in an even more desperate scenario when an explosion in Paris sets off an international manhunt to prevent all-out war. Join Plame as she launches her new thriller and shares how her CIA career including assignments in counterproliferation operations enables her to create a fast-paced and believable version of the global wilderness of mirrors.
Tickets: $10. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 24 October 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Peter Earnest at the International Spy Museum
Be at at the International Spy Museum Store and “Meet A Spy” - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally.
Peter Earnest is the founding executive director of the Spy Museum and a 36-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He served 25 years as a case officer in its Clandestine Service, primarily in Europe and the Middle East where he ran a wide range of intelligence collection and covert action operations. He was the former President, and later the Chairman, of AFIO.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Monday, 27 October 2014, 12pm - 2pm - Washington, DC - Breaking Good? The Burglary that Exposed the FBI's Secret Surveillance Program at the International Spy Museum
“The break-in at the FBI offices in Media, Pennsylvania changed history.” - Frederick A. O. Schwarz, Jr., former Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate’s Church Committee investigating America’s intelligence agencies
More than four decades ago, under the cover of night, a group of eight individuals infiltrated an FBI office outside of Philadelphia and walked out with more than 1,000 documents, revealing closely guarded secrets - many about the FBI’s extensive surveillance programs. News of the burglary made the front page of The Washington Post, and although the incident itself faded from the headlines and was later overshadowed by Watergate and the Pentagon Papers, the publication of these sensitive documents altered the workings of the intelligence community. Now the author of that front-page story, journalist Betty Medsger, has returned to the headlines by revealing the burglars’ identities for the first time in her tell-all account, The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI. Be at for a conversation with Medsger, two of the burglars John and Bonnie Raines, and former FBI special agent Dr. Ray Batvinis who served during the tumultuous years following the break-in and who has studied it closely since then, for an in-depth look at an event that altered domestic intelligence gathering for decades to follow.
Tickets: $12. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 29 October 2014, 10:30 am - Washington, DC - Digital Soft Power: The Frontline of Defense in the War Against Extremism
A conference featuring Matthew Daniels, J.D., Ph.D., Founder of The Center for Human Rights and International Affairs, Adjunct Professor, The Institute of World Politics
General Richard Myers (USAF, Ret.), Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff,
The Honorable William S. Sessions, Former Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
and Dr. John Lenczowski, Founder and President, The Institute of World Politics, Former Director of European and Soviet Affairs, NSC
10:30 AM Remarks
11:00 AM Discussion
11:30 AM Light Refreshments .
Location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
For Parking, consult this map.
RSVP: Register here or contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Thursday, 30 October 2014, 1 pm - McLean, VA - IAFIE Luncheon honors Jack Davis
Luncheon at 1 pm.; program starts at 2 pm and should end by 2:45 pm; short business meeting for IAFIE members to follow. You do not need to be a member to participate in the program!
Please join them in honoring the recipient of IAFIE’s first-ever Lifetime Achievement Award, Jack Davis, who will offer remarks about his legendary career in the field of intelligence analysis and be interviewed by two other luminaries who nominated him for this prestigious award, Dr. Roger George of National War College/Georgetown University and Dr. Jim Bruce of RAND.
Jack Davis is commended for his service as:
- Long-time CIA analyst and officially recognized Agency “Trailblazer”
- Founding instructor of the Sherman Kent School of Intelligence Analysis
- Creator of key structured analytic techniques and the Alternative Analysis Database
- Designer of the seminal course “Intelligence Successes and Failures”
- Initiator of “Friends of Analysis” online network
- Key translator of the scientific method
- National Intelligence Officer for Latin America
Event hosted by the Washington Area Chapter of the International Association for Intelligence Education. Title of event: “Jack Davis Day”
Event location: Pulcinella Restaurant, 6852 Old Dominion Dr, McLean, VA 22101 (Tel: (703) 893-7777)
Dr. Joe Gordon, IAFIE President, will also discuss the 2014 annual conference held at Mercyhurst University in Erie, PA, and preview the 2015 conference.
Cost: $30.00 for Italian luncheon spread, served family style, including appetizers, house salad, two pastas, and entrée, plus iced tea, coffee, or soft drinks (alcoholic beverages and desserts not included; must be purchased individually); you must pay by check or cash - no credit cards, please!
RSVP to Chapter Chair, Dr. Bill Spracher, at William.Spracher@dodiis.mil or call (202) 231-8462, or Chapter Program Chair, Mr. Julian Meade, at Julian.Meade@dodiis.mil or call (202) 231-3339, no later than COB Monday, October 27.
November 2014
3-4 November 2014 - Lexington, VA - The Enduring Legacy: Leadership and National Security Affairs During the Ronald Reagan Era
Virginia Military Institute presents this 2-day conference on “The Enduring Legacy: Leadership and National Security Affairs during the Ronald Reagan Era” bringing together scholars and national security professionals to discuss strategy, policy, and leadership during the Reagan administration.
It features a keynote address by former NATO commander Admiral James Stavridis, USN (ret.), and a dinner presentation by former U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union Jack F. Matlock, Jr.
In addition, seven panels of historians and former Reagan administration officials will examine aspects of the Reagan presidency - and the connections between the Cold War and contemporary national security affairs. Panel topics will include:
•The Leadership of Ronald Reagan
•The Organization and Function of the National Security Establishment
•The Soviet Union and the United States
•Reagan and World: The Americas
•Reagan and the World: The Middle East and Africa
•Reagan and the World: The Great Powers
•The Reagan Legacy
Panelists to include Mr. Lou Cannon, author of President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime, Dr. Archie Brown of Oxford University, Dr. Beth Fischer of the University of Toronto, Dr. Kyle Longley of Arizona State University, Dr. James Graham Wilson of the Department of State, Dr. Ronald Granieri of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Dr. David Crist of The Joint Staff.
Fees: Attendee Rates Regular Rates (August 16 - October 17) $245; Late Rates (From October 18) $310. Full-Time Students - $65. (Registration rates include all conference sessions and meals, and coffee service throughout.)
Tuesday, 04 November 2014, 12pm - Washington, DC - Michael Warner on The Rise and Fall of Intelligence: An International Security History at the International Spy Museum
Book Signing:
In his sweeping history of the development of professional, institutionalized intelligence Michael Warner examines the implications of the fall of the state monopoly on espionage today and beyond. As a historian for the Department of Defense and formerly for the Central Intelligence Agency and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Warner is uniquely qualified to discuss the birth of professional intelligence in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century and the subsequent rise of US intelligence during the Cold War, as well as how intelligence agencies used the struggle against terrorism and the digital revolution to improve capabilities in the 2000s. Join Warner as he examines how states and other entities use intelligence to create, exploit, and protect secret advantages against others, and how technological advancement and ideological competition drive intelligence. Learn how this technology along with sociopolitical changes has led to the loss by larger states of their monopoly on intelligence skills and capabilities, making it possible for private organizations and even individuals to unearth secrets and influence global events.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 5 November 2014, 4:30pm - Washington, DC - "Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America" by editor Joseph Humire, at the Institute of World Politics
In recent years, significant attention has focused upon the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear ambitions, and the threat they pose to the United States and the West. Far less well understood, however, has been the phenomenon of Iran's regional advance in America's own hemisphere-an intrusion that has both foreign policy and national security implications for the United States and its allies. In this collection, noted specialists and regional experts examine the various facets of Iran's contemporary presence in Central and South America, and detail what the Islamic Republic's growing geopolitical footprint south of the U.S. border signifies, both for Iran and for the United States.
While serving as the Director of Institute Relations at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Joseph Humire began developing the Center for a Secure Free Society (SFS) network by running programs around the world focused on promoting security and defense issues to the global free market community. In 2012, SFS spun-off from Atlas into its new home at the International Freedom Educational Center, where Mr. Humire now serves as the Executive Director.
Mr. Humire is an eight-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps having served combat tours in Iraq and Liberia, as well as taking part in the first multinational training exercise in Latin America and the Caribbean. After leaving the U.S. military, Mr. Humire studied Economics at George Mason University, which is renowned for the quality of its economic scholars. Mr. Humire's blend of military experience coupled with his free market education offers a unique perspective to global security issues, as he focuses on the nexus between security, defense and economic freedom.
As a rising star in the U.S. foreign policy and national security community, Mr. Humire has testified before the U.S. Congress and the Canadian Parliament on issues related to regional security in the Western Hemisphere. Moreover, Mr. Humire has published in Fox News, the Miami Herald and the Washington Times and has a regular column in the Huffington Post. He has featured scholarly articles in the Small Wars Journal and the Journal of International Security Affairs and appears regularly on major Spanish-language broadcasts throughout the hemisphere, to include CNN Español, Sun News Network (Canada), Nuestra Tele Noticias NTN-24 (Colombia), Ahora con Oscar Haza on Mega TV (Miami), and the Foro Inter-Americano of Voice of America (Washington D.C.).
In the private sector, Mr. Humire is the co-founder of the Cordoba Group International LLC, a strategic consulting firm that offers premier research and analytical services to U.S. and international clients, and is the co-editor of the forthcoming book Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America published by Lexington Books in 2014
Event location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
For Parking, consult this map.
RSVP: Contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
5 - 6 November 2014 - Fairfax, VA - Save the Date. NMIA Fall Symposium on "Intelligence Analysis in the 21st Century"
The National Military Intelligence Association hosts its 2014 Fall Symposium on "Intelligence Analysis in the 21st Century - Tools, Tradecraft and Challenges" at
Northrop Grumman Corporation - 12900 Federal Systems Park Drive, Fairfax, VA
DAY 1 is Unclassified. DAY 2 of this event will be held at the SECRET/U.S. Citizen Only.
The National Military Intelligence Association (NMIA) event explores the onset of so called “Big Data” which has required the IC to develop new tools, tradecraft, and analytical methodologies to meet its customers’ needs while mitigating the vulnerabilities arising from our adversaries’ access to ubiquitous data. We’ll examine current analytical initiatives within the IC and look into related advances in academia, business, and other fields. Our expert speakers and panelists will provide their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for analysis in the 21st Century. Key questions we seek to address include:
• How do we acquire and sustain the workforce, technologies and methodologies that will enable our success in the decades to come?
• What are the challenges in realizing the potential of object based production (OBP), activity based intelligence (ABI), and the Intelligence Community Information Technology Environment (IC ITE)?
• How can our acquisition systems be improved to deliver relevant solutions as the pace of technological change accelerates?
Please join them for a stimulating two days of discussion and professional development as we explore these questions and more. Details and registration information coming soon. For more information visit www.nmia.org
Friday, 07 November 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Melissa Mahle at the International Spy Museum
Be at the International Spy Museum Store and “Meet A Spy” - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally.
Meet Melissa Boyle Mahle, a former US intelligence officer and 16-year covert operative for the CIA in the Middle East. Mahle ran operations against al-Qaeda terrorists and illicit networks selling weapons of mass destruction. She was the Agency's top-ranked female Arabist before she left in 2002.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Saturday, 8 November 2014, 1130 - Indian Harbour Beach, FL - The Florida Satellite Chapter presents its own Tyler Wasson on Al Qaeda's Network Threat.
The Florida Satellite Chapter presents its own Tyler Wasson. FSC member and recent Henley-Putnam University graduate with the degree of Master of Science in Intelligence Management will discuss his thesis “Al Qaeda’s Collective Network Threat.” Tyler’s work examines the threat posed by AQ’s collective network by reviewing the evolution of AQ’s network structure, evaluating AQ’s network collectiveness and breaking down its network capacity.
A core, six affiliates and up to thirteen allied groups comprise the Al Qaeda (AQ) network. The groups that comprise AQ are simultaneously independent and part of a collective network. They often work together and benefit each other in both defensive and offensive actions that enable al Qaeda to conduct devastating attacks and sustain itself since 1988. Despite efforts to remove AQ from safe havens, the AQ remnants counter by retreating, regrouping, and reconstituting once allied forces leave. The collective network enables AQ groups to move into other safe havens, regroup, and sustain itself for over two and a half decades. To prevent AQ from expanding in sanctuary and having the opportunity to attack the US homeland, this presentation will discuss recommendations on how best to mitigate the AQ threat. Note: Time will be allocated for questions and answers.
Event location: Eau Gallie Yacht Club, 100 Datura Drive, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937. We have been informed that the Eau Gallie Yacht Club has discontinued serving alcoholic beverages to non-members. In the interests of avoiding needless dehydration, the Chapter will be moving future meetings to the Indian River Colony Club.
For reservations and further details, contact Barbara Keith, 1024 Osprey Drive, Melbourne, Florida 32940. Telephone: 321.777.5561, email:bobbie6769@juno.com
Saturday, 8 November 2014, 11 am - Orange Park, FL - AFIO North Florida Chapter hosts Capt Robert Masterson, USNR, on Special Operations.
Our guest speaker is CAPT Robert Masterson, USNR (Ret) who has graciously agreed to speak at this meeting on Special Operations.
Please RSVP for the luncheon [$16 pp] to Quiel at qbegonia@comcast.net or (904) 545-9549 ASAP, as we are indeed hoping for a very nice turnout of members, potential members, spouses and interested guests.
Saturday, 8 November 2014, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. - Washington, DC - Eighth Annual Parade of Trabants at the International Spy Museum
Where were you when the Wall fell? The Berlin Wall is long gone, but one Cold War icon is still chugging away - the Trabant. Despite their questionable performance and smoky two-stroke engines, these little cars are now affectionately regarded as a symbol of East Germany and the fall of Communism. Trabants are a rarity here, but on November 8 some of the finest examples in the US will chug their way to the International Spy Museum to celebrate our Eighth Annual Parade of Trabants. Drop in to view the vintage cars, which will be parked in front of the Museum on F Street, NW, and enter a raffle to win a ride in a Trabant. While the cars are on display, experts will be on hand to answer questions about Trabants, the Cold War, and Communism, while the Blaskapelle Alte Kameraden German Band provides festive music. Try your hand at graffiti Berlin-style and try to get past our own Checkpoint Charlie. Tickets: Free! No registration required.
Saturday, 8 November 2014, 6:45 p.m. - Henderson, NV - The Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame honors four Inductees including a former CIA Official, John Parangosky.
The Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame has selected four individuals this year for induction. These individuals all have contributed significantly to aviation history and, in one case, U.S. National Security. That individual is: John Parangosky (a.k.a. Thomas P. McIninch) inducted for having brought to fruition some of the world's most sophisticated aerial and space-based technical intelligence collection systems from the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s. In the mid-1950s, Parangosky joined the CIA's highly classified IDEALIST program management, where he participated in all aspects of the U-2's development, flight testing at Groom Lake and early deployments. Parangosky was the CIA’s OXCART program executive officer and program manager, overseeing the A-12's first test flight at Groom Lake on April 30, 1962, its operational certification in November 1965, and deployment overseas as part of operation BLACK SHIELD. In 1967, in recognition of his per-formance and contributions to the A-12 Program, Parangosky received the Distinguished Intelli-gence Medal, one of the CIA's highest awards.
The induction dinner is being held at The Landings Restaurant, Henderson Executive Airport, 3500 Executive Terminal Dr. A no-host social begins at 6 p.m. and dinner is at 6:45 p.m. The induction program begins at 7:30 p.m.
TO REGISTER: Advance reservations and payment must be received by Oct. 31. Cost is $75 per person; dress is business casual. The public is invited but seating is limited; corporate tables are available.
For reservations and payment, contact Robert Friedrichs, Director NVAHOF Director: 702-791-3536; e-mail: robert.friedrichs@nvahof.org or Patrick Newcomb, NVAHOF Secretary, 702.592.3766, patrick.newcomb@nvahof.org.
Monday, 10 November 2014,
5-6 PM - Washington, DC - "The U-2 Incident: Preserving Cold War History, and Honoring Cold War Veterans" at the Institute of World Politics
Francis Gary Powers, Jr.,
Founder of The Cold War Museum, is the son of the downed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers. The son seeks to dispel myths about the U-2 incident and discuss the importance of preserving Cold War history. This lecture will be in honor of the veterans of the Cold War.
Copies of a new reprinting of the 1970 book, Operation Overflight, by pilot Francis Gary Powers, will be available for purchase at the event.
In this new edition, Powers presents his account of what happened during that flight which triggered international tensions between the US and USSR.
Event location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
For Parking, consult this map.
RSVP: Contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014, 7:30pm - Washington DC - Public Panel: The Voynich Manuscript at the Folger Shakespeare Library
Join scholars Bill Sherman and René Zandbergen at the Folger Shakespeare Library for a discussion of the still un-deciphered Voynich manuscript whose secrets have remained hidden for over 400 years.
When the Voynich Manuscript came to light in 1912, it was described as "the most mysterious manuscript in the world" - and a full century later we still know surprisingly little about it. Dating from the early 15th century, it was carefully written by an unknown author (in an unknown place and for unknown reasons) in an elaborate script that has never been deciphered. And it is filled with hundreds of drawings of plants, people, and stars that have yet to give up their secrets. On loan for the first time from the Beinecke Library at Yale University, this manuscript is a centerpiece of Folger’s fall exhibition on Decoding the Renaissance.
This conversation will review what is known (and not known) and focus on new approaches to this old problem, including science and art history, Medieval and Renaissance history, codicology and conservation, and the history of collecting.
Wine reception and exhibition viewing to follow.
Address: 201 East Capitol St, SE Washington, DC 20003
Tickets: $15. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 11:30 a.m. - Scottsdale, AZ - AFIO Arizona hears from Alan Rodbell, Police Chief of Scottsdale
MEMBERS: PLEASE NOTE THAT we will start THIS TIME sharply at 11:45 am because our guest speaker will need to leave prior to 1PM!!!!!!
GUEST SPEAKER: ALAN RODBELL - Police Chief, City of Scottsdale
Chief Rodbell has been the Police Chief in the City of Scottsdale, Arizona since 2003. He has 36 years of public safety experience, which has taken him through the ranks and multiple levels of responsibility as a line level employee, supervisor, manager, and leader. He came to the city after 25 years serving in the Montgomery County Maryland Department of Policy. He has a B. A. Criminology from the University of Maryland and a Masters degree in Education from McDaniel College, formally Western Maryland College. Chief Rodbell is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Va.
In the years he has served in Scottsdale, Rodbell has successfully completed a workforce study, enabling the successful full staffing of his department, an award winning Strategic Planning process and has been involved in leading the first Photo Enforcement study on a state highway.
Under his leadership, Scottsdale has achieved double digit reductions in crime making Scottsdale one of the safest cities in Arizona. In the October issue of Parent Magazine, the City was recognized as the best city in the country to raise children, complete with an A+ grade for public safety, and most recently, Law Street Media has named Scottsdale the 5th safest city in the U.S.
Chief Rodbell sits on two State Boards, appointed by the Governor, the Arizona Policy Officer Standards and Training Board, and the Homeland Security, Central Regional Advisory Council. In 2013, Chief Rodbell received the NAACP Law Enforcement Award for his work with the community from the East Valley NAACP.
Chief Rodbell was recently appointed to the Arizona Peace Officers Memorial Board, by the State's Attorney General.
Chief Rodbell serves as an Executive Board member of the East Valley NAACP and a member of the Arizona Black Law Enforcement Employees Association (A.B.L.E.). The A.B.L.E. Organization honored him with the 2014 Doeg Nelson Supervisor of the Year Award in August.
Chief Rodbell has served as the Acting, Chief of Public Safety. In this capacity, he was responsible for leadership of Police, Fire, Homeland and Municipal Security operations for the City. Under his leadership, the City has combined various support services that have traditionally supported two departments into one, saving millions of taxpayer dollars.
Today, Chief Rodbell is responsible as the Chief of Police for the City of Scottsdale, now recognized as the fifth safest large city by recent FBI Crime Reports
(7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale AZ 85258 ~ Phone 480.948.0260)
RSVP: simone@afioaz.org
Wednesday, 12 November 2014, 12pm - 7pm - Washington, DC - David Major on Global Terrorism, Espionage and Cybersecurity Monthly Update at the International Spy Museum
Be the first to learn the latest intelligence news! Join David Major, retired FBI agent and former director of Counterintelligence, Intelligence and Security Programs, for a briefing on the hottest intelligence and security issues, breaches, and penetrations. Presented in partnership with The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI Centre), these updates will cover worldwide events such as breaking espionage cases and arrest reports, cyber espionage incidents, and terrorist activity. Find out Snowden’s current status and what could happen next with this case. Major uses his expertise to analyze trends and highlight emerging issues of interest to both intelligence and national security professionals and the public. Cases are drawn from the CI Centre’s SPYPEDIA™, the most comprehensive source of espionage information in the world, containing events and information that may not be reported by mainstream media outlets. Major will also highlight and review the latest books and reports to keep you current on what is hitting think tank desks.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Thursday, 13 November 2014, 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. - Washington, DC - HPSCI OPEN HEARING on Growing Risks of Nation-State Conflicts.
Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) and Ranking Minority Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) today announced the House Intelligence Committee will hold an open hearing to review the current threat posed to the United States and its interests by possible nation-state military conflicts. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) holds open hearings on Growing Risks of Nation-State Conflicts. Location: Room HVC-210 of the U.S. Capitol Building.
The hearing witnesses include:
• General James E. Cartwright, USMC (Ret.), Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
• Walter Russell Mead, Professor, Yale University
• Kathleen Hicks, Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Thursday, 13 November 2014, 6:30pm - 7pm - Washington, DC - State Department of Counterintelligence: Leaks, Spies and Lies with Robert Booth at the International Spy Museum
"What's the worst sin at the bottom of Dante's inferno? Treachery...one who betrays a trust." - a State Department colleague of Cuban spy Kendall Myers
Cuban spies who pass secrets via shopping cart in a grocery store, a Taiwanese honey trap in DC, a Russian bugging device inside the State Department, classified information popping up in the media - scenes from a spy movie? No, these are just highlights from the most intriguing investigations conducted by retired State Department Special Agent Robert Booth and recounted in his new book State Department Counterintelligence: Leaks, Spies and Lies. Booth reveals the inside story of Kendall and Gwendolyn Myers who spied for Cuba for nearly 30 years and Donald Keyser who lied about his personal relationship with a female Taiwanese intelligence officer with whom he shared State Department information while serving as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He’ll tell how Washington Post and Wall Street Journal articles concerning leaked State Department telegrams impacted diplomatic negotiations and how the Russian Intelligence Service, the SVR, installed a bug inside a conference room in the State Department. Booth personally managed or assisted in all these investigations, and he will offer guests insight into the courtroom proceedings for the Myers and Keyser prosecutions including background on court room machinations, prosecution tactics, and how the "plea bargains" were reached.
Tickets: $10. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 14 November 2014 - Tysons Corner, VA - US Representative Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence;
Outgoing President Gene Poteat; and a major, surprise guest, will address our group at this final 2014 AFIO National Luncheon.
Register for AFIO's Winter 2014 Luncheon
featuring two 'about-to-retire' figures

Registration has closed
US Representative Mike Rogers, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, will frankly discuss
the growing threats of ISIS/ISIL, Cyberwar, China, Iran, North Korea, and other challenges to the nation as he leaves this important national security post and ends his 14-year career in Washington.
Outgoing President Gene Poteat will speak on the just released revision of George O'Toole's Honorable Treachery: A History of US Intelligence, Espionage, and Covert Action from the American Revolution to the CIA [GroveAtlantic 2014], and of his more unusual or amusing CIA experiences, as he departs after 15 years leading AFIO;
and James R. Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, will stop in at this final 2014 AFIO National Luncheon.
Includes special ceremony for the retirement of AFIO's president of 15 years, S. Eugene Poteat.
Timing: Check-in for badge pickup at 10:30 a.m.; Gene Poteat begins
presentation at 11 a.m.; Cake-Cutting, Tributes, and Comments for Poteat at 11:45 to noon. Lunch served at noon; DNI James Clapper arrives to make special remarks to Poteat, Rogers, and members; HPSCI Chairman Rogers begins his presentation at 1:05 pm. Event closes at 2 p.m.
Morning and Afternoon programs are On The Record
The latest intelligence books, and many others, on display and for sale throughout event.
EVENT LOCATION: The Crowne Plaza, 1960 Chain Bridge Rd, Tysons Corner, VA
Driving directions here or use this link: http://tinyurl.com/boey9vf
Registration has closed. Registration is NOT permitted at the door nor on the date of the event.
14 November 2014, 12 - 2 p.m. - Leesburg, VA - Former CIA Officer Clare M. Lopez speaks on "Islamic Terror: Implications for Local Law Enforcement" at the Loudoun Crime Commission.
Ms. Lopez is a former career CIA operations officer and currently Vice President for Research & Analysis for the Center for Security Policy. Given the almost daily headlines, please don't miss this opportunity to gain new insights into a situation that will almost certainly be with us for years to come.
Location: Belmont Country Club.
RSVP by November 10th by email RSVP@loudouncrimecommission.org Doors open at noon for registering and networking, and the meeting starts at 12:30 PM.
Saturday, 15 November 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Sandy Grimes at the International Spy Museum
Be at at the International Spy Museum Store and “Meet A Spy” - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally.
Meet the woman who helped capture Aldrich Ames - the infamous CIA officer turned traitor! Sandy Grimes is a longtime veteran of the CIA’s clandestine service, and along with her co-worker Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
18 November 2014, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. - Washington, DC - Col. Wortzel speaks on "Contemporary Chinese Military Strategy" at the Institute of World Politics
"Contemporary Chinese Military Strategy" is the theme of COL Larry M. Wortzel, PhD (USA, Ret.)'s presentation.
Dr. Wortzel is one of the foremost U.S. experts on China and serves on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. During a 32-year military career, Dr. Wortzel spent 12 years in the Asia-Pacific region, including two tours of duty as a military attaché at in China. Following his retirement from the Army as a colonel in 1999, he was an executive with The Heritage Foundation. At Heritage he was Asian Studies Center Director and Vice President for foreign policy and defense studies. Dr. Wortzel has written or edited numerous books and articles on China.
Event location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20036.
For Parking, consult this map.
RSVP: Contact sdwyer@iwp.edu with any questions.
Thursday, 20 Nov 2014, 11:30 am - Colorado Springs, CO - The Rocky Mountain Chapter presents Robert Olislagers speak on“Terrorism and Intelligence sharing in the Air Domain.”
Robert Olisalgers is returning from the Intelligence National Security Alliance Conference in DC and will be discussing Terrorism and Intelligence sharing in the Air Domain.
This event will be held at The Inn at Palmer Divide, 443 S Highway 105 Palmer Lake, CO, Exit 161 westbound off I-25, West on Highway 105. Please RSVP to Tom VanWormer at robsmom@pcisys.net
Thursday, 20 November 2014, 6:30pm - 7pm - Washington, DC - Eyes on North Korea: Threats from the Hermit Kingdom at the International Spy Museum
“Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.” - Bill Moyers
Few places on earth remain as mysterious and forbidding as North Korea. Even for the best trained spies, the truth about North Korean capabilities and intentions often remains elusive. More troubling, few countries pose as great a threat to American interests as North Korea, the center of a vast enterprise of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. The regime stockpiles nuclear weapons material and shares nuclear technology with other rogue actors. Pyongyang brazenly threatens its neighbors, while Kim Jong-un - the 31-year-old dictator and son of the late Kim Jong-il - purges challengers to his authority and publicly executes those who seek access to greater freedoms. What do we know about the North Korean threat? What would it take to lift the shroud of secrecy that looms over the Hermit Kingdom? Join Bruce Klingner, former CIA deputy division chief for Korea; Fred Fleitz, former CIA analyst and expert in WMD proliferation; and Bruce Bechtol, Senior Intelligence Analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency and author of numerous papers and books on North Korea including The Last Days of Kim Jong-il: The North Korean Threat in a Changing Era, to answer these and other questions.
Tickets: $12. Visit www.spymuseum.org
December 2014
2, 4, 9 and 16 December 2014, 5 - 8 pm - Reston, VA - Course dates for taking Globalytica's online professional certificate course for intelligence analysts: Diagnostic Structured Analytic Techniques (DSAT)
Duration: Four 3-hour evening sessions - 5:00-8:00PM EST
Platform: Courses are taught exclusively online using Globalytica’s avatar-based 3D virtual training world, TH!NK Live.
Globalytica, the thought leader in analytic techniques, presents its latest online professional certificate course: Diagnostic Structured Analytic Techniques (DSAT). This is course is designed for analysts interested learning techniques to help uncover information gaps and inform future research design.
The DSAT certificate course provides students with a set of analytic tools and techniques to help formulate and refine ideas about what has happened or is currently occurring. Students will:
• Learn to identify the dynamics at play in an issue or problem.
• Practice reframing issues to understand better how forces or elements might combine to generate different outcomes in the future.
Cindy Jensen | Marketing Associate | Pherson Associates, LLC
Instilling Rigor and Imagination in Analysis
1892 Preston White Dr. Suite 300, Reston, VA 20191 , phone: 703-390-9943 | fax: 703-390-9955 | email: cjensen@pherson.org
Wednesday, 3 December 2014 - Annapolis Junction, MD - The National Cryptologic Museum Foundation's Fourteenth Annual Pearl Harbor Commemoration Lecture Series, 10 am to 1 pm [
Lunch served noon to 1 pm].
Event features scholar John Gordon on Fighting for MacArthur: The Navy and Marine Corps' Desperate Defense of the Philippines [2011: U.S. Naval Institute Press]
Drawing on a rich collection of both American and Japanese sources as well as official records and wartime diaries, Gordon chronicles the Americans' desperate defense of the besieged islands - Bataan and on the island fortress of Corregidor - where they performed some of their most unusual missions of the entire Pacific War. Of special interest to intelligence officers will be Gordon's discussion at this event of General MacArthur's disregard of intelligence reports that cost him his air force and critical supplies for the defense of Bataan and Corregidor and also further insights regarding the contributions by the U.S. intercept station located on "The Rock."
Sailors fought as infantrymen alongside their Marine comrades at Bataan and on the island fortress of Corregidor. Sailors also manned Army heavy coast artillery batteries during the epic artillery duel between Corregidor and the Japanese guns that were massed on Bataan following the fall of the Peninsula. In these pages, Gordon recounts the only time in history when the Marine Corps lost a regiment in combat when the 4th Marines surrendered on Corregidor, and includes the most detailed account of the attack on Cavite ever published.
Location: L-3 Conference Center,2720 Technology Drive,
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701, Tel 301-575-3200.
RSVP: Contact Mary J. Faletto, Senior Administrator, National Cryptologic Museum Foundation, Office: 301-688-5436
Cell: 443-250-8621 or email: cryptmf@aol.com
or visit www.cryptologicfoundation.org
Wednesday, 3 December 2014, 6 p.m. - Las Vegas, NV - The AFIO LV Chapter meets to hear Col. John Alexander on "Belief Systems and Intelligence Analysis: The Blinders."
Please join us at 5 p.m. in the "Texas Star Oyster Bar" for liaison and beverages followed by dinner in the Conference Center starting at 5:30pm.
Our featured speaker for the evening will be: Col John B. Alexander, Ph.D. on Belief Systems and Intelligence Analysis: The Blinders
What if the universe is not built the way you think it is? All intelligence analysis is colored by the belief systems of the analysts involved and to a large extent the agency itself. While most analysts believe they are not biased and simply report facts, they often are unaware of their own prejudices thus leading to scotomas or blind spots. Like all humans, intelligence analysts are more likely to find what they expect, than what is totally unexpected. Stories abound of how some people do not see objects that are obvious, but not within their frame of reference. There are several past intelligence failures that can be attributed to individual and collective scotomas. This is even worse when political powers intervene and indicate what is permissible to report.
There is a basic assumption that the Western scientific model of the universe is the only viable one. Mechanistic in nature, this model dictates what can and cannot be observed, and thus impacts what is reported. It is further assumed that there are no other acceptable belief systems and, that other societies, as they become more technologically sophisticated, will adopt the “Standard Model of the Universe.”
This unique presentation will present firsthand evidence that our model of the universe is either wrong, or at least seriously flawed. It will also address how other societies incorporate alternative explanations for events in ways that are beneficial to them. We continue to adhere to the blinders at our own peril. The intent of the presentation is to make intelligence analysts more aware of their personal and organizational constraints, thus making them more effective in observing and reporting anomalies that can have significant impact on national security.
LOCATION: Conference Center at Texas Station Casino, 2101 Texas Star Lane, (corner of Rancho Blvd. and West Lake Meade Blvd.) North Las Vegas, NV 89032. Includes full holiday dinner.
RSVP: email Mary Bentley (marysinvegas@centurylink.net) or call 702-295-0417. We look forward to seeing you!
Friday, December 5, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Jersey City, NJ - The Professional Security Studies Department at New Jersey City University will hold its 4th Northeast Regional Security Education Symposium.
The topic of this year’s Symposium is Investing in America’s Security: Policy/Resource Issues. The Symposium’s keynote address will be delivered by Ambassador (Retired) Clay Constantinou. Featured speakers include Joseph Picciano, P.E., Deputy Director, New Jersey Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness; Hon. Michael Balboni, President and Managing Director of RedLand Strategies, Inc. and Former New York State Senator and Deputy Secretary of Public Safety; and Dr. Michael J. Chumer, Research Professor, NJIT and Academic Advisor, NJCU D.Sc. Students pursuing their D.Sc. degree will present posters overviewing their research and the program’s faculty will hold a panel discussion.
Reserve your spot and purchase a ticket by calling Ms. Denise Melendez at (201) 200-2275, or by sending a check payable to NJCU Professional Security Studies Department, 2039 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Jersey City, NJ 07305-1597. A limited number of tickets are available at the door on the day of the Symposium. Symposium attendance is $30 per person. Purchase Tickets at this link.
Questions to: JOHN W. COLLINS, JR., CPP, Ed.D., Chairperson, Professor, and DSc Program Coordinator at jcollins2@njcu.edu.
Friday, 05 December 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Peter Earnest at the International Spy Museum
Be at at the International Spy Museum Store and “Meet A Spy” - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally.
Peter Earnest is the founding executive director of the Spy Museum and a 36-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He served 25 years as a case officer in its Clandestine Service, primarily in Europe and the Middle East where he ran a wide range of intelligence collection and covert action operations. He was the former President, and later the Chairman, of AFIO.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 5 December 2014, 4 pm - Washington, DC - "Pearl Harbor Day and the Current Security Environment" by David Glancy at the Institute of World Politics
You are cordially invite you to attend the nineneenth annual Pearl Harbor Day Lecture on the topic of "Pearl Harbor Day and the Current Security Environment" by David Glancy at the Institute of World Politics. Glancy is Professor of Strategy and Statecraft, IWP.
RSVP here.
Event location: The Institute of World Politics, 1521 Sixteenth St NW, Washington, DC. Parking map here.
Monday, 8 December 2014, 5:30 - 8 pm - New York, NY - The AFIO NY Metro Chapter discusses "Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century."
Four Star General Eugene Habiger, USAF(Ret), former Commander in Chief US Strategic Command ( 35 years) was responsible for national security & nuclear operations. He also served 150 combat missions in Vietnam.
He will be discussing with us: Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century.
SPACE IS LIMITED TO 90. Registration for this important event is on a first come basis.
Capacity is 90 attendees maximum so Reservations are required. You must cancel prior to Thursday December 4th or payment will be due.
Location: Society of Illustrators building: 128 E 63rd St, NYC, 3rd floor.
Time: Registration 5:30 PM, Meeting Start 6:00 PM
Cost: $50/person only by pre-registration. Payable at the door only, cash or check.
Buffet dinner following talk/Q&A. Cash bar.
Register with Jerry Goodwin 646-717-3776 or by email: afiometro@gmail.com
Tuesday, 9 December 2014 - MacDill AFB, FL - The AFIO Suncoast Chapter hosts MajGen Michael Ennis, USMC(R), former DD/National Clandestine Service, CIA, speaking on field intelligence experiences
MajGen Michael E. Ennis USMC (ret), a career military intelligence officer, is the Enterprise Risk Management officer at Leidos Corporation (formerly Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC]), a Fortune 500 Defense contracting company. In this capacity, he reviews high profile contracts to assess their potential to present significant reputational, legal or operational risk to the company. Prior to joining SAIC in 2008, MajGen Ennis spent 9 years in various high level intelligence assignments including nearly 3 years at CIA serving as the first Deputy Director of the National Clandestine Service for Community HUMINT.
General Ennis will be relating his career experiences and providing his perspective on how the field of intelligence has evolved and where it is heading.
LOCATION: MacDill AFB Surf’s Edge Club, 7315 Bayshore Blvd, MacDill AFB, FL 33621. Please RSVP to the Chapter Secretary no later than Wednesday, December 3, for yourself and include the names and email addresses of any guests. Email or call Michael Shapiro at sectysuncoastafio@att.net, the Chapter Secretary. You will receive a confirmation via email. If you do not, contact the Chapter Secretary to confirm your registration. Check-in at noon; opening ceremonies, lunch and business meeting at 1230 hours, followed by our speaker.
FEE: You must present your $20 check payable to “Suncoast Chapter, AFIO” (or cash) at check-in to cover the luncheon. If you make a reservation, don’t cancel and get a cancellation confirmation by the response deadline and then don’t show up, you will be responsible for the cost of the luncheon.
Friday, 12 December 2014, 1pm - 4pm - Washington, DC - Meet A Spy: Sandy Grimes at the International Spy Museum
Be at at the International Spy Museum Store and “Meet A Spy” - uncover the world of espionage and intelligence from people who practiced professionally.
Meet the woman who helped capture Aldrich Ames - the infamous CIA officer turned traitor! Sandy Grimes is a longtime veteran of the CIA’s clandestine service, and along with her co-worker Jeanne Vertefeuille was at the forefront of a small group assigned the mission of exposing Aldrich Ames.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Friday, 12 December 2014, 9 am - Washington, DC - The 2014 Cato Institute Surveillance Conference
Never in human history have people been more connected than they are today - nor have they been more thoroughly monitored. Over the past year, the disclosures spurred by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden have drawn public attention to the stunning surveillance capabilities of the American intelligence community, and the unprecedented volume of data they collect from hundreds of millions of people around the world. But the growth of government surveillance is by no means restricted to spies: Even ordinary law enforcement agencies increasingly employ sophisticated tracking technologies, from face recognition software to "Stingray" devices that can locate suspects by sniffing out their cellular phone signals. Are these tools a vital weapon against criminals and terrorists - or a threat to privacy and freedom? How should these tracking technologies be regulated by the Fourth Amendment and federal law? Can we reconcile the secrecy that spying demands with the transparency that democratic accountability requires?
This inaugural Cato Institute Surveillance Conference will explore these questions, guided by a diverse array of experts: top journalists and privacy advocates; lawyers and technologists; intelligence officials ... and those who’ve been targets of surveillance. And for the more practically minded, a special Crypto Reception, following the Conference, will teach attendees how to use privacy-enhancing technologies to secure their own communications.
Featuring , Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Charlie Savage, Washington Correspondent, New York Times; John Napier Tye, Former Section Chief for Internet Freedom, State Department; Marcy Wheeler, Writer, Emptywheel.net; Laura Donohue, Director, Georgetown University Center on National Security & the Law; Alex Joel, Civil Liberties Officer, Office of the Director of National Intelligence; Jack Gillium, Associated Press; Faisal Gill, Attorney & Surveillance Target; Orin Kerr, Professor of Law, George Washington University; Harley Geiger, Advocacy Director and Senior Counsel, Center for Democracy & Technology; Chris Soghoian, Principal Technologist and Senior Policy Analyst, American Civil Liberties Union; Katherine Hawkins, National Security Fellow, Open the Government; Steve Aftergood, Director, Project on Government Secrecy, Federation of American Scientists; Sharon Bradford Franklin, Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board; Elizabeth "Liza" Goitein, Co-Director, Liberty and National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice; Matthew Green, Research Professor of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University; Kurt Opsahl, Deputy General Counsel, Electronic Frontier Foundation; and Julia Angwin, ProPublica; author of Dragnet Nation.
Wine, cheese, and a hands-on opportunity to learn about installing and using privacy-protecting technologies for encrypted email, encrypted chat, and anonymous web browsing. Presenters include: Amie Stepanovich, Senior Policy Counsel, Access; and Matthew Green, Research Professor of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University.
Location: Cato Institute Hayek Auditorium, Cato Institute, 1000 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001
To attend click here and then submit the form on the page that opens, or email events@cato.org, fax (202) 371-0841, or call (202) 789-5229 by 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 11, 2014.
14 December 2014, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Euclid, OH - AFIO Ohio Chapter hosts Jim Frohlking discussing WWII Resistance Operations
Jim Frohlking was an Army Air Force fighter pilot during WWII. He flew 56 missions, including 6 over Omaha Beach on D-Day, in P-38's and P-51's. He was hit by flack on his 56th mission and bailed out over Holland into water. Jim was picked up by a Dutch fishing boat and delivered to the Dutch resistance, who eventually got him back to the Allied lines. His talk will be about his experiences with the resistance and return to the Allies.
Location: Through the courtesy of member Greg Moore and Notre Dame College we will have the Great Room on the 3rd floor of the Administration Building at Notre Dame College, 4545 College Rd., South Euclid, Ohio 44121. The Great Room is located at the east end of the 3rd floor and is clearly marked.
We will have a deli tray and coffee. RSVP to hp34063@yahoo.com by the 10th of December. We look forward to seeing everyone. - John
18 December 2014, 11:30 am - 2 pm - San Francisco, CA - AFIO San Francisco Chapter hosts Russell Berman, Sr Fellow Hoover Institution, on "Freedom or Terror: Europe Faces Jihad"
The AFIO James Quesada Chapter hosts Russell A. Berman, Senior Fellow at Hoover Institution, a member of the working group on Islamism and the International Order and author of Freedom or Terror: Europe Faces Jihad and Anti-Americanism in Europe: A Cultural Problem. 11:30AM no host cocktails; meeting starts at noon. United Irish Cultural Center, 2700 45th Avenue, SF (between Sloat/Wawona). RSVP required by 12/1/14 to Mariko Kawaguchi: e-mail afiosf@aol.com and mail check made out to "AFIO" to: Mariko Kawaguchi, P.O. Box 117578, Burlingame, CA 94011. Members and students: $25; non-member guests $35 (must be accompanied by member).
Saturday, 20 December 2014, 1-4pm - Washington DC - Book signing with Joe Goldberg, former CIA and author of Secret Wars: An Espionage Story.
Joe Goldberg, author of Secret Wars: An Espionage Story spent eight years working for CIA engaged in covert action as well as information collection and analysis. During his tenure he earned a Meritorious Unit Citation and three Performance Awards. A recipient of numerous prestigious awards over his thirty years of working in intelligence, Goldberg is a published author including his newest, Secret Wars: An Espionage Story and frequent speaker on intelligence subjects.
Secret Wars: An Espionage Story provides the long history of the CIA’s global fight against terrorism, the weapons have remained the same: the use of force and covert action. When terrorists funded by the Libyan government strike airports in Rome and Vienna in 1985, the CIA enlists top propaganda expert Mike Garnett to help recruit a high-ranking Libyan official, Foreign Minister Abdallah Mukhtar, to work for the CIA. As violence escalates between the US military and terrorists based in Libya, Garnett utilizes CIA assets in Hollywood to produce a propaganda video designed to convince Mukhtar he was betrayed by his own regime. Garnett’s plan works - but goes sideways when it motivates the Libyan official to do something Garnett didn’t even consider. Insightful, Secret Wars: An Espionage Story is a tale of deception, betrayal, and patriotism - and Garnett soon learns they’re not as black and white as they seem when he’s forced to reevaluate the true nature of the business of deception.
Tickets: Free! No registration required. Visit www.spymuseum.org
Documentaries, Videos of Interviews, and Commercial Movies of interest

The Assets Returns
Previously cancelled by ABC TV, the counterespionage series based on the successful hunt for CIA traitor Aldrich Ames continues to be released...slowly on ABC.The Assets, an eight-part miniseries, is based on the real life events of CIA counter-intelligence officer Sandy Grimes (Jodie Whittaker). 1985 is the backdrop to the final showdown of the Cold War when Sandy and her partner Jeanne Vertefeuille (Harriet Walter) vow to find the mole that turns out to be the most notorious traitor in US History [before Edward Snowden]: Aldrich Ames (Paul Rhys). Sandy is in a race against time to save the Soviet intelligence officers from being caught and killed. Living her own double life at home, this beautiful wife and mother vows to stop at nothing until she uncovers the truth. The Assets looks inside the personal stories as told by the keepers of the nation’s secrets: the CIA.
The Assets stars Paul Rhys as Aldrich Ames, Jodie Whittaker as Sandy Grimes, Harriet Walter (Babel) as Jeanne Vertefeuille, Stuart Milligan (Jonathan Creek) as Art O'Neill, Julian Ovenden as Gary Grimes, Christina Cole as Louisa, and Ralph Brown as Lawrence Winston.
The Assets is based on the book Circle of Treason: A CIA Account of Traitor Aldrich Ames and the Men He Betrayed by Sandy Grimes and Jeanne Vertefeuille. Morgan Hertzan, Rudy Bednar and Andrew Chapman executive produce the series. The Assets is produced by Lincoln Square Productions.
ABC started running The Assets on January 2nd but suddenly pulled the series after two episodes -- "My Name is Aldrich Ames" and "Jewel in the Crown" -- without explanation. The network then announced the show would return, ran two episodes in June, pulled the show again.
Episodes one thru eight are available on various online streaming services:
My Name is Aldrich Ames - Episode 1
Jewel in the Crown - Episode 2
Trip to Vienna - Episode 3
What's Done is Done - Episode 4
Check Mate - Episode 5
Small Useless Truth - Episode 6
The Straw Poll - Episode 7
Avenger - Episode 8

Interview with Grimes took place 10 January 2014.
A Tour of the CIA Museum - Two Parts - 1 June and 8 June 2014

A Tour of the National Cryptologic Museum - 25 March 2014

Videos are from C-SPAN's American History TV

"The Changing Face of American Intelligence" - a presentation at The Institute of World Politics
by S. Eugene Poteat, President of AFIO
on 29 March 2014
The video runs approximately 1 hour.
Theme covered: The CIA has responded to changing national security needs. The early CIA, staffed by former OSS men with Special Ops expertise, succeed in countering the Communist subversion of Italy, Greece and Turkey. Political interference however, led to the disastrous Bay of Pigs fiasco. Special Ops were replaced by analysts who sought to inform policymakers on all they needed to know. But without HUMINT, analysts failed to answer the most critical intelligence question of the time, the "bomber and missile gap." Eisenhower answered the question with high tech reconnaissance, beginning with the U-2 and Corona satellites, which also helped in the Berlin and Cuban Missile crises. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, followed by challenges of global Islamic terrorism, American intelligence has returned to an updated version of Special Ops, i.e., integration of HUMINT, analysis, high-tech weapons, such as the Predator, all working hand-in-glove with Special Forces based in Florida.
TURN: The Untold Story of America's First Spy Ring....on AMC TV
Series starts Sundays, 6 April
View episodes or learn more about the series
For years, women have been making important contributions to the Central Intelligence Agency. Today, nearly half of the CIA is female, and women have been promoted to five of the CIA's top eight positions. NBC's Ann Curry reports.
Originally Aired November 14, 2013 |

AFIO Vice-President John Sano
[former deputy director, CIA's National Clandestine Service]
and board member, Michelle Van Cleave
[former director National Counterintelligence Executive - NCIX/ODNI]
appear in this Voice of America interview
recorded 6 December 2013 at AFIO Headquarters.
"In 2014, NSA to Face Winds of Change."
VIDEO: The National Security Agency will have a new leader and possibly new procedures after a difficult year in which many secrets were leaked, sparking global criticism of its surveillance activities. VOA's Kent Klein has more here from his interview with these two officials and others.
Nature of Domestic Terrorist Threats
Nov 25, 2013
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies

AFIO's chairman, Spike Bowman, was one of the panelists talking about the growing threat of "lone wolf" domestic terrorist attacks. "Lone wolf" is a term associated with notable attacks such as the shooting at the Fort Hood, Texas, Army base, the bombing at the Oklahoma City federal building, and the 2013 shootings at the Washington, D.C., Navy Yard and at LAX airport.
1 hour, 45 minutes.
International Organized Crime and National Security
Nov 1, 2013
American Bar Association

AFIO's chairman, Spike Bowman, was one of the panelists talking about organized crime as a national security threat, including the effects of organized crime on the security of New York City, and what should be done about it. This event took place at the America Bar Association's annual national security conference.
1 hours, 51 minutes.
AFIO's Vice President, John Sano, interviewed on C-SPAN Washington Journal Tuesday, 10 September 2013
on CIA Uses of Intelligence.
John Sano, who oversaw the day-to-day management of the CIA's covert operations as the former deputy director of its National Clandestine Service, talks about how the CIA gathers and uses intelligence.

Two additional videos we recommend:

A Newseum/American Bar Association Panel on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 on
NSA Surveillance Leaks: Facts and Fiction
Features AFIO's Chairman, Spike Bowman, and board member Stewart Baker.

CIA Careers Overview

ZERO DARK THIRTY: For a decade, an elite team of CIA intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. This is the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man.
Directed and co-produced by Kathryn Bigelow with screenplay by Mark Boal
Cast: Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong
Book is tied to the October release of the political thriller film Argo (starring Ben Affleck as Mendez).
This is a fast-paced account of a 1979 rescue operation during the Iran hostage crisis of 1979–1981. Iranian militants entered the American Embassy in Tehran and held dozens of Americans hostage for 444 days. Six diplomats managed to escape and fled to the Canadian ambassador’s home, avoiding discovery and possible execution by militants for two months. After a recap of the hostage situation at the American embassy, the narrative follows the six step-by-step as they moved through several hideout locations. CIA operative Mendez (Spy Dust), in charge of creating and maintaining myriad false identities and disguises for the CIA, relates, with the aid of journalist Baglio (The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcism), how he concocted a clever but risky plan to get the six Americans safely out of the country. Posing as a film producer, he set out to disguise the six as a Hollywood production crew scouting locations for a fake science fiction movie titled Argo: “It’s like Buck Rogers in the desert.”
Details of the dangerous operation inject strong suspense and excitement into the closing chapters.
Film trailer viewable here or click image above

ARGO: How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History
by Antonio Mendez and Matt Baglio [Viking Press, 320p, October 2012]
Book is tied to the October release of the political thriller film Argo (starring Ben Affleck as Mendez).
This is a fast-paced account of a 1979 rescue operation during the Iran hostage crisis of 1979–1981. Iranian militants entered the American Embassy in Tehran and held dozens of Americans hostage for 444 days. Six diplomats managed to escape and fled to the Canadian ambassador’s home, avoiding discovery and possible execution by militants for two months. After a recap of the hostage situation at the American embassy, the narrative follows the six step-by-step as they moved through several hideout locations. CIA operative Mendez (Spy Dust), in charge of creating and maintaining myriad false identities and disguises for the CIA, relates, with the aid of journalist Baglio (The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcism), how he concocted a clever but risky plan to get the six Americans safely out of the country. Posing as a film producer, he set out to disguise the six as a Hollywood production crew scouting locations for a fake science fiction movie titled Argo: “It’s like Buck Rogers in the desert.”
Details of the dangerous operation inject strong suspense and excitement into the closing chapters.
Film trailer viewable here or click image above
CIA declassifies Extraordinary Fidelity - Available for viewing at link at right
CIA has declassified Extraordinary Fidelity - a moving one-hour documentary about two CIA Officers (and two pilots) on a dangerous 1952 mission in the Manchuria region of northeast Communist China.
They are shot down, lost to all back home, tortured, and were in-and-out of solitary confinement for decades. How the operation went awry, the betrayals, the methods each used for keeping sane and motivated under unending imprisonment, was compounded by the fact that, back home, they were MIA and later presumed dead since China never acknowledged -- for years -- their survival and capture.
The documentary, produced by CIA and never aired outside headquarters, is now available for viewing on YouTube.
The two pilots died but CIA officers - Richard G. Fecteau and John T. "Jack" Downey - were freed in 1971 and 1973, respectively, and have gone on with their lives devoid of bitterness and have continued to excel in the new paths they have taken.

The documentary can be viewed at this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/ciagov
or click on image above. We recommend you take the hour to view it. |

When the rescue of a kidnapped CIA operative leads to the discovery of a deadly terrorist plot against the U.S., a team of SEALs is dispatched on a worldwide manhunt. As the valiant men of Bandito Platoon race to stop a coordinated attack that could kill and wound thousands of American civilians, they must balance their commitment to country, team and their families back home. Act of Valor uses active duty U.S. Navy Seals as actors. The characters they play are fictional, but the weapons and tactics used are real.
Act of Valor opened in many theaters as of February 17, 2012
Click on image above to view film trailer or use this link: trailer
TWO Semi-Documentaries to see:
Fair Game - A Film about CIA Officer Valerie Plame, diplomat Joe Wilson, CIA, and the Bush Administration - in Theaters November 5, 2010
Click image below to view trailer

A suspense-filled glimpse into the corridors of political gamesmanship where leaked intelligence community doubts about the lack of any serious threat of WMDs in Iraq, comes up against an administration hellbent to justify an invasion of Iraq to bring about regime-change. The film is based on the autobiography of the same name of CIA National Clandestine Services [NCS] officer Valerie Plame [Naomi Watts], whose career was destroyed, and marriage strained, when her covert identity was exposed by White House minions, in a campaign to neutralize her and to discredit her husband who released the findings not meant for public release, when it was clear his assessment would not support administration goals.
But the situation was not as simple as the book and film would have us believe. As a NCS officer operating as a "NOC" [non-official cover officer], working in CIA's Counter-Proliferation Division, Plame leads an investigation into the existence of WMDs in Iraq. Plame's husband, diplomat Joe Wilson [Sean Penn] -- a well-known critic of the Bush administration -- is drawn into the investigation when he is assigned [by whom?] to substantiate an alleged sale of enriched uranium from Niger. His classified findings are that there was no sale and likely no WMDs. But when the administration ignores his findings and uses the issue to continue its call to war, Wilson violates the secret nature of his assignment and writes a New York Times editorial outlining his conclusions, igniting a firestorm of controversy. The WH sees the editorial, by the husband of a CIA officer who likely played a role in cherrypicking Wilson for the assignment, as nothing less than a deliberate endplay, and a blatant, politically motivated betrayal of decisions that should have remained in the hands of the President and his advisors who, alone, were the ones to decide which facts to accept or ignore from a vast number of inputs arriving from intelligence collectors and analysts.
Misbehavior on both sides.
There still is little agreement on where the betrayals were greatest, but the deliberate exposure of Valerie Plame's undercover status was unconscionable for it put the lives of scores of sensitive operations, proprietaries, other officers, and intelligence agents at risk in countries that quickly arrest and often kill entire families found to be aiding CIA or other western services.
Farewell - A Documentary based on spy Vladimir Vetrov
A real espionage case. Do not miss the following...

Farewell - A movie based on spy Vladimir Vetrov
In Select Theaters July 2010 - New York and Los Angeles - July 23, 2010
Cast & Crew: Director: Christian Carion Producers: Christophe Rossignon, Bertrand Faivre, PHILIP BOEFFARD
Cast: WILLEM DAFOE, Guillaume Canet, EMIR KUSTURICA, ALEXANDRA MARIA LARA, Dapkunaite, Dina Korzun, David Soul, Fred Ward
Written by: Eric Raynaud
France 2009 | Run time: 112 min.
Director: Christian Carion | Language: French - English - Russian
In 1981, Colonel Grigoriev of the KGB (real name - Vladimir Vetrov), disenchanted with what the Communist ideal has become under Brezhnev, decides he is going to change the world…
Discreetly, he makes contact with a French engineer working for Thomson in Moscow and little by little passes on documents to him - mainly concerning the United States - containing information which would constitute the most important Cold War espionage operation known to date.
During a period of two years, French President, François Mitterrand, was to personally vet the documents supplied by this source in Moscow, to whom the French Secret Service gave the codename « Farewell ».
Then master of the White House, Ronald Reagan, set aside his reluctance to work with a French Socialist to put this unhoped-for information from the very heart of the KGB to use. Farewell would in fact decapitate the network which enabled the KGB to gain in-depth knowledge of scientific, industrial and military research in the West.
Once the USSR had been deprived of these precious sources of information, Ronald Reagan's announcement of the new « Star Wars » military programme sounded the death bell of the Soviet Union. The Berlin Wall would fall before the end of the 80s…
In his own way, Farewell managed to change the world, by avoiding traditional espionage methods too well known to the KGB and by not asking for any financial compensation whatsoever - much too capitalist for his taste. He simply followed his destiny, so that a new world might dawn for all his fellow Russians, but especially for his son.
A trailer of the film can be viewed at this link:
More information about the case and film is available at: http://www.FarewellTheMovie.com
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